- Lost my sweet Angel
- Sunday I'll be getting Gilbert
- Dog Bed
- Help - Yorkie Color Confusion - Frustrated
- Henry
- Are Yorkies spiteful?
- I've Got an Escape Artist
- I Can't Believe What He Did!
- Is it safe to pick the pup up by the skin at the back of the neck
- Connor & Cruiser are 3 weeks old
- Piper's Birthday
- Heat panties?
- My New Little Guy....I am a MOMMY....YEAH
- Food Recommendations!!
- Need Help with Potty Training!
- I'm a Newbie Searching for my baby!
- i think im addicted...
- am i making a HUGE mistake??
- New Member
- Ferocious dogs
- Shes got a good nose
- Rocky Bday Pictures
- Could anything get any worse for my baby!!
- Yorkie Video!!
- can two be too many?
- Possible new pup
- My Boys Have a Sister.....
- We need help picking new girl!!!!
- Mindy?
- does your little boy "hootchie kootchie"???
- Advise Pleases
- beyond spoiled.com im lovin it!
- Car in my driveway late last night.. watching.. I'm really scared
- Growling, Barking, Biting YOU???
- A Major Milestone! YEAH!!!
- Please help
- Little Girl
- Auntie Amber Rocks!
- Nylabones ... By-Products??!!??!!
- Puppy Baby Book
- Too funny....PMail!
- Registration name
- OMG! I think this pup is so cute
- I have a question. hoping for some answers.
- Thank you Thank you Thank you :)
- female ???
- Anyone see Ellen today?
- I did it!!!
- Same or Different Sex
- The saga that was last night...
- Can he outgrow this??
- Maxi - the rescuer
- Leash all the time?
- Need your hlp - fraud - Timbercreek Kennels
- Anyone have this Carrier?
- What does this mean?
- I am a newbie - love this website
- Dog Clothes
- Registering Parti colored Yorkies
- The wonders of a doggie door.
- I've chosen their Registration names
- Chloe is losing her baby teeth!
- Oliver trying to "Haulk-a-luugie"??? Quick Question
- Looking for cute little girl yorkie to breed with my adorable stud!
- Welcome Home Rocco!!! See Pictures And The Story
- Anyone ever use a nanny cam on your yorkie?
- are girls or boys more????
- hair growing back
- getting males fixed
- question about grooming
- This Little Girl Is Having Surgery In 3 Days! Prayers Please
- Left ear at half mast
- Celebrate on the Beach
- Puppy Breath has turned to POO breath!!!!!
- Spaying?
- LOOK What my Friend made for me:)
- tricks
- just curious
- 1st Day of Puppy Pre School!
- asking on behalf of my mom!
- Venting time...and also a rescued dog!
- baby for sale for $5500!
- Playdate scheduled
- Pictures of Samantha
- OMG. I almost cried!
- Yorkiefair 2007 reminder and update
- Moonwalking and Breakdancing
- I really need some answers...PLEASE!
- When can I bathe him
- Doggie Parade
- Puppies on planes??
- Freaking out.......
- Have we been outsmarted by our lovely little 4 lb hairball??
- Flower Hair pins
- Baby food
- Thank You!
- Oh no! Help!
- Legs Out Front Carrier
- Pet Insurance.........
- Lots of fraud it seems
- Vet today...
- Have you taken Yorkie on the train?
- Lexus won't walk - help?
- Massage Therapy for dogs?
- UUGGH-The barking is driving me crazy
- Maggie is getting spayed today!
- well here gos nothing!makeing yorkie blanky
- How Much Responsibility?
- Thank you
- A Pee Pee trick
- i live with guilt
- Need Help with new Puppy
- Will her hair grow??
- Help!
- Bones...
- Look At This!!!
- Sad - Wet Swifters
- Taking a walk in warm days!!
- Sophies Ears
- vet didn't know
- Teddy Bear
- Pictures: That make me laugh...
- PICTURES: From Coco's brithday extravaganza
- Is it mean to have just one yorkie??
