
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Couldn't Stand It Any Longer!
  2. New Pictures of Alex!
  3. I miss by babies
  4. I'm a newbie!
  5. Terrorized by bum blowing!!!
  6. Makes me so sad....
  7. New Mommy
  8. What's your take on all the recent Puppy Mill busts?
  9. Fur growth
  10. Maggie had her puppies!
  11. Reflection???
  12. When your down does your yorkie cheer you up!?
  13. Update on Mia and training advise
  14. Can't see eyes
  15. Help Me Find a Yorkie
  16. Any tips for a newbie puppy owner??
  17. New to the group
  18. Anyone know of Tango's Haus Biewers?
  19. Yorkie Yawns
  20. Tomorrow's "THE DAY"...yikes!
  21. Getting A Playmate?
  22. Click to Give Food!
  23. 2 everyone with the IttY bitTy babYz
  24. Female Yorkie names
  25. about martinville puppys
  26. Dog Whisperer on now...
  27. Wimpering , whining , and barking !
  28. I miss you guys!!!!!
  29. Potty Training
  30. New adult yorkie bonding
  31. Need advice
  32. Do your baby's do this?
  33. Best Kibble
  34. We need help on the name for our new yorkie!
  35. New owner and clueless
  36. Jackson's at the groomers right now!
  37. Yorkie puppy freezing to death!
  38. Welcome New Members! Need Any Help?
  39. A Couple of Questions from a New Mommy :)
  40. Curious?
  42. Different stages of life
  43. I am back
  44. is charlie normal?
  45. Hello Everybody!! I'm new here...some questions!
  46. Getting acquainted
  47. New shipment
  48. Hi - I'm a empty-nester who last year...
  49. chewing on thumbs
  50. Hello YT, I'm a newbie with a 3 month old
  51. And then there
  52. Shots
  53. peanut+outside=happy
  54. Has this happened to you?
  55. My $3.19 find.. at walgreens today...
  56. Nolee's first Mardi Gras!!!
  57. Waiting like a good little boy:
  58. Please Welcome Madison Marie!
  59. RHODE ISLAND Rabies Law--Move to Change to 3 Year
  60. Beware of Buckle Collars
  61. More than one
  62. Londonsmommy
  63. So why did mommy scream????
  64. Please come to meet Noelle!
  65. Taping ears?
  66. Dueling Yorkies
  67. What is the one word you dare not say out loud?
  68. seperation anxiety
  69. At what age a puppy yorkie becomes an adult?
  70. Advisable to foster abused Yorkie w/ senior dog in house?
  71. It's MINE!
  72. HELLO i am a newbie
  73. Hello!
  74. Amazingly smelly urine
  75. Unloved Mom
  76. New Member
  77. International kennel club (ikc)
  78. I need to vent !!!!
  79. Help with a breeder...
  80. What's your favorite online pet boutique
  81. whats your furbaby's favorite toy?
  82. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
  83. Yorkie/small dog play groups in Plano/Dallas,TX
  84. My puppy hides food
  85. The Whippies
  86. New to yorkie talk
  87. New here!!
  88. New question RE: Nahla and Spaying
  89. I am new to the site
  90. We got our first Yorkie :-)
  91. Strange Email about Yorkies! Is it a SCAM?
  92. I'm In Yorkie Heaven Today!!!
  93. What a Monday!
  94. Only a month to go!!!
  95. Update and new pics of Puddin'
  96. i nearly fainted......
  97. Update on Baxter!
  98. I want my dog to say....
  99. Leash Your Dog Please
  100. Kennel crazy
  101. How to Introduce to new dog?
  102. A funny
  103. electrick shocks from crate?
  104. Rescue Information\Questions
  105. Meet Molly! :)
  106. Any size progression pictures on the site?
  107. my poor poor pnut!
