
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Is Wolfie a bully?
  2. What are the challenges of raising a Tiny?
  3. Hello!
  4. Lucy
  5. Yorkies at a no pet hotel
  6. Beachdog/Paris Intro
  7. Play group
  8. Jealous DJ VERY Jealous!!
  9. Yorkie-Sitter
  10. The first time you saw/met your yorkie...
  11. My Patchy smells like cookies!
  12. Premium Edge?
  13. Cooling Vest
  14. New Member with new yorkie
  15. Diarrhea problems
  16. giardia
  17. I have him!
  18. I have him!
  19. $15 off Susan Davis Consults in July!!
  20. Going Away... need to leave Remy with a new person - opinions please!
  21. Odd Ball Yorkie
  22. Our Birthday Girl is 3 today!!
  23. Vampire dog!
  24. Peeing from Excitement
  25. Hi everyone! I'm (kind of) new here!
  26. New puppy
  27. $10 off $30 or more on pet products!!
  28. Gold hair
  29. Save-a-Yorkie Day is Saturday, July 24 in Reading, PA
  30. Pixie is half way thru her LP confinement!!
  31. So, my grandmother fell in love with Piper this weekend....
  32. Where's Snick's Party?
  33. yorkie thing or no?
  34. Younger then i thought
  35. People Dogs
  36. Rescue Scams...What you should Know!!!!
  37. New to owning Morkie breed
  38. What is your babies favorite toys?
  39. Drs. Smith and Foster HUGE RECALLS
  40. Yorkie 14 wks
  41. New to you
  42. Bella & Calvin
  43. Help me with my 7 week old pup!
  44. Please help!! Lexi is missing
  45. BACK, with some questions & Updates!
  46. Mya's spay is Friday
  47. Alternatives to Ex-Pen???
  48. Erect Ears: when, how, and how long to tape
  49. "Lining" an Exercise pen?
  50. Can't find any other threads..question..
  51. So, I may need your support!
  52. New to this site!
  53. One of my Daycare Yorkies is ummm wellll....
  54. kicking me while sleeping
  55. I may be overreacting !
  56. Suggestions on Crate for New Puppy
  57. Bronx's first day on Yorkie Talk
  58. growling at my hubby when he hugs me!
  59. can anyone suggest where to get custom size bellybands
  60. Sudden aggresive behavior-help
  61. Camping with puppies??
  62. New puppy doesn't like her food
  63. My puppy has an upset stomach
  64. Help! I have a yorkie with hurt feelings!
  65. safe chew toys
  66. Disgusting question about poop! Sorry:)
  67. Reggie's 1st time on the boat
  68. YorkieTalk Gift Exchange XXI Signups Have Started!
  69. Licking
  70. Just wondering...
  71. Hi I'm new
  72. Can You Help Me With Upcoming Trip to Dog Park?
  73. New yorkie mom
  74. I'm so proud of my little man
  75. Mango is very skilled :)
  76. FOUND DOG NY Craigs List Ad
  77. You're invited (again) to Ollie's pawty!
  78. vaccines: question.
  79. Is it all about the money???
  80. Help- Post puppies aggressive yorkie
  81. He is such a BOY!!
  82. Hello
  83. Kicking after potty
  84. Off Topic Section
  85. IMPORTANT - Please read everyone/Breeders!!
  86. Yorkie or Morkie?
  87. we have a problem..I think
  88. Aggressive behavior towards small children
  89. Everyone -urgent prayers needed
  90. Are they good dogs?
  91. FIREWORKS did it go??
  92. How much is too attached?
  93. 2nd day with 6-week old yorkie puppy
  94. Ollie had an accident and didnt get to have his pawty
  95. A super big thank you to kalina82
  96. Today would have been toffee's birthday
  97. Mango not going to bathroom today
  98. How do you get your furbaby to stay calm during their bath? Yuna bitesss like crazy +
  99. positive potty issue???
  100. Funny story that happened about 30 seconds ago!!
  101. * Happy 4th of July *
  102. My princess is 2 today!
  103. Happy Birthday Jasper!!
  104. Hot Weather . . .Learn From My Mistake
  105. computer question?.....Otto
  106. Vergo Breeder
  107. Hello, I'm a New Member
  108. Laddy is Missing :(
  109. Best Harness for yorkies
  110. Yorkie Pups
  111. Frito feet explained
  112. OMG Embarrassing trip to the groomer's
  113. Worried about 4th of July madness with my babies
  114. puppy or older dog
  115. When I Touch My Dog's Ears....
  116. Miss Scarlett & I thank you all
  117. Stealing Photos and What's a Biewer??
  118. Just wanted to wish all on yt
  119. My baby Wilson
  120. Max's new Haircut
  121. Chocolate Yorkie
  122. does anyone know of a GOOD yorkie breeder in Michigan?
