
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. Has anyone heard of Yorkytown in Texas??
  2. Help in choosing a Yorkie *if we do*.
  3. So my girlfriend wants a yorkie...
  4. Funny husband story
  5. Update on Rosi !
  6. Missing Link question
  7. Izzy is getting Neutered
  8. Guess What??
  9. Precious Moments...
  10. Car Sick...
  11. I'm scared
  12. I couldn't resist, I had to post this...
  13. Rub-a-dub-dub two sad yorkies in a tub...
  14. newspaper
  15. test pattern
  16. Uma color breaking!
  17. Help! Need your opinion!
  18. What age do you all have your babes neutered/spayed?
  19. Ewww
  20. Name for a boy....
  21. Looking for the person who paints yorkies on luggage
  22. Does a yorkies coat naturally part?
  23. Does this happen to anyone???
  24. Marking Territory
  25. Airplane travel
  26. traveling out of country?
  27. Taking Rocky out for the first time
  28. New Yorkie Puppy
  29. Tiffany needs an Easter dress.... Can you help?
  30. Can I suit?
  31. What do you think of this little girl?
  32. Lots of puppy questions. Potty, names,play ect..
  33. Growing Up!
  34. What do you think of this one? pictures
  35. Yorkie threat continues
  36. Treating Yorkies
  37. Looking For A Particular Juicy Couture Carrier
  38. Help! My dog is biting and barking!
  39. Cali and Pixie sharing
  41. Update: Is this a Yorkie?
  42. dog birthday cake?
  43. Anyone elses babies do this??
  44. PREGNANT FEMALES & more!!!
  45. The Girls look Great in their New
  46. im gonna miss her :-(
  47. My new harness
  48. I'm afraid I am going to hurt my husband!!!
  49. Any Yorkies here on MySpace ? Just got one for Cookie
  50. What's on mom?
  51. The Cutest picture...
  52. Rosi is out of Surgery
  53. Happy Birthday Reggie's Girls!!!
  54. Yorkies coat colors
  55. Heat cycle questions
  56. New Puppy
  57. Marley pee on the sofa!!!!.... help!!!
  58. Betty Wrote A Song!!
  59. Vacation dilemna-do you take or leave your Yorkie?
  60. 4-Wheeler accident spoiled my dogs???
  61. Max is trained!!!
  62. my yorkies are pretty much more than amazing :)
  63. finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  64. YT May Have Saved My Yorkies
  65. Omg I Am So Mad....little Yorkie Left Outside
  66. New Habit
  67. Toto is going to Kansas!!!!
  68. What to do if YOU are sick?
  69. ear taping
  70. AKC Question
  71. Hello, I am new here
  72. Phoebe lets her hair
  73. Is this a Yorkie?
  74. What ever happend to Bushy Creek?
  75. Scared to cut his can i tell where the "quick" is?
  76. Help! Who wants a cute li'l puppy?
  77. Registered Names??
  78. Food Recall
  79. CESAR MILlAN on my show Thursday!!!!!
  80. Isn't it amazing?
  81. why...
  82. I visited my morkie today!
  83. what to feed after neuter?
  84. Dressing in the Summer
  85. portrait of your yorkie
  86. Where Can You Find The Citronella Collars?
  87. Eating Issues!
  88. PLEASE help with growth chart info!!
  89. Chewing up toys
  90. I feel horrible, I made him to eat that food!
  91. "I will NOT pee in the rain" what to do now...
  92. i made bows
  93. *** My little stinkpot ***
  94. Layla's First Spring!!!
  95. New Dresses I made
  96. Shipping a dog from Cameroon?
  97. At work going through Yorkie withdrawls!! Anyone else miss their baby while at work?
  98. Toys for Power Chewers
  99. Prayers for Rosi Please !
  100. Is it okay to have one yorkie?
  101. Annas getting her stitches out
  102. Look What I Made!!
  103. New To YorkieTalk
  104. Happy Birthday Mimi!!!!
  105. shampoo etc.
  106. Question about 6 month old males???
  107. topknots???????????
  108. Leg hair?
  109. Approval please for pup xpen/crate :) <3
  110. Post a pic of ur best topknot :)
  111. Help! Any ideas?
  112. new to forum
  113. Advice
  114. Wow! Dog clothes are expensive!
  115. My babies getting along
  116. Is this normal? 2.2lbs?
  117. So would you buy a Yorkie from someone...
  118. How many yorkies do you have?
  119. Crate & X-pen Setup?
  120. Biewer parents back in the USA
  121. HELP!! Can we leave them alone together???
  122. is there a way to tell...
  123. I have a question for those who have shipped.
  124. Yorkie plays the piano!
  125. Need some advise about Yorkie pregancy
  126. Letizia
  127. can someone do me a favor please?
  128. Ok I Have A Serious Question?help!
  129. what would she look like with hair? lol does this seem ok?
