
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Carson is getting a new sister TOMORROW!! PICS!
  2. "Designer Breeds"
  3. It's Time
  4. Max is scared of smoke!!
  5. What happened to Bleu Boy??
  6. hiccups
  7. Guess What?????
  8. Yorkies-----Hypo-allergenic
  9. Is your yorkie ITCHING ? Read this Grrrrrrr...
  10. But I thought they were my friends
  11. Present Bush to Veto Important Puppy Mills Law!
  12. Please pray for my Chi!!!
  13. Head turning white/gray?
  14. This is too cute...Bark the Vote
  15. New Yorkie Owner
  16. toby the dancing dog
  17. Lucky's Ck Up
  18. We need a name!!!
  19. Hello Yorkie Lovers! Introducing myself!
  20. We found out today that Sophie has purple blood.
  21. I am new and have questions
  22. Meet Scooter!
  23. Im Sad :(
  24. Need advice for my new baby
  25. Selling 2 registrations to the YT Meetup in June!!
  26. I choose
  27. Spiked Collar
  28. Guess who came to work with me today?
  29. Just adopted a YorkiePoo - Advice please!
  30. Fate????
  31. Favourite Toy?
  32. My Sophie's new dress, too bad shes a tom boy.
  33. Spoiled Rotten Club Officials
  34. How can doing the right thing hurt so much??
  35. I almost lost Sophie..
  36. Do you think it's easier with two????
  37. We have decided to start looking for another yorkie!!!
  38. Update on Spike
  39. I found a dog friendly mall !!!! YAY!
  40. Confused yorkie owner
  41. How do you keep hair out of eyes?
  42. Extremely Fearful new pup???
  43. Does your yorkie dig holes?
  44. Toronto Area YT Members Let's Meet There
  45. My dog will be delivering tonight!
  46. White patch on stomaches!
  47. Adding to the family, a go or a no?
  48. I am crazy with excitement!!!
  49. Fourth of July
  50. yorkie rules???
  51. Our Remi Brings Joy to Nursing Home
  52. tongue out
  53. Will he be a big Yorkie?
  54. Pao's Annual Vet Check
  55. Lacy's an escape artist!!!
  56. My babies are NOT normal, lol!!
  57. Preppy Yorkie! -DOGblogTV
  58. I should be indicted!
  59. Anyone else worry about your Yorkie's safety when on walks?
  60. It is normal procedure to remove dewclaws?
  61. Hello, New here
  62. Lesson learned the hard way
  63. For all NON pet owners who visit and like to complain about pets:
  64. breeder using clorox bleach
  65. Hernia
  66. Sterilized Bones...Cleanliness???
  67. New game! Check it out!!!
  68. Yorkie not being properly cared for by a friends little sister
  69. Birthday week
  70. Look at my little angel
  71. Okay folks help me out
  72. Congrats Jaxon!!
  73. a "crappy" delima
  74. hello
  75. See Jaxon As Top Dog Today!!!
  76. Had to spread the excitement.....
  77. Thank you Dina!!!
  78. fashion emergency...
  79. Law's on where you can take your dog..
  80. Making Clothes
  81. Going bye-bye
  82. Found some bargain clothes...
  83. Looking for Yorkie Female Puppy in Seattle area
  84. names for my new little boy...
  85. We have a new member of the family...
  86. When will her ears stand up?
  87. gizzie lost her bark
  88. New pics of Morgan the Morkie!
  89. I have a confession to make....
  90. Which anesthesia to use?
  91. Is A yorkie a good choice for anxiety prone people?
  92. New to site also Veterinarian and breeder of AKC Yorkies in Oklahoma
  93. Logan's Not Doing so Well This Trip
  94. Dress/clothing sizing
  95. After bath peeing question..
  96. spay nueter clinics...trustworthy? some advice please!
  97. bees and yorkies?
  98. New to YT
  99. Should I feel guilty?
  100. Protect from summer heat...?
  101. How much bigger do you think she will get?
  102. Coats?
  103. bomb or fog?
  104. How To Tell if Parti carrier
  105. New to yorkies
  106. Parvo outbreak!
  107. Yorkie Sighting!!
  108. Bows
  109. From Kim -- We lost little Magnolia Blossom
  110. New Baby coming home
  111. How do I stop my 5 year old yorkie being nasty to the new pup???
  112. Re Re Medical Problems
  113. Playing outside
  114. My 2 Like Ice Cubes
  115. How to pronounce "Canidae"???
  116. Roxie is growing up
  117. Calleigh
  118. important quick question!
