
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. How soon is too soon to take puppy out?
  2. Dog Food Recipies Book
  3. Cute Website
  4. Gotta try these!!
  5. Car travel tips
  6. Has anyone seen this?
  7. New to Forum
  8. I am so sad!!!
  9. Mim's
  10. Holy Cow!
  11. Confused about old threads
  12. Help!! Yorkie acting weird
  13. Anyone know how bad "crayons" are??
  14. What age do yorkies stop growing?
  15. Pet Alert
  16. Boots wants to play so much..
  17. ID Tags
  18. New Member
  19. In case of Emergency
  20. My crazy Boo-Boo and the cats
  21. freaking out about the food recall???????
  22. Family Vacation- (my hiking yorkie)- PICS
  23. Spending my birthday week in my work place!!! :)
  24. Children and Yorkies
  25. Uh huh.. I am getting at it!!!
  26. Birthday Gifts from Patti :)
  27. Just thought I would share
  28. He really has stolen my heart!
  29. Lets make a list for Cesar Millan
  30. I WAS feeding NutroMax...
  31. I WANT your opinion about this website!!!! FRAUD?
  32. Peeing on toys?
  33. The Dog Whisperer
  34. HELP! Just felt a tiny hard lump!
  35. New member
  36. 2 questions
  37. Hair?
  38. Problems with 2lb.-3lb. Yorkie compared to 5lb.-7lb.
  39. Best way to catch a stray pooch?
  40. My New Yorkie !!
  41. sawyers home training a hit!!
  42. Our "Fur Family" and My Introduction.
  43. Puppy on a Schedule?
  44. cute magnet
  45. Puppy on a Schedule?
  46. A safe doggy is returned!
  47. We're New
  48. Question...plz help!
  49. can they really eat too much?????
  50. Please pray for my babies...
  51. Dog Food
  52. Newbie user
  53. Max went to the Vet
  54. Problem yorkies...wipe bum
  55. I'm excited..I found....
  56. Newbie here...Boo-Boo's mommy
  57. Head pressing liver shunt question
  58. How to stop him from whining to sleep with me?
  59. His Dental is this Morning But I can't Sleep
  60. Hi. I'm new. :)
  61. I left my puppies alone for a week!!!
  62. Opinion's Needed
  63. very fine silky hair, Help!!
  64. who's still feeding them dry food and no problems?
  65. Breeder record keeping software.
  66. Dewclaws
  67. Hello
  68. my little brat dog
  69. [News] Cubs find a new mum
  70. Is she a chocolate yorkie???
  71. I HATE Leaving The Monkeys
  72. Look what i made for the Yorkie Fair!
  73. Recipe for chewy treats?
  74. bath time is frustration
  75. Hello everyone I'm a newbie to & I was wondering....
  76. I am back!!!
  77. Help
  78. They Shaved My Baby!!
  79. Dusty just eat chocolot
  80. Shipping
  81. Tator Tots
  82. Food Poisoning
  83. no fear...
  84. No Barking
  85. Micro chip? Can you tell me....?
  86. No Barking
  87. **I aM NeW here ** :)
  88. Cooking scares me
  89. I need help!!! Anyone here from Maryland??
  90. CKC to AKC
  91. Am I wrong here?
  92. cute carrier bags
  93. Is your house all Yorkie?
  94. Yorkie Bite???
  95. Project: Family Tree for "S&V quality pups"
  96. Na-nu, Na-nu
  97. 3rd Bath this week!!!
  98. Chicago Visit :looking for doggies stores
  99. Starlight's Yorkies
  100. Fantasia surgery
  101. Hair Cut For Henry
  102. Male yorkies & leg lifting/marking behavior
  103. all types of yorkshier terriers?
  104. who knew she was so controlling ??
  105. new member
  106. Thanks Evryone!
  107. Pet Smart Carrier?
  108. Happy Birthday Haruka!!!
  109. New York Residents important
  110. Introducing my Yorkie
  111. brushing teeth
  112. I need advice!!! 2 boys better than one boy, one girl??
  113. Hello, I just wanted to update yah on...
  114. Puppy Necessities?
  115. Ears..
  116. problems with marking
  117. Me and my sissy...
  118. bag lady
  119. Yeeeeeeeehaw!
  120. The Infamous Strawberry Dress
  121. do you bow and ribbon your little boys???
  122. Blast from the past
  123. 2 Pounds at 8 Weeks? Normal?
