
View Full Version : Yorkie Health & Diet

  1. Ant
  2. Low protein diet
  3. Not a good eater
  4. Safe chewing bones
  5. How many BM a day?
  6. Red sore spot on leg and dry skin on back
  7. How much to feed daily
  8. Fortiflora dose?
  9. Do you titer? Half dose thoughts...
  10. Bone to clean teeth?
  11. Mushroom Broth
  12. How much Vitamin A is too much? Anal Glands?
  13. Hasen Duckenpfeffer phosphorous level
  14. Need to change food
  15. Possible Pancreatitis & Heart Looked Large on X-ray
  16. Puppy stopped growing Please Help :'(
  17. Help deseprate for wet food reccomendations
  18. Food
  19. Heartguard for dog with Pancreatitis/ Enteritis
  20. Spaying
  21. Wet Food Portion
  22. Seeking Flea Treatment Recommendation
  23. Excessive itching/scratching
  24. Stella and Chewy question
  25. Dentistry... losing teeth!
  26. Just joined! HELP..yorkie hair is thinning bad
  27. HELP PLEASE? Shelldeane' (my 6yr old York wouldn't eat at times).
  28. Restless
  29. Respiratory Allergies?
  30. WARNING: Medical marijuana for dogs. Exercise caution!
  31. Carrots
  32. Raw diet and recent TERRIBLE breath!?
  33. Wet Food
  34. absence testicle neutering ? $1500 :O
  35. Yorkie Staring at Shadow???
  36. Revolution Any Sites That Are Low In Price
  37. What do you feed/have you fed your Yorkie puppy?
  38. Vegetables for dogsa with Kidney Disease
  39. heartworm meds
  40. Need help
  41. my babies legs :(
  42. Feeding Yorkie Puppy
  43. Cat Food
  44. Diet
  45. Going to adult food soon
  46. Apprehensive about breeding
  47. flea and heartworm prevention
  48. poop eater
  49. Fleas won't go away!
  50. Vitamins
  51. Health question about my Yorkie...
  52. How Long To Wait To Test For Lymes?
  53. Gurgling stomach and pain
  54. Royal Canin - Renal Support E (giving away)
  55. How many dog cookies do you give your kids a day?
  56. What Age Should You Start Feeding Your Yorkie Senior Dog Food?
  57. Flea, ticks and heartworm medication question- HFT Ezybones???
  58. Spaying a 2 lbs Biewer Puppy
  59. Do you use a vitamin supplement?
  60. Breed specific foods & clean teeth aids
  61. Help.
  62. Tick and Flea Defense
  63. My Yorkie constantly smells yet he's bathed frequently!
  64. Eyesight problems for Jenna-need help
  65. Ant bites?
  66. Rimadyl and senior dogs?
  67. Charlie won't eat dog food! Mom feeding him human food.
  68. older yorkie with hernia
  69. Ringworm OR Vaccine Reaction?
  70. HELP! Newly Rescued Yorkie Has IBD
  71. 10 year old yorkie with congestive heart failure
  72. Libby Allergies
  73. Constipation
  74. blocked anal glands
  75. Newbie need help
  76. Anti-itch Shampoo and conditioner
  77. HELP! Growth on Yorkie ):
  78. Update on allergy meds
  79. Cesar Dog Food recall
  80. I can't wait for this to come out!
  81. Flea medicine and heartworm med. on a puppy
  82. Raw bones act as a toothbrush!
  83. Wookie Being Spayed Tomorrow
  84. Acana new formulation
  85. Need opinions please, on Anal gland flush & infusion.
  86. GERD/Acid Reflux
  87. Frontline Quit Working?
  88. Yorkie diarrhea
  89. Stomach Noises
  90. Separation Anxiety
  91. Bentley actually likes his food!
  92. whelps on tummy area
  93. Full Mouth Extraction
  94. New member and need some advise - PLE
  95. Diet Change and Vomitting
  96. CUSHINGS DISEASE -anyone treated their pet holistically/ natural/homeopathic remedies
  97. When should I spay (considering these variables)
  98. Licking feet
  99. Ehrchiliosis
  100. roundworm?
