
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. How big is your yorkie?
  2. New Yorkie Owner
  3. Woo Hoo! You guys rock!
  4. Bath time - gotta hide!
  5. Watching the stinkin' clock!
  6. Very sad and need moral support
  7. Poor, poor Boo (tee-hee)
  8. Ladybug bean bag
  9. Dog leads man to his cheating wife
  10. Neat playtime idea
  11. First walk
  12. Looking for akc chocolate female yorkie
  13. Possibly getting another yorkie.
  14. LIL guy not eating much....starting to get concerned
  15. Can't stay away!
  16. Please Please Help Me Name This Baby.
  17. All the extra buys we really didn't need?
  18. Please help? Dated info...
  19. I need help!
  20. Flu Shot
  21. Pros and Cons of a Yorkie
  22. Happy Birthday Dakota
  23. Behavior Question
  24. YorkieTalk Fifth Annual Halloween Contest (2009) - SUBMIT YOUR ENTRIES!
  25. YorkieTalk Fifth Annual Halloween Contest 2009 Discussion
  26. Happy Halloween From My Crew of 5!
  27. A question i would like to have an answer to
  28. Puppy Mania!!!
  29. Drastic change in behavior/temperament
  30. "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tommorrow"
  31. Hair question
  32. New Here!
  33. I cant believe this!
  34. new to the forum from San Antonio,Tx
  35. how big is to big
  36. the count down begins
  37. Can anyone help me fix a photo??
  38. Sweaters @ Wal-Mart
  39. Did your Halloween party turn out as planned?
  40. Tearing my hair out over Bailey's hair!!
  41. wanting to get a yorkie
  42. Leavin' on a jet plane....
  43. Prince Kristopher Tales (stories)
  44. throwing up, allergies?
  45. update about Kim Hinkle
  46. how to get my puppy to love me?
  47. Awhile back
  48. Puppy vs. Rescue
  49. Biewer Questions
  50. Belly band question
  51. FREE Yorkie
  52. I don't think this is good at all..
  53. I don't think this is good at all..
  54. My little kid!
  55. Frozen Fresh Fruit As A Treat
  56. Louisiana gumbo
  57. Irritating...
  58. Need to hear about your non-dog friendly "friends"
  59. How big will she get?
  60. My Diddy is 3 months
  61. I cut all his hair off today!!!!
  62. how bad am I..I occasionaly give my guys CHEETOS!!!
  63. Dog Parks bad?
  64. She gets away with murder!
  65. Yeay! So excited!!
  66. Craigslist ad. Baton Rouge. YT, this girl needs help!
  67. Dawg: Peta ......
  68. Suggestions to stop Cat Poop Dragger????
  69. coupon code!
  70. Leaks.....Ahhhhg!
  71. Would a 8 month old puppy have a problem with a new owner?
  72. My daughter is so cute!!
  73. NPR-Pet Insurance
  74. for the people that new when coby was sick i have a question?
  75. Christmas Whats Santa Bringing your Yorkie Have they been good!
  76. No jump...yorkie???
  77. How are you dressing your baby for the christmas holiday right around the corner
  78. Proud new mom to Candy!!!
  79. when will i be qualified to post selling thread?
  80. Rothby Yorkshire Terries
  81. new carrier
  82. Pet store being investigated
  83. My Jazmyn went missing yesterday!!!
  84. Petsmart howloween
  85. Sophie lost a tooth!
  86. My babies won pets mart contest
  87. Manolosmoms crew
  88. Brushing teeth
  89. Picking up my baby friday!
  90. Veterinary Home Care?
  91. New to YorkieTalk
  92. Has anyone seen or used the Cozy Cave dog bed?
  93. For Nancy1999
  94. Next time they're mine!!
  95. Pet store puppy
  96. Newbie-
  97. Jen's little Jazmyn is lost!! Spread the word and please pray!!
  98. Petsmart Halloween Contest
  99. Is 11 weeks old a good time to pick up puppy?
  100. Max turns one year old today!!!
  101. Suggestions?
  102. i need a cute carrier help
  103. hello all
  104. Cure for the puppy blues?
  105. YORKIE on HGTV!
  106. I found him a good home
  107. Can not take it anymore unable to house break
  108. Petsmart Howlween Party Tomorrow
  109. House on Market with 4 Yorkies
  110. This is Tessa
  111. She's finally here - Meet Lilee!
  112. Help
  113. Baxter is two today
  114. Do You Know of any Do-it-yourself Dog Halloween Costumes I can come up w/ for Mooney?
  115. Very proud of myself!!
  116. New to YT (Kamila)
  117. This is Random, but how do you get them to pose for photo's?
  118. Another Question...
  119. Aggressive Behavior Please HELP!!
  120. A Baby Sister for Rily!
  121. Hair growth
  122. where is?
