- My Vet
- New Puppy
- Can two female Yorkies live peacefully together?
- She is on my last nerve
- Jazzi and Willie have joined you
- how does she know?
- Question about Yorkiesitting..
- Help peed in our bed
- comming home to your yorkie
- Ear Wrapping Help Needed
- Help my dog is sick :(
- Teething question...
- anyone know what this is called?
- Please send your prayer to Royce
- Stinky butts
- Help Sky was spayed and is now mean!
- I just changed
- any ideas
- Are you taking your babies trick or treating
- Bladder Infection
- ok who wants to see the "secret portrait'"????
- To Bid or not to bid on the juicy carrier
- Attention!!!! All Girl Soccer Team Members In Here Please!!!!!
- A Dog's Soul...
- Anyone Going To Annie Sez??
- Sawyer scared me to death today!!
- I'm taking a poll...
- Baxter update - if anyone cares lol
- Do you crate your furkids?
- New here!!!
- missing: Uno's teeth =)
- 1st time grooming
- I've so missed you all
- I found a squeaky ball made in the USA!
- Thanks to all of you!
- Hi Everyone!
- I have the most wonderfull Hubby!!!!!!!!!!
- Layla 1st Birthday
- Water/Pennies in Can Not Working
- lets see them scary yorkies !!!!!
- My New Guy
- max update
- what name should I give to this sweet baby?
- Stupid Mistake with Medicines
- Thankyou all
- yorkie pencil drawings
- Puppy diet - specifically...Salmon?
- Happy Thanksgiving!!
- Teeth Question
- Barking?
- OK, I did it =)
- Harness question
- Peppy Has Been Found
- Yorkie alone...what do I do??!!
- Does Size Matter??
- Need Prayers...chattiesmom Peppy Is Missing!
- What do you store dog food in?
- Home alone? How old should she be?
- Are They ALL Like This?!?!
- Need quick opinion please!
- I butchered his hair :-(
- Autumn Is Getting A Brother!!!!
- Great groomimg experience
- Sharing a miracle :)
- Will my yorkie's kill eachother?
- newbie here...
- What size clothes and what kind of hair accessories
- Morky
- Bought a pair of pj's today clearance $9.00 PetSmart, first pair of pj's
- My Yorkie, is really a Dorkie.
- Best Yorkie book
- Jolie is overly anxious in car trips , Help !
- Georgia is at the office with me!!
- Do you leave radio or TV on while u r at work?
- Just introducing myself
- I need help.....
- Yorkie Stitch n Bitch
- going crazy i think!
- I need a Carrier/Purse.
- Yorkie the right pet for me?
- Trouble Finding Canidae Canned Food
- Whos makes pjs??
- Lost tooth?
- Makin' the dirty furkids proud
- How long before its too long?
- collar or harness??
- My Halloween Decorations!
- People Food!
- Thank Goodness For The "search Button"
- Steps!
- After Spaying!
- More rude Yorkie owners!
- Iowa Meet Up-Great!
- Marcel Has Relatives Available! Should I...??
- Pad Training & Going Outside
- Prairie Bea Is Coming Home To Us This Week
- ? about shaving ears and taping
- It's a Girl!!!
- 2 women rescue 17YO Yorkie
- Sam + PetsMart= Heartattack for Mom
- Question on visiting new puppy
- Please Help
- cute bed
- Weight gain????
- Girls Soccer Team???
- Look what we won on ebay
- So excited, Princess Pia is going to be on TV!!!
- Hopefully good news about Babybear
- We had a visitor today.
- Strollers, quite the new fad!
- For Yorkies *Only*
- My new little Andy!
- Brodie Rae and Brooklyn Rae in their Harvest Pictures!!!
- Best food for expecting mommy
- "Lost" yorkies
- I'm sitting here with my baby girl on my lap....
- Milo's lost two teeth!
- Look at what I made!!!
- No more Haruka at work
- Well It's here Toby is finally 16. Happy B-Day!
- How do you protect your yorkies???
- help new owner
- I recieved my ebay items I ordered from the YT ads! I love em!