  124. New Member
  125. Too young for a bath?
  126. Birthday Celebration Day 3 - woohoo!
  127. Opinions Needed ASAP!!!!
  128. Weird dreams?
  129. Light at the end of the tunnel - MAYBE?
  130. Baby & Sisco
  131. She's acting like a crazed nymphomaniac!
  132. Attempted theft
  133. She's Heeerrrreeeee!!!!!!!!!
  134. Food Recall????? Please read!!!!!!
  135. New Member Introduction...
  136. concerned about yorkie's thin hair on head & chewing on leash
  137. Stupid Dog Trick ideas please!
  138. Soccer Players!
  139. Is his coat changing colors right?
  140. New to the site...need help with a name
  141. Update on Tinker (my little rescue)
  142. Birthday Celebration Day 2!!! -new dress
  143. Look what I made today........
  144. What do you guys think?
  145. do ur yorkies respond to family members names ?
  146. Male or Female?
  147. Am I reinforcing his aggressive behavior?
  148. What cute lil nicknames do you give ur furbabies ?
  149. What to do about a "backyard" breeder?
  150. I'm getting my Libby...let the countdown begin!
  151. Our new blessing !
  152. almost lost my fingers today!!!
  153. I just found this...
  154. Need puppy area advice...
  155. Hi. Just joined today!
  156. My yorkies a climber
  157. i like puppia
  158. Mom/Dad Pics!!!!
  159. St Patricks Day Parade
  160. Pajamas??
  161. Dog Food Recall In Our Paper
  162. Help!!! Info needed!
  163. Top knot a snarled mess?
  164. have you heard about iams recall?
  165. Thank you!
  166. Question for Breeders
  167. Mommy i love this white stuff
  168. Yorkie Scammer!!
  169. Rebel likes fishies
  170. Day1 Celebration Am I pretty?!
  171. Reviews, please!
  172. oh no I messed up!!!!!!!!!!
  173. look at this
  174. My First Litter is coming !!!
  175. Big leash!?
  176. She Comes Home Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  177. Our day went bad!! I am not happy, Haruka is :(
  178. need replies asap
  179. Doggie Supplies/Outfits
  180. Birthday Help
  181. Flowers & Bushes?
  182. Happy St Patrick Day from Maggie
  183. book on yorkies
  184. Anyone's yorkie destroy EVERY toy?
  185. biting
  186. what is a "silky" or "silkie" yorkie???
  187. Happy St Paddy's Day
  188. Panda and Josh are expecting
  189. List of foods that have been recalled!!!
  190. If you have more than one yorkie please read...
  191. new here
  192. Meet Mickey...
  193. Question for those with more then one yorkie
  194. St. Patty's Day Greetings
  195. Should I get Chato a playmate?
  196. My first post
  197. Need your advice
  198. New Member
  199. I won't invite them to steal my kids.
  200. Poor little guy is always scared
  201. just picked up Thumper from the vet
  202. Road Trip--CUTE PICS
  203. Count down and week celebration!!!
  204. Yorkie mix or not you decide?
  205. Happy St. Patty's Day from Lexie!!
  206. Gracie teaches sis new trick
  207. Pet Food Recall!
  208. Warning To Everyone !!!
  209. Peanut the hero
  210. New to this site
  211. OHIO People beware...animal killer on the loose!
  212. Riley finally plays!
  214. My Tragedy and New Pyppy
  215. Scared of Puppies???
  216. Help!! I need some advice
  217. Hello!
  218. Joy Ride!!!
  219. 3 yrs old and has NEVER been on a leash for walk!
  220. Sling Bag
  221. Luck of the Iriswh - 10 Reasons to Feel Lucky to Have a Dog
  222. Need Pet Cargo Info Please........
  223. Something to say...
  224. What can I do??
  225. Suspicious....:(
  226. Please help! Problem with Groomer
  227. Please!!! Anyone with Experience helping infant pup gain weight!!
  228. I made Chloe this new dress!
  229. a flop ear
  230. Still searching
  231. Female humping female???
  232. Look @ what i came home to last night!
  233. she gets mad at me...
  234. Happy Early St. Patty's from Brookie
  235. Yorkie Questions...
  236. I absolutely hate this!
  237. Supplies Needed For Henry ?
  238. Started sleeping under the bed recently, help!!!
  239. This Is Unbelievable - Please Send Email
  240. Daycare first day ever!!
  241. I have a surprise!!
  242. Can somebody please tell me...
  243. Bunny Costumes
  244. Lost my sweet Angel
  245. Sunday I'll be getting Gilbert
  246. Dog Bed
  247. Help - Yorkie Color Confusion - Frustrated
  248. Henry
  249. Are Yorkies spiteful?
  250. I've Got an Escape Artist
