- Need help in caring for Diamond
- Hypoglycemic nightmare
- I reposted this on sick & injured, sorry this is my first time
- Caring for a Splint
- My 3 yr old Yorkie will not eat!!!!
- Scared to death!
- Bit of blood on stool
- Need Help with Riley!
- Extremely SICK 12 week puppy (weighs 1.2 pounds)
- 3 years old with arthritis??
- Giardia...again.
- encephalitis
- i think seeker broke his leg!!!
- Fizz is not coming home today
- My little baby has LP...what to do?
- Is it Kidney Failure?
- Life with Kia
- Neuter med. question.
- Urgent question Polina is very sick
- The Latest Carlo update as of 5/20/10
- ?? Not sure what happened??
- is Spay wound infected? Help
- My two dogs had war on eachother!!
- Limping in hind leg - but doesn't seem to be in pain
- Second Opinion at Vets Not Good
- OMG My Foster Rescue Has Full Body Ringworm!
- sniffles and face rubbing
- help with ct
- Shound I be worried? Jumped/fell on tile floor
- HELP-Kia is back in hospital
- unexplained sickness
- Fizz is staying at the vet for a few days
- 12 Year old Yorkie Stroke
- Liver Shunt question
- panting baby?
- Info on liver shunts from those w/experience
- Olive's Belly
- vomiting and won't stop shaking
- Slipped Disk?
- Kia!
- Carlo Update
- Injured leg- anyone have this happen after LP?
- Torn ACL & Luxating Patella
- Can dogs have viruses like us?
- Sick 2 Year Old- Can't Walk
- Kia's Surgery Monday
- I hope someone can help, EMERGENCY!!
- Cookie has laryngitis
- puppy with coccidia-DESPERATE
- stuck in her throat
- puppy not eating
- Kia
- Leggs-Perthes Disease/avascular necrosis
- Kia-Countdown to Surgery-Day 1
- Kia's UltraSound...OMG!!!
- finished antibiotics & still blood in urine
- is nuetering safe for tiny yorkies
- Sickness
- Medications - VENT
- after neuter
- Fine yesterday, now diarrhea and vomiting!
- Mold and Dogs
- Not sure what is wrong.
- Poison Ivy
- Vomiting most of day, please help!
- Crystals in urine?
- Throwing up on bed
- Any Ideas what this could be!?
- Help, Miloh is sick!!
- Giardia STILL
- Hurt lil pup ... advice? please!
- Carlo most likely has Mast Cell Cancer
- Theophylline - Enlarged heart (Cardiomegaly)and Collapsed Airway Disease
- My dog lily
- My Pierre Passed Yesterday Completely Unexpected... PLZ HELP!
- Anxiety?HELP
- 6 wk old acting funny,,need quick advice...
- Vaccine reaction? advice please
- Kia---Cushings....
- Tink is not adjusting well to Texas :(
- Very Sick Puppy
- Pictures just taken of Carlo back home today
- Hello from a New Member
- hypoglycemia
- Pray For My Bells (Bella)
- Sick Yorkie
- Lola has LP and I'm scared I may have to lose her..
- Is something wrong?
- Kia
- Pleae keep my Cane Corso, Carlo in your thoughts
- Why is he not eating?
- HELP - Constipated puppy
- Bloody Diarrhea! :( So scary!!!!
- Harley has been diagnosed with LP
- help me please
- Struvite Crystals -- Cranberry Juice
- Trying to Vomit??
- My Boy was choking!
- Yelping
- Please Help Me
- Help - Hair Mats And Skin Bumps ?
- Kia---Cushings....
- Jenna having diarrhea - dental tomorrow
- has anyone dealt with idiopathic encephalitis?
- Unusual behavior... please advise!
- Thin Hair???
- i think i will be going to the vets tomorrow
- Please help!!!
- Possible Bladder infection?
- Hernia?
- emergency room visit
- More Fentanyl patch questions??
- Have a problem
- Bosco Question
- My Yorkie boy won't poop
- bloodshot eyes
- any advice on ticks?
- Help walking problem!
- Lower teeth
- RE: High AST/ALT????? Update!
- 6 month yorkie and her teeth....
- Bump on Yorkie's throat
- pain managment for puppies after neuter
- Vaccinations
- Wont stop scratching
- Please Help Bella
- Snickers has been sick off and on nearly all month.
- Two yorkies foaming at the mouth
- Sadie's Eyes!
- don't know what to do
- Respiratory rate?
