View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - APRI and UABR Registration??
- tears, real crying
- Poor Lexi (this has been the worst week)
- For Sale: The Tiniest Yorkie Ever!
- Smoky The War Dog!
- pranker!
- Midwife or mentor needed in NYC
- I Have Found the Perfect Site!!!
- Yorkie stained glass patterns?
- Red Eyes/Bubbles?
- Found the baby girl I want.
- born to die
- Red Causes a Dog to Urinate?
- Walking
- First puppy bath?
- Boarding dilema while on vacation solved
- New addition
- Thanks to Pattie for the 500,000 post giveaway gift!!!!
- Yaaaaaaaaaaayyy! Maybe? Maybe...
- Simon's Testing was PERFECT!!!
- I guess this is a pretty good sign that...
- Update on Hayley
- I need a moan!!!
- Breeding Ordeal
- Picture Of Rocky :)
- Can a yorkie pup overwalk?
- Ears!
- Tiger's Mom is AWESOME!!
- Pics of Daisy-Belle
- The Official YT "Yorkie Rules" Thread
- Yogi's 3 month shots!!
- Absolutely the cutest thing
- Oh dear, I've been snubbed!
- Safe to go for walks?
- My parents want to get a second Yorkie, and I don't. HELP!
- Need boy names-candy ones
- Collar Warning!!!!
- One more Pic at the NC meetup
- Collars
- Anyone use one of the baby pack and plays to contain them?
- Thank you Reagan
- Hi everyone xx
- I started Cali and Maya on Missing Link
- She likes it!!!
- Rawhide
- Rawhide
- Shots
- The Difference Between UK and USA Breeders and Puppy Release Age
- Great website!!!!
- Floppy Ears
- Imperfections make him better!
- All in Favor Say..................
- Bacon flavoured bubbles
- New to YT
- Prayer request please
- Today is Alfie's 2nd Birthday!
- Hello- I am new here
- New Member
- wacky sizes
- new arrival
- Not So Standard Yorkie
- Sneezing Yorkie
- Yorkie v. Silky
- The YT Challenge! (UPDATED!)
- Same Old Story!
- You will not believe that this works
- Hair Growth???
- First grooming
- Daisy got new pretties :)
- wrong kind of grass, kiddo
- Can you help tell what color she'll be?? Tinkerbells new picutes!
- Question regarding 2 yorkies.
- Puppy w/off bite
- Cancer of the skin in Yorkies?
- Anesthesia
- Scared of People ?
- The rest of Jack and Eddie pics
- Jack and Eddie are alive and well!!!!
- I want that mouse!!!!!
- Yorkies Saved
- Do you trim around the eyes or not
- Rabies shot today
- I've been christened!!
- Get Cooking
- new to this forum
- A Big Thank You to Lil Mis Magic & Sailor
- I am so proud of Chloe!
- Gucci's PT test came back normal!
- Yorkie airplane travel
- Stop and Smell the Flowers
- I think My Furbaby needs Braces!!
- scared to death!!
- We Got Our Rabies Shot Today.
- hair today gone tomorrow
- Got my sunglasses
- PLEASE help me, my Tori's life could be at stake
- Yorkie at petstore
- Petstore Motto: We Do NOT Buy From Puppymills!
- EMPLOYMENT chicago area Housebreaking
- Hi Chattiesmum
- I wish you could see this
- Kizzy sitting on her Azz lol
- Help with selecting new puppy
- New House.. with Patio
- A dilemna: Vacation/camping in June
- Any TINY yorkie Owners??
- Indiana Yorkie meet Up Flyer
- Not eating
- Help, I Can't Stop Her From Climbing Out Of The Gate
- Is your Yorkies Tail Cropped or Natural
- Yorkie Ears
- What Would You Do?
- Tail Chasing?
- First trip to the groomer
- flower maniac
- Look who's home
- need help posting pics
- New advatar and a Question
- dog friendly places near Charleston, SC?
- Help Please!!!
- sire brown and white dam yorkie coloring??
- AHHH so scary! My heart was pounding-
- where can I find it?
- What other breeds do you like?
