
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. playing in her water bowl
  2. Looking for VET referral in Palm Beach County FL~
  3. Sorry..but, Holiday Card Exchange!
  4. Chicago Yorkie Halloween Meet-up 10/16
  5. Is This Normal?
  6. Frontline Plus reviews? Howwell does it work?
  7. Letting sleep in bed??
  8. you know me???
  9. So EXCITED!!!!
  10. Teeth!?
  11. Happy "Gotcha Day" Roxie!
  12. Hello
  13. found maci's breeder!
  14. I am so torn!!!!!!
  15. Broken Hearts beginning to heal
  16. Boy question
  17. Advice Please!!!
  18. Spay - How long..??
  19. Need Advice - Meeting New Little One
  20. Rabies shot!
  21. Hair dryer
  22. Tazzie needs Liver Shunt Surgery
  23. What an awesome morning!
  24.'s a petition you might like to sign :)
  25. I'm going to switch Paisley's food again -Blue buffalo
  26. KONG Recipes?
  27. Is your Yorkie a Sleep-In'er or Early Riser?
  28. I think my neighbor's dog wants to eat Princess!
  29. First Grooming
  30. Natural flea and tick control
  31. My dog LOVES to run!
  32. cotton coats and runny eyes.
  33. Rosie has started her Journey to the UK!
  34. Live & Learn
  35. Snoozer Cozy Cave???
  36. Princess made my day...before it even started.
  37. Snuggle Puppy
  38. Yay!!! just got an email that....
  39. Dog Food
  40. Finally!!
  41. Texas meet
  42. Really???
  43. New Puppy HELP!
  44. Service and therapy dogs.. just seen on TV
  45. Trying to learn about showing pictures
  46. Mina's best friend
  47. Is makeup harmful?
  48. thank you chatties mom
  49. Anyone else feed "lite" food?
  50. Do pups know when you are sick?
  51. She's a what?!
  52. Do any of you have/use a Dog Whistle?
  53. Newbie!
  54. Lonely Yorkie?
  55. Lord Winston
  56. Paisley and myself went and visited groomers today
  57. welcome home maci!
  58. Free or Scheduled Feedings :/
  59. Unreasonable Fear?? Please HELP!!
  60. Happy Birthday Southernbell04
  61. Newbie Question
  62. Is this a jerk or what
  63. Unusually Large Vulva?
  64. May be a foster mom
  65. Treats
  66. Marley and Charlie...rescued dogs!
  67. Sickening!!
  68. someone tell me NO!
  69. Do Yorkie shed?
  70. Oh my ....
  71. Patti's new lamb and her hubbie, Jack
  72. Certain People for Certain Things
  73. Yorkie Knick-Knacks, etc. - Would Love to See Yours
  74. Beds?
  75. Not liking the groomers....
  76. New to the Forum; not to Yorkies
  77. Quick Questions
  78. Hola! From Northern NV
  79. Teeth Cleaning
  80. Birthday Party/Halloween Costume Party
  81. belly bands?
  82. Did anyone get their yorkie blessed today?
  83. Just had to share this
  84. YT Favorite Thread Revival - Oldies But Goodies
  85. StoryTime!!!!
  86. Hi From Florida!
  87. Lost Yorkie..Illinois
  88. My senior yorky 14 1/2 years old- and his teeth what to do?
  89. Biting ankles
  90. Please Tell Me I Have It All...
  91. HUGE NEWS!!! ZEKE found!!!
  92. trouble eating
  93. Halloween Is COMING :D
  94. PetHead Products?
  95. Another dog food question
  96. peeing at night
  97. peeing at night
  98. Need good thoughts and prayers for my Rosie!
  99. Clothing Storage?
  100. Earthworms
  101. This crazy day has showed me I've done something right.
  102. I am Making a New Carrier for my mom's Ruby
  103. Multiple Dog Question
  104. Meet Chloe and Smokey!
  105. YAY! My Pet Flys Baby Doe carrier is HERE!!!
  106. It's finally happened!
  107. Just Ordered My Christmas Gift
  108. Preparing For Our Yorkie
  109. newbie!
  110. Is there a "safe" collar?
  111. Help! Simon has another penis infection
  112. Bringing a GIANT to introduce to Bentley
  113. Giant spiders!
  114. Just had neutering done.:-(
  115. Yorkie chihuahua mix... Anyone have one??
  116. YT abbreviations?/Surprise!
  117. Do fleas burrow at all or just crawl?
  118. How to protect my dogs
  119. Queston
  120. I Need Your Advise
  121. Beaten Yorkie MO
  122. scratch?
  123. i think i'm nesting!
