
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. My Vet
  2. New Puppy
  3. Can two female Yorkies live peacefully together?
  4. She is on my last nerve
  5. Jazzi and Willie have joined you
  6. how does she know?
  7. Question about Yorkiesitting..
  8. Help peed in our bed
  9. comming home to your yorkie
  10. Ear Wrapping Help Needed
  11. Help my dog is sick :(
  12. Teething question...
  13. anyone know what this is called?
  14. Please send your prayer to Royce
  15. Stinky butts
  16. Help Sky was spayed and is now mean!
  17. I just changed
  18. any ideas
  19. Are you taking your babies trick or treating
  20. Bladder Infection
  21. ok who wants to see the "secret portrait'"????
  22. To Bid or not to bid on the juicy carrier
  23. Attention!!!! All Girl Soccer Team Members In Here Please!!!!!
  24. A Dog's Soul...
  25. Anyone Going To Annie Sez??
  26. Sawyer scared me to death today!!
  27. I'm taking a poll...
  28. Baxter update - if anyone cares lol
  29. Do you crate your furkids?
  30. New here!!!
  31. missing: Uno's teeth =)
  32. 1st time grooming
  33. I've so missed you all
  34. I found a squeaky ball made in the USA!
  35. Thanks to all of you!
  36. Hi Everyone!
  37. I have the most wonderfull Hubby!!!!!!!!!!
  38. Layla 1st Birthday
  39. Water/Pennies in Can Not Working
  40. lets see them scary yorkies !!!!!
  41. My New Guy
  42. max update
  43. what name should I give to this sweet baby?
  44. Stupid Mistake with Medicines
  45. Thankyou all
  46. yorkie pencil drawings
  47. Puppy diet - specifically...Salmon?
  48. Happy Thanksgiving!!
  49. Teeth Question
  50. Barking?
  51. OK, I did it =)
  52. Harness question
  53. Peppy Has Been Found
  54. Yorkie alone...what do I do??!!
  55. Does Size Matter??
  56. Need Prayers...chattiesmom Peppy Is Missing!
  57. What do you store dog food in?
  58. Home alone? How old should she be?
  59. Are They ALL Like This?!?!
  60. Need quick opinion please!
  61. I butchered his hair :-(
  62. Autumn Is Getting A Brother!!!!
  63. Great groomimg experience
  64. Sharing a miracle :)
  65. Will my yorkie's kill eachother?
  66. newbie here...
  67. What size clothes and what kind of hair accessories
  68. Morky
  69. Bought a pair of pj's today clearance $9.00 PetSmart, first pair of pj's
  70. My Yorkie, is really a Dorkie.
  71. Best Yorkie book
  72. Jolie is overly anxious in car trips , Help !
  73. Georgia is at the office with me!!
  74. Do you leave radio or TV on while u r at work?
  75. Just introducing myself
  76. I need help.....
  77. Yorkie Stitch n Bitch
  78. going crazy i think!
  79. I need a Carrier/Purse.
  80. Yorkie the right pet for me?
  81. Trouble Finding Canidae Canned Food
  82. Whos makes pjs??
  83. Lost tooth?
  84. Makin' the dirty furkids proud
  85. How long before its too long?
  86. collar or harness??
