- Please Help... The dogs need
- I need opinions RE: Grooming.. please come in.
- How Long Is to Long to Keep Them Crated?
- New vest For Bambi
- Help please
- Please Send 'official Teapot' Form To...
- hey i am new to yorkie talk!! i am going to need a lot of advise!!
- Allergies
- How Can I Get My Baby To Chew Her Food!
- I Think Daisy Has An Ear Infection Help????
- How do dogs do it?
- Chewing!!
- can anybody tell me what it mean when....
- Isn't there a thread with summer cuts??
- Petzlife spray and sneezing
- Easy way or Hard way? + vent. blah
- Yorkies on the News this morning
- This is the stupidist question...
- Hi I am a new member
- Energizer Bunny
- Is it worth to get pet insurance? Please give me
- Dr. Keith Ablow show yesterday!!!!
- New job: i can take my baby to work!!!!!!!
- Tips on Introducing a second puppy
- Soaked in Iowa......
- Dog Boutique owner gives back by organising charity dogwalk starring lola her yorkie
- How much does your yorkie sleep?
- Is She Growing To Fast
- Can you help me out?????
- Aggressive Yorkie need HELP!!
- Come See What Would You Get???
- AKC form ?
- One Year :)
- help!
- Car Seat For Two Yorkies
- Anyone have wood floors?
- My 11wk old puppy is...
- Vest Harness Question
- Hmmmmmm whose Smarter??????
- Docking Tails Yourself?
- Hmm..
- Puppy Scam
- Tail Docking For Morkies???
- poor Buckeye
- OHMYGOD Puppyelite.com
- ?? Soccer Balls ??
- Riley's spay Thurs a.m.
- I need your advise/opinion
- Betty is Back From the Vets!
- How much do your babies eat?
- Chelsea Football Manager Arrested in Yorkie Scandal!
- wanna see something reeeeeeeeallllly cute????
- We got a package from GoFetch!!!!
- Question for YT friends.......
- I'm NOT trying to take advantage of ANYBODY!!!
- I have to buy this collar
- OK I need help which COLOR life jacket??
- Omg Daisy's Teeth!!!!
- Pet Food Lawsuit
- Why isn't her hair fluffy???
- It's My Birthday
- Vindictive Yorkie
- Smoking and Yorkies!(All smokers and non smokers please)
- eye tears/stains .. what causes them?
- MORE.. things my 2 yorkies love to eat!
- help!! charlie ate a worm
- Yorkies ARE your kids
- Not sure
- Autumn got a birdie!!
- New Potty Tent
- Bed problems
- Need Advice
- Here's Nico!
- On The Way To The Vets
- Ellies first birthday.
- This is too cute....doggie humor
- Sadie and I will be attending the Fair!!!!
- Microchipping
- Rebel's teeth
- OH MY GOSH Please read
- Monkeys at Daycare Wednesday and Friday :)
- funny but cute
- New to YT!!
- confused
- Well I talked to the main guy at
- To everyone with yorkie boys..
- I have a Question
- What to look for/Ask when adopting Yorkie
- when to neuter?
- How do you guys
- My little munchkin is getting neutered!
- It's Not Red Eye, But The Result
- I'm scared, does this sound like liver shunt?
- The smell of Minksheen!
- molly's diet
- We BOTH had the itchy's!
- I got my boy!!!
- help?Bebe is peeing & pooing inside out of the blue
- I need info on yorkies please
- Her big ol' ears!
- I Need Advice
- Need help with potty training
- Costco Kirkland food recalled
- Help! I'm Already Crying!
- Pictures!!
- I Need Advice
- How Milo eats his Kibbly bits
- Scratching ears.
- Poop Tent
- Will a hyper dog ever calm down?
- Please Help
- Yorkie shoes
- I have the best vet!
- Checking in!
- Royal Canin Sensible Recalled today. Anyone feed this ?
- How to feed a Yorkie and a big dog???
- New baby alert
- Grandma to skinbaby!!!!!!
- Raw feeding question
- Feeling guilty
- Big question that could help Babybear
- Chemical side effects of flea meds
- Please help Royce is Itching like crazy
- Announcing: United Yorkie Rescue (UYR) Fundraising Raffle 2007!
