
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Something super cool happened today!!!
  2. Need some tips about grooming!!
  3. New Yorkie owner
  4. Shivering
  5. When did your pup get the run of the house?
  6. Itchy nose
  7. Why wont my baby girl drink water
  8. Silly puppy you are not a cow!
  9. Remy had her check up and teeth cleaned
  10. My yorkie has tuened into a teapot !
  11. I am such a proud momma!!
  12. Some get the brains, Some get the beauty!
  13. Sleeping with your YT
  14. Stairs Arrived
  15. My senior yorky is still not wanting any part of my pup
  16. Adding a puppy?
  17. We just got back from the vet...
  18. Quick Update: YT Library is back at the top of the forum
  19. Next step
  20. Soooo disgusted
  21. YorkieTalk Newbie here..
  22. Do "puppy cuts" keep Yorkies cooler in the heat???
  23. Dr. Noys toy deal on Barking deals
  24. Hello! New here
  25. Walking
  26. Thundershirt Owners help please
  27. One Year Old with White Chest and White Toenails
  28. Fleas.
  29. What do you do?
  30. The Groomer Ruined My Baby!
  31. Please Tell Me The Difference Between A Silky & A Cotton Coat
  32. Ugh, this happened close to where I live
  33. Learning about Yorkies
  34. Report of Facebook
  35. Hi Everybody!!
  36. new to YT :D
  37. 15 week old puppy
  38. How often do you get their hair cut?
  39. Here we go again, and again...
  40. Does this look legitimate?
  41. Doggy Party Theme ;)
  42. dry skin/hair loss
  43. Long Travel... Has anyone used Kobi products??
  44. Allergies?
  45. Pictures from Chicago Yorkie Meet Up 4-23-2010!
  46. Transitioning from Bed to X-Pen in Another Room
  47. Rain, Rain Go Away!
  48. PLEASE HELP! Need a Dog Car Seat??
  49. One year ago today, I did not lose my baby
  50. So happy!!!!!
  51. Outside Inside Outside Inside!!
  52. Snooze is having some itchy dry skin problems.
  53. My little protector...
  54. Spay Procedure and Canine Teeth Removal ):
  55. I have a Q about sire and dam
  56. Got a treat sample from the feed store -chicken breast/banana
  57. I am so proud of my boy!!
  58. Potty Solutions for All Cement Area
  59. When is a yorkie full grown?
  60. Bored Buddy
  61. My mommy doesn't think.....
  62. Hello (new user)
  63. Coupon code for Prissy Paws or other?
  64. What exactly is a parti yorkie?
  65. Lulu thinks she is a reptile
  66. Help
  67. Start the count down...
  68. How many poops
  69. Just One yorkie!
  70. Switching/transitioning food is a pain!
  71. My sweetie won't come to me...
  72. Zoey has a color preference?!? Lololol
  73. How often do you have your.......
  74. Update:Oliver's behavior is getting worse
  75. Second dog - should it be the same sex or opposite sex?
  76. Bringing Home a New Baby
  77. Groomer cut Gizmo's toenail too short
  78. Pet fountains
  79. Yorkie mix?
  80. Shopping for your babies
  81. greetings from Michigan
  82. Yorkie911 Rescue - Fundraiser, Sunday May 1st
  83. Little Terror
  84. Princess Lilly arrives today
  85. All he wants for Christmas is his two front teeth...
  86. Anyone's kids jealous of their Yorkie???
  87. I saved my brothers dogs!
  88. I need help
  89. Nature's Logic Treats...anyone ever tried these??
  90. And Molly makes two!
  91. Camping and Driving
  92. Potty Training & Carpet Care Questions
  93. Tomorrow is the big day :(
  94. HELP!! my yorkie has become...
  95. How do you keep your baby calm?
  96. Will it fit?
  97. Need advice
  98. Thunder Shirt seems to be working
  99. Can we say spoiled?
  100. Three Little Bunnies Hopped By To Say....
  101. Bathing Tricks of the Trade!
  102. Bark, Bark, Bark!!!
  103. Day 2 With New Bed!
  104. Amy knows its Easter.
  105. I need some help
  106. Happy Easter!!!
  107. HELP please!
  108. Help with puppy and bedtime
  109. Help! No Brushing allowed!
  110. Sharpey's Fabulous Adventure
  111. Yorkie Meet-Up Photo's
  112. Any recommendations?
  113. Morkie and Smoking
  114. HELP Rylee lost two teeth today..........
  115. Almost there...
  116. Reminder about the chocolate chart
  117. yorkie being spayed?
