- Ant
- Low protein diet
- Not a good eater
- Safe chewing bones
- How many BM a day?
- Red sore spot on leg and dry skin on back
- How much to feed daily
- Fortiflora dose?
- Do you titer? Half dose thoughts...
- Bone to clean teeth?
- Mushroom Broth
- How much Vitamin A is too much? Anal Glands?
- Hasen Duckenpfeffer phosphorous level
- Need to change food
- Possible Pancreatitis & Heart Looked Large on X-ray
- Puppy stopped growing Please Help :'(
- Help deseprate for wet food reccomendations
- Food
- Heartguard for dog with Pancreatitis/ Enteritis
- Spaying
- Wet Food Portion
- Seeking Flea Treatment Recommendation
- Excessive itching/scratching
- Stella and Chewy question
- Dentistry... losing teeth!
- Just joined! HELP..yorkie hair is thinning bad
- HELP PLEASE? Shelldeane' (my 6yr old York wouldn't eat at times).
- Restless
- Respiratory Allergies?
- WARNING: Medical marijuana for dogs. Exercise caution!
- Carrots
- Raw diet and recent TERRIBLE breath!?
- Wet Food
- absence testicle neutering ? $1500 :O
- Yorkie Staring at Shadow???
- Revolution Any Sites That Are Low In Price
- What do you feed/have you fed your Yorkie puppy?
- Vegetables for dogsa with Kidney Disease
- heartworm meds
- Need help
- my babies legs :(
- Feeding Yorkie Puppy
- Cat Food
- Diet
- Going to adult food soon
- Apprehensive about breeding
- flea and heartworm prevention
- poop eater
- Fleas won't go away!
- Vitamins
- Health question about my Yorkie...
- How Long To Wait To Test For Lymes?
- Gurgling stomach and pain
- Royal Canin - Renal Support E (giving away)
- How many dog cookies do you give your kids a day?
- What Age Should You Start Feeding Your Yorkie Senior Dog Food?
- Flea, ticks and heartworm medication question- HFT Ezybones???
- Spaying a 2 lbs Biewer Puppy
- Do you use a vitamin supplement?
- Breed specific foods & clean teeth aids
- Help.
- Tick and Flea Defense
- My Yorkie constantly smells yet he's bathed frequently!
- Eyesight problems for Jenna-need help
- Ant bites?
- Rimadyl and senior dogs?
- Charlie won't eat dog food! Mom feeding him human food.
- older yorkie with hernia
- Ringworm OR Vaccine Reaction?
- HELP! Newly Rescued Yorkie Has IBD
- 10 year old yorkie with congestive heart failure
- Libby Allergies
- Constipation
- blocked anal glands
- Newbie need help
- Anti-itch Shampoo and conditioner
- HELP! Growth on Yorkie ):
- Update on allergy meds
- Cesar Dog Food recall
- I can't wait for this to come out!
- Flea medicine and heartworm med. on a puppy
- Raw bones act as a toothbrush!
- Wookie Being Spayed Tomorrow
- Acana new formulation
- Need opinions please, on Anal gland flush & infusion.
- GERD/Acid Reflux
- Frontline Quit Working?
- Yorkie diarrhea
- Stomach Noises
- Separation Anxiety
- Bentley actually likes his food!
- whelps on tummy area
- Full Mouth Extraction
- New member and need some advise - PLE
- Diet Change and Vomitting
- CUSHINGS DISEASE -anyone treated their pet holistically/ natural/homeopathic remedies
- When should I spay (considering these variables)
- Licking feet
- Ehrchiliosis
- roundworm?
- Is tooth extraction necessary?!
- Nipples still swollen
- Diagnosed with gi problems!
- Help needed it please
- Dog food and cushings disease
- buster
- Puppy won't eat his dog food?!
- Raw Diet or Home cooked?
- Throwing Up
- Good news for many
- Vitamin E
- stella and chewy food
- Diarrhea after spay
- stella and chewy food
- Yorkie still have baby teeth
- Puppy has a metallic-like smell?? (almost like pennies..)
- Diet for Mia, diabetes?
- Teacup Yorkie health?
- 9 week yorkie - NEED ADVICE ON SLEEPING
- Yorkie with an Enlarged Heart
- Older Yorkie - Eating Changes
- Happened again.
- University Referral for Behavior
- Stress and IBD?
- Is your dog a poop eater? Then read this.
