View Full Version : In Memory Of... (R.I.P.) - Loosing a dream dog
- My pug Dakota
- Not a yorkie, but I know yoy guys will understand
- My dream of Lilly
- Goodbye my little Delsi!
- Delsi 1991/2007 is at Rainbow Bridge today!
- A Letter to Kosmo - My Little Baby
- I lost my Cat the one that wanted to eat Buzz
- Today is aweek that my little NIKKI passed on
- good by my sweet baby maxi
- To Cocoa 1982-2007
- Thank You All.
- Our Baby Boy "Newman" 12/97 - 8/07
- Thank you
- Mouse 2005 - 2007
- Bunty Victoria died aged 12
- Goodbye Sophie Bear
- Keeli
- Marshall
- Lilly 6 months-England-Sad News....YORKIES 247
- It's been 1 week and mommy still misses you baby
- t-rex
- Lilly didn't make it
- Baylee
- My beautiful Jerzee Lina
- Goodbye to my sweet baby girl
- One year without Dexter
- Remembering my Kloey
- My little CHLOE
- Happy Birthday My Sweet Baby
- Rest in Peace Cody
- Simon's Cross ~ May he be Happy now and Rest in Peace
- Henry's Little Brother~
- We lost our Abby a few days ago
- RIP Valentino...
- Poem For Denise In Memory Of Little Maddie
- My favorite Pictures of Duke
- I Lost My Duke Of York
- Gone Too Soon
- My little girl passed away
- It Hurts so very bad
- And God Said....
- How do I deal with the loss of my Yorkie?
- 18 years and now she's gone!
- Final Poem For Our Dear Cassie
- My sweet Bella
- A beautiful poem for our beautiful Lexxi
- Goodbye to our sweet Lexxi
- Goodbye my little baby girl.
- Jewel - It's been a Year Since You've Gone.
- REMEMBERING THE VICTIMS / Say a prayer/ Light a candle.
- Trixie,One year today
- Please say a prayer for Andy
- 2 Years
- Carlee's Liver Shunt Nightmare
- Zackie, my 2 year old Yorkie died last night.
- Remembering Jazzy
- Remembering Jazzy
- Poem Dedicated In Memory Of All Our Precious Pets
- I know they're not yorkies but...
- New Poem For Our Precious Cassie
- Till we meet again, my dearest Jaffar.
- Appropriate gift?
- Lost My Princy-Poo
- Lost one.
- In Memorial-Kassie Kisses-My Precious Yorkie
- whats the right thing to do?
- RIP Maggie...
- Forever To Remember=poem
- Sweet Frankie Baby
- March 30,2007 Muldoon dies
- R.I.P gabby (shes not a yorkie but still)
- My Cookie is Gone
- Beany Baby is gone but still is in my heart
- R.I.P. Sibelle
- R.I.P. Vicky
- My Shadow
- Baby Caddo
- My sweet little Summer
- Never forget you Coco
- I Miss You Kosmo
- Max would have been twelve today..
- RIP Goldberg, We love you!
- dixie
- In memory of Cassie
- Lost my little boy Leo
- Lexi
- Dog's Purpose
- This is so beautiful....
- Our dear Buster passed on
- Just 1 year today...
- R.I.P Maffeny todat at 6am.
- Amy passed away
- Missing Our Sweet Girl
- Gizmo is gone, but will never be forgotten
- ShooterDog
- Happy Birthday Oscarito
- TIME/ Poem written by me 2-02-07
- YT Memorial Page
- Robbie 10/05/2002 - 28/01/2006
- My Harley
- Grief support web site
- Sweet Dreams My Baby Chuey...
- My baby girl is gone
- Mademoiselle Molly Muffins 2/9/96-1/19/07
- YT Memorial Page
- We will see our babies again....
- I Miss you Cai
- My baby boy Stuart
- Rip My Sweet Sweet Baby Girl Ella
- Asti..the Real Story..
- Bad Day......
- Thank's Yt'ers Rip Cassie
- Keeli you are missed during the holidays
- We lost our Baby
- Be at peace, Lacey... be at peace
- Mommy & Daddy will missed you....
- Missing you so much
- R.I.P. Little Tony
- Georgie!!! It's been a whole year...I will always remember you!!!