  130. Build a bear workshop for fun clothes :p
  131. Birthday Time!
  132. Where do you go online for your yorkie? shopping, ect..
  133. Does anyone make their own clothes for the yorkies?
  134. Sewing D Rings?
  135. Great Website
  136. Dogs are dressed up :) Plz post pics
  137. Aww! Cute Vid Of Yorkie Baby!
  138. Novice Owner - Adult vs. Puppy
  139. Hello Every One
  140. introducing myself
  141. Question
  142. This may be a silly question...
  143. My flight got cancelled!
  144. Stairs and small dogs
  145. Artemis / Innova ?
  146. What now? People that own big dogs and Yorkies HELP!
  147. Uh Oh..
  148. Posting pictures, I need help
  149. me and my girl
  150. Tetley and Siu Pao had a play date!
  151. Pixie and Pals
  152. Someone got a new bed
  153. Layla is all ready for the Yorkie Fair!
  154. Possible new puppy! (questions)
  155. Southern Ontario People!!
  156. Any information on this coloring please...
  157. Why does my Yorkie pant all the time?
  158. Dog Food
  159. IT'S OFFICIAL! We are Pregnant! :) :) :)
  160. My Yorkie's eyes don't blink at the same time!
  161. Healing touch for Animals
  162. Some hairy questions
  163. I May Need RR To Get Rescue From Dallas To Houston
  164. Cooper & Carley (and me) really miss YT
  165. anyone know anything about this food?
  166. Yorkie Sue's TWO POOCHES NOW!!
  167. My babies sleep with me! what do you think?
  168. Lily has free run of the house!!
  169. Nutro desserts?
  170. 2-pounder vs. a 4-pounder?
  171. Class Action Suit Against Royal Canin Dog Foods
  172. Rain and yorkies
  173. I need your help YT'ers!!!!!!!!!!
  174. Can decide whether to get a boy or girl! NEED HELP!
  175. Should I risk getting a Yorkie when my apartment doesn't allow pets?
  176. Calm Doggy
  177. Groomer
  178. going pee pee
  179. Just joined from Ohio
  180. ****Dry food!****
  181. Still no puppy :(
  182. Singing the Praises!
  183. Thank You, Kathryn_V!
  184. Safe to Buy Nutro Dry Food?
  185. Puppy cut
  186. KV Pet Supply!
  187. Happy 1st Birthday, Riley!
  188. Baker ( My dream Biewer )
  189. What Is wrong with people??????
  190. How old is your pup REALLY?
  191. Weight limit for letting outside w/o supervision?
  192. Watter Bottle Or Bowl?
  193. I can't beleive this is happening to so many dogs and cats
  194. Have you ever tried...
  195. When does first heat cycle hit?
  196. Statement from Canidae regarding
  197. Quick question... Kind of curious.. When does adult teeth happen?
  198. Nitro on recall list
  199. Message for MOOSE'S mom!!! Cute Cute Cute
  200. Yorkies Ears
  201. Top Knots
  202. Puppy Pictures!!!
  203. Oh My God! What Next!
  204. Mickey's ears
  205. Too young to go out?
  206. In case you are tempted to cut hair on nose area--
  207. teaPOTs ;^)
  208. Are 2 yorkies better than 1?
  209. Hello again
  210. Which Carrier Do You Like Best?
  211. Milo my brown Yorkie
  212. Hartz Tiny Dog Dental Duo?
  213. Pet Protection
  214. Cool Shirt Alert: Wear Your Heart(and Art)on Your Sleeve!
  215. Sore Paws
  216. Chat With Aspca Pet Poison Experts Today!
  217. Super Pet Expo Hits Virginia
  218. baby sitting
  219. Rat poison in the recalled food?? OMG! LOOK at the poor little Yorkie in the pic...
  220. Fed up with my sitter
  221. What do you feed your yorkie(s)?
  222. Menu Foods Press Conference this Afternoon
  223. Pet food recall update
  224. Who flys w/ 2 yorkies in one carrier?
  225. Romeo has lost that puppy smell!!!!
  226. RAT POISON to blame for food recall?!
  227. Gross Gross Gross! Percy won't stop eating kitty litter! Help!
  228. My lil baby and brushing
  229. Yorkie's "Beard"
  230. yorkie's ears & car trip
  231. A Warning And A Tearful Request
  232. Flying with our lil babies
  233. Yipeeeeee!!!!
  234. Icky-Bobby's Escapades
  235. My baby (and brother) ran away!
  236. Clothes every day?
  237. How long does it take hair to grow so I can make a topknot?
  238. New games that me and my babies can enjoy.
  239. Nails and grooming
  240. How do I stop a Yorkie from Chasing Cats?
  241. My baby is starting to grow up
  242. We tried Grooming Skoshi!
  243. yourkie acting weird!
  244. what will happen if i go from akc to ckc?
  245. It's a mystery!
  246. Rosi's 2nd B-day ! (Special Thanks to Connie)
  247. tye has heart failure
  248. Gucci ( My Dream Biewer )
  249. Please help...Yorkies, coal, wood and fire
  250. Coccidia!!!!
