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Welcome to the YorkieTalk.com Forums Community - the community for Yorkshire Terriers. You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features. By joining our free community you will have access to post topics, communicate privately with other members (PM), respond to polls, upload content and access many other special features. You will be able to chat with over 35,000 YorkieTalk members, read over 2,000,000 posted discussions, and view more than 15,000 Yorkie photos in the YorkieTalk Photo Gallery after you register. We would love to have you as a member! Registration is fast, simple and absolutely free so please, join our community today! If you have any problems with the registration process or your account login, please click here to contact us. |
New Users Please Read & YorkieTalk Guidelines |
Hi and welcome to YorkieTalk. We have a very friendly and approachable community, and feel free to ask any questions you may have regarding your Yorkshire Terrier. But please do a search (http://www.yorkietalk.com/forums/search.php) for the topic before you post, as many topics have been covered in great detail and you may be able to find the answer within. If you did not find an answer to your question, then feel free to post a new thread regarding your question. Also, please take time to read the YorkieTalk Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) thread. There are many items that are asked quite a bit in there. Here is the link to it: http://yorkietalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6016 Here are a few general YorkieTalk forum guidelines: 1. Please be civil and do not personally attack anyone or their opinions. If you disagree with their approach or method, feel free to reply, but do it in a civil way. Or you can choose to ignore their post altogether. 2. Any posts that are downright sick or cruel towards another member or their Yorkie will not be tolerated and will be deleted. Your account may be banned depending on the severity of your actions or if you are a repeat offender. 3. Advertising for other Yorkie forums are not allowed. We also do not allow bad-mouthing of other Yorkie forums or sites. We are not the place to gripe about other Yorkie forums. 4. If you see anyone breaking these rules, you may report the post or email admin@yorkietalk.com or privately message us and it will be dealt with accordingly. Email is generally a faster way to reach us. YorkieTalk reserves the right to deny access to any individual or company for any reason whatsoever. Thank you for your support, in just over two years, we've grown into quite a large Yorkie community, with hundreds of knowledgable members that are always willing to help. Remember, we're all here because of our Yorkies, to share stories, pictures, and get questions when we have any issues. Let's all keep it fun! If you want to respond to this message, click on the link below: http://yorkietalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1995 |
YorkieTalk.com Privacy Policy |
Our Commitment To Privacy Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available on our homepage and at every point where personally identifiable information may be requested. This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on the YorkieTalk website. User Name - This is how you are identified when you participate in forums. While many other aspects of your account can be updated regularly, your user name cannot be changed. Email address - By providing your email address, you can receive important messages via your existing email account. You agree to allow YorkieTalk.com to email you periodically regarding important events in our community. If you wish to no longer receive emails from YorkieTalk, please let us know and we can disable your account. Message board notifications and messages sent to you by other YorkieTalk members rely on the email address you provide when you register. The Way We Use Information We use the information you provide about yourself when you register to make your account. We do not and never will share this information with outside parties unless required by law to do so. We use return email addresses to answer the emails we receive. Such addresses are not used for any other purpose and are not shared with outside parties. Our Commitment To Children's Privacy Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. For that reason, we never collect or maintain information at our website from those we actually know are under 13, and no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 13. Cookies YorkieTalk uses cookies to customize your experience while using the Forums. A cookie is a small text file that many Web sites write through your browser when you visit them. A cookie can only be read by the site that places it, so Hardware Forums is unable to see "where you've been" based on any other cookies in your browser. Security YorkieTalk's site is hosted on servers which have security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under its control. The hosts servers have strict security in place to prevent an intruder from retrieving personal information about our users. How You Can Access Or Correct Your Information You can access all your personally identifiable information that we collect online and maintain by going to the usercp when logged in. To protect your privacy and security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your email address by having you confirm your email address. YorkieTalk reserves the right to deny access to any individual or company for any reason whatsoever. Should you have other questions or concerns about these privacy policies feel free to contact us. Updated April 25, 2005 |
Terms of Use |
