View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - Has anyone heard of Yorkytown in Texas??
- Help in choosing a Yorkie *if we do*.
- So my girlfriend wants a yorkie...
- Funny husband story
- Update on Rosi !
- Missing Link question
- Izzy is getting Neutered
- Guess What??
- Precious Moments...
- Car Sick...
- I'm scared
- I couldn't resist, I had to post this...
- Rub-a-dub-dub two sad yorkies in a tub...
- newspaper
- test pattern
- Uma color breaking!
- Help! Need your opinion!
- What age do you all have your babes neutered/spayed?
- Ewww
- Name for a boy....
- Looking for the person who paints yorkies on luggage
- Does a yorkies coat naturally part?
- Does this happen to anyone???
- Marking Territory
- Airplane travel
- traveling out of country?
- Taking Rocky out for the first time
- New Yorkie Puppy
- Tiffany needs an Easter dress.... Can you help?
- Can I suit?
- What do you think of this little girl?
- Lots of puppy questions. Potty, names,play ect..
- Growing Up!
- What do you think of this one? pictures
- Yorkie threat continues
- Treating Yorkies
- Looking For A Particular Juicy Couture Carrier
- Help! My dog is biting and barking!
- Cali and Pixie sharing
- Update: Is this a Yorkie?
- dog birthday cake?
- Anyone elses babies do this??
- The Girls look Great in their New
- im gonna miss her :-(
- My new harness
- I'm afraid I am going to hurt my husband!!!
- Any Yorkies here on MySpace ? Just got one for Cookie
- What's on mom?
- The Cutest picture...
- Rosi is out of Surgery
- Happy Birthday Reggie's Girls!!!
- Yorkies coat colors
- Heat cycle questions
- New Puppy
- Marley pee on the sofa!!!!.... help!!!
- Betty Wrote A Song!!
- Vacation dilemna-do you take or leave your Yorkie?
- 4-Wheeler accident spoiled my dogs???
- Max is trained!!!
- my yorkies are pretty much more than amazing :)
- finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- YT May Have Saved My Yorkies
- Omg I Am So Mad....little Yorkie Left Outside
- New Habit
- Toto is going to Kansas!!!!
- What to do if YOU are sick?
- ear taping
- AKC Question
- Hello, I am new here
- Phoebe lets her hair
- Is this a Yorkie?
- What ever happend to Bushy Creek?
- Scared to cut his can i tell where the "quick" is?
- Help! Who wants a cute li'l puppy?
- Registered Names??
- Food Recall
- CESAR MILlAN on my show Thursday!!!!!
- Isn't it amazing?
- why...
- I visited my morkie today!
- what to feed after neuter?
- Dressing in the Summer
- portrait of your yorkie
- Where Can You Find The Citronella Collars?
- Eating Issues!
- PLEASE help with growth chart info!!
- Chewing up toys
- I feel horrible, I made him to eat that food!
- "I will NOT pee in the rain" what to do now...
- i made bows
- *** My little stinkpot ***
- Layla's First Spring!!!
- New Dresses I made
- Shipping a dog from Cameroon?
- At work going through Yorkie withdrawls!! Anyone else miss their baby while at work?
- Toys for Power Chewers
- Prayers for Rosi Please !
- Is it okay to have one yorkie?
- Annas getting her stitches out
- Look What I Made!!
- New To YorkieTalk
- Happy Birthday Mimi!!!!
- shampoo etc.
- Question about 6 month old males???
- topknots???????????
- Leg hair?
- Approval please for pup xpen/crate :) <3
- Post a pic of ur best topknot :)
- Help! Any ideas?
- new to forum
- Advice
- Wow! Dog clothes are expensive!
- My babies getting along
- Is this normal? 2.2lbs?
- So would you buy a Yorkie from someone...
- How many yorkies do you have?
- Crate & X-pen Setup?
- Biewer parents back in the USA
- HELP!! Can we leave them alone together???
- is there a way to tell...
- I have a question for those who have shipped.
- Yorkie plays the piano!
- Need some advise about Yorkie pregancy
- Letizia
- can someone do me a favor please?
- Ok I Have A Serious Question?help!
- what would she look like with hair? lol does this seem ok?
- Build a bear workshop for fun clothes :p
- Birthday Time!
- Where do you go online for your yorkie? shopping, ect..
- Does anyone make their own clothes for the yorkies?
