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  1. Need help in caring for Diamond
  2. Hypoglycemic nightmare
  3. I reposted this on sick & injured, sorry this is my first time
  4. Caring for a Splint
  5. My 3 yr old Yorkie will not eat!!!!
  6. Scared to death!
  7. Bit of blood on stool
  8. Need Help with Riley!
  9. Extremely SICK 12 week puppy (weighs 1.2 pounds)
  10. 3 years old with arthritis??
  11. Giardia...again.
  12. encephalitis
  13. i think seeker broke his leg!!!
  14. Fizz is not coming home today
  15. My little baby has LP...what to do?
  16. Is it Kidney Failure?
  17. Life with Kia
  18. Neuter med. question.
  19. Urgent question Polina is very sick
  20. The Latest Carlo update as of 5/20/10
  21. ?? Not sure what happened??
  22. is Spay wound infected? Help
  23. My two dogs had war on eachother!!
  24. Limping in hind leg - but doesn't seem to be in pain
  25. Second Opinion at Vets Not Good
  26. OMG My Foster Rescue Has Full Body Ringworm!
  27. sniffles and face rubbing
  28. help with ct
  29. Shound I be worried? Jumped/fell on tile floor
  30. HELP-Kia is back in hospital
  31. unexplained sickness
  32. Fizz is staying at the vet for a few days
  33. 12 Year old Yorkie Stroke
  34. Liver Shunt question
  35. panting baby?
  36. Info on liver shunts from those w/experience
  37. Olive's Belly
  38. vomiting and won't stop shaking
  39. Slipped Disk?
  40. Kia!
  41. Carlo Update
  42. Injured leg- anyone have this happen after LP?
  43. Torn ACL & Luxating Patella
  44. Can dogs have viruses like us?
  45. Sick 2 Year Old- Can't Walk
  46. Kia's Surgery Monday
  47. I hope someone can help, EMERGENCY!!
  48. Cookie has laryngitis
  49. puppy with coccidia-DESPERATE
  50. stuck in her throat
  51. puppy not eating
  52. Kia
  53. Leggs-Perthes Disease/avascular necrosis
  54. Kia-Countdown to Surgery-Day 1
  55. Kia's UltraSound...OMG!!!
  56. finished antibiotics & still blood in urine
  57. Please SOMEONE HELP!
  58. is nuetering safe for tiny yorkies
  59. Sickness
  60. Medications - VENT
  62. after neuter
  63. Fine yesterday, now diarrhea and vomiting!
  64. Mold and Dogs
  65. Not sure what is wrong.
  66. Poison Ivy
  67. Vomiting most of day, please help!
  68. Crystals in urine?
  69. Throwing up on bed
  70. Any Ideas what this could be!?
  71. Help, Miloh is sick!!
  72. Giardia STILL
  73. Hurt lil pup ... advice? please!
  74. Carlo most likely has Mast Cell Cancer
  75. Theophylline - Enlarged heart (Cardiomegaly)and Collapsed Airway Disease
  76. My dog lily
  77. My Pierre Passed Yesterday Completely Unexpected... PLZ HELP!
  78. Anxiety?HELP
  79. 6 wk old acting funny,,need quick advice...
  80. Vaccine reaction? advice please
  81. Kia---Cushings....
  82. Tink is not adjusting well to Texas :(
  83. Very Sick Puppy
  84. Pictures just taken of Carlo back home today
  85. Hello from a New Member
  86. hypoglycemia
  87. Pray For My Bells (Bella)
  88. Sick Yorkie
  89. Lola has LP and I'm scared I may have to lose her..
  90. Is something wrong?
  91. Kia
  92. Pleae keep my Cane Corso, Carlo in your thoughts
  93. Why is he not eating?
  94. HELP - Constipated puppy
  95. Bloody Diarrhea! :( So scary!!!!
  96. Harley has been diagnosed with LP
  97. help me please
  98. Struvite Crystals -- Cranberry Juice
  99. Trying to Vomit??
  100. My Boy was choking!
  101. Yelping
  102. Please Help Me
  103. Help - Hair Mats And Skin Bumps ?
  104. Kia---Cushings....
  105. Jenna having diarrhea - dental tomorrow
  106. has anyone dealt with idiopathic encephalitis?
  107. Unusual behavior... please advise!
  108. Thin Hair???
  109. i think i will be going to the vets tomorrow
  110. Please help!!!
  111. Possible Bladder infection?
  112. Hernia?
  113. emergency room visit
  114. More Fentanyl patch questions??
  115. Have a problem
  116. Bosco Question
  117. My Yorkie boy won't poop
  118. bloodshot eyes
  119. any advice on ticks?
  120. Help walking problem!
  121. Lower teeth
  122. RE: High AST/ALT????? Update!
  123. 6 month yorkie and her teeth....
  124. Bump on Yorkie's throat
  125. pain managment for puppies after neuter
  126. Vaccinations
  127. Wont stop scratching
  128. Please Help Bella
  129. Snickers has been sick off and on nearly all month.
  130. Two yorkies foaming at the mouth
  131. Sadie's Eyes!
  132. don't know what to do
  133. Respiratory rate?
  134. worried owner
  135. fluid in belly - urgent - help please?
