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  1. Loose stools!
  2. Chicken Bone!!!!
  3. throwing up yellow stuff & hair balls
  4. what is this?
  5. My Puppy Is Hacking And Coughing
  6. seizure...
  7. My Sick Lil Reco!
  8. Help!!! I knicked his ear
  9. It's fall-beware chrysanthemums & other plants
  10. Maddie is hurting!
  11. my dog ate tree bark help!
  12. wheezing
  13. 7 Week Old Yorkie Throwing Up
  14. OMG I need advice - Possible Parvo Exposure
  15. my little sick yorkie baby
  16. In need of some advice
  17. update and help please
  18. After spay question
  19. update on max, suspected tumour
  20. Please help Royce is throwing up
  21. Help Im New At This! :)
  22. Please help...Laxative question...
  23. Can worms cause vomiting? Gross
  24. please need help quick
  25. Update on Chachi
  26. Confused
  27. drinking water and vomiting?
  28. isoflurane vs sevoflurane
  29. New vet
  30. PLEASE help!! :cry:
  31. Long Island - collapsed trachea surgery?
  32. Me-Me is being rushed to vet
  33. Help, advice....
  34. Second liver shunt for my Indy
  35. A Very Important Post
  36. advice, please!!!!!!!
  37. My yorkie was vomiting- what is this a sign of?
  38. Loose Bowel movements 4 days???
  39. Update on my Sammy (HGE)
  40. romeo was playing and running with a dead squirrel in his mouth
  41. Babybear Update
  42. Allergic hickie-looking spots?
  43. Heart Murmur
  44. Chachi has been vomiting
  45. Please help...hemorrhagic gastroenteritis!
  46. Don't know where I should post this but it is medical
  47. my baby hurt his leg?need help
  48. Parvo shot made Venus sick
  49. Update on Indiana...
  50. luxating patella..
  51. bleeding nail
  52. Simon's got a belly scratch~still bleeding!!!!
  53. advice please...
  54. Hookworms
  55. Help..
  56. Please Pray for Lola & I on FRI
  57. Conversion???
  58. Wire WOOL......HELP
  59. Important info on Neurotoxic Disorders
  60. All symptoms of Liver Shunt - but negative
  61. Amoxicilan
  62. Just a cold?
  63. New member with a very big problem
  64. puppy licks her paws and tail, what to do?
  65. wetness around eyes
  66. I saw blood in his stool
  67. Esophagus - Stricture
  68. Chocolate incidence
  69. What are the symptoms
  70. I need some help - not using legs
  71. Has your dog ever had...
  72. Ferdinand ate some chocolate
  73. Please help me with poptart
  74. Sick yorkie Kidneys' Shutting Down
  75. Blockage in the intestines !!
  76. I'm so mad at myself for giving Scout Lepto shot!
  77. Is Ruthie sick??
  78. Liver Shunts?
  79. Lucy was spayed today!
  80. Puppy health insurance
  81. Gucci Is Not Herself
  82. Strange Behavior and a Bump! Please Help!
  83. Bad news from the VET
  84. Any ideas what to give her for diarrhea?
  85. Update on Dixie
  86. My diabetic Yorkie has cataracts - just confirmed today
  87. Both My Yorkies Are Sick
  88. I found a lump
  89. Sicko in NY puts pins in meat for dog!
  90. Vomiting baby :(
  91. Gucci Is Home
  92. Yorkie in shock
  93. Thank you from our hearts!
  94. sneezing and coughing
  95. Help; My dog is itching none stop..HELP
  96. Bella sick
  97. ~~Praying we did the right...
  98. Kia may lose her eye!
  99. green blister
  100. vomiting
  101. question about my yorkies leg poping out of joint?
  102. New to forum and need of help
  103. Getting concerned...
  104. Prayers For Sophie!!!!!!!
  105. I think Gracie is nuts!
  106. Update On Gucci
  107. help with a dieing pup
  108. Surgery is tomorrow...
  109. HELP! SNORTING NOISES breathing probs
  110. bleeding, diarrhea, and vomiting
  111. Sutures sticking out of Incision!
  112. Mitzi-Mae Update
  113. Prayers For Gucci
  114. Lexi jumped up at me & fell backward!
  115. My aunts little girl
  116. Mitzi-Maes Heart Block
  117. PLEASE reply
  118. Gizmo is anemic, hypoglycemic and won't eat!
  119. diarrhea.....
