- Getting Rid Of Eye Gunk
- yorkie with 3 legs
- Max the spy
- Bad Breath..........
- Signatures & A Note to Store Owners and All Sellers
- Training the ears
- Next Day Pets
- When do they change color?
- service dog creds?
- Cutting my yorkies hair? Possible?
- Will she eat her?
- My baby is coming tomorrow!!
- tiny yorkies we love !
- Need help with Caleb!
- Happy Early Birthday To Me! Please Read This!
- outside yorkie
- Peeing on my rug!!!
- Fleas
- Contagious??
- My yorkie threw up
- very interesting.....
- Yorkie Astrology
- yorkie
- Trouble with old Yorkie new Labradoodle pup
- She Did It!!!!
- Grooming help...
- Born a swimmer??
- Yorkie Reunion
- If you missed Crufts Dog Show....
- HELP..i have to leave louie
- Jumping in!
- Matty at 3 weeks.
- Yorkie's Hair
- Puppies
- New to yorkie talk
- Eye Grooming
- Is a Yorkie right for us?
- Dog cell phone
- Help Scruffy & other burned dogs
- Say Hello To Cool Mo D Coco!
- Need at good place...
- Got scratched by cat!
- Question for our UK members.
- soo nervous...
- Eating Poop
- Sebastian Update
- Jealousy...
- I just got yelled at!
- Important question!!!!
- Spaying/Neutering Q
- Which is better: Collar or Harness
- 8 month old Yorkie with Altzheimers?¿?
- Ear Mites?
- Good Boy Names That Start With A "B"
- Grab and run!
- I Finally Found A Breeder!
- One baby not gaining weight
- No dogs in the office!!
- New Pup on the Block
- Blue Buffalo dog food
- okay, so i'm ready for the third addition to my fam-bam
- how to prepare for car ride
- Have question-Please Help
- Really Funny Story
- UGH..soo aggravating!!!!!!!!!!
- Gift for the vet?
- Why We Like Kids
- Are tinies born by c-section ?
- Question -- Really worried!
- Pet Store Protest!!
- Happy Birthday
- Eeeek! 2 sets of teeth!
- I woke up CRYING!!!!
- Shaving Ears
- Does your Yorkie stick his tongue out while
- Need help...check O.T.
- Not sleeping with me.....ha ha
- Cute doggy bowls!
- Showing Yorkies
- Yorkietalk Needs Help! 100,000th Post Giveaway!
- 20% off sale!!!HURRY!
- Another coat question...
- Need Advice And Opinions
- Chewy is acting strange
- Help Please puppy comming soon
- info about animal abuse
- Paging SoCalyorkiLvr
- Help with posting picture under name???
- At what age.....?
- Shedding
- New to the Formum
- Pet Car Seats
- What are Greenies??
- I've Found A Breeder!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- My yorkie just had a "Chocolate Yorkie"
- Questions On Boys
- The First Groom... a question
- vet assistant
- Yorkies & pecan trees........
- Photos at Petsmart
- weamimg....when and how?
- Hair all Matted and tangled!!
- Wow...I've posted over 100 times !!!
- Ear Plucking? What else?
- Question #2: Letting Hair Grow
- Puppy food/Adult food
- Hi Everyone !
- How easily do they forget a person?
- Remmy & Silk Pic
- Fur changes?
- Does anyone do thier own grooming?
- **Puppy Mill Awareness Day**
- The FAQ
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Updated 5/24/05
- I may be cute......
- Excited Yorkie!!!!
- I think Rocky may have bad manners!
- Bleeding
- Boy or Girl
- My Day at Skool
- The Size of my Yorkie
- Here is my Silk Girl
- 6 Days To Go...
- For those who own 3 Yorkie Babies...
- Not So Lucky
- Re-Grand Opening! 15% off!!
- microchip
- Then & now Pic of Cheri
- Yorkie Coloring!!!
- Dressing Up Dogs
- My future baby :)
- Coulda Been Disasterous!
- questions for prospective buyers
- Maximus is Hiding Out...with his Mom
- Brushing teeth...GERRRRRR
- The National Animal Abuse Registry
- Question about what to do..???
- Is this a Yorkie!
- Therapy dogs
- Unfriendly Neighbors
- I'm worried about Jerry...sigh
- Thank you for your support
- Spy-Girls on a Mission
- How to introduce 6month old Yorkie to schnauzer?????
- Dennis & Lilly found at the Services Station
- Should I cut my yorkie's hair?
- What is the best measurement? Wt, Ht, or Lgth?
- I'm New...question on papers
- buying a new puppy
- Macy the bully
- new puppies - weight - tail docking
- One Ear Up, One ear down???
- How is everyone doing with their Pen Pals?
- we need names
- we need names
- Baby Jane Is.....Engaged???!!!
- What is the proper way to bathe my Yorkie?
- Questions
- Why do Yorkies shake (tremble)?
- Smelly Ears?
- More than a year into hydrocephalus diagnosis. . .
- Now I'm scared
- Anybody live in southeastern PA?
- Yorkipoo?
- shampoo?
- Don't be Shy!
- Help!!!! I need advice
- Going to the Beach ...
- Help with the peepad shredder!
- Teacup Yorkie Breeders in NJ & questions
- I desperatly need advice from Yorkie owners PLEASE!!!
- My baby got hurt
- Please pray for my Misty Girl
- New arrivals
- What to Feed Question?
- New to the forums
- Playpens for puppies
- Licking
- Puppy Nursing Question
- Puppies due any time
- Target - Build A Bear Clothes - Clearance
- UPdate on Penny some great and some terrible news
- Anybody's yorkie do this??
- First Scrath On The Door
- yorkie history and care
- UH OH!!! Peanut's New Habit!
- Crates
- **Update***
- Yorkies Horoscopes-this is cute!
- Minors wanting Yorkies
- Going to the zoo....
- Keeping Up Appearences
- Hi
- WARNING! Read this!
- Ripping up puppy pads!?!?
- Dogs Not Allowed
- CHEAP! Pet carriers in mall
- Tooting my own horn!
- Do You Sing to Your Yorkie?
- LIFE With Yorkies
- yorkies fighting
- I did it!
- Manicure
- 1 or 0 testicles in males
- Gia is gone
- Gypsie Rose Yorkie, is that you?
- Scamper Ramp Training w/Cap'n Hef!!
- Los Angeles training school recs?
- Frilly Things And Bows
- Puppy Love Pics
- It's Gettin Hot in Here.........
- redneckwoman
- Groming question?Confused
- My Soooon To be Puppy!!
- Homemade remedies pet/non-pet related..good stuff!
- Pickle's Shower Antics
- Maximus...a momma's boy...???
- Does your Yorkie Howl?
- webpage
- We are starting school tonight!
- I'm so proud of my boy
- Puppy fruit
- It seems Esme had enough of her mommy spending time on yorkietalk...
- naming my baby
- I Need To Shower!!!
- Constipated by eating bananas???
- Baby visiting Grandparents
- Yorkie bite-which is best?
- Why Don't Yorkies Win Dogshows?
- *Ashley & Roxie*
- "Accident" in bed?????
- Is your dog a Diva?
- New Pink Fuzzy Bed
- Imagine my surprise!!!!
- my new gal "Bella"
- Guess who I saw tonight!
- Klepto Chloe is an underwear snatcher!!
- Peanuts
- missing organs
- Does not want to be held!!
- Please Help! Chloe is having problems
- Age of puppy
- Pacifier
- How Do You Get Those Great Pics??
- puppys weight
- Fresh Little Ears
- Embarrassing bath photos
- just some questions.. still loooking into getting a yorkie!
- ***update on roxie