- Grr...what would you do?
- Bad reaction to vaccine?
- Has anybody....
- Hello, I'm new
- Has anyone ever given their baby anything for anxiety?
- I thought I'd share this with you all
- How many of you?
- Wow it's very quiet
- What to look for in buying a new pup?
- Is This Normal?
- eyes not open
- bad first night
- NC MeetUp! Glad's photo slideshow
- Licks her Paws
- NC MeetUp Videos!
- Beefhide VS Rawhide???
- Yucky kisses....
- Chicken soup doggie food.
- Strange Question
- Hi!!I am a new member!
- NC meetup LOTS OF PICS!!!
- my pup is vibrating.
- Hmmm..Question!
- ooo... only 3 more to go!!!!
- Shot Glass Yorkie
- Help please...again
- Spay/humping????
- made my day!!!
- Pics of Grandbaby finally!!
- Do yorkies get lonely?
- grooming question
- benefit Rescue, Collapsing Trachea and Liver Shunt
- Bath after Surgery? Quick question!!!
- Male traits
- I think NOT
- O I was so MAD!
- Yorkies with other pets
- One step forward, FIVE steps backward???
- Please Pray For My Tasha..
- I just find this hilarious...
- Which one!?
- Biewer and parti yorkies
- Newbie
- My birthday is starting early!
- Jack and Eddie Videos
- Need Help
- Illy knows lay down!!
- Teeth and neutering
- New Puppy, New Name?
- Is this normal?
- front/body carrier advice....
- Clothesline leash!!!
- Soft/plush dog houses
- I am at my wits end
- Everytime he drinks he makes
- Leaving yorkie too young?
- Here are pics of my baby, Yogi
- he listened to me
- Invisible Fences?
- Yorkie Differences????
- Cooking in the Kitchen
- NC MEETUP!! Location change due to impending RAIN! HAVE INDOOR FACILITY! Please read!
- My New BABY!!!
- Maggie's new outfit from Tinkerbells closet!!
- Shana's Famous!!
- Age yorkies stop teething
- New Here!
- All NC meetup people..Just spoke to Jaspermom
- Charley's First Birthday!!
- When I saw them I wanted to take them all home..
- The ultimate tongue pic lol
- My yorkie/shih tzu mix died today
- Look what Smudger did....
- Difference in yorkies & hair
- Teeth?!?!
- Who is interested in a Texas Meetup?
- Tike is sick again
- Paul Newman's dog food?
- Thank you Villette
- He want's all th attention!!!
- Why does he do this??
- the long haired yorkie and the collar....????
- OMG ! Look what I got at Target today!!!
- 2 puppies home alone?
- Sign up on this thread if you ARE attending the NC Yorkie MeetUp!
- Walks....UGH!
- Morkie/Yorktese pup coloring
- Poor Coco Puff dont feel good!
- pam at shadow creek kennel
- Boys names ...which one ....or new names
- Yorkies/Do you have boy or girl?
- Copper, my chocolate yorkie and his little sister
- I'm losing Murphy!
- Skunk Spray remedies
- Need help finding a home for a 14 week old white Schnauzer
- Calling all New York'ers Yorkies.....
- Since Missy and Jessie are being so kind as to help me with a name
- Look how cute
- Boarding
- Do we train them, or do they train us?
- Interesting trip coming up
- Quick everyone, Knock on wood.
- I need some names for my new furball..
- Indiana Date Change!!!!
- Hair question...???
- 3 babies on the way!!!!!
- Substitute Mommy
- OMG!!! Guesssssss What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- My dog wants to eat grass..should I give him spinach instead?
- Butter Kisses
- Hiya!
- I'm getting a new baby
- Paw pals.... 2nd try
- Good news on the little one!!!
- x pen vs. Crate
- A visit with my friend.
- Just wanted to say hello!
- Help Me Choose A Puppy!
- Prize pictures for NC MeetUp and Retailers!! Thank You!
- OMG! Look At This Little Gem!
- Sounds like a scammer to me
- How to introduce puppy to Senior dog
- looking for new babies
- How many breeders separate their pets from their breeders.
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