
View Full Version : Yorkie Health & Diet

  1. question about baby teeth
  2. Best Dog Food for Yorkies
  3. Why is she sticking her tongue out?
  4. Yorkie needs to loose weight
  5. Anyone hear of this food?
  6. Natural Balance question?
  7. Confused about fleas
  8. Natural Balance Dog Food Rolls?
  9. Help!! One Chunky Yorkie, One Skinny Yorkie
  10. New food, weird habit!
  11. Does your yorkie ever roll on its food before eating it?
  12. The Miracle Cure!
  13. Hey
  14. Seems like nothing is gonna work...
  15. Animal testing-puppy food
  16. Hello
  17. Hair loss aorund nose
  18. Loosing Baby Teeth!! :(
  19. IMPORTANT - BENEFUL dog food
  20. help fleas
  21. How can I "fatten her up"?
  22. Can they eat ground turkey
  23. Heat cycles?
  24. Shes ready!!
  25. Switching Food - Gassy
  26. Hoping for some respones this time :) need some help
  27. Eggs??? Who feeds their babies eggs???
  28. Lst day of FREE Shipping
  29. Solid Gold puppy food
  30. missing link
  31. Vitamins
  32. Bad Breath
  33. neutered..BUT STILL HUMPING!
  34. ATTENTION: NUTRO users!!
  35. Nutro Ultra puppy.
  36. Puppy to Adult Food?
  37. Life's Abundance Question
  38. Food for my Yorkies
  39. How much to eat?
  40. post diarrhea question
  41. Neutering Experiences
  42. I bought these things to Mix w/ the Chicken Soup Kibble
  43. I can't stress this information enough!
  44. Sam-e or Milk Thistle for liver
  45. Heartgard Plus and Itchy Skin Condition
  46. Too much cottage cheese
  47. What's a Bully Stick ??
  48. NE1 w/info on canine cognitive disorder?
  49. Neutered but still humping
  50. Dry kibbles with water = wet food ?
  51. Way To Much Poop!
  52. Royal Canine
  53. What Can I MIX Chicken Soup Kibble with??
  54. I thought I was picky!
  55. Castor & Pollux Natural Ultramix Puppy Formula
  56. Samples/Switching from Innova EVO????
  57. Dewormer....
  58. Pedialyte.....
  59. Coco Is Here But She Hasn't Pee Or Poo
  60. I cant get my dogs to eat anything
  61. Teeth Cleaning without Anesthesia?
  62. Good food to help Weight Gain?
  63. Royal Canin For Yorkies
  64. Eagle Pack Holistic?
  65. What fruit is safe/ unsafe for my Yorkie?
  66. OMG She Just Ate Raw Hamburger
  67. Heartworm meds
  68. Missy's food - she's getting bored with it
  69. Canidae Foods
  70. Do old yorkies have hair loss like people?
  71. PetzLife
  72. Do Yorkies lose their puppy fur?
  73. Eating Weight Control Food
  74. having a hard time going potty
  75. Vaccinations
  76. The absolute BEST site you can refer to if you suspect your dog has allergies
  77. Food Question
  78. Sharp Head Shake
  79. Switch food?
  80. Site Name
  81. Opinions wanted on Grizzly Salmon Oil
  82. Vets and kickbacks
  83. Allergic to Chicken?
  84. Allergies
  85. Royal Canin OR Nutro Natural Choice?
  86. Expired Nutrical?
  87. Treats?
  88. Anyone's furbabies on Proin???
  89. Reaction to Rabies Vaccine?
  90. The feeding dilemna
  91. plucking ear hair????
  92. gas
  93. Borderline/Possible Diabetic
  94. Yorkie Food Allergy Question
  95. Anyone who's experienced flying 10+ hrs?
  96. Food coming back up
  97. What will help Katie's hair???
  98. corn gluten in dog foods
  99. pulled muscle??
  100. yummy treats???