- Sewing D Rings?
- Great Website
- Dogs are dressed up :) Plz post pics
- Aww! Cute Vid Of Yorkie Baby!
- Novice Owner - Adult vs. Puppy
- Hello Every One
- introducing myself
- Question
- This may be a silly question...
- My flight got cancelled!
- Stairs and small dogs
- Artemis / Innova ?
- What now? People that own big dogs and Yorkies HELP!
- Uh Oh..
- Posting pictures, I need help
- me and my girl
- Tetley and Siu Pao had a play date!
- Pixie and Pals
- Someone got a new bed
- Layla is all ready for the Yorkie Fair!
- Possible new puppy! (questions)
- Southern Ontario People!!
- Any information on this coloring please...
- Why does my Yorkie pant all the time?
- Dog Food
- IT'S OFFICIAL! We are Pregnant! :) :) :)
- My Yorkie's eyes don't blink at the same time!
- Healing touch for Animals
- Some hairy questions
- I May Need RR To Get Rescue From Dallas To Houston
- Cooper & Carley (and me) really miss YT
- anyone know anything about this food?
- Yorkie Sue's TWO POOCHES NOW!!
- My babies sleep with me! what do you think?
- Lily has free run of the house!!
- Nutro desserts?
- 2-pounder vs. a 4-pounder?
- Class Action Suit Against Royal Canin Dog Foods
- Rain and yorkies
- I need your help YT'ers!!!!!!!!!!
- Can decide whether to get a boy or girl! NEED HELP!
- Should I risk getting a Yorkie when my apartment doesn't allow pets?
- Calm Doggy
- Groomer
- going pee pee
- Just joined from Ohio
- ****Dry food!****
- Still no puppy :(
- Singing the Praises!
- Thank You, Kathryn_V!
- Safe to Buy Nutro Dry Food?
- Puppy cut
- KV Pet Supply!
- Happy 1st Birthday, Riley!
- Baker ( My dream Biewer )
- What Is wrong with people??????
- How old is your pup REALLY?
- Weight limit for letting outside w/o supervision?
- Watter Bottle Or Bowl?
- I can't beleive this is happening to so many dogs and cats
- Have you ever tried...
- When does first heat cycle hit?
- Statement from Canidae regarding
- Quick question... Kind of curious.. When does adult teeth happen?
- Nitro on recall list
- Message for MOOSE'S mom!!! Cute Cute Cute
- Yorkies Ears
- Top Knots
- Puppy Pictures!!!
- Oh My God! What Next!
- Mickey's ears
- Too young to go out?
- In case you are tempted to cut hair on nose area--
- teaPOTs ;^)
- Are 2 yorkies better than 1?
- Hello again
- Which Carrier Do You Like Best?
- Milo my brown Yorkie
- Hartz Tiny Dog Dental Duo?
- Pet Protection
- Cool Shirt Alert: Wear Your Heart(and Art)on Your Sleeve!
- Sore Paws
- Chat With Aspca Pet Poison Experts Today!
- Super Pet Expo Hits Virginia
- baby sitting
- Rat poison in the recalled food?? OMG! LOOK at the poor little Yorkie in the pic...
- Fed up with my sitter
- What do you feed your yorkie(s)?
- Menu Foods Press Conference this Afternoon
- Pet food recall update
- Who flys w/ 2 yorkies in one carrier?
- Romeo has lost that puppy smell!!!!
- RAT POISON to blame for food recall?!
- Gross Gross Gross! Percy won't stop eating kitty litter! Help!
- My lil baby and brushing
- Yorkie's "Beard"
- yorkie's ears & car trip
- A Warning And A Tearful Request
- Flying with our lil babies
- Yipeeeeee!!!!
- Icky-Bobby's Escapades
- My baby (and brother) ran away!
- Clothes every day?
- How long does it take hair to grow so I can make a topknot?
- New games that me and my babies can enjoy.
- Nails and grooming
- How do I stop a Yorkie from Chasing Cats?
- My baby is starting to grow up
- We tried Grooming Skoshi!
- yourkie acting weird!
- what will happen if i go from akc to ckc?
- It's a mystery!
- Rosi's 2nd B-day ! (Special Thanks to Connie)
- tye has heart failure
- Gucci ( My Dream Biewer )
- Please help...Yorkies, coal, wood and fire
- Coccidia!!!!
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