  124. Paisley's 1st obedience class tonight
  125. Bar spacing on pet gate for puppy?
  126. The Bark-Win a Vaccuum!
  127. To have my yorkies tail docked or not
  128. What are Yorkies fears, irrational or rational....
  129. Dont you just love it...
  130. Sleep Wagging
  131. I need your help please
  132. Battle of the sexes
  133. Can someone please tell me if this is normal?
  134. How do yorkies ears correlate with their emotions?
  135. What happens if I really cut into the quick?
  136. A little upset
  137. Spay and Neuter: When and If ever?
  138. putting on weight at long last
  139. Hi from MISSISSIPPI!
  140. Leg-cocking - while having a poop?!!?
  141. And the night time barking is back....oy vey!
  142. frustrated
  143. Owls out back.
  144. Can Revolution cause upset stomachs?
  145. Whaaaaaat
  146. Pixie The Alarm Clock
  147. Tips and advise for post spay surgery
  148. Slings for carrying Yorkie
  149. Chris Christensen
  150. Have ticks not been as bad this year?
  151. Brielle, Jersey and wildlife!!!
  152. Introducing Ladybug
  153. Bret Michaels collection coming to Petsmart
  154. Ollie has arrived
  155. What's the best food to feed by baby Lance??
  156. Sad friend wants to adopt
  157. Prayer for Tazzie
  158. Yorkie acting aggressive and weird toward me and I am pregnant!
  159. Training Update for My Boys
  160. First bath today
  161. Hello Everyone-This is my first post
  162. I have to stay off petfinder
  163. Cute little random stuff your yorkie does
  164. advice on teeth cleanings.
  165. Torn Up About Possible Rehoming Need Advise Please
  166. 'ello! it's maci mace and ash
  167. Hello - question
  168. My Lil one has pimples....
  169. Sister's yorkie attacked by brother's pit bull
  170. Getting nervous
  171. What does your pup do if you're gone a lot?
  172. Broken heart
  173. Texas Meetup THIS saturday!!!
  174. Little Dog Syndrome
  175. raw diet
  176. Yorkie Hair cut/Hair color
  177. Brush help?
  178. I think my dog ate a rasin, How toxix are they???
  179. Any & all suggestions welcomed...
  180. Pita's a snuggler =)
  181. eye flash changed
  182. feeding advices!!
  183. What kind of treats do you give your Yorkie?
  184. Erect ears... Floppy ears!!!
  185. Kayaking
  186. Do you think Uni knows something is up?
  187. Hii everyone!
  188. Bad Breath :(
  189. Cute costumes for this halloween.
  190. Hello everyone!
  191. Unbelievable- Help needed
  192. Microchipping
  193. Weird spots???
  194. males vs female yorkies
  195. Sick?!?!
  196. Newby from Southern Spain
  197. Does your Yorkie like to be brushed?
  198. My Coco is a night owl - help!
  199. Awww, look at this cutie in Missouri!!! Want want want.
  200. Worried!
  201. Peanut went to the vet today!!!
  202. Need quick response from those with boy yorkie(s)
  203. When does the biting stop?!?!?!
  204. Fish oil question
  205. How to cure one of the seven deadly sins?
  206. Crate Cover?
  207. Getting a nine week old yorkie in a week; NEED ADVICE!
  208. One Pound Maltese for sale????
  209. Yorkie Question!!!!
  210. <3 No Love <3
  211. Cave or Open?
  212. Can pulling on toy damage trachea?
  213. Coughing after drinking water
  214. Love coming home to my babies.
  215. Looks like a good idea to me...
  216. Can't take credit for this one....But it is cute!
  217. Round face
  218. Calvin is 2 years old today
  219. Road Trip
  220. Prayer Request
  221. Inside Edition-Pup Dumping
  222. Hello
  223. Introducing Clairabelle
  224. Won't Let Me Walk Her???
  225. Been MIA again!
  226. Shoes with Yorkies
  227. New Proud Parents of a 20 Week Old Yorkie!
  228. Thank You LadyJane! You once again have saved the day!
  229. Bentley's Facebook page
  230. CostumeSuperCenter Donates 4% to YHR
  231. Go TORONTO - new law for pet stores!
  232. I am so in love with these doggies!
  233. Scooting
  234. I'm a little worried...
  235. Yorkie Size Concern
  236. I am so upset. Could not help a dog running loose on streets
  237. What kind of car does your doggie drive?
  238. I need help Im buying my second yorkie
  239. Okay I made my decision
  240. YHR T Shirts to Benefit Summer!
  241. Can I flea bomb my apt?
  242. Happy Birthday Shelly! (Cha Cha)
  243. Barking Deals- state ID tags
  244. My Yorkie being aggressive with my Maltesse
  245. My yorkie is barking at other small dogs
  246. petsmart?
  247. Personalized Pet ID Tags
  248. Toby and Maisie getting their first haircut today
  249. Quick question about humping..
  250. Cody has a new sister
