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  1. Tucker's Vet Visit
  2. Has anyone had these symptoms w/yorkie?
  3. Dangerous to go to the Vet?
  4. Back injury please help
  5. Worming question
  6. No Injuries
  7. not eating, vomited & diaherria
  8. Head Injury??
  9. Wosie hurt her leg last night...
  10. Pet First Aide Kit
  11. Should I Be Worried?
  12. tumor info?
  13. What's wrong with Cosmo
  14. Worried about my pup. Any advise?
  15. Is she sick?
  16. Limping Pup
  17. Ear Mites
  18. Heartbreaking!
  19. Babies early
  20. Bleeding from penis
  21. sick puppy
  22. My poor teaka:( PLEASE HELP
  23. Help???
  24. Ceeby is all well!!!!!!!!!
  25. Cleo is gone
  26. This worked for my coughing baby
  27. Could this be kennel cough?
  28. ceeby and the Vet
  29. Baffled...any help would be appreciated!
  30. Update on Ceeby (and me)
  31. iv just got my 1st yorkie. She's throwing up and has tonsillitis!
  32. Pepto Bismol?
  33. stages of pancreatitis?
  34. My poor baby vomitted!!!
  35. Sore throat?
  36. Scratching his!
  37. OH NO!! Mercedes has what Mav had yesterday
  38. Raccoon Attack!
  39. Help!!!!!!!
  40. Biscuit's cough has changed
  41. Poor Mavrick is soooo sick right now
  42. HELP! My girl just teared her nail off!
  43. HELP! Is Snoop Sick?
  44. Sick Dog
  45. Need advice AGAIN....
  46. omg Gidget ate a burr
  47. my turn for a stress call
  48. abscess from shots with fever
  49. Sick yorkie...vomiting
  50. blood in stool
  51. sick yorkie baby
  52. What Age to Spay?
  53. He was fixed yesterday but...
  54. Sick and Shivering
  55. tongue question
  56. cola syrup for nausea?
  57. pedialyte or pepto--how to administer it?
  58. desperately seeking vomitting feedback
  59. vomit/diareahha (sp?)
  60. Nursing Question ...
  61. Poopie Question (sorry, a little TMI)
  62. Help/Blisters on corners of mouth
  63. Help! My puppy ate the pack from a shoe box!
  64. Help, new puppy won't eat.
  65. Winter Health Hazard November 3, 2005
  66. PLEASE HELP!! Water in ears!!!
  67. I think Scooter has diabetes
  68. Head shaking like parkinsons?
  69. ear mites???
  70. Spot on x-ray.
  71. Update on Kelli...Eye's Healed...but...
  72. RABIES SHOT.....Swelling!
  73. Skeeter is Paralyzed. Please help
  74. My yorkie may have something stuck in his throat...
  75. Lexi got knocked out!
  76. need advice...tounge/jaw /mouth problems
  77. Heart Murmur/Collapsed Trachea
  78. when is it safe to stop Nutrical?
  79. Sneezing to much
  80. HELP...squinty eye
  81. Please Help, is this normal?
  82. Coughing pup?
  83. Missing hair on top of my yorkie head
  84. Leggs Calf Perthes
  85. shaking puppy
  86. please I need everyones advice please!!
  87. Gizmo won't move..... he keeps
  88. OMG!! Is this bad? Can you help please!!!
  89. sneezing???
  90. Very concerned about puppy
  91. Something's wrong with Callie
  92. Runny Nose and Smacking Lips
  93. My Dog Was Just DX with 2 Diseases...
  94. infection around spaying incision
  95. Our lil girl having seizures!
  96. FHO surgery
  97. Heart
  98. My chi ate DEOXIDIZER
  99. See my post under Yorkie Health
  100. My Yorkie ate my Smart Media card
  101. Chewie's not enjoying vacation...
  102. First Vet Visit
  103. Take seizure puppies to vet immediately!
  104. please Help, Is lilly sick?
