
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. ok I admit it I was jealous
  2. Furkids Tempature?
  3. Hello~I'm new!
  4. CoCoa B./Throne:
  5. Violett's Home
  6. CoCoa B/Mom/Bro/Sister:
  7. Safe cleaner for puppy's area
  8. FLEAS or TITS???
  9. Webcam Advice Needed
  10. Update of Lily and her Pup: Daisy 10 Days
  11. Eating her own poop?!?!
  12. I Am New At This~laporte, In.
  13. Petsmart Grooming Chop Job: Beware ...
  14. Snickers is getting Neutered tomorrow morning!
  15. Maggy May, I Don't Understand!!
  16. I must say...
  17. CoCoa B./Lizzard/&My Tattoo:
  18. bloody stool
  19. Spits food out?
  20. Jackson and Bear's daddy is missing!
  21. Newbie....
  22. Nutracal???
  23. siezures
  24. Hello!!!
  25. new member
  26. A email I got the other day that I thought you all might enjoy
  27. First Time Camping
  28. PETA Attacks on The Rabies Challenge Fund
  29. Preston found a unique way to deal with being small
  30. Did you Know?
  31. How do you get them to like being groomed?
  32. Yorkie likes to go fishing
  33. Yorkie APP on Facebook
  34. Yorkie leash/harness wall mount, my deal of the day!
  35. Wish us luck!!!
  36. Bathing????
  37. So cute
  38. Huh???? What????? Help!!!!!!!
  39. Why is the Yorkie a toy??
  40. My baby's Paw
  41. Hi, help needed!!
  42. COCOA B./Good night friend's
  43. Something is not right.
  44. Hello
  45. Scams
  46. LOOKIE!!!! My Friend and Next Door neighbor is a Ytalker!!
  47. Scorpions?!?
  48. Violett's comin Home tomorow
  49. Look what Dad built for the kids!!!
  50. YorkieTalk Stores/Vendors
  51. COCOA B.& Daughter (Secret's):
  52. It looks like there's a pretty good chance I'll be getting Jackson and Bear!
  53. Snoozer Car Seat
  54. I Wanna Go Outside!!!
  55. I have to confess and come clean
  56. Question about Belly Bands/WWW
  57. Cocoa B.& Laundry:
  58. Hello All
  59. What made you choose a Yorkie?
  60. yorkie products
  61. Trainer behavior questions
  62. Upset
  63. Backyard Breeder??
  64. Pixie's recovering well..*Pictures*
  65. Wanting a yorkie pup
  66. Weeeeeeiiiiiird question....
  67. How u did it?
  68. Puppy's First Haircut!
  69. I am so ANGRY!
  70. Looking for Prettypuppypink from BT
  71. Milkshake and Riley on the news
  72. I am getting sooooooo frustrated!!!!
  73. Puppy Preschool
  74. Vaccines/Shots
  75. inside stitch came out
  76. I need a YT train!!!!!!!
  77. I've got a problem
  78. Yorkie in local paper
  79. Need advice?
  80. Lost Dog - Please Help Me Find Him!
  81. Do any of you guys/gals feed this to you dogs?
  82. Look at this ad!!!
  83. IT'S Friday,CoCoa B.
  84. Question about chocolates and biewers
  85. I would like to know what you think
  86. I Lost My Baby. I Am So Sad.
  87. 5 month old male yorkie males
  88. y didnt i think of this beforeeeee
  89. Bissell 1200 SpotBot Hands Free Compact Cleaner
  90. Ok Let's Hear It....
  91. Belly Hair
  92. Hello Everyone....
  93. New puppy - socialization problems
  94. My living room looks like a battle ground.
  95. Tip for going to groomer
  96. Today is the day!
  97. Bailey is my personal grocery inspector
  98. What!?!?
  99. Yorkie mom
  100. Help!!!
  101. NBC Nightly News!
  102. Some good news in the UK today about Puppy Trafficking.
  103. My Pixie is at the vet now...
  104. Toby Blue 14 weeks old Kennel Cough
  105. Kasey the HELPER!!
  106. What size exercise pen should I get?
  107. should i buy this for my monkey??
  108. membership help!
  109. Dressing your Yorkie
  110. Jaya turns ONE!!!!!!!!
  111. Frustrating.......but I understand!!!
  112. nebulizers?
  113. How much did it cost?
  114. Making your own clothes
  115. Kitchen floor
  116. Look at this face!!!
  117. What Kind of Yorkie is she?
  118. New and Yorkies
  119. Day 61 preganacy 07.10.08
  120. Traveling to India on a 16 hour DIRECT flight!
  121. please help me out?
  122. shopping for GA...
