
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Introduction
  2. electric fence for yorkies?
  3. Male Puppy smells like pee
  4. buddy belts
  5. Does your Yorkie drag a towl around the house?
  6. so sad people will trade thier yorkie for an iphone
  7. My yorkie poo Benzley is sick today
  8. Prayers for Prissy please.
  9. Joels first time
  10. breeders
  11. getting excited
  12. Hi Everyone!
  13. Intro
  14. Scratching face
  15. Yeah Belle!!!!
  16. Almost Here!
  17. I'd Like To Check You For Ticks...
  18. Whats your favorite thing about spring
  19. If this has been shared before . . .
  20. Back From Vet With Jazzie
  21. Seizures!!!
  22. Here we go...
  23. Scare! choking and wheezing
  24. Anyone from HAWAII??
  25. Bed vs Crate vs Room
  26. i'm angry
  27. Eeeeek!! I think I am going to do it!
  28. Preparing for new arrival... Help!
  29. Puppy sleep and behavior
  30. New here.
  31. Need opinions/advice on vacations
  32. It's happening and I am so happy...
  33. Long haired owners! Face cleaning?
  34. I Am Not Impressed With This
  35. Scratching Ears
  36. Switching diet and Chicken mania
  37. I Don't Understand....
  38. sandy speyed..but not happy
  39. Odd eating habit all of a sudden
  40. Good Morning!!! Anyone in the mood for some shopping?
  41. Help Bitting.. I think..
  42. Do I really have to?
  43. A Bulls Penis a.k.a. Pizzle or
  44. Pet stuff on sale at Kohls!
  45. Leroy Print
  46. Leroy Print
  47. Leroy Print
  48. Help with potty/ crate training
  49. Lord Winston
  50. This makes me SO mad!
  51. Difference between males and females - Please..
  52. Humor -Threads I can't read!!!
  53. From one extreme to another
  54. BWY39 needs prayers
  55. What Grooming Spray do you use for your Yorkie ?
  56. First Haircut
  57. Potty training 9-1-1!! Help!!
  58. quirky routine before bed?
  59. Jude!
  60. Satellite Ear?
  61. Puppysitting bag :p
  62. Graduation!
  63. Docked tails?
  64. Have I said how much I hate
  65. Plain dog?
  66. ? for multible YT owners
  67. OK.. the rain won't stop...
  68. Flying and a Yorkie?
  69. Happy Gotcha Day Sugar Baby!
  70. Howie's 1st Birthday.
  71. Introduction
  72. New Yorkie/Bad Hair :/
  73. Argh! Korea Groomers!
  74. I Found This Tonight....
  75. Gone but not forgotten
  76. Harry Barker 50% Sale
  77. Yorkie Breeders coming to YorkieTalk to get popularity??????
  78. Smart, but Bad
  79. Have you ever???
  80. Sophia's going to be a big sister!!!
  81. Max's Birthday!
  82. New to Site~ introduction for my sweet little baby butt.....Daisy
  83. Steinmart Find
  84. coyote kills 2 small yorkie
  85. Marking on new wool carpet?
  86. Nervous Puppy - car sick
  87. Weird question about barking..
  88. Does your Yorkie think it is a cat?
  89. Baby Shampoo OK
  90. Crate VS Pack N Play?
  91. Suggestions now on Ciarra's topknot?
  92. One year ago...
  93. When it rains, it pours.
  94. Tink's big day!
  95. We made it---12 weeks today!
  96. Our Dexter is eating the paint off the doors
  97. Fruits & Veggies?
  98. Tee-shirt pattern?
  99. New to the group
  100. Time flies!
  101. Looking for Washable Potty Pads
  102. Is this jealousy?
  103. Here's a new one: Afraid of water bowl?
  104. So question.. Brushing teeth..
  105. New line of royal canin for toy breeds
  106. barking tip that might help
  107. Do you lie about...
  108. Thoughts on Doggles...
  109. LOLA & Tucker sittin' in a tree...
  110. Irritation at microchip spot
  111. Washable Potty Pads
  112. Bella ready for a swim
  113. Four months
  114. Pretty dog harness...
  115. Barking deals-himalayan chew
  116. A little breakthrough
  117. Things you dislike about dog/Yorkie ownership
  118. So pitiful!
  119. Bringing puppy outside??
  120. Dear Mister Bogie (n' Miss Michelle)
  121. Topknot or not ??
  122. YT Newbie here
  123. Who feeds a low fat dog food???
  124. Distilled water?
  125. Feeling guilty...
  126. posting a video????
