
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. A cute cartoon
  2. How much does your yorkie Like YT?
  3. Char7 Puppies
  4. Woo Weeee! Tink loved her suprise!
  5. What to do about bad breath!
  6. Silkies?
  7. dog temperature
  8. I've got a Secret! Can you guess??
  9. I Wonder Why...Yorkie Actions, Habits, etc.
  10. How does this work?!
  11. Is it safe...
  12. Belly Bands??
  13. New Member who needs help....
  14. Been A While!
  15. DNA testing?
  16. Want to play the name game?! (again?!)
  17. Eating Pee Pee Pads!
  18. my whining yorkie
  19. clean bill of health
  20. Anyone else experience this??
  21. Please help!! What should i do...
  22. Is my yorkie a YORKIE!
  23. Trying to save $ and cut my baby's hair!
  24. Urrr....Okay, have had enough. Any advice?
  25. should I call the vet?
  26. Maybe I need to explain some things ive said
  27. Finally got a picture up
  28. What should I name my new baby?
  29. Pet Purse Carrier - Any suggestions?
  30. Big Decision - Need Your Experience, Please
  31. I may be getting a new fur baby!
  32. Gypsy and Capone wanted to say Good Morning
  33. Morning Sickness????
  34. wild wild west
  35. Thinking Of Getting A Yorkie
  36. The girls got a new carseat (pics)
  37. New Baby comes home in 3 weeks!
  38. accused of a poop and run
  39. Moving in with a cat?
  40. Newbie
  41. Today is Cassie's Birthday
  42. Tail or no Tail ?
  43. Part Cat!!!
  44. is mosquito magnet (octenol) dangerous to pets?
  45. Yorkie Beard
  46. Snail Killer Murders Yorkie
  47. electronic fence
  48. BoBo's first vet visit
  49. Nursing/Heat Cycle Question
  50. Advice:Yorkie Pup will share home with large dog
  51. FREE yorkie training courses
  52. Long or short?
  53. THANK YOU Connie!!!!!!!!
  54. This Is Hysterical!!! Rofl....
  55. The Yorkie Lapdog - DogBlogTV Episode #11
  56. wierd experience this morning!
  57. what do feed puppies
  58. What a sad little baby..
  59. check out this site!
  60. Warning - Flying dogs into Canada from US
  61. Poor Rocky
  62. Growing Yorkies...
  63. Kayro Syrup
  64. yorkie with ants in pants
  65. Baby on the way!
  66. Some new behavior
  67. Acting Scared
  68. Stewie Has a Playdate Today!!!
  69. What kind of collar for dog tags?
  70. I found this article facinating,
  71. good mornin'
  72. Mother's Day Present...
  73. Soo Excited!!!
  74. ears
  75. [Review] Tails of Devotion Book by Emily Scott Pottruck
  76. Look At This Shirt!
  77. Does Anyones Yorkie Live Outside?
  78. Dog tags....
  79. Doggy steps???
  80. You know you're hooked on your yorkie when...
  81. Fiona tried to attack another Yorkie! Please help!
  82. Lost Yorkie in Martinsburg, WV
  83. hiding on me!
  84. 3 months!
  85. Horrible dog training school!!!
  86. Are sneezing fits normal?
  87. Look what I found!
  88. What Size Doggles Does You Have?
  89. Please Visit My Website
  90. Just Wondering
  91. New to Chat Board.....
  92. Please pray for my Gracie
  93. Cutest pic ever!!!!
  94. Freaking Out!
  95. Introduction of pictures
  96. Finally a picture
  97. I cheated...
  98. Yorkies with imaginary friends?
  99. Local cute
  100. Pool Ramps??
  101. Ears Up Or Down
  102. finally playing
  103. Livvie is home!
  104. Stolen Yorkie
  105. looks like a bad breeder?
  106. to give first shots or wait
  107. after the bath
  108. YorkieTalk Arcade is Back!
  109. Need Tips on How to Introduce new Adult dog to the home
  110. I need advice for Juliet...
  111. New Member!!!
  112. Tori hurt Candi, accident or intenetional ?
  113. It's been a long time coming!!
  114. Please Sign the Petition - For a Great Cause!
  115. showin off-at their best:)
  116. Grr you can't tell me this isn't spite!
  117. Introducing Myself...I'm Donna from Virginia
  118. What Are Dog Friendly Stores
  119. Longterm Boarding
  120. broken heart....
