
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. maybe my Yorkie
  2. He Eats Everything!
  3. Comment & a question
  4. Can Yorkies go up staircases
  5. Big Dogs Living With Little Dogs
  6. So
  7. smallest dog
  8. Working Yorkie Owners?
  9. "Bite Me" tshirt
  10. could Ashley be a male dogs name?
  11. uh oh
  12. WHy are people thick headed?
  13. Where are the yorkies??
  14. Where does your baby sleep at night????
  15. hi new here
  16. What kind of dog/puppy shampoo do you use?
  17. I would like to introduce Snickers!
  18. At what age do they sleep through the night?
  19. Hello I am new here...
  20. Do you use a hair dryer, forced air dryer or towel dry?
  21. How many pups in a liter?
  22. Im baby/yorkie sitting
  23. Hey Schatzie guess what I had?
  24. High Pitched Noises???????
  25. Free yorkies puppies
  26. new breed multi colored?
  27. Bad Haircut!!!
  28. Bad boy today
  29. We're #1, We're #1!
  30. Is she trying to be cute or waiting for instructions?
  31. How do you stop minor bleeding on a dog?
  32. Hair
  33. Introducing Esme!
  34. A couple more ?'s
  35. Pictures
  36. New Behavior...
  37. Yorkie coloring
  38. Clemantine update on the eating problem
  39. Hello
  40. wierd
  41. Hello, I am new here and have a ?.
  42. ~*~I Love Old Navy!!~*~
  43. HELP-Simon is humping his pillow!
  44. My 13 Week Old Male Yorkie
  45. I have an airhead puppy!!!
  46. What is the high range of Yorkie size?
  47. For Working Stiffs....
  48. What An Attitude!
  49. Late Night Visit...
  50. Loves to be outside!!
  51. do you live in or near Gravois Mills, MO
  52. Can your Yorkie swim?
  53. name help again lol
  54. Yorkshire Terrier Magazines
  55. Am I going mad?
  56. simple question
  57. Help pick puppys name!
  58. diddy chewed on his sutures
  59. guess how I got her to eat???
  60. Acting Out? What to do? please help
  61. escrow service
  62. Thanks so Far!!!
  63. great yorkie coat information
  64. Glad to be a new member
  65. She Eats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  66. New member
  67. What do you all think of my baby girl?
  68. I can NOT believe what Sandy did!!
  69. where can I get a yorkie pup under 800CND?
  70. How to break the news!
  71. Housecleaning
  72. yorkie in hotel
  73. HELP! Flaky skin problem!!
  74. she's 9 wks old and won't eat or drink,HELP
  75. How Awful Is This?!?!
  76. Vellus products came in
  77. Robitussin
  78. First Post
  79. Probably a silly question!!
  80. Help She Doesn't Let Him
  81. What are the bad personality traits of the breed?
  82. Has anybody heard of Yorkie/Poms?
  83. Ear Flop and Teething
  84. Moisturizing Spray and Brushes
  85. check your expiration dates on foods!!
  86. Need some advice
  87. HELP! at the end of my rope!
  88. Not an owner yet but will be soon....
  89. Why doesn't she let him????
  90. Dog park
  91. Difference in Yorkie prices
  92. name for new puppy
  93. need advice!!
  94. Just Yorkie or Mixed breed-Is there a difference?
  95. What age is a Yorkie full grown?
  96. Purchasing a yorkie
  97. Kong Chew Toys - Are they good for Yorkies?
  98. Birthday Cake suggestions
  99. hello everyone . . .
  100. Getting Sleep out the Eyes
  101. help with puppy weight!
  102. Is one time enough?
  103. Newby here - Hello to all!!
  104. Is buying from newspaper ad safe/good?
  105. Need info on size and if this is right dog for me
  106. How small is to small to breed (weight)
  107. diddy was neutered
  108. Help us pick a name!
  109. We went to Yappy Hour tonight!
  110. YorkieTalk RULES & GUIDELINES
  111. Any Yorkies in Philadelphia area??
  112. Does your yorkie shed?
  113. Everyone's #1 Question
  114. It's official
  115. Am i going in the right direction?
  116. About feeding fruit
  117. Post- Neutering Update
  118. He will do anything to get me to stay!
  119. I apolize to the forum
  120. Is yorkie right for us?? Help!
  121. Perplexed
  122. Yorkie ear taping, how to prop ears up?
  123. Question about males???
  124. RABIES what age?
  125. We're crazy!
  126. Im a proud grandma
  127. I bought her!! Need a little help!
  128. Teething... and its getting bad
  129. Car Behavior
  130. Helpful links project
  131. help please!
