- question concerning dogs coat
- Anyone have Easter treats?
- Boo-Boo loves me so much that after loads of kisses he's biting my lip
- Are shoes cruel for our yorkies?????
- What do you do with your baby(ies) while you are on vacation?
- time to get fixed
- How soon is too soon to take puppy out?
- Dog Food Recipies Book
- Cute Website
- Gotta try these!!
- Car travel tips
- Has anyone seen this?
- New to Forum
- I am so sad!!!
- Mim's
- Holy Cow!
- Confused about old threads
- Help!! Yorkie acting weird
- Anyone know how bad "crayons" are??
- What age do yorkies stop growing?
- Pet Alert
- Boots wants to play so much..
- ID Tags
- New Member
- In case of Emergency
- My crazy Boo-Boo and the cats
- freaking out about the food recall???????
- Family Vacation- (my hiking yorkie)- PICS
- Spending my birthday week in my work place!!! :)
- Children and Yorkies
- Uh huh.. I am getting at it!!!
- Birthday Gifts from Patti :)
- Just thought I would share
- He really has stolen my heart!
- Lets make a list for Cesar Millan
- I WAS feeding NutroMax...
- I WANT your opinion about this website!!!! FRAUD?
- Peeing on toys?
- The Dog Whisperer
- HELP! Just felt a tiny hard lump!
- New member
- 2 questions
- Hair?
- Problems with 2lb.-3lb. Yorkie compared to 5lb.-7lb.
- Best way to catch a stray pooch?
- My New Yorkie !!
- sawyers home training a hit!!
- Our "Fur Family" and My Introduction.
- Puppy on a Schedule?
- cute magnet
- Puppy on a Schedule?
- A safe doggy is returned!
- We're New
- Question...plz help!
- can they really eat too much?????
- Please pray for my babies...
- Dog Food
- Newbie user
- Max went to the Vet
- Problem yorkies...wipe bum
- I'm excited..I found....
- Newbie here...Boo-Boo's mommy
- Head pressing liver shunt question
- How to stop him from whining to sleep with me?
- His Dental is this Morning But I can't Sleep
- Hi. I'm new. :)
- I left my puppies alone for a week!!!
- Opinion's Needed
- very fine silky hair, Help!!
- who's still feeding them dry food and no problems?
- Breeder record keeping software.
- Dewclaws
- Hello
- my little brat dog
- [News] Cubs find a new mum
- Is she a chocolate yorkie???
- I HATE Leaving The Monkeys
- Look what i made for the Yorkie Fair!
- Recipe for chewy treats?
- bath time is frustration
- Hello everyone I'm a newbie to YorkieTalk.com & I was wondering....
- I am back!!!
- Help
- They Shaved My Baby!!
- Dusty just eat chocolot
- Shipping
- Tator Tots
- Food Poisoning
- no fear...
- No Barking
- Micro chip? Can you tell me....?
- No Barking
- **I aM NeW here ** :)
- Cooking scares me
- I need help!!! Anyone here from Maryland??
- CKC to AKC
- Am I wrong here?
- cute carrier bags
- Is your house all Yorkie?
- Yorkie Bite???
- Project: Family Tree for "S&V quality pups"
- Na-nu, Na-nu
- 3rd Bath this week!!!
- Chicago Visit :looking for doggies stores
- Starlight's Yorkies
- Fantasia surgery
- Hair Cut For Henry
- Male yorkies & leg lifting/marking behavior
- all types of yorkshier terriers?
- who knew she was so controlling ??
- new member
- Thanks Evryone!
- Pet Smart Carrier?
- Happy Birthday Haruka!!!
- New York Residents important
- Introducing my Yorkie
- brushing teeth
- I need advice!!! 2 boys better than one boy, one girl??
- Hello, I just wanted to update yah on...
- Puppy Necessities?
- Ears..
- problems with marking
- Me and my sissy...
- bag lady
- Yeeeeeeeehaw!
- The Infamous Strawberry Dress
- do you bow and ribbon your little boys???
