- Frans Pups - Anyone Familiar with this breeder
- nylabones
- Do Your Dogs Do This????
- x pen
- Anyone selling...
- Stanford Plays!
- Teddy made his claim today!
- lump on Mascot's neck.....
- General Question about board
- carseat?
- new pup first post
- Indiana puppy mill confusion
- I'm afraid I'm going to get a MONSTER
- In between stage.
- SO irritating!
- Reminder: NY/NJ SUPER PET EXPO 2008
- How about here??
- Yorkie Proofing a Fence/ Fence Nightmare
- One Of Mazeys Six!
- Introduction
- Have you heard about Starlight Yorkies?
- Scary statistics
- My Addiction...
- She's got legs
- (WAL-MART) does anyone know....
- Oh my GOSH!!!!! Thank you soooo much tumismom!!!
- House Breaking
- Snow Day!!!
- Yorkie Star
- Just a general Thank You!
- I sent this to Curtis Ming From C31
- Grandma
- Well, since I missed out...
- does ur dog do this
- Does your puppy destroy all his toys?
- How do you do your business with 10 inches of snow?
- My Yorkies can't stop fighting! What's going on?
- Clothes for my baby
- Hello
- Is this normal???
- New Pup...
- Constant Whinning...
- It was a good Monday!
- please read my post ive learned a lesson
- Prayers for MS Smokie
- Mika the protector
- I like to laugh
- It's time for me to get another Yorkie.
- Happy Birthday Sugar!! (Nikki+2)
- Yorkie and other dogs
- Dryer sheets
- Guess what we got today....
- Flunked rescue/rehoming 101
- A really good kisser!!!!!
- Why Do They Smell Each Others Tooshie?
- Yorkie Fair - 2008 !!!!!!!!!!! OMG! I can't wait !!!!
- Compatibility
- Has your Yorkie Declared a Political Party
- A safety reminder...
- Doggy clothes
- my sad story
- Murfee is about to get grounded....
- I'm trying taping
- this is cruel to do to a pup
- Advice please....Harness Shopping...
- Carsickness
- Thought I'd share
- Clothes
- Autumn won't stay dressed!!!
- Can I bathe my 13 week old puppy??
- I knew it was scam when I seen this
- Sammy is biting :(
- What's your most favourite picture you have taken of your furbaby(ies)??
- Is there Pet Insurance Better than VPI
- Hello!
- Has Anyone Used
- any ideas-- barking
- Freaking out
- A carrier for my soon-to-be puppy!
- Does anyone know Cherry Galvan?
- Squirrels vs. Yorkie! -DOGblogTV
- OK, so now tell me how to do it????
- Yorkie Accessories
- I Have To Share
- Well I just registered Ryder...
- I Finally Got My Own Screen Name!!!
- Treats to get??????????????
- My Otis Was Stolen From My Work 2day Please Bring Him Home!!!
- ookay i thought yorkies....
- I Dont Know What To Do
- To those with (pet) webcams...
- OK my new puppy pics and vote on name...
- Maggy May Got Her Shots Today
- lonely yorkie :(
- New to YorkieTalk
- Grinding teeth
- Crystal Tag Microchips and ?s before neuter
- Time to start shopping for a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!
- six pups are all fine
- have I lost my marbles??
- help my puppy still has Diarrhoea
- Pixie had a bath today
- Hahaha I got one ................
- I Feel Like I am a BAD Person!!!!
- chewing puppy
- Two scares in one day
- DON'T use plastic dog bowls
- My sick yorkie
- Happy Birthday Lacey late
- Bleu Boy Barber
- Two puppies where stolen!!!!!!!!!!
- How many Izzy's!
- I can't bring Alphy to work anymore..
- Yorkies can tell what time it is!!!
- What's the best harness for pullers
- A little brother for Bobby to watch over..
- Rocky new haircut
- Looking For Pics Of Boys & Topknots
- I think my dog is in heat?!!!
- Dog Litter?
- another cute Guinness moment
- Hellloooo, I'm.......