  136. doodles says thanks
  137. Help! My puppy keeps getting infections
  138. Seizures???? Please help!!
  139. please help
  140. Knee issues
  141. Has Anyone Experieced this with their Yorkie?
  142. Help! Poppy peed in her sleep twice today, why?!!!!
  143. hypoglemcemia
  144. Rhett's got to stay at the Vets
  145. Cushings Disease....
  146. head trama
  147. High ALP (alkaline phosphatase)
  148. UTI-- DonSymptoms
  149. Hollyhock caught Parvo
  150. Worried about Layla
  151. Helpppppp!
  152. VERY worried about my little guy :(
  153. my puppy poos clear mucus discharge
  154. back arched and in pain
  155. Roriee (AAI puppy) has had a major relapse!
  156. Right and Left inguinal hernias
  157. Need medical advice.....
  158. My baby girl might be pregnant HELP!
  159. Need Help!!!!!! Non-Yorkie but trust your opinions!!!!
  160. Yorkie swallowed a sock!! Please help!
  161. 2 year old Yorkie neutered today...worried
  162. Yorkie shaking and hunching only when breathing inwards
  163. My Yorkie tremble badly when breathing in
  164. Bella sick again.. I think
  165. Any Advice would be appreciated!
  166. Healed tibia after surgery but ?'s and a concern.
  167. I am seriously freaked out!
  168. Missing hair and scratching
  169. Neutered and seems in pain
  170. My lil monster is still having diarrhea and wont eat
  171. Is she sick?
  172. While I on LS
  173. Puppy Knee Surgery/Feeling Hopeless
  174. My baby has heart problems!!!!
  175. has anyone had a dog with leg perthes
  176. Complex Partial Seizures or
  177. Puppy hurt his leg
  178. Diji Chewed on Disprin! Help!
  179. I found a green blister on my girls belly
  180. Urinary Tract Infections
  181. Elongated Soft Palate Surgery
  182. !!!Kidney Disease :( PLEASE HELP!!!!
  183. legg perthes disease ?? Surgery expensive
  184. Looking for advice on sick dog (vomiting)
  185. Nuetered, Teeth Pulled... Not Drinking Water!
  186. Roxy has a strange bump under her skin!!!!!!
  187. Iceland Volcano
  188. Inverhart Max adverse reaction?
  189. sick puppy!!
  190. Niko licking both of his back paws a LOT
  191. HELP Please! Sassy ate LOTS of peanuts!!!!!
  192. Retching...but not throwing up.
  193. davinci might have AAI i am so scared, someone please help us.
  194. OMG Moose May Need a 2nd LP Surgery!!
  195. What should I do??
  196. RIMADYL side effect = death!?!?!
  197. bun high
  198. amputation
  199. Bad bloodwork results =(
  200. Camden's blood work was good!!
  201. Strange behavior
  202. he hurt his back
  203. swollen testicles after being neutered..
  204. Inguinal Hernia? My 2 yr old male baby!
  205. Allergic Reaction
  206. Poppy just swallowed a piece of gum!
  207. Possible Ear Infection
  208. Oliver throwing up
  209. HELP Peeing everywhere!!
  210. New Yorkie owner
  211. Acting weird after neuter
  212. Drooling nose - need advice
  213. Rily has luxating patellar
  214. Elevated bile test
  215. Shots and now diarrhea and lethargy!
  216. Seizure - does tongue turn blue?
  217. Excessive peeing?
  218. Yorkie - Yellow clumps in waste (picutre attached)
  219. back to her anorexic self while tapering prednisone :(
  220. Would a liver shunt show up with a reg blood test?
  221. Yuna hit her head harddddddd on the wall! Help!
  222. Swimmers syndrome?
  223. Can't Open Mouth Wide...
  224. Diarrhea following grooming every time...HELP!
  225. advice
  226. 11 week old puppy sick :(
  227. Ingested Oil of Oregano
  228. umbilical Herni
  229. Your advice needed - Re: Stones in bladder
  230. Help...My Yorkie was hit head with a baseball
  231. My Yorkie seems unable to get comfortable and keeps putting his rear end in the air!
  232. What Vacs for a new puppy.....
  233. Milo caught a bat!
  234. colitis
  235. tracheal narrowing
  236. Kobe is staying overnight at the Vet...Please Pray for him!!
  237. Rimadyl or Metacam?
  238. ruptured ACL and luxating patella
  239. 9wk Teacup Yorkie having Fullbody Muscle Spasms
  240. Wont poop after spay surgery
  241. Not a Yorkie, but could use your help
  242. prayers for my Tyke :( Can't get surgery--unknown heart condition
  243. Can't hold urine after bladder stone surgery
  244. Sick Little Girl
  245. my moe moe is in a bad way
  246. My yorkie is in heat... my vet says its better than to spay her bc of liver shunts??
  247. Hard nipples & lots of scratching??
  248. Tila's acting weird
  249. To much perozide?
  250. Enough already!
