- Cat Alarm
- puppy II class
- 'wait' command?
- Eating schedule
- Front clip harness not working!
- Puppy Vs. THE LEASH!
- Barking Babies
- Potty pad surprise
- Help Won't Come
- stairs!
- Finally!!!
- Move/Potty question
- Oh Rupert, Dont know what to do. (potty)
- Potty training decision
- A Little bit of Humor..
- Next best thing to Cesar Milan in Phoenix!!!
- Ruining my love life "HELP Please"
- Biting and Barking when people walk towards the door!!
- Potty Patch — how is it working for you?
- Teaching an older dog '
- DH (and I) can not take much more of this potty business!!
- Barking Problem and Dominant Problem
- My Yorkie automaticaly pee or poop in the house when I leave...
- Biting Furniture
- My new rescued Yorkie "London"
- Wont Listen...
- Potty Bell Training
- Obedience training
- peeing out side of paper (help)
- Doggy LITTER BOX training for toy yorkster?
- working on come command
- Potty training support group
- 9 week old pup is a bite MONSTER!
- Harley refuses to walk on the leash...just sits and whines...HELP!!
- Not without a treat!
- Maye is sneaky! Potty training help!
- Vacation nightmare he's peeing on Moms carpet
- How do I teach a yorkie to play
- What trick next?
- Face full of Yorkie
- My son needs help please
- What Is the Deal?! I NEED ADVICE
- Ok i will prefer my puppy to be outdoor potty trained but I was reading...
- Pees outside and comes inside, pees inside also
- aggressiveness
- Gizmo wont come
- Walking issues
- Why does my Yorkie act this way with my son?
- I need help training
- Log of Potty Training 10wk old puppy.
- For those who have lost patience....
- What do you do with wires?
- Help!!!!!!
- Help...aggressive puppy?
- Crate or No Crate????!!!!
- Bath Time
- Please Help Oliver!!!
- What is best obedience video
- puppy training classes and socialization ?'s
- Arrrggggg ): Peeing....
- Slippery Potty Pads?
- Dry Wall Chewer PLEASE HELP
- HELP! Puppy wont stop whining!
- Dominant behaviour
- How long per trick....
- Non stop barking at other dog!
- My first yorkie
- Chaucie Cannot Notify!
- Excessive barking & whinning
- Shoe chewing terror
- Separation Anxiety!!!
- poop
- Pee Pad Question
- My dog confused ?
- Peeing right before we get home
- My dog doesn't tell me.....
- Leaving the Cat Alone?!
- Problems with Yorkie in crate
- At what agedo I need to buy Belly Bands?
- I got a silky terrier
- Walking
- Desperate for help!!!
- At my wits end!!!
- Help needed!!!
- YouTube training videos
- Accidents in the house
- housetraining and leaving alone
- I'm just clueless..is crate training potty training???
- Help! Potty training problem! Experienced potty trainers
- She still goes in the house even though
- It's embarassing going on walks...
- puppy trying to eat his poo
- Help on 4am BARKING!
- Soufflé's pipi & caca
- WizDog suitable fro a Yorkie??
- Who's Modifying Whose Behavior Here
- Wizdog.UGOdog..where can I purchase in Canada?
- What Happened???
- I'm running out of patience...
- Crate Training and Biting Aggression
- Best methods for potty training
- Afraid of heights!?
- Any Bell Training Experts?
- From pee pad to potty trained... HELP
- He just won't potty on a lead
- Eddie's first agility trial -- wish us luck!
- What should my priorities be at 3 months?
- Nervous pee pee...
- Joey the piddler
- Training Problems
- Biting when saying no
- Anyone able to suggest a wireless containment system?
- gizmo went poty in car?
- Frightened of car
- New tricks
- How long can he go without doing #1
- Newly Blind Yorkie!!
- Help with pee pad training
- Local Kennel Club Training Classes(AKC)
- Disappointed with hubby caring for Penny
- Frustuated, Stressed, don't know what to do anymore:(
- Was this bad? (Forcing dog/cat relationship)
- aggressive growling at 6 weeks
- Does anybody know anything about the puppy classes in Petsmart?