  121. Sissy's 1st Dress!
  122. I'm getting another yorkie!!!!
  123. Oh Ramsey! You are wonderful.
  124. How to introduce a new puppy into the home??
  125. Free treats?
  126. Video's of Rescued Yorkie's -
  127. Going to get my furbaby, wish me luck!
  128. Humiliated at Target
  129. How Often for bathing?
  130. One puppy or two
  131. What's worng with yorkie talk?
  132. Topher being neutered right now
  133. Yorkie puppy and older yorkie
  134. Any other suggestions than bitter apple?
  135. I Dont Know What To Do About This
  136. twinkles squidgy poo episode!!
  137. Petition for Safe Air Travel for Pets
  138. I need a personal support group!
  139. The official Cali hype thread!!
  140. I got a bow from Law Dog Bows
  141. Was anyone else going thru Yorkie Talk Withdrawls?
  142. Meet Local Celebrity Yorkies...
  143. which comb is the best!
  144. There's hope for
  145. Have you ever stepped on your furbaby?
  146. Pepper...A PET STORE HERO - warning SAD
  147. Yorkietalk is such a friendly place!
  148. Oooh, Baby's in TROUBLE!!!
  149. New question about drinking water
  150. Nylabone?????
  151. Pic of playing dead
  152. Illy plays dead!
  153. Help with putting hair up
  154. Please be patient with me...
  155. Black Lite Test
  156. New pic of Kizzy
  157. Video of Coco's morning date
  158. Flea/Tick and Heartworm for CHEAP CHEAP!!!
  159. Bailey was just propositioned!
  160. Very silly question on Age...
  161. A Very Powerful Wish Upon A Star Night For TY!
  162. Canine kidnappers
  163. thoughts...???
  164. Need some advice!
  165. I am getting too excited.. and nervous.
  166. advice on puppy treats
  167. Coughing for 6 weeks?
  168. New member1
  169. Okay, This Behavior is a New One!!!
  170. I visited our star tonight
  171. puppy hunt
  172. Estimate of how big when adult
  173. Help! How do I get Chloe to quit running from me?
  174. New member
  175. Help! Romeo ate a chocolate bunny
  176. Group Effort!!
  177. How Far Before Your Yorkie is POOped?
  179. Bed making not easy.. Curious
  180. pics of adopted baby!
  181. Show Us Your Pics Of Your Furbaby Chatting on YT!
  182. YT is the best
  183. Harness troubles!
  184. concerned buyer
  185. how much is that doggy
  186. Distemper and Dog Flu?
  187. Stupid question i'm sure but....
  188. Jewels grooming
  189. Don't leave home without them
  190. Thankyou everyone!!
  191. Time to be honest . . . .
  192. ringing bells to go out
  193. Fixing Grooming Mistakes
  194. When yorkies get scared why do the crawl up to your shoulder?
  195. YT Family Wish Upon A Star Night! It's Tomorrow Night, Hope you will all be there
  196. How Cool Is This!!!
  197. Donations.. Update
  198. ears don't stand up on my new yorkie?
  199. I've stole the computer..
  200. Why is a Yorkie your choice of dog?
  201. No one came.....
  202. I got ny bows from Cesar(Chechinmipo)
  203. One more book....
  204. Bath Time!!
  205. Blue, Black, Silver, Gold and Tan??????
  206. Little Mac on the mend
  207. Please sign these petitions!
  208. advice for bath time
  209. Sale on Dog supplies and more !
  210. Big pieces of Chloe's coat falling out-Please respond
  211. yorkies more expensive than you think
  212. Paris is not eating
  213. Storm Anxiety..
  214. Does dogs have souls?
  215. un docked yorkies
  216. Thankyou Patti
  217. How long is too long to leave yorkie at home alone?
  218. Acrobat yorkie
  219. My Student Came Over My House to Visit Baby and Me. Watch the Silly Video!
  220. Frogknot had some company tonight!!!
  221. Tiger!!!!
  222. Tiger!!!!
  223. 4 months old today and no closer to being housebroken
  224. I WISH I'd had a camera...!!!
  225. Join the "I Want Another Club"!!!
  226. we built oscar a ramp
  227. How often
  228. Ramsey's fur dad was ATTACKED
  229. I am going to Sylvan Yorkie, anyone wants to join us?
  230. Play pen and crate???
  231. I thought i lost my little Mac
  232. Harness
  233. Help me! Is this a scam?
  234. Coat Color
  235. Looking for Female Yorkie for my Aunt! NC or VA
  236. Dry Skin
  237. It's a luau,,,,,,,,,
  238. what should i do?
  239. Silver hair.....
  240. Bloodline?
  241. Liver Shunt and what to do about Breeder
  242. Are 7/8" bows too big?
  243. Just curious...
  244. your first yorkie
  245. Any other puppies CRY ALL THE TIME?
  246. What a way to start the morning
  247. Thinking of having a pet 1st time
  248. Debarking - Thread #2
  249. How long is a non-docked yorkie tail?
  250. So angry