  127. Will everyone post their yorkie/pups name?
  128. Me with my very first dog...51 years ago!
  129. Can't find my little one
  130. Newbie to YT but not to Yorkies
  131. Help me convince bf we need another yorkie!
  132. Stolen Yorkie in Houston...
  133. Bad Mommy!
  134. Might time help
  135. **UPDATE** Blue Born Mack
  136. Interesting article....
  137. Home Alone Question
  138. Oh My....
  139. My Valid Excuse for Typos and Misspelling
  140. Another great PPE deal
  141. New to YorkieTalk... Just saying Hello!
  142. First puppy cut
  143. confusion overload-PLEASE HELP!!
  144. yorkie howls?
  145. Juicy's first vet visit
  146. Very proud of my boys... but am I doing the right thing...
  147. Very proud of my boys... but am I doing the right thing...
  148. Newbie :)
  149. Things to look for when getting a new Yorkie
  150. very nervous about my lil girl
  151. Newbie :)
  152. Max wants to be friends so bad!!!
  153. It's love your pet day!
  154. Snoozer booster seats on sale.
  155. Is this strange?
  156. Compulsive licking???
  157. Everything I ever needed to learn....
  158. Metal or plastic cages?
  159. How to discipline your Yorkie pup...
  160. I don't want to be evasive...
  161. Lab work fasting guidlines
  162. A question about coat type
  163. Leaving the house in the evening
  164. Rolling around on poop?
  165. Amara's first heat cycle. :(
  166. Any good breeders
  167. What the heck is with parti and teacup yorkies!
  168. Tiny Mator "concerns"
  169. anyone using Parastar?
  170. Update- Groom, stay or go?
  171. Need new toy ideas..
  172. Prissy is a stripper !!!!
  173. Snoozer vs Pet Gear vs Solvit Tagalong
  174. Terrier face or baby doll face?
  175. Top Knots
  176. Questions
  177. Rabies Laws Mississippi
  178. If my yorkie was an actor or actress...
  179. Are There Any Chinese Imperial Forums?
  180. Snoozer pet messenger bag
  181. Story behind your Yorkie(s) name?
  182. Help ! Fleas?
  183. Need Suggestions
  184. I get so annoyed sometimes.....
  185. Splenda:yes or no
  186. Visited Luma again at her breeder's! :)
  187. Newbie with some questions!!
  188. food...
  189. I get them new toys and this is what happens
  190. Romeo hijacked the cell phone!
  191. Scientific article about Yorkie word learning
  192. Going to meet possible new puppy :)
  193. crate training
  194. Need some input within the hour
  195. Prissy sleeping on my lap.
  196. Worried About Jazzie
  197. Louisville Show Friday 3-16-2012
  198. 6 weeks old puppy stolen from pet store
  199. SO excited!
  200. Finally!!!!!!(:
  201. Nipping Issue
  202. Internal parasites
  203. Yorkie Question
  204. New member here. Just sharing some info
  205. Hills science diet
  206. She pees in her sleep!!
  207. New picture of Dolly
  208. Worried!!! Please help
  209. good news tylers groing
  210. Membership in the spoiled rotten club!
  211. Hello from Ohio
  212. need please
  213. Dealing with Hypoglycemia
  214. DogTV- The First TV channel for dogs
  215. Thin Coat
  216. strange question.
  217. Hi EVERYONE! Im a newbie and would love if yall can help me out!
  218. Hi everone im a newbie and would love if yall can help me out!
  219. New Yorkie puppy Question?
  220. She never gets tired!!!
  221. Rome has nightmares- help us
  222. Got to Keep Believing!
  223. Jazzies Spay
  224. Elsy is whinning
  225. Ppe pet supply coupon?
  226. I'm going I don't know what to do..
  227. Prissy is changing color again.
  228. is this strange
  229. Greetings
  230. First Hair Cut!
  231. Neutering and Personality???
  232. Might be a silly question
  233. honey?
  234. Look at the great book my son bought me...
  235. Help! Stinky, Smelly Face!
  236. I've hurt Princess's feelings & I feel terrible. Long vent...
  237. Smelly Face
  238. Anyone know where to buy preemie onsies??
  239. jasper is here...
  240. Lepto vaccine - PLEASE advise
  241. Say a little prayer for Miss Bryleigh Shae....
  242. look what I made part
  243. considering adopting a pit with yorkies
  244. look what I made..
  245. Did I miss anything on my New Puppy Checklist??
  246. need your help!
  247. Leo's got a Girlfriend and she made him a gift
  248. Pekingese wins !!!!
  249. ok here are the pictures of the bows I made
  250. Hello new addition
