
View Full Version : General Training Questions

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  1. Cat Alarm
  2. puppy II class
  3. 'wait' command?
  4. Eating schedule
  5. Front clip harness not working!
  6. Puppy Vs. THE LEASH!
  7. Barking Babies
  8. Potty pad surprise
  9. Help Won't Come
  10. stairs!
  11. Finally!!!
  12. Move/Potty question
  13. Oh Rupert, Dont know what to do. (potty)
  14. Potty training decision
  15. A Little bit of Humor..
  16. Next best thing to Cesar Milan in Phoenix!!!
  17. Ruining my love life "HELP Please"
  18. Biting and Barking when people walk towards the door!!
  19. Potty Patch — how is it working for you?
  20. Teaching an older dog '
  21. DH (and I) can not take much more of this potty business!!
  22. Barking Problem and Dominant Problem
  23. My Yorkie automaticaly pee or poop in the house when I leave...
  24. Biting Furniture
  25. My new rescued Yorkie "London"
  26. Wont Listen...
  27. Potty Bell Training
  28. Obedience training
  29. peeing out side of paper (help)
  30. Doggy LITTER BOX training for toy yorkster?
  31. working on come command
  32. Potty training support group
  33. 9 week old pup is a bite MONSTER!
  34. Harley refuses to walk on the leash...just sits and whines...HELP!!
  35. Not without a treat!
  36. Maye is sneaky! Potty training help!
  37. Vacation nightmare he's peeing on Moms carpet
  38. How do I teach a yorkie to play
  39. What trick next?
  40. Face full of Yorkie
  41. My son needs help please
  42. What Is the Deal?! I NEED ADVICE
  43. Ok i will prefer my puppy to be outdoor potty trained but I was reading...
  44. Pees outside and comes inside, pees inside also
  45. aggressiveness
  46. Gizmo wont come
  47. Walking issues
  48. Why does my Yorkie act this way with my son?
  49. I need help training
  50. Log of Potty Training 10wk old puppy.
  51. For those who have lost patience....
  52. What do you do with wires?
  53. Help!!!!!!
  54. Help...aggressive puppy?
  55. Crate or No Crate????!!!!
  56. Bath Time
  57. Please Help Oliver!!!
  58. Goes CRAAAAAZY at PETCO!
  59. What is best obedience video
  60. puppy training classes and socialization ?'s
  61. Arrrggggg ): Peeing....
  62. Slippery Potty Pads?
  63. Dry Wall Chewer PLEASE HELP
  64. HELP! Puppy wont stop whining!
  65. Dominant behaviour
  66. How long per trick....
  67. Non stop barking at other dog!
  68. My first yorkie
  69. Chaucie Cannot Notify!
  70. Excessive barking & whinning
  71. Shoe chewing terror
  72. Separation Anxiety!!!
  73. poop
  74. Pee Pad Question
  75. My dog confused ?
  76. Peeing right before we get home
  77. My dog doesn't tell me.....
  78. Leaving the Cat Alone?!
  79. Problems with Yorkie in crate
  80. At what agedo I need to buy Belly Bands?
  81. I got a silky terrier
  82. Walking
  83. Desperate for help!!!
  84. At my wits end!!!
  85. Help needed!!!
  86. YouTube training videos
  87. Accidents in the house
  88. housetraining and leaving alone
  89. I'm just crate training potty training???
  90. Help! Potty training problem! Experienced potty trainers
  91. She still goes in the house even though
  92. It's embarassing going on walks...
  93. puppy trying to eat his poo
  94. Help on 4am BARKING!
  95. Soufflé's pipi & caca
  96. WizDog suitable fro a Yorkie??
  97. Who's Modifying Whose Behavior Here
  98. Wizdog.UGOdog..where can I purchase in Canada?
  99. What Happened???
  100. I'm running out of patience...
  101. Crate Training and Biting Aggression
  102. Best methods for potty training
  103. Afraid of heights!?
  104. Any Bell Training Experts?
  105. From pee pad to potty trained... HELP
  106. He just won't potty on a lead
  107. Eddie's first agility trial -- wish us luck!
  108. What should my priorities be at 3 months?
  109. Nervous pee pee...
  110. Joey the piddler
  111. Training Problems
  112. Biting when saying no
  113. Anyone able to suggest a wireless containment system?
  114. gizmo went poty in car?