  123. I am worried and nervous....
  124. Gucci's Birthday !!!!!
  125. CoCoa B./Instead
  126. Why are Show Breeders so mean and stingy?
  127. double stroller for bella and jessica
  128. First Trim experiance
  129. New Puppy?
  130. Help! What Did I Do?
  131. Little Man & Tawny would like for ya'll to meet....
  132. Donating Member??
  133. CoCoa B. Looking like a werewolf baby,lol!
  134. CoCoa B. 2 in one!!
  135. Gone for awhile and....
  136. Grooming...Mixed Breeds?
  137. do your yorkies do this?
  138. Very good:CoCoa B.
  139. Where do I get Petsilk topknot gel?
  140. Teddy Punishes Us?
  141. Puppy Being Alone. Question?
  142. Groomer just gave me scarry advise!
  143. Dear God
  144. Oh Lordy...Tomorrow is Spay day.....
  145. We are off to Breny's
  146. Puppy Question.....
  147. Dog Friendly Beaches?
  148. Backyard Breeders/Reputable Breeders
  149. Diggers?
  150. Crate Training: Day 1
  151. Do Yorkies Cry Out
  152. How many people?
  153. Ear cutting hair
  154. Need More Prayers For Maggy May
  155. bath time trauma
  156. Mr. CoCoa B.
  157. CoCoa B. ,Getting into big trouble!!!
  158. Very disappointed with Breeder
  159. how bad is canned cat food for yorkies
  160. r these 3 places a good idea
  161. Measuring for clothes
  162. New 2 YT
  163. Tails or no tails....... THAT is my question. :D
  164. Do Not Adopt To This Man
  165. Totally Disgusted with Members.
  166. Biting question (MORE)
  167. sorry guys...
  168. Gate
  169. For those in NY and DC areas...
  170. REALLY Stupid question....
  171. Those that own 1 Yorkie
  172. Grooming?
  173. Hello
  174. Need a Central Texas train
  175. Breeder is Rehoming a Female Yorkie
  176. Question For Those Who Have Struggled Financially...
  177. A lil help
  178. Hi.
  179. This guy wants a $700 rehome fee AND...
  180. my dad keeps giving her food!!!
  181. Help-I need input
  182. ate pencil!!
  183. Spanky and Darla update
  184. When to spay?
  185. I Just Don't Get it (Housetraining Issue)
  186. Bridgett's period is lasting forever
  187. juat a lil question
  188. I have a Question.......
  189. It appears I have an escape artist.
  190. Our new member of the family!!
  191. Aggressive Charlie.
  192. My baby girl!!!!
  193. New member
  194. Suzi the Escapologist
  195. Pet Owners - Cocoa Mulch Warning!!
  196. Grrr - non-Yorkie owners!
  197. Gotta find a breeder
  198. I have to board my puppy this weekend, nervous.
  199. Puppy's First Hair Cut?
  200. Sleep!?!?!
  201. Need Help
  202. Does anyone have a ticklish Yorkie?
  203. what a scare
  204. My puppy loves ......
  205. chloe is stealing my boyfriend!!!!
  206. New to Yorkies !!!
  207. "Little Treasures"
  208. Bella's in heat
  209. Bleu Boy and Jill are doing great!
  210. My husband and I were both a mess today at the vet
  211. Do a little dance....
  212. 6mos old and owns us
  213. New Owner Anxiety, HELP!
  214. Please help me - strange behavior
  215. Newbie
  216. Why does my dog eat grass?
  217. I'm missing everything!
  218. How do they know?
  219. yorkie chat
  220. I am so proud of my babies!!
  221. New to Yorkietalk
  222. Lets See the Dog Whisperer Do This!!!
  223. 4 more days
  224. Wow! AKC paperwork for Gizmo!
  225. Shots?
  226. Here he is... Dexter Remington!!!
  227. changing from puppy coat?
  228. Cotton or Silk?
  229. I need reassurance..I feel sick with worry!
  230. Anyone heard of the company, Petz P??
  231. Hi im new on here.....but also need some help.
  232. Should I get Puppy or Adult?
  233. Before I was a dog Mom
  234. False pregnancy queastions
  235. Puppy food opinions?
  236. 2 rows of front teeth
  237. Baby Teeth
  238. Baby Teeth
  239. Happy Birthday Tenci!!
  240. Chew toy question and playmate question
  241. Does anyone have barkers?
  242. I have a BIG problem.....
  243. I wouldn't have sold this lady a stuffed dog
  244. On My Way to Pick-up Dexter, YAY!!
  245. Sass is 1 today! Happy Birthday!!
  246. Lilly's 1 Year Old Today!!!
  247. cigarette smoke
  248. LOOK @ ME I Turned 3!!!!
  249. Bath water in his ears...drying recipe?
  250. animal cruelty