- Lexi and Sofi
- Lexi and SAofi
- need help not getting any responses in other area
- Yuckie pee smell
- I hope I dont get in trouble for this...
- Kissing
- Anyone travel on plane with their yorkie??
- Pictures of Lucky & me.
- help!! puppy smells bad
- Here They Are!!
- Coat seems awfully thin??
- Teddy Bear now has a picture
- average price for a tea cup
- I Can't Wait For Spring/Summer!!!
- Creative Food Storage?
- Yorkies and cats...
- My girls are a piece of art now!
- gotta see some maggie pics
- Pitbull attack on Elderly Yorkie
- Cute Pictures.....ahhhhhh
- Pet drugs are subject of safety fears
- Angel to get spayed on Thursday
- Omg.....lol
- Countdown To Rocco!!!
- Neighborhood Advice
- Had a serious scare today!
- need a name
- What is an inguianal?
- My Giant Yorkie
- Pet Boarding
- helppppppppppppppp
- What Do You All Think
- Mats :(
- Tink is getting Itified tomorrow! Say a prayer.
- Dental Coming up on the 21'st
- potty time!
- Smallest Yorkie I Have Ever Seen Look!!
- yorkies and hampsters
- Dog Food Choosing
- Not a dog person...
- How often should I bathe Cocoa?
- Harness Question..
- Talk to the hand! LOOK
- Oh well, todays the day
- Calling ALL who use water bottles
- How much do I use?
- 11 month old b'day
- this is just tooooooo funny!!!
- When did your yorkie stop gaining weight?
- Does anyone else's Yorkie think they can fly?
- Gray Hair
- Daisy Is 5 Months Old Today!
- I couldn't sleep last night.
- Hello, introducing myself & my yorkies
- Weight Gain?
- wow! how young can they be fixed?
- what do you think of this?
- my people and cat lover yorkie!!!!!!
- dream significance???
- New Dog - Need Advice.
- looking for a doggie memory book...........
- When will these puppy teeth be gone !!!
- Chat?
- Norkie!!
- Booster Shots
- How much did you pay for your yorkie?
- Harvey Is 1 Yr Old Today....
- Pics from the local Pet Contest
- Layla's BIG day!!
- Maybe my new baby?
- New at this... can you help?
- First Attempt At Pj's
- Oh Nooooo, Not Another One
- My house smells like dog PEE!!!HELP!!!
- Thanks Auntie Des!
- Tatum.......
- Do any of your babies hate to walk on wet grass.
- Yorkie Far 2007
- Oh My Gad ,what Is Happening
- middle name??
- Air Travel with a large yorkie - HELP!
- natural balance
- Katy's Grounded
- No new shunts!
- Might have UTI
- I'm not a pervert, but can I see pictures of butts
- Happy Birthday Rocky!
- dear dogs,
- Puppy ADD????
- Happy Birthday Layla!
- That ISN'T a Yorkie!! part 2
- Questions on color of new puppy
- Does anyone have problems with Nutra-Cal
- Some New Things I've Made
- Microchipping
- AKC registration... what is your opinion?
- why cant I find the Thread Killer????
- DIY clothes & bows?
- getting your furbaby to take medication
- Hair on Ears?
- We got a new puppy
- Where are those good deals?
- Biewer puppies Wk 2
- Cody has elevated kidney enzymes....
- Bald Spots Behind the Ears
- They should creat GPS for doggies
- who's Growing out there yorkies Hair ??
- Is Teddy Bear odd or are there others out there?
- Guess Who Just Arrive For That Special Day
- Is it so wrong...
- Belly Bands
- Question about Missing Link
- Pupcakes!
- Grooming Tools
- Coco made out like a bandit...
- Having a hard time.. Words of encouragement might help
- Yorkie Dreams?
- New puppy: How should I do this??
- Newly owned by a yorkie--have question
- Swollen Gland? Bug bite? Cancer? Help!
- Cheer Me Up Yt! Got A Dilemma!
- ??? about giving Romeo his first bath???
- Thanks a Bunch! & Good News Update
- Length of Back