  108. Lil' Yorkies and Big Yorkies
  109. our first furbaby but we do have 4 humans
  110. Oh lord snap this
  111. I love this site
  112. Hi we're new and glad to meet others.
  113. Question about Size, and a What would you do?
  114. help
  115. Happy Belated Valentines day from Envii & I
  116. Anyone in SF Bay Area, California?!?!? Lola's Bday April 14!!
  117. Pimping Mommy for treats
  118. How many times
  119. My Yorkie Bailey
  120. breading
  121. What Size Baby Onesie?
  122. queens, NY
  123. Update
  124. last night
  125. Thank goodness we took her with us!
  126. Im a Newby, and I have a question...
  127. Devastating loss for Midwest rescue world
  128. Does my Dexter know when I'm sad?!
  129. What a waste of money! Why do I keep doing it?
  130. promise ring
  131. Starting a rescue agency...
  132. Snowglobes
  133. New Here with a Question
  134. More Pictures of My baby Alex
  135. Thank you Bubba! (yorkiesmiles)
  136. Do your baby's destroy their toys?
  137. New!
  138. Bath Time Help!
  139. Sensitivity or allergy to fragrances
  140. Any other single doggie moms? (or dads)
  141. Chewing on my clothes! Help :(
  142. I feel awful :(
  143. Do you still buy as much stuff for your Yorkie since economy is down?
  144. Uh Oh
  145. yorkie coat length
  146. are yorkies known as diggers
  147. Lost a friend
  148. My Sweet Little Monster!
  149. back on track missed you all
  150. Happy Valentines Day!!!!!
  151. 2 Yorkies???
  152. New and have a question
  153. More things I wish I understood...
  154. I would like to thank EVERYONE on Yorkie Talk Forum
  155. Valentines Day
  156. At the risk of sounding
  157. Picture Blanket
  158. Happy V-Day!
  159. Puddin' slept through the night!
  160. New to Yorkie Talk
  161. Weird or Normal
  162. My poor little diaper baby
  163. New Yorkie Owner
  164. Question about Coat?
  165. help
  166. Hi, I'm new to the forum
  167. rain rain go away
  168. Am I overreacting? VENT--
  169. Anyone know how long the AKC takes to mail the registration papers back?
  170. My New Puppy::Toby
  171. Just Curious about hair color
  172. My New Animal Blog -- PiddleTails!
  173. Now I understand what it is like to own a yorkie
  174. Ohmygoodness I almost had a heart attack today!
  175. Hey Willooooowwww!!!!
  176. Hi Lane, it's me Boo,
  177. Hello to everyone!
  178. hello to all the other yorkie babies moms and dads : )
  179. Yoda Saved Our Home!
  180. How to get access to sellers page
  181. Yorkie Train from Kansas City MO area to Dallas
  182. Pics of Pups for those that read my other posts
  183. I've been gone so long!
  184. Using our Yorkie for Valentines Day gift
  185. 2 part
  186. i really need sme help
  187. how does this work
  188. I reAlly NeeD SoMe Help I cANt dEcIde
  189. Strange little fellow
  190. please help
  191. Do your babies love your bed?
  192. Getting 9 Month Old - Need Advice
  193. Are Norwich Terriers anything like Yorkies?
  194. Banjo graduated today
  195. He's a BIG ONE mine's HALF THAT SIZE! ...
  196. New owner
  197. Yorkie Clothes custom size free
  198. Scooter's Excellent Adventure
  199. Hello
  200. Just saying Hi!
  201. best online pet boutique
  202. Annie's Birthday
  203. Hand held carpet cleaners???
  204. Buying a Yorkie for the first me
  205. quiet yorkie
  206. Anyone with fractured hip experience
  207. Coat?
  208. Hello!
  209. Yorkie Rescues
  210. Sleeping with eyes open.
  211. How cold is too cold ?
  212. When your furbabie [s], wakes you up:
  213. One Ear Up...One Ear Down
  214. Looking For Vet
  215. aaahhhh, my sweet little Yogi
  216. Advise about breeder
  217. They dont ever give up
  218. Hello Everyone=)
  219. New Puppy and a questions
  220. Sweet, Crazy, Cute, Girly... I need a name!!!
  221. Another scam??
  222. any advice?
  223. help requested please baby yorkie weight newborn
  224. New to Yorkie Talk in Tallahassee, FL
  225. Carpet shampooing?
  226. New voting period for Bissell
  227. New here
  228. puppy mill
  229. My Big Boy
  230. Need Help PLEASE! AKC/CKC
  231. Ice saves dumped puppies from death
  232. New here and have a ?
  233. So happy to finally post my yorkies!!
  234. Biggie boy !!
  235. Someone stole the spell checker
  236. Yorkie lover my little girl just had puppies live video feed!!
  237. show peanut
  238. New to the forums, new yorkie owner :)
  239. What color my yorkie will be?
  240. Have you ever given your furbaby a haircut?
  241. score for peanut!!
  242. 1 year health guarantee
  243. Hello
  244. Hello all
  245. Best Bonding day EVER
  246. breeding
  247. Looking for a good vet?
  248. PUPPY REUNION - Thanks to YT members
  249. Grooming?
  250. Overwhelmed! But lovin' it
