
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Can't Saw Bone, So
  2. Is this a cruel joke mommy?
  3. Here's Miss Esmee
  4. By far the funniest video I've captured...
  5. First Week with Furbaby
  6. How do i make the time go by faster???
  7. New Yorkie pup please help! Long post..sorry
  8. Debbie Bispham
  9. She keeps eating her hairbands
  10. Yorkies in the leaves!!!
  11. I didnt think I would be this sad.
  12. liver shunt in small mini poodle
  13. male singleton born Nov.1
  14. 11/10/08 Wheelie Boy Babybear UPDATE
  15. Hello everyone!!!
  16. not sure what to do!?
  17. Is Fiona just werid!?
  18. Does anyone elses
  19. Baileys Last rib under developed, or broken?
  20. Poor Tank
  21. Have you ever bought anything from
  22. Today is Kayti's birthday
  23. 4 more weeks
  24. Expecting Yorkie Mama?
  25. Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  26. Is my yorkie full yorkie?
  27. Leash Triggers Thirst
  28. OMG!!!! Somethings Wrong.....
  29. Anyone Saw Bones
  30. Car Sickness / Motion Sickness - Forever?
  31. Are Yorkie's a "sickly" type of dog breed?
  32. How to pick the right Yorkie?
  33. Winter Boots: Facts and Fiction Help!
  34. I feel horrible for my boyfriend....
  35. Hey thats my bed !
  36. molly having babys
  37. Fat cat asleep on abbey's crate
  38. yorkie with an imperfect leg
  39. Rock Has a New Home
  40. the great british weather ha!
  41. Quilters?
  42. Cold weather & Yorkies
  43. will eating black licorice hurt a dog
  44. Intro of Mimi's Mom
  45. Ruby on style network
  46. My Abby is being spayed tomorrow
  47. Christmas Card Exchange
  48. Help beds...
  49. Hello there!
  50. Blaze has been a member of our family for 1 year today!!!
  51. Baths
  52. Why do Yorkies tend to like one person?
  53. my baby may have cancer.
  54. Triss is getting spayed today, will be a lonely day without her
  55. Going on vacation and leaving abbey with neighbor
  56. New to YT
  57. Chino is BARKING
  58. Reunion
  59. Oooh
  60. We WON!!!
  61. How to introduce a new puppy to an older yorkie
  62. steak dinner for my rainer
  63. Lily's baby teeth!!!!!!!!!!!
  64. You know you really love them when-------
  65. Having your furbaby fly to you?
  66. Trouble at the Dog Park
  67. ? about sound interruption technique
  68. I finally found it!!!!
  69. Fighting Females
  70. Grooming Advice
  71. Chewing - Age or simple activity related?
  72. How high is too high? Jumping off furn. ect..
  73. my bright idea!
  74. Does not like plastic???
  75. Fake peeing!
  76. I miss my babies so much!!
  77. She has me wrapped around her paw.
  78. Hiya
  79. New to YT!!
  80. Hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  81. yorkie bow drama!
  82. Worry Wart
  83. Morkie
  84. Forever Haven Rescue in WV
  85. Nighttime behaviors
  86. Good Morning! Sunday Nov 9, 2008
  87. Yorkie safe cleaning products
  88. milu is getting BIGGER
  89. color blind...don't think so!!!
  90. Do you think spaying will correct her issues??
  91. Anyone has a picture of Yorkie wearing a cap/visor?
  92. Help Needed: Is Popcorn Bad
  93. Myspace!!!
  94. My baby acts different when I come home.
  95. to YT
  96. I got my little girl!
  97. And soon there will be Rudy
  98. Judgemental Rescue Groups... No Thanks..
  99. Halloween stuff on sale at target
  100. Does Your Doggie Have Play Dates~?
  101. Need YT help with this one...
  102. No yelp
  103. There's dog food all over my house!
  104. should she have babies
  105. I need help with flea allergy!
  106. Favorite Food
  107. Has this happened to any of your dogs?
  108. My little CoPilot
  109. Tiffany had another siezure!
  110. Fasting eating Yorkie in the world
  111. horrible mommy
  112. Baby Bentley comes home today!
  113. Need Advice on 4Lb baby girl!
  114. Baby Bentley comes home today!
  115. Should I get a Yorkie?
  116. help why is she doing this
  117. Skin Care -
  118. does your baby bark at men?