  115. Frightened of car
  116. New tricks
  117. How long can he go without doing #1
  118. Newly Blind Yorkie!!
  119. Help with pee pad training
  120. Local Kennel Club Training Classes(AKC)
  121. Disappointed with hubby caring for Penny
  122. Frustuated, Stressed, don't know what to do anymore:(
  123. Was this bad? (Forcing dog/cat relationship)
  124. aggressive growling at 6 weeks
  125. Does anybody know anything about the puppy classes in Petsmart?
  126. Does biting ever stop??
  127. Please help!
  128. Crate - Seperation anxiety & fear - my fault
  129. Agility
  130. Potty Training
  131. running away (help)
  132. new habits
  133. My Zettie responded to training in just 2 days!!
  134. spray collar
  135. Aggression - Disturbingly New Behavior
  136. Things to look for in a Puppy School
  137. Music for Puppy Chill-Out
  138. resource guarding but only from one family member
  139. Marking?
  140. How To Prevent Barking
  141. Do anyone's yorkie ring a bell
  142. Petco or Petsmart dog training courses?
  143. Help?
  144. Where to sleep?
  145. Hurry UP!!
  146. Need all kinds of help (training tips)
  147. potty problems
  148. PePe Potty
  149. Bed Wetting
  150. Why does she poop/pee in her CRATE?!
  151. Furniture
  152. Proud of my lil girl coco
  153. Water Safety - CPR Training
  154. can't believe charlie!
  155. Ear Training
  156. 2 Year old...whining and crying in car etc
  157. Use dog litter box?
  158. Yorkie Remote Training Collar
  159. Pee`ing on the carpet
  160. Move pee pads to another level in home?
  161. Hates being in Play Pen
  162. Shake
  163. Worse than before
  164. Regression in Potty training
  165. Need Expert Help On Potty Training!
  166. My 1.5 year old male yorkie will not potty train!
  167. Baby jumping in pen
  168. Fetch wont return huh?
  169. Going NUTS Rebellious 6 month old
  170. Another potty training question
  171. For those of you whose yorkies mess their crates...
  172. PLEASE HELP!! Isn't it just me??
  173. What's next??
  174. Potty Treats???
  175. He's so smart!!
  176. Please Help!
  177. hard work destroyed.
  178. im going to cry!
  179. Has anyone tried this?
  180. The Diva Move with other dogs
  181. Suggestions with training
  182. I've had an epiphany!
  183. Issues with housebreaking
  184. I'm so frustrated with this whole potty training thing!
  185. new yorkie
  186. Loud Yelping Yorkie...PLEASE HELP!!!
  187. how do i know if its working....?
  188. It was going so well...
  189. Taking Treat Away...Issues
  190. Barking when i leave?
  191. Cash starts agility training next week
  192. Marking Problems.
  193. Sham wow works great for washable wee pads
  194. Now 2 and Pees on my sofa ..HELP!!
  195. UUGGGHHH! My 1 year old terrier is still not potty trained
  196. "sit" problems!
  197. AGH!!! 8 Months Old and still not potty trained!! What am I doing wrong??
  198. My whiny little Yorkie
  199. Yorkie poop training
  200. Help w/ harness & outdoor stuff...
  201. chico -potty-oh no'
  202. teaching a P.M. rescue to play?
  203. Toby starts Behavior 101
  204. Will He Teach Her?
  205. Training them NOT to chew cords?
  206. What should I do we are both confused?
  207. Leash Training - Help Needed
  208. Potty Training in the Heat Advice Needed
  209. running off into the distance !!! EEK...
  210. crate training advise?
  211. Shredding puppy pad!! Will not listen!!!!HELP!!!!
  212. getting another puppy...any advice??
  213. Am I letting Ellie get away with too much?
  214. Exercise pen advice
  215. The Irony of Potty Training
  216. All was going well... what happened (potty training)
  217. Yorkie urinating on my bed
  218. Trouble with housebreaking
  219. help with trainging to a leash/harness
  220. Biting!
  221. Any success with leash pulling?
  222. Dominance/Alpha/Alpha Rolls
  223. Doggie Daycare questions...when?
  224. Indoor Potty Training - Where do they sleep???
  225. Frustration & Tears
  226. Clicker training
  227. Multiple Outdoor Potty Areas? Please help!
  228. Table Dancer??
  229. Water Bowl = Toilet?
  230. Dog terrified of cameras
  231. pooping outside???
  232. crate training and sleep
  233. Smell
  234. Female alfa
  235. Cleaned Carpets
  236. problem with yorkie and new grandchild
  237. She won't poop on the pee pads!
  238. Crate Retraining - 15 Month Old
  239. HELP WITH BITING please
  240. Is it too late for a play pen
  241. I'm very proud of my baby!
  242. Help ME!
  244. Holds it for hours in crate, but pees right in front of me!
  245. Anxiety problem?!?
  246. Likes to potty outside and not on pads....
  247. Collars?
  248. Roll Help
  249. Need help on training/reinforcements
  250. Tico is barking his way to a new bark collar