  120. Teething Question...Please help!
  121. Upset tummy
  122. Little Bear
  123. Humping question..need advice asap!
  124. Sammi update :(
  125. Please tell me I did the right thing!!!
  126. Timmy?
  127. Going to see Sammi tonight :)
  128. Benji's getting microchipped
  129. I need some honest advice please.
  130. What is the best food for yorkies?
  131. Update On Gucci
  132. safe removal of ticks
  133. Ticks!!!
  134. Just spoke to the dr!!!!
  135. I went to see Sammi...
  136. Parvo
  137. No Spay, Running Tests-- Does anyone know anything about Addison's Disease????
  138. Gucci has appt. with Liver Surgeon
  139. Throwing up
  140. Help Please
  141. Revolution? Fleas?
  142. my yorkie had symtoms of Hypoglycemia
  143. Someone please help..
  144. Help! Emma shaking after she eats??
  145. Diarrhea and Vomiting
  146. Sammi...Update...
  147. First Shots
  148. Help we found fleas on maggie last night
  149. Parvo Outbreak in our city
  150. Cause by vaccines??
  151. High Calorie Food?
  152. What's for what?
  153. Sick after vaccine -help
  154. Simon isn't eating or pooping.
  155. Help!!! Keelie Vomiting!
  156. involuntary peeing while sleeping/resting
  157. Starsky had a maggot in him! Gross!
  158. This is so scary!
  159. Chocolate chip pecan cookies...
  160. Update On Zsazsa
  161. im not sure what caused this
  162. Sammi...Possible Liver failure :(
  163. does anyone know anything about foxtail grass
  164. Physical Therapy??
  165. I thought this would be good to share..
  166. Bile test results came back
  167. Perthes vs Hip Dysplasia?
  168. Hello im new
  169. Gucci needs prayers today...
  170. Oh God, please help me... my Madda is just getting worse...
  171. Severe diarrhea.. what should i do?
  172. lost teeth!!:eek:
  173. Update on Rocco
  174. Gucci Is Home....
  175. Question about my friend's Yorkie, this is pretty gross!
  176. Dezi is Sick :sad:
  177. ZsaZsa is in Surgery
  178. I Am Sooo Mad!
  179. Choking on Leash
  180. OH NO.. Madda is sick and not eating!
  181. Megan may need spaying due to infection.
  182. Prayers for Rocco, dislocated hip
  183. Do dogs get leg cramps?
  184. Update On Gucci
  185. Conjunctivitis?
  186. Lethargic Yorkie, Stumbling Can't Stand!!??
  187. Gucci Is In Hospital Please Keep her In Your Prayers
  188. Shylah has a tummy ache. Help!
  189. Me again, new problem
  190. Help, Maddie ate at least one grape
  191. What should I do?? Advice needed ASAP...
  192. appreciate any help...
  193. weird little green bubble
  194. vaccines :(
  195. ZsaZsa fell off the bed
  196. plum seed
  197. Hepatic Microvascular Dysplasia
  198. Another Maggot story
  199. Bald Yorkie
  200. HELP!!! I came home to a puppy with bloody paws!
  201. Is something wrong with her
  202. Bottle Feeding Question!!!!
  203. loose bones?
  204. Not wanting to eat?
  205. Throwing up
  206. Diareha since Saturday - HELP PLEASE!
  207. Precious-Update-Surgery on 7-27-06
  208. Mates Get Stuck
  209. Starsky Got hit by a car!!!!!!!!!
  210. Peptobismal
  211. Green Goo from Eyes!!!
  212. Albon Suspension
  213. more than 5 teeth pulled!!!
  214. Diariaha
  215. Kennel Cough
  216. Yorkie body temperature
  217. Hemmorrahagic gastro-enteritis/ has anyone had this happen
  218. Yorkies and Bees
  219. Diagnosed with Pneumonia
  220. My Yorkie is Barfing!
  221. Kaci doesnt feel too well...
  222. My yorkie has been throwing up!
  223. My poor little sweet pea....
  224. My Yorkie acting strange after groomers
  225. My baby Precious is Ill, dry heaves, lethargic
  226. kidney problems
  227. She Is Doing Better!!
  228. ate grapes
  229. I'm So Sad
  230. Help - she ate WHOLE Peppercorns...
  231. Third Bladder Surgery
  232. Question about sick baby---
  233. Have you heard of this???
  234. Need help for incontinent 15 year old
  235. 5 week old puppies throwing up HELP
  236. Distemper ?
  237. Roxy - LP Surgery - UPDATE
  238. She's in PAIN
  239. Please Advise!
  240. PLEASE HELP! - Badger Vomitting Blood
  241. Kennel Cough
  242. My First Health Scare
  243. Non stop snorting?? help!!
  244. Piper had an accident
  245. River is very sick...
  246. my baby is throwing up!!
  247. Maddie Itching At Her Ear
  248. I need reassurance
  249. He ate paint
  250. Royal Canin
