
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Frans Pups - Anyone Familiar with this breeder
  2. nylabones
  3. Do Your Dogs Do This????
  4. x pen
  5. Anyone selling...
  6. Stanford Plays!
  7. Teddy made his claim today!
  8. lump on Mascot's neck.....
  9. General Question about board
  10. carseat?
  11. new pup first post
  12. Indiana puppy mill confusion
  13. I'm afraid I'm going to get a MONSTER
  14. In between stage.
  15. SO irritating!
  16. Reminder: NY/NJ SUPER PET EXPO 2008
  17. How about here??
  18. Yorkie Proofing a Fence/ Fence Nightmare
  19. One Of Mazeys Six!
  20. Introduction
  21. Have you heard about Starlight Yorkies?
  22. Scary statistics
  23. My Addiction...
  24. She's got legs
  25. (WAL-MART) does anyone know....
  26. Oh my GOSH!!!!! Thank you soooo much tumismom!!!
  27. House Breaking
  28. Snow Day!!!
  29. Yorkie Star
  30. Just a general Thank You!
  31. I sent this to Curtis Ming From C31
  32. Grandma
  33. Well, since I missed out...
  34. does ur dog do this
  35. Does your puppy destroy all his toys?
  36. How do you do your business with 10 inches of snow?
  37. My Yorkies can't stop fighting! What's going on?
  38. Clothes for my baby
  39. Hello
  40. Is this normal???
  41. New Pup...
  42. Constant Whinning...
  43. It was a good Monday!
  44. please read my post ive learned a lesson
  45. Prayers for MS Smokie
  46. Mika the protector
  47. I like to laugh
  48. It's time for me to get another Yorkie.
  49. Happy Birthday Sugar!! (Nikki+2)
  50. Yorkie and other dogs
  51. Dryer sheets
  52. Guess what we got today....
  53. Flunked rescue/rehoming 101
  54. A really good kisser!!!!!
  55. Why Do They Smell Each Others Tooshie?
  56. Yorkie Fair - 2008 !!!!!!!!!!! OMG! I can't wait !!!!
  57. Compatibility
  58. Has your Yorkie Declared a Political Party
  59. A safety reminder...
  60. Doggy clothes
  61. my sad story
  62. Murfee is about to get grounded....
  63. I'm trying taping
  64. this is cruel to do to a pup
  65. Advice please....Harness Shopping...
  66. Carsickness
  67. Thought I'd share
  68. Clothes
  69. Autumn won't stay dressed!!!
  70. Can I bathe my 13 week old puppy??
  71. I knew it was scam when I seen this
  72. Sammy is biting :(
  73. What's your most favourite picture you have taken of your furbaby(ies)??
  74. Is there Pet Insurance Better than VPI
  75. Hello!
  76. Has Anyone Used
  77. any ideas-- barking
  78. Freaking out
  79. A carrier for my soon-to-be puppy!
  80. Does anyone know Cherry Galvan?
  81. Squirrels vs. Yorkie! -DOGblogTV
  82. OK, so now tell me how to do it????
  83. Yorkie Accessories
  84. I Have To Share
  85. Well I just registered Ryder...
  86. I Finally Got My Own Screen Name!!!
  87. Treats to get??????????????
  88. My Otis Was Stolen From My Work 2day Please Bring Him Home!!!
  89. ookay i thought yorkies....
  90. I Dont Know What To Do
  91. To those with (pet) webcams...
  92. OK my new puppy pics and vote on name...
  93. Maggy May Got Her Shots Today
  94. lonely yorkie :(
  95. New to YorkieTalk
  96. Grinding teeth
  97. Crystal Tag Microchips and ?s before neuter
  98. Time to start shopping for a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!
  99. six pups are all fine
  100. have I lost my marbles??