  123. Do Yorkies get panic attacks?
  124. HELP ME! Can't take this Barking Anymore!!!!
  125. Party Party Party
  126. new to site
  127. I need your help!
  128. Puppy regressing?
  129. aggressive baby
  130. cold weather in Florida
  131. I got so scared today!!!!
  132. Ban gas chambers in the u.s.!
  133. Puppy with little hair? Is it normal?
  134. Dollar Days Are Back
  135. We Got Our Halloween Costumes!!
  136. Missing 6 mos Rambo!!
  137. Does This Little Guy Deserve to Die?
  138. My Picky Pooch
  139. Convinced my DH to let Cooper Sleep with US!!
  140. What's your typical week with your dog(s)?
  141. New YT user
  142. break out the snow boots..
  143. Yorkie's plot to take over the world!
  144. Shaky yorkie
  145. Help! Yorkie plays with poop!!
  146. Furbaby Clothing Questions
  147. Dog treats
  148. Dog parks are great. People are not!
  149. YORKIEPUP.COM -puppy mill is retiring!!!
  150. Cute/Funny quirks your Yorkie's have/
  151. Quick Question...
  152. two yorkie pups fighting!
  153. Bath & Bully Stick
  154. Bella's first time wearing shoes
  155. Sorry that
  156. trimming sensitive area
  157. browniesmom622
  158. Help, Scared yorkie!
  159. New Member
  160. Welcome Home Mia Little Star
  161. Bijou's 1st shopping trip
  162. bath
  163. Lil Horndog
  164. i'm a little worry
  165. Little Rosie in BIIIIIG Trouble.
  166. Winter Time?
  167. Fireworks Night approaching.!!
  168. Good Morning!! Sat Oct 17, 09
  169. Trista and Ryan
  170. Just wanted to say
  171. Uni's hair looks terrible!
  172. Morkie is TV watcher
  173. I have a question...
  174. Great Place to be!!
  175. new member
  176. Fuzzball has Waves!
  177. Housebraking troubles???
  178. Coyotes in my neighborhood 'area'
  179. how come my yorkie doesnt want to go to back yard
  180. In urgent need of a Yorkie look-alike soft toy
  181. Kinda a weird question..
  182. Birthday boy
  183. Yorkie Area
  184. To post somthing for sale? How?
  185. Results are in....
  186. Newbie~!
  187. Wanting another Yorkie, any thoughts!
  188. Puppymills~Do you hear me?
  189. Newbie time!
  190. Body changing shape?
  191. My husband doesnt know .....but
  192. A lovely little ignorant gem from yahoo answers
  193. UGHH Teenie yorkie sold/dies......
  194. How long do youur Flossies last your pups?
  195. Yorkie Breeders
  196. Are there any posters you look forward to?
  197. New Yorkie Mom
  198. Storage solutions
  199. would like to no how to use arvtar
  200. Was sold a sick pup and now stuck with vet bills
  201. Leaving the little guy for the first time!
  202. Honey is coming home!!!
  203. bad habit my yorkie has developed
  204. ok, I'm the worst mom in the world!!
  205. Is he just a little devil?
  206. WOW! what a great community & website
  207. help for biting yorkie
  208. My new baby is coming home on Friday!!
  209. Received a little discouragement
  210. Today is Toby's anniversary!
  211. Warm coat that fits???!!
  212. Poor Stella
  213. Help! I am at my wits end!
  214. And WE think we love our babies???
  215. Target has Christmas shirts
  216. Condo problems
  217. Happy birthday toby tyler
  218. Can anybody help me find out
  219. Just bought a Yorkie.
  220. Hello and update from Robin Crews
  221. Hope I don't offend anyone??!!
  222. 2 days with my new pups
  223. Neighbor Complaint..What should I do?
  224. Bella, my yorkie!
  225. Does anyone remember Prosper???
  226. Nala got spayed today...
  227. My Little Guy Was Just Neutered
  228. New Yorkie on Saturday
  229. New to YorkieTalk! ^_^
  230. GiGi ate my Scratch Ticket!
  231. Aggressive Behavior
  232. Help! How do I get her to go..
  233. New neighbors are moving in
  234. My Sweet Toby is growing up!!
  235. I need help! Anybody with 6 or more??
  236. New
  237. Nicknames we have for our babies...
  238. Hi, Again
  239. I have three Sickies!
  240. It's getting cold enough here for a coat
  241. Will this just make it worse?
  242. Happy birthday gidget the midget
  243. New to Yorkietalk
  244. hi i a new owner of yorkie
  245. How to know
  246. I just bought my baby some new chew toys...
  247. Please Come Join Us On Oct 24th
  248. Why do I listen to a 14 yr old???
  249. Spazzing out like she's got ants in her pants?
  250. Aidan/Reighny is home!!!