  87. My Halloween Decorations!
  88. People Food!
  89. Thank Goodness For The "search Button"
  90. Steps!
  91. After Spaying!
  92. More rude Yorkie owners!
  93. Iowa Meet Up-Great!
  94. Marcel Has Relatives Available! Should I...??
  95. Pad Training & Going Outside
  96. Prairie Bea Is Coming Home To Us This Week
  97. ? about shaving ears and taping
  98. It's a Girl!!!
  99. 2 women rescue 17YO Yorkie
  100. Sam + PetsMart= Heartattack for Mom
  101. Question on visiting new puppy
  102. Please Help
  103. cute bed
  104. Weight gain????
  105. Girls Soccer Team???
  106. Look what we won on ebay
  107. So excited, Princess Pia is going to be on TV!!!
  108. Hopefully good news about Babybear
  109. We had a visitor today.
  110. Strollers, quite the new fad!
  111. For Yorkies *Only*
  112. My new little Andy!
  113. Brodie Rae and Brooklyn Rae in their Harvest Pictures!!!
  114. Best food for expecting mommy
  115. "Lost" yorkies
  116. I'm sitting here with my baby girl on my lap....
  117. Milo's lost two teeth!
  118. Look at what I made!!!
  119. No more Haruka at work
  120. Well It's here Toby is finally 16. Happy B-Day!
  121. How do you protect your yorkies???
  122. help new owner
  123. I recieved my ebay items I ordered from the YT ads! I love em!
  124. How much do I need to feed Skip?
  125. Anyone have 3??
  126. Opinions Please
  127. Choosing a name
  128. What does your baby do when scolded?
  129. I've caught the bug
  130. \\\\\please Help/////
  131. Deer Hunt!!! WHA WHA!!!!!
  132. Could my dog be allergic to
  133. I'm Getting Another Yorkie Tomorrow!
  134. my space
  135. I Love Weekends!!!!!
  136. First Photo Shoot!
  137. New to Yorkie talk and expecting for the first time
  138. Help finding cute boys yorkie clothes...
  139. Bella has a new dress!!
  140. Tobi Ate Too Much Deter Medication!!! Help!!!
  141. YT Dictionary
  142. Halloween Costumes!
  143. YT Iowa Meetup PICTURES!
  144. Raw Diet
  145. Anyone have an iPhone?
  146. Angel Eyes
  147. CAUTION: Another rude person story!
  148. My Yorkie has started licking me compulsively
  149. Babies @6 wks
  150. *REMINDER* for microchip information
  151. Looky Looky!!!!!!!!!
  152. Help !!!! Fleas
  153. Hello Yorkie People!
  154. HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY, HOBBS!!!!!!
  155. New to Yorkietalk
  156. Riley's first grooming!!
  157. FYI: Houston
  158. Help..
  159. Snort snort snort
  160. Harnesses for the smaller babies
  161. New to YT
  162. Rockie's theething
  163. Please Help!!!
  164. Nutrical...expiry date??
  165. Flying with Yorkies
  166. We lost our little Angel today
  167. I need you guys to do me a favor...
  168. Thick/Wavy Coat
  169. Petsmart Halloween Oct 23
  170. Please help me decide which one to buy
  171. ********Hallaween party******
  172. help.... my avatar is too small
  173. I need a Monkey fix please
  174. Need your opinion on Halloween costume colors...undecided????
  175. Need help with "Doggie" Pageant Ideas
  176. Ears
  177. I am so forgetful...
  178. Need some advice
  179. How to gain weight?
  180. Leaving for Cabo
  181. ??? How long has the contaminated food been on the market
  182. Hey Susan123....
  183. I got my new baby today
  184. Hi New here!
  185. First Bath
  186. Beau's vet results
  187. Chloe's new Go Fetch Dress
  188. Teething And Not Eating So Much
  189. Pixie's weight as an adult?
  190. tooth loss question.....
  191. Frontline on Pregnant females OK? Yes or No
  192. First time Yorkie owner...a few questions??
  193. Top-Knot Age
  194. Luna
  195. We Have 5 Puppies!!!!!
  196. Today is Maggies 1st Birthday!!!!!!!
  197. Guess... Who Is That Adorable Little Girl???
  198. The party is about to begin for Toby!
  199. Show breeders
  201. See my Yorkie item I bought off of ebay from those ads???
  202. Merrick Dog Food...
  203. New to
  204. Yay, Mommy found a new way to play with me
  205. I Need Yt Help!!!!
  206. max wont eat
  207. PLEASE!! Sombody help me get my baby back!
  208. Silky or yorkie??
  209. PetSmart is always an adventure...
  210. My sweet little Sierra
  211. DrinkWell Mountain?
  212. MySpace
  213. How much did your yorkie weigh at 8 months?
  214. Yorkshire Terrorist!
  215. Emma Grace would like to introduce......
  216. Total Pet Health Calming Tablets?
  217. sidekick 1
  218. Its killing me-- how do you pronounce Biewer?
  219. Anyone else deal with inverse sneezes and do they always happen at night?
  220. New to YT
  221. The Kiss Attack In Motion
  222. YT Prayers needed for Izzy because...
  223. Kalina is very very cranky
  224. I am so annoyed.
  225. clarification with ear taping?
  226. max is home and theres bad news
  227. Spoke to Autumn's trainer today!
  228. New and need help!!
  229. Baby Teeth = Death Breath!
  230. Help!! Aggressive Behavior Beginning
  231. Help Need to know what kind of tape to get
  232. Skyla weighs...
  233. this makes me sad :(
  234. i think frankie is in love
  235. The time has come...
  236. Tomorrow is little squirt Luna's spay day:(
  237. Spaying
  238. Britney has to go back to the vet to have her blood redone...
  239. Meant to Be ..... ?
  240. garlic in treats
  241. My yorkie makes funny snorts.....
  242. Vet Appointments
  243. For those of you w/boy yorkies
  244. Carrier for travel
  245. britneys yorkie new pics
  246. A lady asked me if he is a silky terrier
  247. Everyone please wish
  248. Weight gain question....
  249. Honesty needed here!!!
  250. I just wanted to say...
