
View Full Version : In Memory Of... (R.I.P.)

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  1. Loosing a dream dog
  2. My pug Dakota
  3. Not a yorkie, but I know yoy guys will understand
  4. My dream of Lilly
  5. Goodbye my little Delsi!
  6. Delsi 1991/2007 is at Rainbow Bridge today!
  7. A Letter to Kosmo - My Little Baby
  8. I lost my Cat the one that wanted to eat Buzz
  9. Today is aweek that my little NIKKI passed on
  10. good by my sweet baby maxi
  11. To Cocoa 1982-2007
  12. Thank You All.
  13. Our Baby Boy "Newman" 12/97 - 8/07
  14. Thank you
  15. Mouse 2005 - 2007
  16. Bunty Victoria died aged 12
  17. Goodbye Sophie Bear
  18. Keeli
  19. Marshall
  20. Lilly 6 months-England-Sad News....YORKIES 247
  21. It's been 1 week and mommy still misses you baby
  22. t-rex
  23. Lilly didn't make it
  24. Baylee
  25. My beautiful Jerzee Lina
  26. Goodbye to my sweet baby girl
  27. One year without Dexter
  28. Remembering my Kloey
  29. My little CHLOE
  30. Happy Birthday My Sweet Baby
  31. Rest in Peace Cody
  32. Simon's Cross ~ May he be Happy now and Rest in Peace
  33. Henry's Little Brother~
  34. We lost our Abby a few days ago
  35. RIP Valentino...
  36. Poem For Denise In Memory Of Little Maddie
  37. My favorite Pictures of Duke
  38. I Lost My Duke Of York
  39. Gone Too Soon
  40. My little girl passed away
  41. It Hurts so very bad
  42. And God Said....
  43. How do I deal with the loss of my Yorkie?
  44. 18 years and now she's gone!
  45. Final Poem For Our Dear Cassie
  46. My sweet Bella
  47. A beautiful poem for our beautiful Lexxi
  48. Goodbye to our sweet Lexxi
  49. Goodbye my little baby girl.
  50. Jewel - It's been a Year Since You've Gone.
  51. REMEMBERING THE VICTIMS / Say a prayer/ Light a candle.
  52. Trixie,One year today
  53. Please say a prayer for Andy
  54. 2 Years
  55. Carlee's Liver Shunt Nightmare
  56. Zackie, my 2 year old Yorkie died last night.
  57. Remembering Jazzy
  58. Remembering Jazzy
  59. Poem Dedicated In Memory Of All Our Precious Pets
  60. I know they're not yorkies but...
  61. New Poem For Our Precious Cassie
  62. Till we meet again, my dearest Jaffar.
  63. Appropriate gift?
  64. Lost My Princy-Poo
  65. Lost one.
  66. In Memorial-Kassie Kisses-My Precious Yorkie
  67. whats the right thing to do?
