- Pooping Everywhere Issue
- I Need Serious Help!!
- Tank's First Christmas
- Happy Birthday
- Do your yorkies do this?
- Wee-Wee Pads vs. Doggie Litter....
- Change in behavior with other dogs
- i have a question
- ok, I finally broke down and got
- Burned Skin :-(???
- I'm cracking up here!!!!!!!!!!!
- chewed the christmas light cord....
- Wanting a Yorkie Meet Up in Cincinnati
- What do you think of her?
- questions about breeders
- Beloved pet missing
- I have a secret . . .
- What do you think of this Yorkie??
- ? about tinys & larger yorkies
- Help! Eating walls!
- Do You Remember Daisy?
- I Am SO Glad I Found This Website!
- New Member Here
- My Yorkie doesn't like to eat from cold dish
- PetEdge Sale
- Spay / Neuter Costs and other questions...
- Free Shipping At Petsmart
- SCAM E-Mails
- Is today your birthday??????? Oh happy day!!!!!
- LOOK, I made slide shows
- My Two Girls Are Having Surgery On Friday
- Hair Growth?
- 1 Day after Spay
- terrier-torial problems
- I Cant Believe It!!
- Could it be the food??
- Cincinnati Yorkie Meetup
- Friend says Im "Mad" their only dogs!!
- Can I be right!
- baby teeth
- General Yorkie Questions..........Can anyone help me out?
- Carson hates wearing clothes!
- Yorkie doesn
- Layla's lazy day!
- I Don't Know What To Do Help!!
- New pics of the puppies 5 weeks old now..
- Keeping My Teacup Yorkie Cute?
- Updated Photos of My Sweet Little Angle
- No replies?!?
- Brushing teeth
- Getting a Yorkie...need help
- Hey Villette, your spy girls need this.....
- Neuter or not? Nervous.
- Piper's all grown up
- Ok i did it scheduled his appointment
- Does anyone make these?
- Petsmart Hotel
- Zoe isn't feeling well
- Venus spay went good!
- Please pray for my little baby
- Dezi's Birthday Today
- Cowboy magic products
- Never leaving Cody again!
- how many dogs does it take.............
- Questions about Yorkies
- Potty inside or out?
- Hello All
- Best form of payment
- Help in need!!!
- Gonna get him Nuetered have questions!
- 9 months and no heat
- Venus getting Spayed today
- Introducing Nicky
- I'm such a BAD MOMMY
- Spay Day 2007
- Please keep Pepper in your prayers
- Sick again?
- Cricket and Bubba are two years old today!
- Diet for yorkie?
- Happy 1st Birthday Rocky!
- My Christmas slideshow!!
- New mom getting 2nd pup!
- Anyone wanting to buy an overweight.....
- The difference 1lb makes
- I made a pet bed for my baby!!! Yippee happy happy!
- Remember The 1.09 Lb Yorkie At 12 Weeks? Here She Is Now....
- I Am So Scared! Me And Ruby Will Be Traveling Internationally.
- help me name my baby
- Haruka's hair!
- Crystal got spayed today.
- Car Sick Yorkie
- stringy coat
- Thank you Kimberly!!!!!
- Satin Undershirts @ Target!
- Need advice please help
- Fur Color
- Too Excited
- Need Help - What color is normal poo?
- Few Housekeeping Questions
- Moping around..
- We got kicked out of a store
- Woooo Hoooo!!!
- Shaved! Yes, shaved! =(
- Just ordered Cowboy Magic Shampoo & Conditioner - Have a ?
- Update on Bella with kids
- Old mother Hubbard treats
- Um, we're gonna need like.....
- Christmas gift from papa!
- Joey won't stop jumping!
- getting freaked out ... breathing probs?!?!
- Mommy got me a new sweater!
- Is it safe to let my 1yr old Yorkie sleep in my bed????
- New baby
- My baby has Kennel Cough
- What exactly is Micochipped?
- Undecided on should I neuter my pup??
- Puppy growth etch questions
- Is rice safe?
- Turkey is a No No
- Just wondering...
- Possible new addition to the family!