- How much do I need to feed Skip?
- Anyone have 3??
- Opinions Please
- Choosing a name
- What does your baby do when scolded?
- I've caught the bug
- \\\\\please Help/////
- Deer Hunt!!! WHA WHA!!!!!
- Could my dog be allergic to Frontline...help?
- I'm Getting Another Yorkie Tomorrow!
- my space
- I Love Weekends!!!!!
- First Photo Shoot!
- New to Yorkie talk and expecting for the first time
- Help finding cute boys yorkie clothes...
- Bella has a new dress!!
- Tobi Ate Too Much Deter Medication!!! Help!!!
- YT Dictionary
- Halloween Costumes!
- YT Iowa Meetup PICTURES!
- Raw Diet
- Anyone have an iPhone?
- Angel Eyes
- CAUTION: Another rude person story!
- My Yorkie has started licking me compulsively
- Babies @6 wks
- *REMINDER* for microchip information
- Looky Looky!!!!!!!!!
- Help !!!! Fleas
- Hello Yorkie People!
- New to Yorkietalk
- Riley's first grooming!!
- FYI: Houston
- Help..
- Snort snort snort
- Harnesses for the smaller babies
- New to YT
- Rockie's theething
- Please Help!!!
- Nutrical...expiry date??
- Flying with Yorkies
- We lost our little Angel today
- I need you guys to do me a favor...
- Thick/Wavy Coat
- Petsmart Halloween Oct 23
- Please help me decide which one to buy
- ********Hallaween party******
- help.... my avatar is too small
- I need a Monkey fix please
- Need your opinion on Halloween costume colors...undecided????
- Need help with "Doggie" Pageant Ideas
- Ears
- I am so forgetful...
- Need some advice
- How to gain weight?
- Leaving for Cabo
- ??? How long has the contaminated food been on the market
- Hey Susan123....
- I got my new baby today
- Hi New here!
- First Bath
- Beau's vet results
- Chloe's new Go Fetch Dress
- Teething And Not Eating So Much
- Pixie's weight as an adult?
- tooth loss question.....
- Frontline on Pregnant females OK? Yes or No
- First time Yorkie owner...a few questions??
- Top-Knot Age
- Luna
- We Have 5 Puppies!!!!!
- Today is Maggies 1st Birthday!!!!!!!
- Guess... Who Is That Adorable Little Girl???
- The party is about to begin for Toby!
- Show breeders
- See my Yorkie item I bought off of ebay from those ads???
- Merrick Dog Food...
- New to Yorkie.com
- Yay, Mommy found a new way to play with me
- I Need Yt Help!!!!
- max wont eat
- PLEASE!! Sombody help me get my baby back!
- Silky or yorkie??
- PetSmart is always an adventure...
- My sweet little Sierra
- DrinkWell Mountain?
- MySpace
- How much did your yorkie weigh at 8 months?
- Yorkshire Terrorist!
- Emma Grace would like to introduce......
- Total Pet Health Calming Tablets?
- sidekick 1
- Its killing me-- how do you pronounce Biewer?
- Anyone else deal with inverse sneezes and do they always happen at night?
- New to YT
- The Kiss Attack In Motion
- YT Prayers needed for Izzy because...
- Kalina is very very cranky
- I am so annoyed.
- clarification with ear taping?
- max is home and theres bad news
- Spoke to Autumn's trainer today!
- New and need help!!
- Baby Teeth = Death Breath!
- Help!! Aggressive Behavior Beginning
- Help Need to know what kind of tape to get
- Skyla weighs...
- this makes me sad :(
- i think frankie is in love
- The time has come...
- Tomorrow is little squirt Luna's spay day:(
- Spaying
- Britney has to go back to the vet to have her blood redone...
- Meant to Be ..... ?
- garlic in treats
- My yorkie makes funny snorts.....
- Vet Appointments
- For those of you w/boy yorkies
- Carrier for travel
- britneys yorkie new pics
- A lady asked me if he is a silky terrier
- Everyone please wish
- Weight gain question....
- Honesty needed here!!!
- I just wanted to say...