  105. 4 seizures so far.Tests in hospital tomorrow
  106. Please Help my Annie Angel
  107. Can I do anything to help my dying lil puppy?
  108. Vommiting?
  109. need a quick answer
  110. Blisters/Bumps on Belly!!!!
  111. Simon broke his leg
  112. Constipation
  113. poor mimi
  114. Annie Angel
  115. Concerned
  116. My Mother called me crying!
  117. Something is wrong with Lexi's ********
  118. My babys sick since he had his shots
  119. shivers and diarrhea?
  120. Update on Sabrina (spayed/little tumors)
  121. THOR to emergency room last night-hook in eye!!!
  122. Third Eye Lid
  123. Dexamethasone
  124. Sabrina had surgery yesterday...
  125. update on scrappydoo
  126. scrappydoo is sick
  127. Buddha is at the Emergency Vet Overnight
  128. Hair Loss, Please Help!!
  129. Liver shunt heartbreak
  130. Rash
  131. Once again, Princess is in the hospital....
  132. Morning sickness in yorkies
  133. Small Abrasion - Need Advice
  134. Lida Rose is in the hospital....
  135. Enema Expectations
  136. runny eye
  137. Bladder/Urinary Tract Infection
  138. Does anyone know about a collapsed larynx
  139. Update on Ava
  140. Poor Chewie
  141. Seizures, Microvascular dysplasia, shunt....full report
  142. asthma
  143. Please Help Hercules This Could Be Fatal
  144. Not sure
  145. Tippy seems hot
  146. Corky may have had an OD'd on Frontline!
  147. GME - Granulometous Meningioencephalomyelitis
  148. Baby threw up this morning
  149. Baby York not eating...
  150. Baby York not eating
  151. his ears!
  152. Princess has been rushed to hospital!!!
  153. White Out...
  154. Puzzled
  155. Feeling frustrated: No resolution, yet!!
  156. Some Advice Please.....
  157. PLEASE HELP Im worried sick
  158. puppy shots-reaction
  159. Sick Puppy?
  160. my yorkie won't eat!
  161. Is anyone there?
  162. tongue sticks out
  163. Bee sting
  164. kitchen counter buffet
  165. Immediately Pooping out Undigested Food???
  166. greenish discharge in right eye
  167. Terry won't stop licking everything and then vomiting! Help!
  168. Something wrong and I don't know what
  169. cough/sneeze spasms? help!
  170. Was this hypoglycemia?? Need advice please!! Its for little Chanel
  171. Sick 3 1/2 Week Old Puppy!
  172. Vomiting...again...
  173. steroids
  174. More Info. on Collapsed Trachea
  175. Update on Gracie with tonsilitis...
  176. EMERGENCY!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!! Sorry its long but please help me
  177. Please Help!
  178. Luxating Patella
  179. Throw up with blood? Help ASAP
  180. Soft spot on head, how long will they have that?
  181. Scratched Eye :(
  182. Sick Baby Help
  183. Need Advice!!!!! Please ASAP
  184. Mia's blood test was positive for liver abnormalities.
  185. poor baby!
  186. My beloved Yorkie is licking his rear toes excessively.
  187. New and Worried Mom
  188. Vomitting Frequently
  189. Please Read re: Yorkie Pancreatitis!!!
  190. Maddie is at the Vet
  191. Princess and I slipped and fell...
  192. raw reddish pink sore spots being scratched
  193. Tini and Legg Calve Perthes
  194. vomiting and diarreha
  195. Throwng up
  196. broken leg
  197. Myra my baby girl is at the emergency vet
  198. CPR for your Yorkie in an Emergency
  199. Sick / Emergency Forum Rules; *ONE* THREAD PER INCIDENT ONLY & Please Post Updates!
  200. Do Yorkie's typically have sensitive stomaches?
  201. What kind of treats to you give your yorkie?
  202. luxating patellas