- Blast from the past
- 2 Pounds at 8 Weeks? Normal?
- New Member
- Too young for a bath?
- Birthday Celebration Day 3 - woohoo!
- Opinions Needed ASAP!!!!
- Weird dreams?
- Light at the end of the tunnel - MAYBE?
- Baby & Sisco
- She's acting like a crazed nymphomaniac!
- Attempted theft
- She's Heeerrrreeeee!!!!!!!!!
- Food Recall????? Please read!!!!!!
- New Member Introduction...
- concerned about yorkie's thin hair on head & chewing on leash
- Stupid Dog Trick ideas please!
- Soccer Players!
- Is his coat changing colors right?
- New to the site...need help with a name
- Update on Tinker (my little rescue)
- Birthday Celebration Day 2!!! -new dress
- Look what I made today........
- What do you guys think?
- do ur yorkies respond to family members names ?
- Male or Female?
- Am I reinforcing his aggressive behavior?
- What cute lil nicknames do you give ur furbabies ?
- What to do about a "backyard" breeder?
- I'm getting my Libby...let the countdown begin!
- Our new blessing !
- almost lost my fingers today!!!
- I just found this...
- Need puppy area advice...
- Hi. Just joined today!
- My yorkies a climber
- i like puppia
- Mom/Dad Pics!!!!
- St Patricks Day Parade
- Pajamas??
- Dog Food Recall In Our Paper
- Help!!! Info needed!
- Top knot a snarled mess?
- have you heard about iams recall?
- Thank you!
- Question for Breeders
- Mommy i love this white stuff
- Yorkie Scammer!!
- Rebel likes fishies
- Day1 Celebration Am I pretty?!
- Reviews, please!
- oh no I messed up!!!!!!!!!!
- look at this
- My First Litter is coming !!!
- Big dog...off leash!?
- She Comes Home Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Our day went bad!! I am not happy, Haruka is :(
- need replies asap
- Doggie Supplies/Outfits
- Birthday Help
- Flowers & Bushes?
- Happy St Patrick Day from Maggie
- book on yorkies
- Anyone's yorkie destroy EVERY toy?
- biting
- what is a "silky" or "silkie" yorkie???
- Happy St Paddy's Day
- Panda and Josh are expecting
- List of foods that have been recalled!!!
- If you have more than one yorkie please read...
- new here
- Meet Mickey...
- Question for those with more then one yorkie
- St. Patty's Day Greetings
- Should I get Chato a playmate?
- My first post
- Need your advice
- New Member
- I won't invite them to steal my kids.
- Poor little guy is always scared
- just picked up Thumper from the vet
- Road Trip--CUTE PICS
- Count down and week celebration!!!
- Yorkie mix or not you decide?
- Happy St. Patty's Day from Lexie!!
- Gracie teaches sis new trick
- Pet Food Recall!
- Warning To Everyone !!!
- Peanut the hero
- New to this site
- OHIO People beware...animal killer on the loose!
- Riley finally plays!
- Homeagain.com
- My Tragedy and New Pyppy
- Scared of Puppies???
- Help!! I need some advice
- Hello!
- Joy Ride!!!
- 3 yrs old and has NEVER been on a leash for walk!
- Sling Bag
- Luck of the Iriswh - 10 Reasons to Feel Lucky to Have a Dog
- Need Pet Cargo Info Please........
- Something to say...
- What can I do??
- Suspicious....:(
- Please help! Problem with Groomer
- Please!!! Anyone with Experience helping infant pup gain weight!!
- I made Chloe this new dress!
- a flop ear
- Still searching
- Female humping female???
- Look @ what i came home to last night!
- she gets mad at me...
- Happy Early St. Patty's from Brookie
- Yorkie Questions...
- I absolutely hate this!
- Supplies Needed For Henry ?
- Started sleeping under the bed recently, help!!!
- This Is Unbelievable - Please Send Email
- Daycare first day ever!!
- I have a surprise!!
- Can somebody please tell me...
- Bunny Costumes
- Lost my sweet Angel