  68. RIP Maggie...
  69. Forever To Remember=poem
  70. Sweet Frankie Baby
  71. March 30,2007 Muldoon dies
  72. R.I.P gabby (shes not a yorkie but still)
  73. My Cookie is Gone
  74. Beany Baby is gone but still is in my heart
  75. R.I.P. Sibelle
  76. R.I.P. Vicky
  77. My Shadow
  78. Baby Caddo
  79. My sweet little Summer
  80. Never forget you Coco
  81. I Miss You Kosmo
  82. Max would have been twelve today..
  83. RIP Goldberg, We love you!
  84. dixie
  85. In memory of Cassie
  86. Lost my little boy Leo
  87. Lexi
  88. Dog's Purpose
  89. This is so beautiful....
  90. Our dear Buster passed on
  91. Just 1 year today...
  92. R.I.P Maffeny todat at 6am.
  93. Amy passed away
  94. Missing Our Sweet Girl
  95. Gizmo is gone, but will never be forgotten
  96. ShooterDog
  97. Happy Birthday Oscarito
  98. TIME/ Poem written by me 2-02-07
  99. YT Memorial Page
  100. Robbie 10/05/2002 - 28/01/2006
  101. My Harley
  102. Grief support web site
  103. Sweet Dreams My Baby Chuey...
  104. My baby girl is gone
  105. Mademoiselle Molly Muffins 2/9/96-1/19/07
  106. YT Memorial Page
  107. We will see our babies again....
  108. I Miss you Cai
  109. My baby boy Stuart
  110. Rip My Sweet Sweet Baby Girl Ella
  111. Asti..the Real Story..
  112. Bad Day......
  113. Thank's Yt'ers Rip Cassie
  114. Keeli you are missed during the holidays
  115. We lost our Baby
  116. Be at peace, Lacey... be at peace
  117. Mommy & Daddy will missed you....
  118. Missing you so much
  119. R.I.P. Little Tony
  120. Georgie!!! It's been a whole year...I will always remember you!!!
  121. Borrowed Angles
  122. Holly Dog..we miss you
  123. Wee one
  124. Poem: A Letter From your Dog in Heaven
  125. run free angel
  126. Puppy #5
  127. Our Church Dawg
  128. We miss you.
  129. 20 weeks ago today :(
  130. My Pebbles was my heart and will be missed
  131. R.I.P my dog Buddy
  132. 1st Christmas without Cassie
  133. KODA 1 year later
  134. Tiny Timmy has passed ...
  135. The last kiss missed
  136. Don't follow my example!
  137. We Still Miss You Jewel
  138. 12 hours after C Section
  139. I miss her today...
  140. My darling Starr
  141. 1 LONG Year Ago, Photo Of Cassie
  142. Never thought it would be my turn...
  143. My little sunny boy
  144. Bella Was Killed This Morning By a Hit and Run
  145. Mr. Bentley....RIP
  146. Goodbye, Rochester. We Love You.
  147. Omg Its Been A Week Since My Yorkie Went Missing
  148. Happy 1st Birthday Madda( Mommy,daddy & Gizmo Miss U)
  149. my baby juliet is gone
  150. 11 painful months
  151. Forever In His Keeping
  152. Twice in 2 Days
  153. RIP Pixie
  154. Yorkie Died This Morning
  155. The last kiss
  156. Best Fur Daddy Ever
  157. You Are Our Angel, Poem in memory of Cassie
  158. Almost a year :(
  159. Little Bit will Love You Forever!
  160. R.I.P. my beloved Sugar
  161. She-Ra turns 4 at the Rainbow Bridge
  162. 10 months
  163. When is the right time to get another Yorkie?
  164. An Interesting Day at Rainbow Bridge
  165. 10 weeks ago tonight was my last night with Dexter........
  166. Its been one month without you...
  167. For all of you....
  168. The loss of my Romeo...
  169. To Cassie, from Baby Blessing! *Patti*
  170. Missing my baby girl
  171. I lost part of my heart
  172. I Said Goodbye to Molly May Yesterday
  173. To all those who are greiving...
  174. Just lost my yorkie this week to a tragic accident
  175. My Cassie
  176. RIP poem for others here.
  177. 3 months without my sweet baby Bentley....
  178. A tribute to Sammi...
  179. One week ago you became my special angel...
  180. Lily my daughter
  181. Almost 1 Year Since You Left
  182. 2 days without you...
  183. New here - grieving loss of Dexter
  184. Sammi 11/29/03 - 8/20/06
  185. One Year
  186. In Memory of Oscarito
  187. "Little Girl" - Rest In Peace!
  188. R.I.P My Precious Madda...
  189. A special poem
  190. RIP Cassie, Loving You ALWAYS
  191. R.I.P. My little Munchkin.
  192. Irreplaceable Chelsey
  193. A poem I wrote for those who can relate. Those who've "lost". ©
  194. "Don't cry because it's because it happened"
  195. 1 year since you fell asleep
  196. RIP baby boy
  197. Rest In Peace Gizmo
  198. past and present yorkies
  199. Oscarito
  200. Phoebes' passing
  201. Regarding April our Yew, RIP April
  202. RIP my Kiwi
  203. One year........
  204. Rest in Peace Little Junebug
  205. Still missing my Little Eli
  206. Rip Cassie A Tribute To You
  207. In Memory Of Koko
  208. 1 year today In rememberence of Lacey
  209. My Memorial for Kloey
  210. My Zeus is gone
  211. My tasha passed away yesterday
  212. Coco-bee Just passed away today :(
  213. KellyandJohns Little RB Angel Sallie
  214. A way to remember...
  215. Oscarito
  216. one week ago today....
  217. R.I.P Buddy, you were true to your name!
  218. please give me the strengh
  219. Thanks YT for all your prayers
  220. A Poem For Missy's Kloey
  221. Missy's Kloey
  222. Sad Day
  223. Some friends just don't understand
  224. My Maggie Ann
  225. What I want to know is...
  226. Just need to vent
  227. My Angel Eli - Rainbow Bridge 1/25/06
  228. Bentley went to heaven to be with my dad.
  229. Dear God
  230. Memorial Poem Written By Me
  231. Dear Baby Jewel,
  232. Jewel's Cremation on Monday
  233. Please say a prayer for Debbie & Rambo
  234. Thanks to all
  235. Jewel York: 28 April 2003 - 18 May 2006
  236. Another month of pain
  237. My little sunny boy
  238. MY PEANUT is gone
  239. One year.....
  240. A Terrible Accident
  241. Sadie...March 14, 1991- April 30, 2006
  242. Loss of our 5 month lod Muffy
  243. Today You are 3
  244. my little boy is gone
  245. My little angel is gone
  246. 5 long months
  247. Really missed you today Cassie
  248. On The Day God Took You
  249. One month and soon another week
  250. In Memory of my Friesian Colt