  101. help my puppy still has Diarrhoea
  102. Pixie had a bath today
  103. Hahaha I got one ................
  104. I Feel Like I am a BAD Person!!!!
  105. chewing puppy
  106. Two scares in one day
  107. DON'T use plastic dog bowls
  108. My sick yorkie
  109. Happy Birthday Lacey late
  110. Bleu Boy Barber
  111. Two puppies where stolen!!!!!!!!!!
  112. How many Izzy's!
  113. I can't bring Alphy to work anymore..
  114. Yorkies can tell what time it is!!!
  115. What's the best harness for pullers
  116. A little brother for Bobby to watch over..
  117. Rocky new haircut
  118. Looking For Pics Of Boys & Topknots
  119. I think my dog is in heat?!!!
  120. Dog Litter?
  121. another cute Guinness moment
  122. Hellloooo, I'm.......
  123. I wish sometimes that Guinness was human
  124. Its my baby's birthday!!
  125. Introducing Myself
  126. Yorkies & Kids
  127. New brother for Jojo!
  128. I'm so excited I can't stand it!!
  129. Has anyone ever heard of a situation like this?
  130. "Somebody else's problem!" (dog)
  131. Puppy Mill Busted in my town 100 dogs
  132. first vet visit
  133. How do you know...
  134. Ellie's first birthday
  135. Help !!
  136. First Season
  137. What Color Was Your Yorkie?
  138. Im New Here
  139. Is my puppy full Yorkie?! Help!
  140. Want a Pink Yorkie? Buy it from Juicy!
  141. Doggie door
  142. Desperate PRAYER needed!!!!
  143. How to cure boredom?
  144. Isn't it unfortunate what many Yorkie owners have done to the breed?
  145. My fist Yorkie Hair cut
  146. Unsure
  147. 6 Week Old Yorkie Photo!(Holly)
  148. First Grooming
  149. Dudley is changing color
  150. What Questions Should I ask the breeder?
  151. Boarding for 10 days?
  152. Tragedy with our Milo :(
  153. This makes no sense to me
  154. My 1000th post, Thank you guys!
  155. Any one have cabin fever???
  156. Prayers needed please
  157. :( Im soooo sad.... :(
  158. How to Pick a Yorkie
  159. Hello - a newbie with new baby
  160. Thoughts on This place
  161. Tired of being a pooper scooper!
  162. Break Time!!!!
  163. Who Else Has a Hair EATER??!?!?!?!
  164. Hair Cut....
  165. Baby03
  166. Went to Dog Show today
  167. Not Toy Dogs!!!! My Yorkie is crazy!!!
  168. Why a Red bow?
  169. Therapy dog test today
  170. Ukc Akc Ckc Aca Apri ??????
  171. Our birthday boys!
  172. Alaska_Yorkie 4 U
  173. For Non-Sports Fans
  174. Hello
  175. So mad.....have to vent
  176. I have to be gone a whole week!
  177. As luck would have it...
  178. my introduction
  179. OMG! I just had the scare of my life!!
  180. Animal Cruelty
  181. Help!!
  182. Silver Hair
  183. Samantha banned from Grandma's house?
  184. What a difference a day makes!
  185. Sweet Dreams???
  186. Met a Yorkie today but don't know his....
  187. Age of puppy to go home
  188. Is There A Way To Find Out
  189. New Thread for Stanford: Advice Needed
  190. I am thinking of purchasing from a member..
  191. Curious
  192. Average sizes
  193. international travel with a furbaby
  194. Girls Name???
  195. RIP Bobby
  196. so i found this yorkie for 575.............
  197. White toenails????
  198. At what age is a Yorkie considered adult or fully grown?
  199. Anyone watching the Dog Show???
  200. Little Gloria Is In The Air & On Her Way!! YAY!!
  201. haircut question
  202. I'll try this here..
  203. ? how do you
  204. Where does your yorkie sleeps?
  205. What color is this Yorkie considered?
  206. Ok I Cant Sit Still
  207. can someone answer my stupid question?
  208. Jealous furbaby.
  209. 1of the ADORABLE IOWA GIRLS
  210. What Are The Yorkie Personalitys?
  211. What is your opinion allowing your yorkie lay in your bed?
  212. Coupons
  213. what kind of bed do you use?
  214. Ok Im Silly
  215. Can you help us win??
  216. Happy Birthday Tiggerwit!!
  217. The great outdoors belongs to HER!
  218. Nico's First Birthday!
  219. small success!!!
  220. information needed
  221. If Something is dropped pick it up fast
  222. Dixie sent me Roxie to help heal
  223. Petsmart
  224. Good Mornig!!! Feb 2, 2008
  225. How My Baby Changed Me
  226. what do you think of this place.........
  227. A little bit of a rant..
  228. chocolate yorkies
  229. Yep- I win for "Best snuggler"
  230. Club ???
  231. Should I or shouldn't I
  232. breeding?
  233. weewee pads
  235. Biewer pronunciation video
  236. Hi Everyone, New here and have some Questions...
  237. Serious Question Need Answers
  238. Proud Mommy
  239. A brief introduction...
  240. She has a tail....and she knows how to use it!
  241. Is Mulitple Yorkies a good idea
  242. I'm Not Rich
  243. Today is Teddy Bear's 4th Birthday!
  244. Happy Birthday my Gracie!
  245. What do you think of this name?
  246. Thank You All For The Prayers!
  247. I've been patiently waiting
  248. Is your home decorated yorkie?!?!
  249. Male versus Female Yorkies?
  250. What a beauty Kia is!
