
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Silly Question
  2. I need your help....
  3. What Size Is Your Yorkie
  4. Yt meetup
  5. Travel Miles for Pets???? and more!!!!!
  6. Austin's Best Yorkshire Terrier Contest
  7. Yorkie heaven/ and need prayers for my friend
  8. Haute dog Easter Parade!!!
  9. color of my akc male
  10. About Izzy!!!
  11. My baby comes home tomorrow
  12. Raffle Prize (from Sunnie)!!
  13. One ear doesn't go all the way up
  14. How do you politely tell someone
  15. can i clean with bleach around yorkie?
  16. Why does Jenna cower and hide?
  17. Hello Newbies!
  18. Who has a birthday on March 20 (today)?
  19. I've seen A LOT of new YTers on here.....
  20. New to YT and have new puppy
  21. When your away....
  22. I am so thankful for this site...
  23. New to the Forum and to Dogs
  24. Lily May is possessed
  25. Help please
  26. Piper's Flight is Cancelled!!!
  27. So, I have a questions
  28. Deposits...Are they refundable??
  29. New to YT/picking up my baby girl on the 28th!
  30. What do I do?
  31. static
  32. Hello Everyone
  33. I am FURIOUS!
  34. help
  35. I get to "pup-sit" again :)
  36. Happy 2nd Birthday Haruka
  37. Why
  38. Hello
  39. Web Site Offers Amber Alerts For Dogs
  40. So a lady walks into my work today....
  41. Problem
  42. We got our Raffel Prize!
  43. we're back
  44. Im a lil Worried what do you think
  45. She is so spoiled
  46. Yay
  47. How much time each day does your baby spend playing with toys?
  48. Dehydrated Easter Eggs! It's all YT's fault!
  49. Little Miss Kallie Murray
  50. bell's from a puppy mill
  51. Paparazzi won't leave my baby alone
  52. Jazzies How to save Your Hair, Hair Talk
  53. I received my raffle prize!!
  54. Happy Day's
  55. MY other dog is OBSESSED with...
  56. so i get a call from the vet...
  57. My baby's floppy ears/hair cut help please!
  58. bad hair day
  59. I'm addicted to wipes!!!
  60. tissue obsession
  61. Too Young?
  62. freaking out just a little about nose color
  63. We received our 2008 Raffle Prize today!!!
  64. Dew Claw growing back?
  65. No Sleep Last Night
  66. Woman murdered, Yorkie in shelter
  67. I'm so upset, no one has even responded!
  68. Coming home...
  69. This is a really sad story....
  70. My Anxieties. Are they normal or am I crazy?
  71. Question for female yorkie owners
  72. needing lots of information and experience!
  73. countdown continues...
  74. So Upset And Don't Know What To Do
  75. a good shampoo
  76. What Yorkie book....
  77. Just wondering!?
  78. Fence Climbers
  79. Dry coat
  80. Odie playing with his food
  81. and the fun continues.....
  82. rescuing $.02
  83. Swimmom!!
  84. Two YEAR Anniversary {{{}}}
  85. BF babysat Banjo- funny
  86. can i join your club
  87. My first attempt at making a bow
  88. Anyone know what happened to this Yorkie ?
  89. Whatever happened to this @sshole?
  90. I know I may be starting something
  91. PLease Look at
  92. can i leave my baby at home alone,
  93. New to YT
  94. OMG a tooth HELP!!
  95. 3 legged yorkie....??
  96. Please don't tell me that i am the only one who does this
  97. help!
  98. I need picture help!!!
  99. Roxie's new bed
  100. Thank you BrendaS54! I got my raffle prize.
  101. New here! please help :)
  102. Where should I check for LOST yorkies?
  103. Vote on Austin TX's BEST YORKIE!
  104. Could we be having puppies
  105. Webster Meets A Pig
  106. Hello - I'm new to the group
  107. Hi, Iam new
  108. Penny Pics
  109. Today is the DAY (pics too !!)
  110. Could we be having puppies
  111. I would appreciate your opinions on this veterinary practice (in the UK)
  112. All My Friends
  113. "Walkies"
  114. Are you willing to pay $20,000 for a dog?
  115. Hope I did this right: Bentley in his PJ's
  116. How Do You Make Bows And Dresses?
  117. A BED FOR A KING!!!! Gotta Share!!!
  118. Puppies And Kibble...too Soon??
  119. Tatum won't let me get on the computer anymore.
  120. At What Age?
  121. my cat is starting to bully my puppy
  122. when did ur baby start losing their colour?