  119. About to cry...long, venting
  120. No velcro for my baby!
  121. Have I Screwed Up?
  122. Hello Everyone
  123. I found the deal of the day!!!
  124. water situation
  125. I think a lab was trying to get Rocky and Bella...
  126. Yorkies and Big Doggies
  127. YORKIE Music Box
  129. Beckham is home!! Question...
  130. At what age is a yorkie an adult
  131. How Do I Introduce Yorkie To Spoiled Cats?
  132. Dear New Baby
  133. I'm a bad bad bad mother!
  134. How to make an addition easier?
  135. alaskayorkie a miracle just for you
  136. Trach Tube
  137. I'm New and have a question
  138. What happen to the training
  139. Not A Newbie, Just Went MIA
  140. I am new here...
  141. My profile page
  142. It's someone's Birthday
  143. I need advice now!?!? Honest opinions Please!!
  144. I am NOT spoiled
  145. I love my yorkie so much
  146. Jumping Off the Bed...
  147. I've been accepted .
  148. update on poop poop everywhere
  149. Brought my fur baby home last night
  150. Calling all South African yorkietalkers
  151. Car sick
  152. Wire Crate/ Kennel Training Suggestions
  153. Will I have a big Yorkie?
  154. Canidae for 9 week old puppy?
  155. Newbie
  156. Two happily ending stories about my girls
  157. Please Help Me ASAP !!!!
  158. Does your Yorkie like water?
  159. Need help finding a name!
  160. Yorkie Yummies
  161. My puppy barks when I take a bath???
  162. Belly Bands?
  163. teapot !!!
  164. how long is too long to hold pee-pee
  165. A Pitbull tried to attack me and my Yorkies last night!!! What should I do?
  166. can someone help me?
  167. Akc....ckc???????
  168. First grooming appointment, help!
  169. If you feed Nutro, go here...
  170. Puppy classes!
  171. Could someone please tell me why????
  172. Ugggghhhh!!!!!!!!!!
  173. Photo contests
  174. Yorkie Fair 2008 cancelled
  175. Final poll for Morkie names...
  176. Choosing a carseat
  177. Can you tell that she is OCD?
  178. Please Read. Dry dog food warning (CDC)
  179. I own a porky yorkie!
  180. Hey,
  181. Duncan.....You crack me up!
  182. Curly yorkies!
  183. Eye Issues
  184. Hiccups??
  185. Names for my little boy..
  186. Adopting a "rescue" Yorkie
  187. microchip or not
  188. Horrible sounds
  189. Jaya's nose is not all black
  190. Anyone ever had their dog(s) professionally photographed?
  191. Prayers for Missing Yorkie!!!
  192. how to get a fecal sample! help peeps!
  193. eye color - determines texture?
  194. Dog show this weekend
  195. Bad haircut!!!
  196. hey everyone - new username :)
  197. Morkie male names
  198. Fifi & Romeo
  199. New work schedule worries...
  200. Puppymill Puppy??
  201. May I Have Your Attention Please....
  202. Hair Growth?
  203. Does everyone use peepads?
  204. Sick to my stomache
  205. egads, what is my girlfriend going to do about her yorkie's behavior...
  206. The Grey/silver is now even more
  207. My heart stopped yesterday
  208. Beckham update and help with name...
  209. I did it! I know I made the right decision!
  210. Just Want To Say Hi
  211. color and thickness as an adult...?
  212. Cool idea for toys
  213. Does anyone's Yorkie like music?
  214. Gina! Please answer!
  215. Is there such thing as a white Yorkie?
  216. Overcoming Shyness??
  217. Little Calleigh
  218. dO YOU use in cage water bowl or out of cage one?
  219. In cage water bowl?
  220. Found Yorkie or Silky
  221. Hello
  222. Toronto Woofstock 2008: June 7-8
  223. what is yapping?
  224. I am boarding Gizzie for the first time
  225. Clean Paws for Bedtime?
  226. Yorkie Behaviors
  227. We are newbies
  228. Hi everyone...we're new!!!
  229. When is it safe to take my dog to the dog park?
  230. Does anyone have a large yorkie?
  231. Yorkies and cats
  232. Getting a Male Yorkie Pup
  233. Help! What should I do?!
  234. A Yorkieshire Terrier History Lesson
  235. Yorkies
  236. Adult Yorkie or Puppy?
  237. Thanks for all the support YTers...Maravilhosa now is AKC registered
  238. Name for my Yorkie - suggestions :)
  239. so how much does your yorkie weigh?
  240. eye color
  241. What else would you recommend?
  242. My Trip with Logan went very well!
  243. It has been a while
  244. New Member! - HELLO! :)
  245. Peanut got a Birthday present
  246. How long til it grows back?
  247. aggression problem
  248. White Blaze on Fore Chest
  249. Bark the Vote
  250. New Member - New Problem