- Prescription Dog Food
- Has anyone used Prednisone 5mg and Clavamox 62.5 mg
- Stomach Growling
- Help! The pickiest eater ever
- Hip and Joint Supplement
- My pippy can't stop itching
- Should You Give Monthly or Seasonal Heartworm Prevention...?
- Homemade pancreatitis diet
- Worms in poop
- Acana for Yorkie Puppies
- Cooking premade raw - is it safe?
- Puppies
- Need advice on Gabey's traecheal collapse medication.
- Baby doesn't like ACANA
- Soft Food after Dental Surgery
- Baby food for my Yorkie?
- Primal vs Steela & Chewy's Raw
- Ear cleaning
- My yorkie is vomiting bile and want eat!
- Orijen Dog food
- Elevated BUN in 5 month old puppy
- Flakey ears and crusty nose :(
- Feeding: Dry, Wet or Homemade?
- Veterinary Dentisry
- Coughing?
- Update on Jack
- Stella & Chewy's Chewy's or similar
- Advice on Vet Care
- Help with Itching.
- Finicky Eater
- Advantage for fleas?
- Bully Sticks? And other post-teeth pulling things..
- Toby pulling hair
- Blood in she stool
- Removing puppy teeth
- Fishy/tuna breath
- Abscess type sore - time for the vet?
- My bitch is in heat ?
- Urinary tract infection
- Anyone use better in the raw?
- Yorkie Teeth
- 1st Dental
- automatic pet feeder
- Hiking / Backpacking with Yorkies
- I need help with my picky eater!
- Probiotics
- Ideal Balance not sold in Petsmart/Petco as of September
- Congestive heart failure
- Angel Eyes Tear Stain Remover
- skin and coat
- When to introduce dry dog food?
- Pet insurance thread I am missing?
- Can I Feed My Yorkie Babyfood
- Need food advice PLEASE!!
- Reverse sneezing or something else?
- Is it dandruff or mites?
- Flea and Tick Prevention....
- Cancer in Yorkies/Chemo or Not???
- Nexgard/salt substitute for dogs?
- Coughing and Gagging
- Adult Yorkie Growing Again?!
- Sick 12 yr old Yorkie / input ASAP
- Brushing teeth.
- Puppy treats
- Dental Confusion???
- question
- worried
- My yorkie baby is eating...
- Treats
- Advice on neutering?
- Not eating enough
- Preparing food for vacation
- I think I have a really great vet-had dental today
- Input on Merrick dry food
- Barking Heads or Orijen?
- Hills Prescription Diet or Home cook diet?
- Children's claritin?
- Weird breathing noises
- Garbanzo beans aka chickpeas
- Allergies and skin issues / loss of hair
- Probiotics
- 2yr Yorkie Lifting Leg in house????
- Scabs!
- Garlic For Dogs: Poison or Medicine? (from Dogs Naturally)
- Skin is Changing Colors
- Yorkie Lost 14 Teeth
- Do you use a supplement/vitamin supplement for your yorkie?
- My 7 Year Old Yorkie diagnosed with Liver Shunt
- What do you feed your monster :D ?
- Royal Canin GI low fat
- Vet Recommended Ear Plucking
- New up date on Ruger
- Claw and Claw Bed Diseases
- 9yr loosing hair and has dry skin
- Picky eater! Help
- Soft spot not closed yet
- Up date on Ruger
- Pink spot on nose?
- Odd Behavior
- New mom
- Liquid Milk Thistle
- Chicken Breast left out overnight
- Max is not eating and hes losing Weight
- Helping 12 week old yorkie grow more
- Weight loss in a yorkie
- Fromm Gold Small Breed; Opinions Anyone?
- My Ruger not feeling well
- Watch the Interview with the Owner of the Late World's Oldest Dog
- Need some suggestions
- Whinning Yorkie
- Enlarged heart, murmur, Vetmedin... thoughts?
- How many times do i feed my Yorkie?
- Can't seem to hold Urine
- Changed Food After Lots of Research, but now...
- Raw Egg yolk??
- Milk thistle side effects?
- collapsed trachea
- Rough dark skin on her back
- I Found a New Pharmacy for dog meds.....
- my 7 Year Old Yorkie is having seizures
- Four year old Yorkie became finicky
- Four year old Yorkie became finicky
- No poop today.
- Yet Another Dog Food Recall from Blue Buffalo......