  123. Boarding....& so UPSET!
  124. I think I've found my baby girl!!
  125. Hello from Gig Harbor, WA
  126. Dollar Daze find
  127. your thoughts on hypoglycemia
  128. I got my other baby today!
  129. Are chocolate yorkies coats generally coarser?
  130. What's your thoughts on this...
  131. Memphis Has his first trip to the groomers
  132. Are two puppies to hard to handle?
  133. Kalani is miserable . . .
  134. White Patch Of Hair On One Ear
  135. The Dreaded Cone! -DOGblogTV
  136. Am I ready to enter the world of a Yorkie?
  137. memphis and his Sis Lowla
  138. Reading a tattoo
  139. Camp Fido - Doggie Day Care
  140. Boobah and Gina are fireballs!
  141. Happy St. Patricks Day!!!
  142. breeder mad at me
  143. Help Needed Please....
  144. Friends or Foes?!
  145. Look At The Family...
  146. Sleeping on there back?
  147. New PIctures
  148. Alaska Breeders?
  149. For all those who rescue and parents of rescued furbabies
  150. Parti Yorkie - Looking for good breeder
  151. my 1st bath @ home!!!!!
  152. A new baby and tent
  153. Lacy peed on Rylie's head!
  154. Puppies.. are they super hyper?
  155. About the Washable pads
  156. Itty Bitty Girl-$10,000!!!!!
  157. Hello
  158. I miss naked Sadie!
  159. Does anyone else's yorkie do this??
  160. Pia's painting by YT member Victoriartist!! Thank you so much Victoria :)
  161. Anyone try this toy?
  162. i need advice asap
  163. Yaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  164. Let the Irish Eyes smile on this week LGC birthdays
  165. My Gizmo, acts afraid of other dogs
  166. Help - I need potty help
  167. I'm a New YorkieTalk Member....
  168. Flying Leap Into Water
  169. Tea-Cup/Toy/Minature/Standard????????
  170. Can I Brag On My Baby?
  171. New here, want to get familiar with the breed
  172. My babies are in TROUBLE
  173. You are getting sleepy
  174. Riley is so funny!!
  175. Question about Breeding
  176. Hello Can someone help me please ?
  177. Can this Really happen?!
  178. help me choose the right puppy
  179. Another good thing about having a furbaby
  180. It's been a while....
  181. Yorkie Club
  182. I did it!
  183. After two weeks of babysitting
  184. Does anybody else....
  185. Miami Yorkie Status
  186. aggression
  187. Something for "RAZOR BURN itch"
  188. Bully Sticks
  189. Just a few questions!!!!
  190. Be honest.... have you ever tasted your dog's food?
  191. heat?
  192. my baby is peeing and doesnt know it :(
  193. Coby got to play therapy dog!
  194. I think first heat....
  195. Belly Band and Long Haired Yorkies
  196. Need help with aggression issues
  197. confused about buttons behavior at the sitters
  198. No More Leaping FINALLY!!
  199. THANK YOU Patti!!! Our Raffle Prize....
  200. lonely?
  201. The problem since Tessa has been here....
  202. On National Geographic
  203. Need advice about asocial pup
  204. Sweet William removed his own cast!
  205. Computer Pup
  206. LittLe CoCoa =]
  207. Hello Everyone!
  208. Why Is Naming A Boy So Difficult?!
  209. Elvis is a climber
  210. Question on break away collars
  211. Very little yorkie
  212. Pee Pee pad problem
  213. Happy Birthday to my little girl Samantha
  214. Which is best
  215. I am really trying to be discreet here!
  216. Happy birthday Kozanna
  217. KC Papers
  218. Have TWO girls??
  219. Iv'e been gone for awhile, and i found me a baby girl!!
  220. Work?
  221. Hello from Lauren, Scooter and Jilly, the York-a-lators!
  222. Police Chase With Jill And Bleu Today
  223. 800 dogs seized
  224. Peep on my lap
  225. I'm a raffle winner too!
  226. Stopped on our walk today!
  227. I'm A Raffle Winner!!
  228. Thank you from Scooter and me
  229. Coco Peeing & Pooping on the couch
  230. I know I know....
  231. Biting!!! What can I do?
  232. Confused!
  233. Hair Clippers
  234. Why Does My Baby Do This?
  235. Mandee (pepe_mint) TY so much!!!
  236. I Think we won Something
  237. Anxious Yorkie
  238. Banjo just whines and cries
  239. Can he smell me?
  240. Rocky & I are walking for Cancer
  241. OK/TX Meetup!
  242. 800 Dogs Seized From Couple's Home
  243. New Member/Have neuturing question
  244. Alan Jackson loves his yorkie (kinda)
  245. Nico Got OUt of the Gate
  246. teething
  247. Just saw this on the insurance
  248. Sammy's first trip to Flathead Lake
  249. is it extreme separation anxiety or something more?
  250. Can someone explain this to me!