  123. Radio station promoting Petland petstore in BC
  124. Mango is home!!!
  125. I have a barking machine!!!!
  126. Dog lost from hotel in PA!!! Please look!
  127. hi to all..!! this is my boy Zeus
  128. I am in a quandry - useful suggestions needed!
  129. probably just a silly thought
  130. happy being the only one??
  131. Opinions on owning more than one yorkie
  132. Just want to thank everyone
  133. Boarding in Southern NH
  134. New to YorkieTalk but need help with one of the Boys
  135. ears
  136. what are the most popular girl yorkie names
  137. Hello
  138. Lila had her LP surgery
  139. Summer Safety Tip
  140. When I get Piper/Callie/Cassie/Emmy groomed...
  141. Golden
  142. Happy 9th Birthday Phoebi!
  143. Mindy~we tried so hard to save you
  144. OMG I cant believe whats happened
  145. Update on My Kaylee, haven't been on n a while
  146. Meet Almond
  147. Benson recovering
  148. 'baby proofing' your house for puppy
  149. Bandit's Dental is Today.... I'm so Nervous
  150. Hi Everyone =)
  151. Hey Everyone.
  152. Bark Off???
  153. Just saying Hello
  154. New baby is home...hasn't eaten or went potty yet.
  155. Me and My Monkeys
  156. Groomer gave Gatsby razor burn.
  157. I want to go riding with my yorkie
  158. new here
  159. pennys first days
  160. Help
  161. Silky breed?
  162. Sooo Today I have 3 yorkies (2 are daycare) Boy are they different!!
  163. Vote For Hannah Please
  164. Shots
  165. How Many Times a Day...
  166. We're home!!
  167. Thunder freaked her out!
  168. Surgery count down
  169. Crying at Night
  170. Umm Really???
  171. Pixie is 2 weeks post surgery today.
  172. Louis and the fabric sheet....
  173. Mommy's who work
  174. I leave in 2 hours to pick up my baby!!
  175. Sleeping Habits
  176. What is wrong with people? Mating in the street.........
  177. My dogs and my birthday breakfast
  178. new yorkie owner need biting help
  179. Naming help
  180. OMG Terrifying Morning - I am still shaking...
  181. Help a new mom out, please!
  182. I can't believe it has been a year already!!
  183. I'm bored
  184. Help! Stray Cats in Backyard! How to keep them out?!
  185. Happy Birthday Prairie Bea
  186. 2 part question
  187. pointy face yorkie
  188. WTH? Her tooth fell out!
  189. We're still in there...
  190. Calvin's new sister!! Bella!
  191. Furbaby bonding!
  192. Venting (skip if ya want)
  193. Lazy Yorkie?!?
  194. 4th of July and the Little Ones
  195. Does it really grow this fast?
  196. New to the Forum
  197. New to your community
  198. Can't find the video on cutting bangs on Yorkie
  199. The BYB and Rico - UPDATE!
  200. PENNSYLVANIA: Rabies Medical Exemption Action Alert
  201. Puppies and the beach
  202. New yorkie 15 mths..
  203. New !!! (:
  204. Megatron might get a Brother!!
  205. Do Yorkies get a long with cats?
  206. discovery
  207. I love him, but he's a moustache licker.
  208. Back from the vet AGAIN...
  209. Legolas is a lucky elf to adopt Frankie
  210. chews on cords
  211. a thankyou for my furbaby
  212. Thor was bitten by another dog!
  213. First time posting
  214. YORKIE IN NEED! extremely urgent!
  215. New Member
  216. Oh God, our present Yorkie absolutely hates our new puppy!
  217. Yorkshire terriers worldwide needing fur-ever homes (& deathrow yorkies)
  218. ?yorkie? coat
  219. ?yorkie? coat
  220. ?yorkie? coat
  221. Some people....
  222. Rusty the Killer Yorkie
  223. Harness question
  224. Baby Doll Face?
  225. Thinking of getting another one!!!!
  226. Anyone Else With One of These?
  227. Picking up Vanessa today and need HELP.
  228. Anyone seen Stedmansmommy?
  229. Question
  230. pics of chutney
  231. please help!
  232. It's always nice to know. . .
  233. No bad collar
  234. Dentastix this is too funny!
  235. My grown up decision
  236. My Introduction!!
  237. How do you dress your yorkie if it's a male?
  238. Morbid thoughts
  239. Last Chance Highway
  240. I don't look like one, nor do I act like or live like one...
  241. My Charlie update
  242. Fear factor time frames?
  243. Cheap Dog Clothes at PETCO
  244. dog bows for hair
  245. Furbaby Favorites!
  246. Going to the Dentist: Share your stories
  247. Poop
  248. Oh My...I need advice???
  249. Who's Jealous now!!!
  250. What is the difference?