YorkieTalk.com Terms of Use Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. By being on YorkieTalk.com, you acknowledge and agree to these terms of use. There is no cost to submit questions or posts, to respond to questions or posts or to look up past questions and answers. Many Frequently Asked Questions about us are answered in our FAQ Help Section. Although the administrators and moderators of YorkieTalk.com will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of YorkieTalk.com, nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message. YorkieTalk.com has not reviewed the posts on the YorkieTalk Forums and the views expressed therein are those of the posters and do not necessarily reflect those of YorkieTalk.com, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd., it owners, managers, agents, partners, advertisers or affiliates. YorkieTalk.com assume no responsibility for the posts or the information contained therein, nor do they make any claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, suitability or completeness of any of the information in the posts. Use the advice and information provided at your own risk. YorkieTalk.com DOES NOT delete posts or threads that you make, unless they break YorkieTalk rules. If you do not want your post to be readable by all, do not post it. If you post a For Sale ad with your private information, please note that we will not delete your For Sale ad post or details included within the ad if it is approved for posting. By posting or submitting material on the YorkieTalk Forums, you grant YorkieTalk.com a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right (including any moral rights) and license to use, reproduce, edit, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, communicate to the public, perform and display the submitted content (in whole or in part) worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed, for the full term of any rights that may exist in the content. You agree that anything you post on YorkieTalk.com and YorkieTalk servers may be viewed by administrators at their sole discretion. You agree that YorkieTalk owns the server(s) that you post messages or pictures on and that YorkieTalk may do whatever they wish with their servers. You agree that anything you write or post or reveal on YorkieTalk will only be deleted or removed at YorkieTalk's discretion. You agree that any posts or threads that are on YorkieTalk may be deleted or edited by YorkieTalk moderators or administrators at any time for any reason. You agree that you will not use the YorkieTalk Forums to post any advertisement or other commercial message except expressly allowed by YorkieTalk. You agree that you will not post any knowingly false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, harassing, obscene, sexually oriented, or threatening message or material that is illegally invasive of another person’s privacy. You agree that you and anyone in your family/household shall only have one YorkieTalk username, unless approved in advance by YorkieTalk. Multiple accounts will lead to banning of all associated accounts. You agree that YorkieTalk does not require you to post anything at all and that anything you post on YorkieTalk is of your own free will. YorkieTalk.com will attempt to delete any inappropriate posts as quickly as possible; however, the submissions are generally posted in real-time and are typically not reviewed by YorkieTalk.com or its editorial staff before they are posted to the site. YorkieTalk is not responsible for any inappropriate content you may view on this site and you agree that YorkieTalk is not liable for any content that you may be subjected to. You agree that all information on YorkieTalk is copyrighted by YorkieTalk and the original poster. You agree that you will not copy any content without the expressed written approval of YorkieTalk. You agree that you may have your account banned for advertising or promoting any commercial site without the express written consent of YorkieTalk.com. Promotion of other Yorkie forums is not allowed here. Threads and posts discussing other Yorkie forums may be deleted at YorkieTalk's discretion. Any threats towards YorkieTalk (through emails or posts or private messages) or being disrespectful of YorkieTalk may cause your YorkieTalk account to be banned at YorkieTalk's discretion. You agree that you are solely responsible for anything you post on the YorkieTalk Forums and that you agree to indemnify and hold harmless YorkieTalk.com, its owners and employees with respect to any claims based upon your posts, submissions, picture, private messages, and emails to and from the YorkieTalk.com Forums. You agree that private messages are not monitored by YorkieTalk, however, they may be accessed if need be as they are stored on YorkieTalk's servers, just as your email is stored by a server and retrievable if need be. If you do not feel comfortable using YorkieTalk's private messaging system, you may use email, phone, or instant message to contact another member. You agree that any personal information you may post on YorkieTalk is at your sole discretion and that YorkieTalk in no way requires any personal information to be publicly posted. YorkieTalk is in no way responsible for anything that may happen as a result of you posting your personal information on YorkieTalk. You agree that YorkieTalk you have five minutes to edit your post or thread after it is posted and you agree YorkieTalk will only remove your post if it breaks YorkieTalk's Rules or Terms of Use or at the discretion of YorkieTalk. You also agree that you understand that the breeders or store owners that participate in the YorkieTalk Forums are not affiliated with, employed by or agents of YorkieTalk.com, and that we make no representations as to the qualifications of any of the breeders or store owners who participate in the YorkieTalk Forums. Any listing, name, content, material of any breeder or store found on this site does not constitute any endorsement, recommendations or referral of such breeders or stores. You agree that the best solution for an emergency situation with your Yorkie is to go see a veterinarian, ER vet, or medical professional immediately. When deciding to buy from a breeder or store you should do your own independent research and not solely rely on the materials found on