- sad neighborhood dog
- thinking of a new addition to our family
- Tinkerbell in her pleypen....mmm not really hers
- I'm new here
- JenCar--Where are you?
- Which colour do you prefer?
- wizard of claws - undercover
- Large Yorkies
- My 1-year old yorkie has started to soil my furniture
- 10 Dog Commandments:
- Your advice please...
- Need your Help!
- New and First Yorkie
- Thank you Abbie's Mom!
- Need advice on Spaying......
- New Yorkie mom
- People are so rude sometimes
- Finding A Groomer
- New babies
- Help new Mom
- if you have a Yorkie & baby/kids PLEASE PLEASE need your help
- What product do you use when you brush your yorkies coat?
- Hello We are NEW to YorkieTalk.com
- Best Flea Medication? Please help
- Target....finally!
- Puppylove123?
- What Would You Do
- What makes a breed popular????
- They gave me a fright at the vet's office!
- Bow makers, PLEASE help
- New Puppy!!
- M&K finally got baths today
- ACA Registration
- OMG!!This is just sad!!!! You have to see!!!
- Sweater escape artist
- Warning! Scam! Anyone get this?
- Omg A Lab/yorkie Mix Puppies!!!!
- Cali had a bath today
- Who have tried Breath-Alicious ?
- Never thought I wanted a boy
- Tinge of blood in urine after spaying
- I want to say a BIG thank you to
- The little dog with a thousand faces.......
- Nutri cal help PLEASE HELP!!!
- Hensleigh ready prepared for his show
- I'm a newbie Yorkie Nutter
- Christmas ornaments
- The Scare of my Life! Pheona had a Allergic Reaction to a Vaccine :-(
- Tinkerbell's Birthday Slideshow!!!So many cute memories!!
- Photos of Ernie, Wook's baby brother!!
- Yorkies that never go out?
- Happy Birthday Tinkerbell!!!She is 1!!!
- Hawk near Jerome
- Hair Woes!
- Picture day
- Anyone with 4 YORKIE's????
- I am heading to a dog show today!
- so sad
- New clothes at Walmart!
- He just cracks me up
- Biting issues
- New Baby Thread! :)
- Can you think of a cute saying for this picture?
- I have a Puppy Weight question?
- Health Code vs / Pets
- The leash is making Sawyer an angel!
- My New Puppy Miss Sassy Lady
- Bowlegged?
- Wow, thats weird but cute...
- After dripping ear drops
- Alpha Dog...Help to Understand
- Ears not standing up???
- Would you pay the groomer if she cut....
- Yorkie Closet?
- Why do they lift their legs?
- Big come back from LILO pics + video
- Target...
- HELP! Bella ate onion and I dont know how much!!!
- Help! How the hizell do you get the crust...
- I'm getting my baby Girl! :) Help me name her :)
- Pet boarding?
- No Christmas present for Pepper
- Omg I Got New Pics!!
- Puzzled ??
- Color Changes?
- Worried about my baby? Any advice...PLEASE
- Has anyone said this to you and your yorkie?
- Savvy is going to be a Teapot!! LOL
- Rocky loves YT!
- Washable crib pads?
- Cold Weather and my Yorkie
- Trixie At 17
- Questions for washable Pee Pad users !
- Leg straps
- petedge question
- Hawk Problem - I Need Advice
- Tinkerbell had a baby!!!
- Getting ready for new furbaby
- pic resizer
- Interested in advice for a new puppy!
- Potty training
- Layla's first snow!
- Talk about a rude awakening...
- Potty training
- 10lb adult?
- Awkward Stage?
- I'm so Mean. :(
- On my way to work
- [News] More pets covered by insurance
- Weird Breathing Or Paranoid???
- Ralph Lauren Polo Using Yorkie Models This Year!
- New Member Hello
- Update on Tiki
- Tiki shampoo?
- Makes you stop and think..
- Yorkies and brushing
- Izzy's Mess--I need help!
- Hallie is Bored at Daycare Again!
- Unaffectionate Yorkie
- Bows I made for a couple of my YT pals.
- Video: Just do it
- update on annie she died
- 2nd puppy??
- Length of Yorkie?
- New Yorkie Problems?
- Grooming tips much appreciated!
- Hello.... ?????