View Full Version : Yorkie Health & Diet - Gunky Eyes.. Ewww.. Help Please
- luxating patella!
- Anyone know about yorkie tears and TUMS??
- question about baby teeth
- Best Dog Food for Yorkies
- Why is she sticking her tongue out?
- Yorkie needs to loose weight
- Anyone hear of this food?
- Natural Balance question?
- Confused about fleas
- Natural Balance Dog Food Rolls?
- Help!! One Chunky Yorkie, One Skinny Yorkie
- New food, weird habit!
- Does your yorkie ever roll on its food before eating it?
- The Miracle Cure!
- Hey
- Seems like nothing is gonna work...
- Animal testing-puppy food
- Hello
- Hair loss aorund nose
- Loosing Baby Teeth!! :(
- help fleas
- How can I "fatten her up"?
- Can they eat ground turkey
- Heat cycles?
- Shes ready!!
- Switching Food - Gassy
- Hoping for some respones this time :) need some help
- Eggs??? Who feeds their babies eggs???
- Lst day of FREE Shipping
- Solid Gold puppy food
- missing link
- Vitamins
- Bad Breath
- neutered..BUT STILL HUMPING!
- Nutro Ultra puppy.
- Puppy to Adult Food?
- Life's Abundance Question
- Food for my Yorkies
- How much to eat?
- post diarrhea question
- Neutering Experiences
- I bought these things to Mix w/ the Chicken Soup Kibble
- I can't stress this information enough!
- Sam-e or Milk Thistle for liver
- Heartgard Plus and Itchy Skin Condition
- Too much cottage cheese
- What's a Bully Stick ??
- NE1 w/info on canine cognitive disorder?
- Neutered but still humping
- Dry kibbles with water = wet food ?
- Way To Much Poop!
- Royal Canine
- What Can I MIX Chicken Soup Kibble with??
- I thought I was picky!
- Castor & Pollux Natural Ultramix Puppy Formula
- Samples/Switching from Innova EVO????
- Dewormer....
- Pedialyte.....
- Coco Is Here But She Hasn't Pee Or Poo
- I cant get my dogs to eat anything
- Teeth Cleaning without Anesthesia?
- Good food to help Weight Gain?
- Royal Canin For Yorkies
- Eagle Pack Holistic?
- What fruit is safe/ unsafe for my Yorkie?
- OMG She Just Ate Raw Hamburger
- Heartworm meds
- Missy's food - she's getting bored with it
- Canidae Foods
- Do old yorkies have hair loss like people?
- PetzLife
- Do Yorkies lose their puppy fur?
- Eating Weight Control Food
- having a hard time going potty
- Vaccinations
- The absolute BEST site you can refer to if you suspect your dog has allergies
- Food Question
- Sharp Head Shake
- Switch food?
- Site Name
- Opinions wanted on Grizzly Salmon Oil
- Vets and kickbacks
- Allergic to Chicken?
- Allergies
- Royal Canin OR Nutro Natural Choice?
- Expired Nutrical?
- Treats?
- Anyone's furbabies on Proin???
- Reaction to Rabies Vaccine?
- The feeding dilemna
- plucking ear hair????
- gas
- Borderline/Possible Diabetic
- Yorkie Food Allergy Question
- Anyone who's experienced flying 10+ hrs?
- Food coming back up
- What will help Katie's hair???
- corn gluten in dog foods
- pulled muscle??
- yummy treats???
- help please very worried
- Tail Docking
- Questions About Vaccinations
- Can dogs drink sparkling mineral water?
- Home made dog food help please.
- String Cheese...
- Free feeding vs. scheduled feeding
- How do you know....
- Clean Teeth!
- New Teeth
- Treats and diarrhea
- Unusual Poop Today
- Why does Hallie have to do the Kibble Dance?
- New Puppy food
- White Spots on new puppy's chest
- Missing Link Help
- Low Residue Feed
- Yikes... we were house trained... HELP
- low fat not high in protein
- question about puppy Insurance, is it worthwhile, which plans are good
- Bile acid test for liver shunt... should I?