  132. Just got home with my new Yorkie and...I've got a question
  133. Pictures of Luigi????
  134. I need a good breeder!
  135. I'm having trouble finding a tote bag for my fur baby
  136. Help-need advice
  137. Paper towel shredding yorkie
  138. Hi,
  139. Fasteddie-Im new and wondering how old your Yorkie is?
  140. I'm a new Yorkie owner
  141. Busy Bee
  142. 8-10 hour car ride HELP
  143. Pajama Hoodie
  144. update on found angel
  145. Puppy Clothes, Carriers, and more!!
  146. I need help please!!!
  147. thinking of a friend
  148. New Member Here!!!
  149. no sleep
  150. What is your dogs name?
  151. Does anyone use advantage?
  152. Does anyones Yorkie make grunting noises?
  153. does anyone use a leather collar??
  154. Hello every body! I'm new member nice to being here ^ - ^
  155. Gracies first day out!
  156. How often do you bathe your dog(s)?
  157. yorkie pup male or female?
  158. Some pics I wanna share!
  159. Hi Im new and need some advice PLEASE!
  160. Dog Sweaters
  161. Hi I'm New
  162. Yorkies on the go!!
  163. Anyone use a playpen??
  164. Dog Sweaters...
  165. Tiko's Recovery
  166. Hey everyone! I am new!
  167. Can't believe it!!!!!
  168. New Here :o)
  169. Hi, I'm new - Is your Yorkie male or female?
  170. Wiggley Yorkie
  171. new to yorkietalk
  172. my yorkipoo
  173. Pics....What do you think?
  174. Kinda funny, but you feel quilty for laughing
  175. Cute Bandanas
  176. Forever hair flow !
  177. Does your yorkie snore?
  178. Bad experiences with BYB breeders?
  179. Yay!
  180. Playmates!
  181. Health Guarantee's from breeders
  182. New to Yorkietalk...My one yr olds coat has started falling out
  183. Need Help. just got Tiko neutered
  184. new to yorkie talk
  185. Just visited the boarding facility
  186. Hot Dog!
  187. Sad news
  188. Special thanks to Schatzie!
  189. Biting/Chewing
  190. Update on Duke
  191. Worried about my Roxy
  192. Male vs. Female Difference?
  193. Male or female????
  194. My Babay looks soooo funny
  195. Black coats and silver coats, what is the difference?
  196. Soon to be Yorkie Mom
  197. Picture Parade - share pics of you and your baby!
  198. Surgery day
  199. Innovation and its successes and Thanks to YT
  200. registries
  201. natural instincts
  202. Part rabbit
  203. Help!!
  204. Funny story!
  205. A question.
  206. Took Quincy to the vet today
  207. Cats and Dogs
  208. Is being spayed healthier for a female dog?
  209. Hi to all yorkie lovers
  210. owning 2 yorkies!
  211. Yorkie's OK around children?
  212. Hi I am three weeks old
  213. Puppy Wipes
  214. At the Window
  215. Some good new for grooming...
  216. Lil Bit is doing great!!!
  217. Coat Wrapping
  218. Ears
  219. Pics
  220. Yorkie on Animal Cops today
  221. Breeding Questions
  222. went to the vet today
  223. Another question bout greenies????
  224. is fuzz dangerous?
  225. Question bot greenies???????
  226. puppy mill
  227. who used vinegar & water
  228. Yorkie's Teeth
  229. Favorite
  230. NEWS: Long Beach silky terrier murdered with a brick.
  231. Tia's first vet visit
  232. Introducing Sophia!!
  233. leaving a new pup alone
  234. what is neutrical?
  235. New my puppy on Sunday
  236. how do i tape my coco's ear's?
  237. Anybody Watching
  238. Biting little bitch.
  239. My Benni in critical condition, need prayers
  240. Dog Show video
  241. Happy Valentines Day!
  242. Easiest Knitted Dog Sweater
  243. I just got my yorkie!!
  244. My Valentine Sweetie !
  245. switched food too fast? (cross posted)
  246. What should I do about Yorkie?
  247. Possible puppy mill in my area....HELP
  248. Big Scare!!!
  249. My baby's eyes
  250. New Yorkie around march 6th
