
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. I got bella!! Update!
  2. schedules
  3. APRI and UABR Registration??
  4. tears, real crying
  5. Poor Lexi (this has been the worst week)
  6. For Sale: The Tiniest Yorkie Ever!
  7. Smoky The War Dog!
  8. pranker!
  9. Midwife or mentor needed in NYC
  10. I Have Found the Perfect Site!!!
  11. Yorkie stained glass patterns?
  12. Red Eyes/Bubbles?
  13. Found the baby girl I want.
  14. born to die
  15. Red Causes a Dog to Urinate?
  16. Walking
  17. First puppy bath?
  18. Boarding dilema while on vacation solved
  19. New addition
  20. Thanks to Pattie for the 500,000 post giveaway gift!!!!
  21. Yaaaaaaaaaaayyy! Maybe? Maybe...
  22. Simon's Testing was PERFECT!!!
  23. I guess this is a pretty good sign that...
  24. Update on Hayley
  25. I need a moan!!!
  26. Breeding Ordeal
  27. Picture Of Rocky :)
  28. Can a yorkie pup overwalk?
  29. Ears!
  30. Tiger's Mom is AWESOME!!
  31. Pics of Daisy-Belle
  32. The Official YT "Yorkie Rules" Thread
  33. Yogi's 3 month shots!!
  34. Absolutely the cutest thing
  35. Oh dear, I've been snubbed!
  36. Safe to go for walks?
  37. My parents want to get a second Yorkie, and I don't. HELP!
  38. Need boy names-candy ones
  39. Collar Warning!!!!
  40. One more Pic at the NC meetup
  41. Collars
  42. Anyone use one of the baby pack and plays to contain them?
  43. Thank you Reagan
  44. Hi everyone xx
  45. I started Cali and Maya on Missing Link
  46. She likes it!!!
  47. Rawhide
  48. Rawhide
  49. Shots
  50. The Difference Between UK and USA Breeders and Puppy Release Age
  51. Great website!!!!
  52. Floppy Ears
  53. Imperfections make him better!
  54. All in Favor Say..................
  55. Bacon flavoured bubbles
  56. New to YT
  57. Prayer request please
  58. Today is Alfie's 2nd Birthday!
  59. Hello- I am new here
  60. New Member
  61. wacky sizes
  62. new arrival
  63. Not So Standard Yorkie
  64. Sneezing Yorkie
  65. Yorkie v. Silky
  66. The YT Challenge! (UPDATED!)
  67. Same Old Story!
  68. You will not believe that this works
  69. Hair Growth???
  70. First grooming
  71. Daisy got new pretties :)
  72. wrong kind of grass, kiddo
  73. Can you help tell what color she'll be?? Tinkerbells new picutes!
  74. Question regarding 2 yorkies.
  75. Puppy w/off bite
  76. Cancer of the skin in Yorkies?
  77. Anesthesia
  78. Scared of People ?
  79. The rest of Jack and Eddie pics
  80. Jack and Eddie are alive and well!!!!
  81. I want that mouse!!!!!
  82. Yorkies Saved
  83. Do you trim around the eyes or not
  84. Rabies shot today
  85. I've been christened!!
  86. Get Cooking
  87. new to this forum
  88. A Big Thank You to Lil Mis Magic & Sailor
  89. I am so proud of Chloe!
  90. Gucci's PT test came back normal!
  91. Yorkie airplane travel
  92. Stop and Smell the Flowers
  93. I think My Furbaby needs Braces!!
  94. scared to death!!
  95. We Got Our Rabies Shot Today.
  96. hair today gone tomorrow
  97. Got my sunglasses
  98. PLEASE help me, my Tori's life could be at stake
  99. Yorkie at petstore
  100. Petstore Motto: We Do NOT Buy From Puppymills!
  101. EMPLOYMENT chicago area Housebreaking
  102. Hi Chattiesmum
  103. I wish you could see this
  104. Kizzy sitting on her Azz lol
  105. Help with selecting new puppy
  106. New House.. with Patio
  107. A dilemna: Vacation/camping in June
  108. Any TINY yorkie Owners??
  109. Indiana Yorkie meet Up Flyer
  110. Not eating
  111. Help, I Can't Stop Her From Climbing Out Of The Gate
  112. Is your Yorkies Tail Cropped or Natural
  113. Yorkie Ears
  114. What Would You Do?
  115. Tail Chasing?
  116. First trip to the groomer
  117. flower maniac
  118. Look who's home
  119. need help posting pics
  120. New advatar and a Question
  121. dog friendly places near Charleston, SC?
  122. Help Please!!!
  123. sire brown and white dam yorkie coloring??
  124. AHHH so scary! My heart was pounding-
  125. where can I find it?