  119. Does your Yorkie punch you?
  120. I'm lazy
  121. Who else has a dog who has a weird Fetish?
  122. Greetings Everyone!
  123. Yorkie
  124. Help! Really confused about my puppy's potential full grown weight
  125. Yorkie demonstrated Pedi Paws on GMA
  126. Adding a new puppy to the house!
  127. Holistic vets in nashville?
  128. I'm new here!
  129. Can anyone help me please?
  130. Another Yorkie?
  131. Do you guys like this carrier??
  132. Wookie is doing well!!!!
  133. Vote for new "First Dog"
  134. Cheyenne had her First Birthday! (An Iowa Girl!)
  135. I'm a terrible mother! Need advice
  136. look at these awesome finds!!
  137. Morkies hair
  138. going broke
  139. Christmas Yorkie Puppy!
  140. Hi Newbie here
  141. Skiddy's Yorkie Pup's 5 weeks old now
  142. Need a good Vet in Canal Winchester, Ohio!
  143. New puppy meeting Tatum??
  144. my boys! roscoe & remy
  145. Sobbing
  146. Does your Yorkie Watch T.V?
  147. yorkie newb needs lots of help
  148. Getting a Second Yorkie, Suggestions?
  149. My Big Boy
  150. My New Baby Has Arrived!!!
  151. First time in the snow
  152. Bathing Humphrey
  153. Cleaning grout when they potty on the floor?
  154. Yorkie Eyes
  155. Traveling soon & Bentley's not up for it!
  156. elp what does this mean? she just stands there
  157. Hello, Newbie here
  158. Going crazy over pjs!
  159. When do I?
  160. South African Yorkies
  161. Is my baby FULL Yorkie????? Please tell me what you think?
  162. Update on Wheelie Boy Babybear 11/6/08
  163. Heads Up!!
  164. I got trixie back!!
  165. Help! My poor baby!
  166. Please help! I don't know what to do!
  167. I can't believe it, my first YORKIE!
  168. Breaking House Rules
  169. Encouragement for those housetraining a Yorkie
  170. Hello! New Member here!
  171. Having puppies...
  172. He's insane!!
  173. True Blue Yorkie
  174. yorkie in college?
  175. My Conclusion? She's a Houdini!!
  176. Need Help Quick - Loose bloody tooth issue!!!
  177. My yorkie will be 8 weeks in 2 days!!!!
  178. Looking into your yorkie's eyes....
  179. hyper nipping 12 week old
  180. Is my dog a Yorkie??
  181. Frontline plus and fleas.
  182. Baby Gates
  183. Barking
  184. question about neutering incision
  185. New Yorkie Owner
  186. YORKIES are #2!!!
  187. Small children?
  188. Hi everyone! *new here*
  189. Teddy bears
  190. Bad Breath!!
  191. Where do I start this time?
  192. Bath Time
  193. Tipping Groomer - first time
  194. Hello, I am new here!
  195. Kwigy Bo Carrier?
  196. What's the cutest thing your baby did recently?
  197. Puppy Farm Shut Down...
  198. Carriers comparable to Kwigy Bo???
  199. Is this normal?
  200. Hi Again
  201. Philomena & Quibibacca
  202. Any YT Cookbooks available?
  203. Looking For A Purse Pet Carrier
  204. Newbie!!!
  205. ET Tonight & the new 1st dog
  206. Potty Training
  207. Obama and dogs?
  208. What age do you feel was hardest with your yorkie?
  209. Well....Kinda new here
  210. My yorkshire puppies
  211. What color is this?????
  212. help
  213. What age for the first trip to the groomers?
  214. Is my baby going to get any bigger?
  215. What would you do?
  216. Seen these? Just for Fun
  217. Update and THANK YOU!
  218. Greetings!
  219. New updated pictures!!!
  220. Question for cold climate folks with outdoor potty'ing yorkies?
  221. AKC vs. CKC
  222. Small male yorkie puppy
  223. New puppie help......
  224. A new First dog
  225. Question about Yorkies and etc..
  226. Benji n Holly cant wait till Christmas LOL
  227. Grooming???
  228. where do i buy Yorkie Bows and shipping is good
  229. Groomer Has It is looking for dogs in the LA Area
  230. Our New Sister Mia Milan
  231. How Long Does Your Yorkie Sleep~?
  232. Quick question - kittytalk? bunnytalk?
  233. Calling all Target One Spot fans...
  234. how do i add more pics to album??
  235. Males Who Own Yorkies
  236. Eye closed after getting groomed?
  237. I got the BEST B-Day present ever!!!
  238. Where to go?
  239. A scary , incident with my puppy
  240. Please sign the Petition for Bobo
  241. I FINALLY got her into a dress!
  242. no1baggage
  243. Get out and Vote People
  244. just need to vent... :(
  245. Camping with your babies
  246. Bailey and the dog next door....
  247. Good and Plenty
  248. Good morning all
  249. Come to my Blog Party! Doggie Giveaways all week!
  250. They are so sweet and loyal