- Borrowed Angles
- Holly Dog..we miss you
- Wee one
- Poem: A Letter From your Dog in Heaven
- run free angel
- Puppy #5
- Our Church Dawg
- We miss you.
- 20 weeks ago today :(
- My Pebbles was my heart and will be missed
- R.I.P my dog Buddy
- 1st Christmas without Cassie
- KODA 1 year later
- Tiny Timmy has passed ...
- The last kiss missed
- Don't follow my example!
- We Still Miss You Jewel
- 12 hours after C Section
- I miss her today...
- My darling Starr
- 1 LONG Year Ago, Photo Of Cassie
- Never thought it would be my turn...
- My little sunny boy
- Bella Was Killed This Morning By a Hit and Run
- Mr. Bentley....RIP
- Goodbye, Rochester. We Love You.
- Omg Its Been A Week Since My Yorkie Went Missing
- Happy 1st Birthday Madda( Mommy,daddy & Gizmo Miss U)
- my baby juliet is gone
- 11 painful months
- Forever In His Keeping
- Twice in 2 Days
- RIP Pixie
- Yorkie Died This Morning
- The last kiss
- Best Fur Daddy Ever
- You Are Our Angel, Poem in memory of Cassie
- Almost a year :(
- Little Bit will Love You Forever!
- R.I.P. my beloved Sugar
- She-Ra turns 4 at the Rainbow Bridge
- 10 months
- When is the right time to get another Yorkie?
- An Interesting Day at Rainbow Bridge
- 10 weeks ago tonight was my last night with Dexter........
- Its been one month without you...
- For all of you....
- The loss of my Romeo...
- To Cassie, from Baby Blessing! *Patti*
- Missing my baby girl
- I lost part of my heart
- I Said Goodbye to Molly May Yesterday
- To all those who are greiving...
- Just lost my yorkie this week to a tragic accident
- My Cassie
- RIP poem for others here.
- 3 months without my sweet baby Bentley....
- A tribute to Sammi...
- One week ago you became my special angel...
- Lily my daughter
- Almost 1 Year Since You Left
- 2 days without you...
- New here - grieving loss of Dexter
- Sammi 11/29/03 - 8/20/06
- One Year
- In Memory of Oscarito
- "Little Girl" - Rest In Peace!
- R.I.P My Precious Madda...
- A special poem
- RIP Cassie, Loving You ALWAYS
- R.I.P. My little Munchkin.
- Irreplaceable Chelsey
- A poem I wrote for those who can relate. Those who've "lost". ©
- "Don't cry because it's because it happened"
- 1 year since you fell asleep
- RIP baby boy
- Rest In Peace Gizmo
- past and present yorkies
- Oscarito
- Phoebes' passing
- Regarding April our Yew, RIP April
- RIP my Kiwi
- One year........
- Rest in Peace Little Junebug
- Still missing my Little Eli
- Rip Cassie A Tribute To You
- In Memory Of Koko
- 1 year today In rememberence of Lacey
- My Memorial for Kloey
- My Zeus is gone
- My tasha passed away yesterday
- Coco-bee Just passed away today :(
- KellyandJohns Little RB Angel Sallie
- A way to remember...
- Oscarito
- one week ago today....
- R.I.P Buddy, you were true to your name!
- please give me the strengh
- Thanks YT for all your prayers
- A Poem For Missy's Kloey
- Missy's Kloey
- Sad Day
- Some friends just don't understand
- My Maggie Ann
- What I want to know is...
- Just need to vent
- My Angel Eli - Rainbow Bridge 1/25/06
- Bentley went to heaven to be with my dad.
- Dear God
- Memorial Poem Written By Me
- Dear Baby Jewel,
- Jewel's Cremation on Monday
- Please say a prayer for Debbie & Rambo
- Thanks to all
- Jewel York: 28 April 2003 - 18 May 2006
- Another month of pain
- My little sunny boy
- MY PEANUT is gone
- One year.....
- A Terrible Accident
- Sadie...March 14, 1991- April 30, 2006
- Loss of our 5 month lod Muffy
- Today You are 3
- my little boy is gone
- My little angel is gone
- 5 long months
- Really missed you today Cassie
- On The Day God Took You
- One month and soon another week
- In Memory of my Friesian Colt
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