  101. Is tooth extraction necessary?!
  102. Nipples still swollen
  103. Diagnosed with gi problems!
  104. Help needed it please
  105. Dog food and cushings disease
  106. buster
  107. Puppy won't eat his dog food?!
  108. Raw Diet or Home cooked?
  109. Throwing Up
  110. Good news for many
  111. Vitamin E
  112. stella and chewy food
  113. Diarrhea after spay
  114. stella and chewy food
  115. Yorkie still have baby teeth
  116. Puppy has a metallic-like smell?? (almost like pennies..)
  117. Diet for Mia, diabetes?
  118. Teacup Yorkie health?
  119. 9 week yorkie - NEED ADVICE ON SLEEPING
  120. Yorkie with an Enlarged Heart
  121. Older Yorkie - Eating Changes
  122. Happened again.
  123. University Referral for Behavior
  124. Stress and IBD?
  125. Is your dog a poop eater? Then read this.
  126. Prescription Dog Food
  127. Has anyone used Prednisone 5mg and Clavamox 62.5 mg
  128. Stomach Growling
  129. Help! The pickiest eater ever
  130. Hip and Joint Supplement
  131. My pippy can't stop itching
  132. Should You Give Monthly or Seasonal Heartworm Prevention...?
  133. Homemade pancreatitis diet
  134. Worms in poop
  135. Acana for Yorkie Puppies
  136. Cooking premade raw - is it safe?
  137. Puppies
  138. Need advice on Gabey's traecheal collapse medication.
  139. Baby doesn't like ACANA
  140. Soft Food after Dental Surgery
  141. Baby food for my Yorkie?
  142. Primal vs Steela & Chewy's Raw
  143. Ear cleaning
  144. My yorkie is vomiting bile and want eat!
  145. Orijen Dog food
  146. Elevated BUN in 5 month old puppy
  147. Flakey ears and crusty nose :(
  148. Feeding: Dry, Wet or Homemade?
  149. Veterinary Dentisry
  150. Coughing?
  151. Update on Jack
  152. Stella & Chewy's Chewy's or similar
  153. Advice on Vet Care
  154. Help with Itching.
  155. Finicky Eater
  157. Advantage for fleas?
  158. Bully Sticks? And other post-teeth pulling things..
  159. Toby pulling hair
  160. Blood in she stool
  161. Removing puppy teeth
  162. Fishy/tuna breath
  163. Abscess type sore - time for the vet?
  164. My bitch is in heat ?
  165. Urinary tract infection
  166. Anyone use better in the raw?
  167. Yorkie Teeth
  168. 1st Dental
  169. automatic pet feeder
  170. Hiking / Backpacking with Yorkies
  171. I need help with my picky eater!
  172. Probiotics
  173. Ideal Balance not sold in Petsmart/Petco as of September
  174. Congestive heart failure
  175. Angel Eyes Tear Stain Remover
  176. skin and coat
  177. When to introduce dry dog food?
  178. Pet insurance thread I am missing?
  179. Can I Feed My Yorkie Babyfood
  180. Need food advice PLEASE!!
  181. Reverse sneezing or something else?
  182. Is it dandruff or mites?
  183. Flea and Tick Prevention....
  184. Cancer in Yorkies/Chemo or Not???
  185. Nexgard/salt substitute for dogs?
  186. Coughing and Gagging
  187. Adult Yorkie Growing Again?!
  188. Sick 12 yr old Yorkie / input ASAP
  189. Brushing teeth.
  190. Puppy treats
  191. Dental Confusion???
  192. question
  193. worried
  194. My yorkie baby is eating...
  195. Treats
  196. Advice on neutering?
  197. Not eating enough
  198. Preparing food for vacation
  199. I think I have a really great vet-had dental today
  200. Input on Merrick dry food
  201. Barking Heads or Orijen?
  202. Hills Prescription Diet or Home cook diet?
  203. Children's claritin?
  204. Weird breathing noises
  205. Garbanzo beans aka chickpeas
  206. Allergies and skin issues / loss of hair
  207. Probiotics
  208. 2yr Yorkie Lifting Leg in house????
  209. Scabs!
  210. Garlic For Dogs: Poison or Medicine? (from Dogs Naturally)
  211. Skin is Changing Colors
  212. Yorkie Lost 14 Teeth
  213. Do you use a supplement/vitamin supplement for your yorkie?
  214. My 7 Year Old Yorkie diagnosed with Liver Shunt
  215. What do you feed your monster :D ?
  216. Royal Canin GI low fat
  217. Vet Recommended Ear Plucking
  218. New up date on Ruger
  219. Claw and Claw Bed Diseases
  220. 9yr loosing hair and has dry skin
  221. Picky eater! Help
  222. Soft spot not closed yet
  223. Up date on Ruger
  224. Pink spot on nose?
  225. Odd Behavior
  226. New mom
  227. Liquid Milk Thistle
  228. Chicken Breast left out overnight
  229. Max is not eating and hes losing Weight
  230. Helping 12 week old yorkie grow more
  231. Weight loss in a yorkie
  232. Fromm Gold Small Breed; Opinions Anyone?
  233. My Ruger not feeling well
  234. Watch the Interview with the Owner of the Late World's Oldest Dog
  235. Need some suggestions
  236. Whinning Yorkie
  237. Enlarged heart, murmur, Vetmedin... thoughts?
  238. How many times do i feed my Yorkie?
  239. Can't seem to hold Urine
  240. Changed Food After Lots of Research, but now...
  241. Raw Egg yolk??
  242. Milk thistle side effects?
  243. collapsed trachea
  244. Rough dark skin on her back
  245. I Found a New Pharmacy for dog meds.....
  246. my 7 Year Old Yorkie is having seizures
  247. Four year old Yorkie became finicky
  248. Four year old Yorkie became finicky
  249. No poop today.
  250. Yet Another Dog Food Recall from Blue Buffalo......