- Max just got neutered HELP
- Question about bathing a new puppy
- Pigears...dangerous?
- Boy problems
- The Whole Dog Journal February issue DRY FOOD LIST is out!!
- Emma acting funny since heat...possibly pregnant???
- i know i know
- Question/concern over neutering
- Hypoglycemia
- Is There ANYTHING That Is Safe?
- YES, Another Food Question!
- Can she be constipated
- Has anyone seen this "How to Grade Your Pet's Diet"
- Raw????
- car sickmess
- Heart Murmur ???
- Reverse Sneezing
- What kind of WATER do you feed?
- Worried...not eating I
- Nature Natural Puppy Formula How good?
- Vomitting!!! Help..
- has anyone heard of this...
- I Want Firm Poop!
- Heartworm Meds
- Need a top notch animal hospital in PA or nearby
- Purina Veterinary Diet?
- Gerber dehydrated fruits.....
- allergies and skin problems
- JoGGing with your yorkie
- Instead of Missing Link?
- Female urination?
- Why dock the tail?
- Wrapping ears?
- My puppy gets too stinky!
- Bordetella Vaccine
- What age do you take a puppy to groomer
- Cereal Grains, Mycotoxins and Your Yorkie
- Clarification on "Barbiturate"
- Nails...
- Stitches...
- Little bumps on eyelids?? What is this?!
- Question
- Help.....i Need Info From Eveyrone......
- Is Science that bad?
- Is my puppy eating enough??
- Low fat diet
- Gina has bad breath
- Bad Teeth
- How much...?
- Another weight question
- How much protein is too much? wellness?
- Artemis!?
- How much dog treats
- baby teeth at 7 jmonths old
- Does anyone use Grizzly Salmon Oil?
- Dewclaws..
- HELP....How many times a day do you feed?????
- vaccines???
- Yorkies with diabetes
- Feeding Input Appreciated.....
- Ultra Rawhide Sample Case, 6 Bully Sticks, 4 Chompies Dog Treats $7 Shipped
- Bed Wetting/Hormonal Incontenance? Advise Please!
- Does your puppy sweat?
- Behavior after shots
- Why do yorkies eat the way they do?
- Wes won't eat when we're not home
- has she become fussy?
- HELP ! Someone asked me if my puppy was blind
- Ear and teeth question....
- Question for the "Food Police" :-)
- solid gold seameal.
- Nature's Variety Raw diet?
- Yeah Or Nay To Missing Link Supplement?
- Yet, Another Food Question????
- Is This Weird?!?!
- A Question...
- Yorkie Growth and Development
- Bowls vs. Bottles
- Bailey started her period. Advice?
- Turkey?
- fly biting
- Frontline in Winter?
- Teeth Cleaning Question
- Heating Pads
- Does your baby do this?
- Liver Shunt
- What do you like?
- Good Morning America's ~ Puppies 101
- underfed yorkie to keep small
- Bailey not eating! Please Help Me!!
- Solid Gold Users....
- Spaying decision - here or out of town?!
- Merrick Texas Toothpics
- fleas
- question about her little nose
- yawning and licking lips
- Old doggie need's soft food
- Is this a broken tooth,,,or normal.
- Skin tag?
- Pet Insurance ... Whats That???
- Frontline for a little one
- What's the difference in the different kinds of Missing Link
- Regulating his diet???
- Petzlife spray and gel
- How long does a bully stick last?
- bathing only once a month?
- Chicken Soup and Diarrhea???
- [B]Elimination Problem[/B]
- Eclampsia
- Bully Sticks
- How do you care for your yorkies teeth?
- Has anyone tried the Pet-Ease?
- Teddy Loves Royal Canin Puppy Food!!!!
- I am so torned - help me with mange and my puppy again
- Hotspot Suggestions?
- Bathing how often?
- Tink's hair is falling out in chunks
- changing food
- Food problems
- Missing Link question....
- In The News: Dental Vaccine For Dogs
- baby shots
- Mixing wet and dry
- Other supplement than Missing Link?
- White spot on the eye
- What types of chews are safe? Rawhides?
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