- paris update
- Jada isn't feeling good
- Struvite Crystals
- Lola is acting strange!
- Upset tummy...
- Bug bite?
- Acting different after we returned from vacation - is he sick??
- Injured Puppy
- Vomitting and loss of appetite
- Sweet Sophie's Bile Acids!
- little red bumps..
- Sandy Broke His Leg
- Could This Weed Cause Vomiting?
- WebMD-Pets
- Diarrhea "recovery"
- Collapsed Trachea meds
- In need of guidance
- Help, I'm at a lost!
- Lethargic and hiding suddenly...What wrong?
- Need Advice
- Bug Eating & Nausea
- Ugh....Possible Giardia?
- Question about probiotics?
- bumps/behavior please help!
- Dewclaw issues
- Hacked-up pedicure
- 7 weeks post FHO...
- Emergency-- pregnant yorkie rescue-- Please help
- Just got back from the ER
- After her surgery...
- Please check thread for updates and xray
- Red Ant Bite
- update on rocky
- I have to put Guliver down today
- COLLAPSED TRACHEA..please help!!
- Abnormal test results
- Update on Tucker
- Bleeding dew claw
- sick yorkie
- 10-15 Q-tips in a 5 lb yorkie
- New to forum/CT? Kennel Cough?
- Lexie update - LS
- Help
- Doggie depression
- Histiocytoma! :(
- My Betty Boop has LP!!!!
- No money for vet
- Sudden onset of unsteady gait
- Need advice- not yorkie related- from one of the rescue people
- help Cerise just chewed up a red pencil
- Ellie AAI - has passed away
- Please help!
- Ellie AAI post surgery URGENT
- Harley diagnosed with pancreatitis...
- clotting disorder!?
- eeeek kennel cough!?
- Help please...so worried.
- Please Pray for the little Chihuhua
- Tucker had his scope done today
- Black Water Throwing up..?
- Ellie AAI surgery COMPLETE
- Help please fleas on my newborn puppys !
- pancreatitis
- Yorkie health care...symptoms and treatments
- My little guy Jackson has been diagnosed with liver shunt
- Trowing up..
- 3-4 Days Diarrhea HELP!!!
- Help me before I loose it!
- Diet advice for liver disease/cancer
- Baby "Depressed" Won't Eat
- When are they immune?
- Yorkie Encephalomalacia
- My 11 wk old yorkie is severely Anemic
- Licking, Smacking Lips? Don't Know What He's Doing
- Luxating patella
- What's w/ Dudley Doo???
- Frequent Runny Stools?
- Bile acid tests results came back.
- Hannah won't stop scratching/biting!
- Liver Question- Please help!
- A Big Thanks.....
- Bella isn't feeling well
- Benign Liver Tumor - Hepatic Adenoma
- Hi! New here and needing some advice
- What can I do for a yucky eye?
- Recommended Vets in NYC for Luxating Patella?
- My baby was attacked
- Need Patella repaired any in Maryland come recommended?
- pets best insurance
- Update on Carlo
- Are you prepared for a pet emergency?
- Glucosamine reaction??
- Update to not eating..
- Sick Yorkie after huge move :(
- pancreatitis
- Has not eaten for 4 days!
- Won't eat and need to give pill
- Is she sick ? HELP
- patella repair
- Ear Question
- What is wrong with his tummy?
- Worried
- Yorkie has cherry eye, won't eat, very weak & trembling!
- Round 4 of vomiting & diarrhea
- help.. little red rocket sticking out and is stuck
- Breezy has a large abdominal tumor
- So Scared it's Collapsed Trachea
- My Pebbles has a sore on her face!! Help!!
- 9yr old yorkie with diabetes
- vomiting
- Ear Mites???
- choking
- PLEASE HELP. . . .Biting feet, legs, and scratching terribly
- Diabetic Yorkie
- Left on the carpet today: What might the cause of this symptom be?
- Allergies???
- PLEASE help!!! Sick yorkie
- PLEASE help!!!
- OMG it's WORMS
- Another tick question
- I don't know what happened and I am devastated:(((
- Emergency help!!!!!!
- Ellie is very sick today
- question: what next after liver shunt surgery?