- worried owner
- fluid in belly - urgent - help please?
- doodles says thanks
- Help! My puppy keeps getting infections
- Seizures???? Please help!!
- please help
- Knee issues
- Has Anyone Experieced this with their Yorkie?
- Help! Poppy peed in her sleep twice today, why?!!!!
- hypoglemcemia
- Rhett's got to stay at the Vets
- Cushings Disease....
- head trama
- High ALP (alkaline phosphatase)
- UTI-- DonSymptoms
- Hollyhock caught Parvo
- Worried about Layla
- Helpppppp!
- VERY worried about my little guy :(
- my puppy poos clear mucus discharge
- back arched and in pain
- Roriee (AAI puppy) has had a major relapse!
- Right and Left inguinal hernias
- Need medical advice.....
- My baby girl might be pregnant HELP!
- Need Help!!!!!! Non-Yorkie but trust your opinions!!!!
- Yorkie swallowed a sock!! Please help!
- 2 year old Yorkie neutered today...worried
- Yorkie shaking and hunching only when breathing inwards
- My Yorkie tremble badly when breathing in
- Bella sick again.. I think
- Any Advice would be appreciated!
- Healed tibia after surgery but ?'s and a concern.
- I am seriously freaked out!
- Missing hair and scratching
- Neutered and seems in pain
- My lil monster is still having diarrhea and wont eat
- Is she sick?
- While I wait...info on LS
- Puppy Knee Surgery/Feeling Hopeless
- My baby has heart problems!!!!
- has anyone had a dog with leg perthes
- Complex Partial Seizures or
- Puppy hurt his leg
- Diji Chewed on Disprin! Help!
- I found a green blister on my girls belly
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Elongated Soft Palate Surgery
- !!!Kidney Disease :( PLEASE HELP!!!!
- legg perthes disease ?? Surgery expensive
- Looking for advice on sick dog (vomiting)
- Nuetered, Teeth Pulled... Not Drinking Water!
- Roxy has a strange bump under her skin!!!!!!
- Iceland Volcano
- Inverhart Max adverse reaction?
- sick puppy!!
- Niko licking both of his back paws a LOT
- HELP Please! Sassy ate LOTS of peanuts!!!!!
- Retching...but not throwing up.
- davinci might have AAI i am so scared, someone please help us.
- OMG Moose May Need a 2nd LP Surgery!!
- What should I do??
- RIMADYL side effect = death!?!?!
- bun high
- amputation
- Bad bloodwork results =(
- Camden's blood work was good!!
- Strange behavior
- he hurt his back
- swollen testicles after being neutered..
- Inguinal Hernia? My 2 yr old male baby!
- Allergic Reaction
- Poppy just swallowed a piece of gum!
- Possible Ear Infection
- Oliver throwing up
- HELP Peeing everywhere!!
- New Yorkie owner
- Acting weird after neuter
- Drooling nose - need advice
- Rily has luxating patellar
- Elevated bile test
- Shots and now diarrhea and lethargy!
- Seizure - does tongue turn blue?
- Excessive peeing?
- Yorkie - Yellow clumps in waste (picutre attached)
- back to her anorexic self while tapering prednisone :(
- Would a liver shunt show up with a reg blood test?
- Yuna hit her head harddddddd on the wall! Help!
- Swimmers syndrome?
- Can't Open Mouth Wide...
- Diarrhea following grooming every time...HELP!
- advice
- 11 week old puppy sick :(
- Ingested Oil of Oregano
- umbilical Herni
- Your advice needed - Re: Stones in bladder
- Help...My Yorkie was hit head with a baseball
- My Yorkie seems unable to get comfortable and keeps putting his rear end in the air!
- What Vacs for a new puppy.....
- Milo caught a bat!
- colitis
- tracheal narrowing
- Kobe is staying overnight at the Vet...Please Pray for him!!
- Rimadyl or Metacam?
- ruptured ACL and luxating patella
- 9wk Teacup Yorkie having Fullbody Muscle Spasms
- Wont poop after spay surgery
- Not a Yorkie, but could use your help
- prayers for my Tyke :( Can't get surgery--unknown heart condition
- Can't hold urine after bladder stone surgery
- Sick Little Girl
- my moe moe is in a bad way
- My yorkie is in heat... my vet says its better than to spay her bc of liver shunts??
- Hard nipples & lots of scratching??
- Tila's acting weird
- To much perozide?
- Enough already!