- Does biting ever stop??
- Please help!
- Crate - Seperation anxiety & fear - my fault
- Agility
- Potty Training
- running away (help)
- new habits
- My Zettie responded to training in just 2 days!!
- spray collar
- Aggression - Disturbingly New Behavior
- Things to look for in a Puppy School
- Music for Puppy Chill-Out
- resource guarding but only from one family member
- Marking?
- How To Prevent Barking
- Do anyone's yorkie ring a bell
- Petco or Petsmart dog training courses?
- Help?
- Where to sleep?
- Hurry UP!!
- Need all kinds of help (training tips)
- potty problems
- PePe Potty
- Bed Wetting
- Why does she poop/pee in her CRATE?!
- Furniture
- Proud of my lil girl coco
- Water Safety - CPR Training
- can't believe charlie!
- Ear Training
- 2 Year old...whining and crying in car etc
- Use dog litter box?
- Yorkie Remote Training Collar
- Pee`ing on the carpet
- Move pee pads to another level in home?
- Hates being in Play Pen
- Shake
- Worse than before
- Regression in Potty training
- Need Expert Help On Potty Training!
- My 1.5 year old male yorkie will not potty train!
- Baby jumping in pen
- Fetch wont return huh?
- Going NUTS Rebellious 6 month old
- Another potty training question
- For those of you whose yorkies mess their crates...
- PLEASE HELP!! Isn't it just me??
- What's next??
- Potty Treats???
- He's so smart!!
- Please Help!
- hard work destroyed.
- im going to cry!
- Has anyone tried this?
- The Diva Move with other dogs
- Suggestions with training
- I've had an epiphany!
- Issues with housebreaking
- I'm so frustrated with this whole potty training thing!
- new yorkie
- Loud Yelping Yorkie...PLEASE HELP!!!
- how do i know if its working....?
- It was going so well...
- Taking Treat Away...Issues
- Barking when i leave?
- Cash starts agility training next week
- Marking Problems.
- Sham wow works great for washable wee pads
- Now 2 and Pees on my sofa ..HELP!!
- UUGGGHHH! My 1 year old terrier is still not potty trained
- "sit" problems!
- AGH!!! 8 Months Old and still not potty trained!! What am I doing wrong??
- My whiny little Yorkie
- Yorkie poop training
- Help w/ harness & outdoor stuff...
- chico -potty-oh no'
- teaching a P.M. rescue to play?
- Toby starts Behavior 101
- Will He Teach Her?
- Training them NOT to chew cords?
- What should I do we are both confused?
- Leash Training - Help Needed
- Potty Training in the Heat Advice Needed
- running off into the distance !!! EEK...
- crate training advise?
- Shredding puppy pad!! Will not listen!!!!HELP!!!!
- getting another puppy...any advice??
- Am I letting Ellie get away with too much?
- Exercise pen advice
- The Irony of Potty Training
- All was going well... what happened (potty training)
- Yorkie urinating on my bed
- Trouble with housebreaking
- help with trainging to a leash/harness
- Biting!
- Any success with leash pulling?
- Dominance/Alpha/Alpha Rolls
- Doggie Daycare questions...when?
- Indoor Potty Training - Where do they sleep???
- Frustration & Tears
- Clicker training
- Multiple Outdoor Potty Areas? Please help!
- Table Dancer??
- Water Bowl = Toilet?
- Dog terrified of cameras
- pooping outside???
- crate training and sleep
- Smell
- Female alfa
- Cleaned Carpets
- problem with yorkie and new grandchild
- She won't poop on the pee pads!
- Crate Retraining - 15 Month Old
- Is it too late for a play pen
- I'm very proud of my baby!
- Help ME!
- Holds it for hours in crate, but pees right in front of me!
- Anxiety problem?!?
- Likes to potty outside and not on pads....
- Collars?
- Roll Help
- Need help on training/reinforcements
- Tico is barking his way to a new bark collar