  101. help please very worried
  102. Tail Docking
  103. Questions About Vaccinations
  104. Can dogs drink sparkling mineral water?
  105. Home made dog food help please.
  106. String Cheese...
  107. Free feeding vs. scheduled feeding
  108. How do you know....
  109. Clean Teeth!
  110. New Teeth
  111. Treats and diarrhea
  112. Unusual Poop Today
  113. Why does Hallie have to do the Kibble Dance?
  114. New Puppy food
  115. White Spots on new puppy's chest
  116. Missing Link Help
  117. Low Residue Feed
  118. Yikes... we were house trained... HELP
  119. low fat not high in protein
  120. question about puppy Insurance, is it worthwhile, which plans are good
  121. Bile acid test for liver shunt... should I?
  122. Max just got neutered HELP
  123. Question about bathing a new puppy
  124. Pigears...dangerous?
  125. Boy problems
  126. The Whole Dog Journal February issue DRY FOOD LIST is out!!
  127. Emma acting funny since heat...possibly pregnant???
  128. i know i know
  129. Question/concern over neutering
  130. Hypoglycemia
  131. Is There ANYTHING That Is Safe?
  132. YES, Another Food Question!
  133. Can she be constipated
  134. Has anyone seen this "How to Grade Your Pet's Diet"
  135. Raw????
  136. car sickmess
  137. Heart Murmur ???
  138. Reverse Sneezing
  139. What kind of WATER do you feed?
  140. Worried...not eating I
  141. Nature Natural Puppy Formula How good?
  142. Vomitting!!! Help..
  143. has anyone heard of this...
  144. I Want Firm Poop!
  145. Heartworm Meds
  146. Need a top notch animal hospital in PA or nearby
  147. Purina Veterinary Diet?
  148. Gerber dehydrated fruits.....
  149. allergies and skin problems
  150. JoGGing with your yorkie
  151. Instead of Missing Link?
  152. Female urination?
  153. Why dock the tail?
  154. Wrapping ears?
  155. My puppy gets too stinky!
  156. Bordetella Vaccine
  157. What age do you take a puppy to groomer
  158. Cereal Grains, Mycotoxins and Your Yorkie
  159. Clarification on "Barbiturate"
  160. Nails...
  161. Stitches...
  162. Little bumps on eyelids?? What is this?!
  163. Question
  164. Help.....i Need Info From Eveyrone......
  165. Is Science that bad?
  166. Is my puppy eating enough??
  167. Low fat diet
  168. Gina has bad breath
  169. Bad Teeth
  170. How much...?
  171. Another weight question
  172. How much protein is too much? wellness?
  173. Artemis!?
  174. How much dog treats
  175. baby teeth at 7 jmonths old
  176. Does anyone use Grizzly Salmon Oil?
  177. Dewclaws..
  178. HELP....How many times a day do you feed?????
  179. vaccines???
  180. Yorkies with diabetes
  181. Feeding Input Appreciated.....
  182. Ultra Rawhide Sample Case, 6 Bully Sticks, 4 Chompies Dog Treats $7 Shipped
  183. Bed Wetting/Hormonal Incontenance? Advise Please!
  184. Does your puppy sweat?
  185. Behavior after shots
  186. Why do yorkies eat the way they do?
  187. Wes won't eat when we're not home
  188. has she become fussy?
  189. HELP ! Someone asked me if my puppy was blind
  190. Ear and teeth question....
  191. Question for the "Food Police" :-)
  192. solid gold seameal.
  193. Nature's Variety Raw diet?
  194. Yeah Or Nay To Missing Link Supplement?
  195. Yet, Another Food Question????
  196. Is This Weird?!?!
  197. A Question...
  198. Yorkie Growth and Development
  199. Bowls vs. Bottles
  200. Bailey started her period. Advice?
  201. Turkey?
  202. fly biting
  203. Frontline in Winter?
  204. Teeth Cleaning Question
  205. Heating Pads
  206. Does your baby do this?
  207. Liver Shunt
  208. What do you like?
  209. Good Morning America's ~ Puppies 101
  210. underfed yorkie to keep small
  211. Bailey not eating! Please Help Me!!
  212. Solid Gold Users....
  213. Spaying decision - here or out of town?!
  214. Merrick Texas Toothpics
  215. fleas
  216. question about her little nose
  217. yawning and licking lips
  218. Old doggie need's soft food
  219. Is this a broken tooth,,,or normal.
  220. Skin tag?
  221. Pet Insurance ... Whats That???
  222. Frontline for a little one
  223. What's the difference in the different kinds of Missing Link
  224. Regulating his diet???
  225. Petzlife spray and gel
  226. How long does a bully stick last?
  227. bathing only once a month?
  228. Chicken Soup and Diarrhea???
  229. [B]Elimination Problem[/B]
  230. Eclampsia
  231. Bully Sticks
  232. How do you care for your yorkies teeth?
  233. Has anyone tried the Pet-Ease?
  234. Teddy Loves Royal Canin Puppy Food!!!!
  235. I am so torned - help me with mange and my puppy again
  236. Hotspot Suggestions?
  237. Bathing how often?
  238. Tink's hair is falling out in chunks
  239. changing food
  240. Food problems
  241. Missing Link question....
  242. In The News: Dental Vaccine For Dogs
  243. baby shots
  244. Mixing wet and dry
  245. Other supplement than Missing Link?
  246. White spot on the eye
  247. What types of chews are safe? Rawhides?
  248. Poop Color
  249. these teeth will be the death of me!
  250. Lacey won't Eat or Drink...