this site. You understand that YorkieTalk in no way sells any Yorkies or any other animals. YorkieTalk does have a store that sells YorkieTalk.com logo merchandise, but otherwise YorkieTalk does not sell any products or items for Yorkies or any animals or humans. We try our best to ensure confidentiality and protect your privacy when you post questions on YorkieTalk.com. Your personal information such as name, address, email address, phone, etc., are concealed from all users of the YorkieTalk Forums, including other members. Only the YorkieTalk.com administrators have access to your personal information. However, because these are public forums, you must also understand that you might lose some privacy by posting your questions or answers on the YorkieTalk Forum. Although you can stay anonymous, your facts and your view of the facts may not remain a "secret" any longer. Please remember that no information found at this site, in the database, in the YorkieTalk forums or in the responses from any YorkieTalk member in these areas can replace a face-to-face meeting or telephone consultation with a "real live" breeder or veterinarian. The information you find here or in the answers should just be a starting point in finding your answers. Nothing transmitted to or from this website constitutes the establishment of any sort of contract between you and YorkieTalk.com. By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. You agree that posts and threads may only be posted in English, as administrators and moderators are not able to moderate and monitor posts written in other languages. You also agree that your membership and access to YorkieTalk may be removed and revoked at YorkieTalk's sole discretion. You agree that you in no way have any contract with YorkieTalk.com to provide anything to you and that this no contract rule applies to any members that may have donated items or money to YorkieTalk.com. You agree that donations are completely voluntary and in no way mandatory and that donations are non-refundable for any reason. You agree that donating to YorkieTalk does not mean you have any ownership or rights to YorkieTalk and that you are still subject to all YorkieTalk Rules and YorkieTalk Terms of Use. You agree that even if you donate to YorkieTalk.com, your account and membership is subject to removal, deletion, or banning for any purpose whatsoever. If your account is banned, you are no longer welcome at YorkieTalk and further accounts created by you will also be banned. You agree that if your YorkieTalk account is banned or suspended, your usertitle may reflect this or anything else and you do not hold YorkieTalk.com responsible for any damages this may cause. You agree that if your account is banned, we will not remove any of your posts or pictures or any other content you may have posted on YorkieTalk. You agree that if you post a message stating you are leaving the site that your account will be immediately disabled. Your account will then not be accessible by you any longer. You will be able to apply for re-instatement after one month's time. Any Donating Member status will not be re-instated if a member requests their account disabled. You agree that you will not hold YorkieTalk.com responsible or liable for any posts you see, for any private messages you may receive, or any e-mails you may receive as a result of membership of YorkieTalk. The owners of YorkieTalk.com reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason. YorkieTalk reserves the right to deny access to any individual or company for any reason whatsoever. |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) |
Here is the link to our YorkieTalk Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) thread: http://yorkietalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6016 |
How to Post Pictures |
Posting pictures, while it may look overwhelming, is actually pretty simple. To post pictures in the YorkieTalk Photo Gallery, click on the link below: http://www.yorkietalk.com/gallery/uploadphoto.php Click on Browse to choose what pictures from your computer you want to share. There are no filesize limits to posting pictures in the Photo Gallery, so any digital images from your digital camera should work fine automatically. --- For posting pictures on the Forum side of YorkieTalk, please try to post pictures as attachments rather than linking a picture from another site. Long-term, the picture may stop working via linking, whereas if it is saved as an attachment, it will never be lost. There is a maximum filesize of 200KB for JPG/JPEG files, and 150KB for GIF files. Any files bigger than those will be rejected as attachments. Most digital camera files will be bigger than the maximum filesizes. The easiest way to resize your photo would be to use a program that can resize your picture, such as Irfanview (which is free and downloadable at the link below). The maximum filesize is to save some space on the forum servers, as well as help out the dial-up users. By uploading pictures as attachments, dial-up Internet users can opt to view the picture if they would like and not be forced to download huge files within a thread. http://www.irfanview.com/main_download_engl.htm The best picture sizes to use for attachments is either 640 by 480 pixels or 800 by 600 pixels if you want a bigger picture. Here is a guide on using IrfanView: http://www.somewhere-in-time.net/tutorial/irfanview/ After you have made sure your pictures are under the maximum filesize, you can create a New Thread or Reply to a message and add an attachment to your post. Click on Manage Attachments and click on Choose to find the picture on your computer that you want to upload. Then click Upload to upload the picture, and Close Window after you are finished uploading. Then click on Submit New Thread or Submit Reply as normal. If you have any questions on picture posting, please reply to the thread at the link below: http://www.yorkietalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1993 |
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