- I wish sometimes that Guinness was human
- Its my baby's birthday!!
- Introducing Myself
- Yorkies & Kids
- New brother for Jojo!
- I'm so excited I can't stand it!!
- Has anyone ever heard of a situation like this?
- "Somebody else's problem!" (dog)
- Puppy Mill Busted in my town 100 dogs
- first vet visit
- How do you know...
- Ellie's first birthday
- Help !!
- First Season
- What Color Was Your Yorkie?
- Im New Here
- Is my puppy full Yorkie?! Help!
- Want a Pink Yorkie? Buy it from Juicy!
- Doggie door
- Desperate PRAYER needed!!!!
- How to cure boredom?
- Isn't it unfortunate what many Yorkie owners have done to the breed?
- My fist Yorkie Hair cut
- Unsure
- 6 Week Old Yorkie Photo!(Holly)
- First Grooming
- Dudley is changing color
- What Questions Should I ask the breeder?
- Boarding for 10 days?
- Tragedy with our Milo :(
- This makes no sense to me
- My 1000th post, Thank you guys!
- Any one have cabin fever???
- Prayers needed please
- :( Im soooo sad.... :(
- How to Pick a Yorkie
- Hello - a newbie with new baby
- Thoughts on This place
- Tired of being a pooper scooper!
- Break Time!!!!
- Who Else Has a Hair EATER??!?!?!?!
- Hair Cut....
- Baby03
- Went to Dog Show today
- Not Toy Dogs!!!! My Yorkie is crazy!!!
- Why a Red bow?
- Therapy dog test today
- Ukc Akc Ckc Aca Apri ??????
- Our birthday boys!
- Alaska_Yorkie 4 U
- For Non-Sports Fans
- Hello
- So mad.....have to vent
- I have to be gone a whole week!
- As luck would have it...
- my introduction
- OMG! I just had the scare of my life!!
- Animal Cruelty
- Help!!
- Silver Hair
- Samantha banned from Grandma's house?
- What a difference a day makes!
- Sweet Dreams???
- Met a Yorkie today but don't know his....
- Age of puppy to go home
- Is There A Way To Find Out
- New Thread for Stanford: Advice Needed
- I am thinking of purchasing from a member..
- Curious
- Average sizes
- international travel with a furbaby
- Girls Name???
- RIP Bobby
- so i found this yorkie for 575.............
- White toenails????
- At what age is a Yorkie considered adult or fully grown?
- Anyone watching the Dog Show???
- Little Gloria Is In The Air & On Her Way!! YAY!!
- haircut question
- I'll try this here..
- ? how do you
- Where does your yorkie sleeps?
- What color is this Yorkie considered?
- Ok I Cant Sit Still
- can someone answer my stupid question?
- Jealous furbaby.
- What Are The Yorkie Personalitys?
- What is your opinion allowing your yorkie lay in your bed?
- Coupons
- what kind of bed do you use?
- Ok Im Silly
- Can you help us win??
- Happy Birthday Tiggerwit!!
- The great outdoors belongs to HER!
- Nico's First Birthday!
- small success!!!
- information needed
- If Something is dropped pick it up fast
- Dixie sent me Roxie to help heal
- Petsmart
- Good Mornig!!! Feb 2, 2008
- How My Baby Changed Me
- what do you think of this place.........
- A little bit of a rant..
- chocolate yorkies
- Yep- I win for "Best snuggler"
- Club ???
- Should I or shouldn't I
- breeding?
- weewee pads
- Biewer pronunciation video
- Hi Everyone, New here and have some Questions...
- Serious Question Need Answers
- Proud Mommy
- A brief introduction...
- She has a tail....and she knows how to use it!
- Is Mulitple Yorkies a good idea
- I'm Not Rich
- Today is Teddy Bear's 4th Birthday!
- Happy Birthday my Gracie!
- What do you think of this name?
- Thank You All For The Prayers!
- I've been patiently waiting
- Is your home decorated yorkie?!?!
- Male versus Female Yorkies?
- What a beauty Kia is!