- HELP! Sadie got groomed!!!!
- Help - This Is Driving Me Nuts
- Going into heat?
- Cute dog of the day
- Today Is A Very Sad Day For Us
- Yorkie owners: beware of owls and hawks!
- go fetch website?
- First Groom
- Estimated Weight
- My yorkie is 4.5 lbs and she is only 18 weeks. Is this normal
- ya all want a laugh
- Does your puppy look like he's going bald?
- Does spaying reduce aggression?
- Seperation Anxiety....
- FYI for summer
- Peanut is now 1 years old!
- Tell me it'll grow back...
- Bronchitis !?
- I cant believe I am asking this question.....
- It's So Great To Be Back !!!
- Pictures and vids of Skoshi and his Girlfriend! I PROMISED!
- It's Adie's Birthday!
- PocoMutt does it again ...
- My Yorkie Farts In The Car
- Great Site For Training Your Pup
- Found a really cute site to order from
- A Hawk tried to get Buddah!!
- New to the forum..and a new yorkie...
- are crows a threat to yorkies?
- The plant shredder
- Horrorized!
- We are already 8 weeks old !! ( Biewer)
- Playmate Anyone... Gypsy's VERY Restless!
- does anyone have a standard poodle and yorkie???
- When do Puppies reach their adult weight?
- Ciera's color
- Outdoor safety question
- !!!!
- Buying a second Yorkie
- Baby gates/X pens?
- Yorkie grooming
- New to Yorkie Love
- Breeders I Need You Help?????????????
- We are now in Washington DC :)
- Squirrels!??!!??
- Happy Mother's Day Everyone.
- Happy Mothers Day
- Do your babies stay in bed late?
- What is the yorkie fair?
- How to Avoid Dog Bites in Chidren (warning some pics graphic)
- Puppy from a newspaper?
- Happy Mothers Day to all of the Yorkie mommies on YT!
- Constipated
- Who's Got the Most Toys?
- He hides EVERYTHING!
- Question
- Max is my assistant
- ***save A Yorkie Rescue Yorkie Day Update
- new baby sister?
- How often do you.......?
- look what I found!!!
- Beware of HAWKS taking small animals!
- Is anyone else guilty of this???
- SOCCER GIRLS... in here!
- hey....
- More Dog Food Recalls Go To
- fire hydrant??
- Introducing the "Girlfriend"
- Boys Team Name ?????
- Yorkies with skin allergies/allergies
- Visited Celltei :)
- would you let your Yorkie Fly like this???!!!
- YT Prayers for "mommiemary"
- My Mothers Day Present
- Help with coat
- Calling all cheerleaders and YT Girls Soccer Players!!!
- Pierced Ears?
- It's official!!!!
- Bella ate a stone
- Expanded their Horizons
- Need Pictures Quick!
- is your baby afraid of storms?
- weight
- undercoat
- teeth
- Happy Mother's Day
- 6 month old Yorkie
- What's the best set-up for a new puppy?
- whos mum and dad
- my pictures of pixie
- How to convince DH 2 get 2nd Yorkie?
- sawyer is a biker dude
- Week-end adventure
- Today Is Peeka's Birthday!!!
- ** ?? Yorkie Fair?? **
- How can I teach my Yorkie to be gentle with a bunny?
- NON STOP whining
- Jumping -- HELP!
- Look what hubby got me!!!
- Definition of Chow Hound
- This is puppywraps husband
- teething?
- Is s matting normal?
- What do you think of pet sitting service???
- I am seriously losing my mind!
- Maggie is one year old and still has those darned baby teeth...
- Opinions NEEDED!!
- Daisy Mae!!!
- Size of Cage
- Who knew they LOVED Garrett's Popcorn?????
- Thank you from Mickey and Yorkieshadow.
- My Little Closet Eater!
- Boo-boo Needs Special Yt Prayers
- Question about boots or shoes
- How do you brush your Yorkie's teeth?
- Puppy names
- Cross Country Plane Trip...
- After bath pictures
- Can you believe this??
- Our new puppy comes home in three weeks! Any insider tips?
- Do your babies do this????
- is this normal?
- Full name for registration
- A day in the life of......
- Why did he do this????