- Help, Deucy blood work and Vet prescribed BATRIL
- Daisy's in the hospital!!! I'm Heartbroken
- Three Bulging Discs
- New food - Atr1um
- Canine Disease List
- Throwing up reddish sand
- Help please, one of my yorkies
- Throwing up yellow bile
- Help pixie!!!!
- Lyme Disease concern and questions
- Any tips on the care after LP surgery?
- Stone in bladder?
- AAI Ellie
- Diarrhea - How much pumpkin do I give?
- Sad day from doctor = 8 year old with Tumor in mouth
- Puppy cant poop
- Back from the vet with Uni...
- Toby needs suggestions!
- Splint Question
- Yorkie food / issues with colitis
- Death From a Virus - NSAIDS
- Unusual Bump?
- New 9 week old new puppy sick
- Swelling/Allergic Reactions to Vaccines?
- Made a trip to the ER last night. . .
- Louis is sick, I am scared that it's pancreatitis
- Repair for collapse trachea
- Cerebro Spinal Fluid
- Seizure...Pneumonia...HELP :(
- Seizure...Pneumonia...HELP :(
- small traechea
- My baby Celine is sick
- Urate stone, possible PSS?
- I am looking for guidance regarding LP
- Need advice on possible anal gland
- Death from a Virus
- Pancreatitis Information
- Medial Luxating Patella
- Male Yorkie walking and looking sideways. Please help.
- New here and need some help!
- Roxy is sick, either Pancreatitis or Disc Issue
- emergency i need advice now !!!!!!!!
- He ate a bone! Help, please.
- dear admin
- Bloody Stool
- Renal failure in 6 month old
- Finally, a lotion that works on grass allergy
- Sick Yorkie need guidance
- Pneomina-Home from Vet visit
- Reverse Sneezing...
- Benedryl question and converting mg to ml
- Fda warning metronidazole & others
- What's Normal: Temp, Resp Rate, Pulse, Gums
- baby with diarrhea
- Abdominal swelling
- What symtoms will dog show with ear infection
- Something happened to Pixie..Patti is so scared
- Bortedella vaccine side effects?
- Lea's not feeling well, I hope someone can help?
- Microvascular dyplasia
- Bumps on skin....any ideas??
- Maya has an eye infection.
- Cosequin?
- hurt foot
- 4 day old puppy on esbiliac...constipated!!??
- My Yorkie Maybe Hurt! :( Please HELP!
- My dog ate a chocolate chip cookie!
- Skull shift?
- Cut on leg
- advice on excercising after FHO....
- Daisy has Lyme Disease!!!!!
- Yorkie with possible KCS aka Dry Eye??
- Help with anti-inflammatory!!!
- My little one is dying
- wet splint...
- thought we were out of the woods :(
- liver issues
- Puking, Diarrhea, and Blood
- New Pups w/ Coughs & Scabs
- Neuter and running a fever...
- Carlo Update 6/3
- lyme shot
- Post LP surgery
- Bee sting help!
- Something's wrong with my puppy
- Hair Works Its Way Down Throat - Scary Behavior
- They ate 1/2 # pencil !
- HELP! Is this normal???????
- a little bit of vomit in the morning, but still eating fine . . .
- Could this be related to teething?
- HELP-Found a hair tie around her tail!
- Help Just found a tick
- Help Just found a tick
- Help Just found a tick
- chester had a infected wee wee
- severe diarrhea
- Cerebellar Syndrome and raised pre-prandial bile acids
- Help!Oscar can't pee after bladder stone surgery
- Sick Yorkie
- Please help!!
- My Yorkie was diagnosed with PLE
- 3 Month old yorkie fell on the floor :(
- Assistance from the group needed for ongoing emergency .
- ACL Surgery
- Freak Accident!
- yorkie with neuro ?
- Patellar luxation
- Worried About Max
- Diarrhea! Fun!
- Lucy
- EmmaLee had to go back in to surgery
- My Trixie has diareah. She sees the vewt at 4:oo
- Well, she is sick again
- Bridget has grade 2 luxating patella - advise appreciated
- Recently Spayed Yorkie - Abdominal Swelling
- Acarexx for my yorkie??
- Bentley has Demodex! EWWW
- Sully - my sisters rescue
- Winnie and her anal glands
- Shaking
- Please pray for Fizz
- Max is going to lose his leg
- quick advise Chloe was chewing on an onion
- Elliott is limping