  126. What other breeds do you like?
  127. Grr...what would you do?
  128. Bad reaction to vaccine?
  129. Has anybody....
  130. Hello, I'm new
  131. Has anyone ever given their baby anything for anxiety?
  132. I thought I'd share this with you all
  133. How many of you?
  134. Wow it's very quiet
  135. What to look for in buying a new pup?
  136. Is This Normal?
  137. eyes not open
  138. bad first night
  139. NC MeetUp! Glad's photo slideshow
  140. Licks her Paws
  141. NC MeetUp Videos!
  142. Beefhide VS Rawhide???
  143. Yucky kisses....
  144. Chicken soup doggie food.
  145. Strange Question
  146. Hi!!I am a new member!
  147. NC meetup LOTS OF PICS!!!
  149. my pup is vibrating.
  151. Hmmm..Question!
  152. ooo... only 3 more to go!!!!
  153. Shot Glass Yorkie
  154. Help please...again
  155. Spay/humping????
  156. made my day!!!
  157. Pics of Grandbaby finally!!
  158. Do yorkies get lonely?
  159. grooming question
  160. benefit Rescue, Collapsing Trachea and Liver Shunt
  161. Bath after Surgery? Quick question!!!
  162. Male traits
  163. I think NOT
  164. O I was so MAD!
  165. Yorkies with other pets
  166. One step forward, FIVE steps backward???
  167. Please Pray For My Tasha..
  168. I just find this hilarious...
  169. Which one!?
  170. Biewer and parti yorkies
  171. Newbie
  172. My birthday is starting early!
  173. Jack and Eddie Videos
  174. Need Help
  175. Illy knows lay down!!
  176. Teeth and neutering
  177. New Puppy, New Name?
  178. Is this normal?
  179. front/body carrier advice....
  180. Clothesline leash!!!
  181. Soft/plush dog houses
  182. I am at my wits end
  183. Everytime he drinks he makes
  184. Leaving yorkie too young?
  185. Here are pics of my baby, Yogi
  186. he listened to me
  187. Invisible Fences?
  188. Yorkie Differences????
  189. Cooking in the Kitchen
  190. NC MEETUP!! Location change due to impending RAIN! HAVE INDOOR FACILITY! Please read!
  191. My New BABY!!!
  192. Maggie's new outfit from Tinkerbells closet!!
  193. Shana's Famous!!
  194. Age yorkies stop teething
  195. New Here!
  196. All NC meetup people..Just spoke to Jaspermom
  197. Charley's First Birthday!!
  198. When I saw them I wanted to take them all home..
  199. The ultimate tongue pic lol
  200. My yorkie/shih tzu mix died today
  201. Look what Smudger did....
  202. Difference in yorkies & hair
  203. Teeth?!?!
  204. Who is interested in a Texas Meetup?
  205. Tike is sick again
  206. Paul Newman's dog food?
  207. Thank you Villette
  208. He want's all th attention!!!
  209. Why does he do this??
  210. the long haired yorkie and the collar....????
  211. OMG ! Look what I got at Target today!!!
  212. 2 puppies home alone?
  213. Sign up on this thread if you ARE attending the NC Yorkie MeetUp!
  214. Walks....UGH!
  215. Morkie/Yorktese pup coloring
  216. Poor Coco Puff dont feel good!
  217. pam at shadow creek kennel
  218. Boys names ...which one ....or new names
  219. Yorkies/Do you have boy or girl?
  220. Copper, my chocolate yorkie and his little sister
  221. I'm losing Murphy!
  222. Skunk Spray remedies
  223. Need help finding a home for a 14 week old white Schnauzer
  224. Calling all New York'ers Yorkies.....
  225. Since Missy and Jessie are being so kind as to help me with a name
  226. Look how cute
  227. Boarding
  228. Do we train them, or do they train us?
  229. Interesting trip coming up
  230. Quick everyone, Knock on wood.
  231. I need some names for my new furball..
  232. Indiana Date Change!!!!
  233. Hair question...???
  234. 3 babies on the way!!!!!
  235. Substitute Mommy
  236. OMG!!! Guesssssss What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  237. My dog wants to eat grass..should I give him spinach instead?
  238. Butter Kisses
  239. Hiya!
  240. I'm getting a new baby
  241. Paw pals.... 2nd try
  242. Good news on the little one!!!
  243. x pen vs. Crate
  244. A visit with my friend.
  245. Just wanted to say hello!
  246. Help Me Choose A Puppy!
  247. Prize pictures for NC MeetUp and Retailers!! Thank You!
  248. OMG! Look At This Little Gem!
  249. Sounds like a scammer to me
  250. How to introduce puppy to Senior dog