  118. A little problem
  119. More pictures!
  120. Tiny Taco Pictures
  121. bad habit
  122. i love these
  123. Moo Moo instead of Cluck Cluck?
  124. Lets see those "tinies"
  125. Pillow pet
  126. List your yorkie's idiosyncrasies
  127. Sore, Swollen & Bruised but doing ok
  128. Stinky
  129. New puppy
  130. After Vet Visit
  131. Hi - I am new!
  132. A special request for little Mojo
  133. Calling all Cloud 9 Lovers!!
  134. Happy 2nd Birthday Jay Jay!
  135. Pet Insurance
  136. Petco Allergy Tabs?
  137. Funny thing Callie did
  138. parquin line
  139. Scored at Wal-Mart last night buying dog sweaters
  140. Male Yorkie's Aim
  141. Puppy pads
  142. Update on Kayla
  143. Peanut is mad at me
  144. We have had a very scary week
  145. Thank You
  146. What's the best nail clipper in your eyes?
  147. How much do u feed ur cutie?
  148. How much did your baby weigh as a puppy?
  149. Boy; The first Yorkie mega-star?
  150. Is it wrong to ask for a lower price?
  151. You can't watch this and not laugh
  152. Am I the only one that......
  153. Bella has a sister!!!
  154. New to Site-- Question about my yorkie
  155. Question for bullystick users
  156. I need some advice on a rescue
  157. Internet bookmarks!
  158. laser surgery
  159. Since joining!
  160. So excited!!
  161. Please admit if you must for those who have a Kwigy Bo..
  162. What are you doing for/with your furbaby for Easter?
  163. Designer dogs- does this bother anyone else?
  164. I Need HELP asap!!
  165. No food after midnight/surgery tomorrow
  166. I wish more people knew about this!
  167. Hobo LOVES his bath!!!!!
  168. Meet Daisy!
  169. She has no fear!
  170. Another Win for BYB's
  171. Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure!
  172. Almost lost Kayla today
  173. How old does my pup look?
  174. Looking for a good shampoo
  175. Using a rolled up newspaper for training your dog...
  176. The decision is Bambi!!!!!!!
  177. I don't need a little more "Whine"
  178. The Potty Trot
  179. Help!!!
  180. Can a pup be TOO attached?
  181. Toni Mari, Grandma Lucy's, Dr. Harvey's & Oscar Newman at Bloomingtails (50% off)
  182. Training regression
  183. Need advice on where to go from here pls
  184. Pnut isnt a Yorkie, he is a Turkey!
  185. Pack n Play
  186. The 10 Canine Commandments
  187. When to switchover to adult food?
  188. Royal Canin= itchy??
  189. Is it fair
  190. First Time at the Dog Park
  191. How the 1st day went on switching food!
  192. Barking
  193. YT Anonymous
  194. Did you/do you name your pets in advance?
  195. Yorkie drooling in his sleep
  196. Cat training dog :)
  197. How strict are you?
  198. To stud out or Not?
  199. Is it ok to leave yorkie at home alone for 12-14 hours on a regular basis?
  200. Teething? Or being a toddler?
  201. Hi Im New
  202. So who makes what products here?
  203. ok, I need I'm consulting the experts !
  204. Baxter has sparse chest hair?
  205. Do any of your Yorkies howl?
  206. Any ideas where I can....
  207. People can be so unfeeling????
  208. Need opinions on this bag
  209. Can I wash my yorkie twice per week?
  210. Princess is licking......
  211. Just stopped by to say hello
  212. Found out yesterday my yorkies are truly....
  213. Family Yorkie kicked & killed
  214. Recommendations?
  215. Mina is home!!
  216. Anyone? PPE Coupon you're not using?
  217. my posts keep dissapearing
  218. Love this Yorkie Picture!
  219. I'm a new Yorkie Mommy
  220. Yorkie Eats Bunny!?!?!?
  221. This dog hears too well!!!
  222. Have we all gone mad lol
  223. Shar pei/ Yorkie mix?? perfect place to post...Please HELP
  224. Guess what I did!?
  225. Is thinking a switch is coming!
  226. Look what Jersey and Brielle won
  227. yorkie cam
  228. You gotta get this!!!
  229. Marley's half Birthday!
  230. Help my puppy things I am a chew toy
  231. Doggy discounts like Groupon
  232. I feel so bad.. grooming accident
  233. Willow's New Yorkie Vest
  234. Thinking of a name change?!
  235. rehoming a 3 year old yorkie
  236. I'm New here
  237. Pit attack on a friend this morning, please send prayers for her.
  238. Oliver The First Groomer Failure
  239. Denim is home!!!
  240. Good morning :)
  241. Would Like to get involved in volunteering
  242. pls help,my sons ears fell down:(
  243. teapot??
  244. Paws Crossed
  245. I'm So mad at my self!!!!!!!!
  246. Grrrr...94 degrees and dog in car!
  247. hello! Newbee here...
  248. Pics of my new rescue baby Pekoe
  249. My first post and heart broken
  250. How do you stop the barking?
