- My sick baby refuses to eat med~ =(
- legg-perthe's disease
- anal gland info needed
- sick newborn pup won't nurse, please help
- pancreatitis...my baby is sick
- Rectal Adenoma
- Cole Update: Disc Disease
- Puppy with a cold??
- Upset Tummy
- About Stormy
- Last hope is what the internist can figure out
- Dewormer reaction?
- Guide to dog symptoms...
- 6yr old dog sick!!
- Allergic Reaction to Vaccines
- Heart - breath problem? Please help!!!!!!
- Puppy Acting Sick
- 10 Week Old Will not Eat anything!?! HELP
- Edges of ears crusty?
- Ewww.............should I be worried?
- Limping puppy
- Dog swallowed plastic...what happens?!!
- Walking on three legs/limping
- yorkie with enlarged heart
- My baby is teething is there anything special I should do?
- Bevo got tested today
- Ear problem...
- Premie Pup
- Lost yorkie in austin tx!!!
- Our battle with Demodex
- Bump under the skin
- Is this something to worry about?
- Broken Legs
- Update on Maggie's ear...
- MY baby has bloody & Mucus stool (campylobacteriosis)
- Quick way to find threads and posts...
- Stormy update
- Emergency!!!
- Canine Degenerative Disk Disease ~ Intervertebral Disc Disease
- Spinal injury to 4 month old puppy
- Bordetella Vaccine/Cough
- Anyone deal with a strain from yorkie jumping to hard?
- Very Interesting Info.
- Vomiting and Diarrhea
- Bringing home a premie
- not latching on
- Sick puppy
- won't eat. over 1 month now....
- anaplasmosis?
- neck injury
- Maggie might need a Total Ear Canal Ablation
- Luxating patellas
- Very sad poem...
- Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease in both legs HELP!!!!
- Harley is sick what could it be!!
- 10 week old puppy limping
- FHO fix and Hernia removal in 1 day :(
- Sick baby....help, please?
- XP: Vomitting frothy yellow bile
- Vomitting frothy yellow bile
- Knots in the neck?
- She ate the barrette
- Prince is not having a good day today...
- Help
- Danger after shots and worm pill?
- What is this?!
- Choosing a vet for spaying
- Spay while in heat?
- weird cough
- Yorkie Attacked by German Shepherd
- So upset, a child hurt my puppy...
- what does a small liver mean?
- Nail problem!
- I found a deaf and blind Yorkie yesterday....
- Hard time POOPING!
- sick 12 yearold baby
- Help!!
- Poor baby has diarrhea for 3 days
- How did my baby die?
- Please Help our pet :( video included.
- Throwing up white foam! Opinions needed!
- Yorkie sick with diarreha and walking funny
- Maddie & Libby are both sick
- Under her arm pits and on her tummy red sores!
- Need Advice
- Cough
- Should I Have Him Biopsy-ed?
- Could this be an eye infection??
- What went wrong?
- Raisens are TOXIC! A reminder!
- help..need advice.
- Wrotten tooth...teeth missing...what to do
- my baby fell and hit her head help!
- Paranoid or if something is really wrong Please help
- Need Advice please read this thread (video included)
- Please help video link of whats happening inside
- Tootsy has hurt herself - advice please anyone
- Sick Baby!
- Sick Baby!!
- the dreaded cough and collapsing trachea
- Yorkie stolen from disabled woman
- Emma liver shunt
- Tyson
- Coughing dog
- Activated charcoal...what do you think???
- yorkie itiching badly help
- Worried about my baby!
- Experiences with Advantage??
- Vommiting !!
- Liver shunt
- Vommiting
- Very Good Liver Shunt Information
- I think Riley is hypoglycemic...
- Cali is sick again
- Has anyone heard of
- 7 week old puppy - hypoglycemia? dehydration? HELP!
- I think my Yorkie has an internal infection!
- I think Bella might have LP
- differentiating MVD and PSVA
- Possible kidney problems in my 10 wk old dorky.
- Ear Infections
- Hoping For Suggestions/Help
- Gucci might have swallowed a penny! Should i make him vomit or..
- Heartgard question
- Yorkie is shaking!!!
- Bladder Stones
- Help: 4-5 month old yorkie sick
- Prostate cancer
- I don't know what happened!! I'm really worried....
- Medial pattlar luxation
- Losing Hair on Ears
- with or without Pancreatititis...she's better
- sick Bentley? need advice
- Found STRAY Yorkie..... OPINIONS PLEASE!!!
- Infected Anal Glands?
- Bender act poster tac
- How Do You Get Your Dog To Take Tylan
- yorkie limping after rabies shot/interceptor!
- Purple belly
- Any advice
- Limping
- Canyon Was Injured - Ruptured Cranial Cruciate Ligament
- FREE Veterinarian Search Tool! / Find and Contact Veterinarians Nearest You
- Puppy Puke :(
- Nausious babies....
- Ellie May is a blessing to yorkietalk!!!
- ACL Tear or Rupture
- Emergency!!!Prayer Needed
- Things just don't seem right
- can a pup have problems moving its bowls?
- puppy seems to be gaging!
- Chloe loosing her teeth!
- Ear Problems
- Kennel Cough?
- Hypothetically
- she's not feeling well
- Tia Can't Walk. Very Upet. Help Please.
- Concerned
- Not sure this is the right forum, MVD
- Restarting food after spay,neuter, and teeth extraction today
- Liver Shunt Confirmed
- My Yorkie was cut.... HELP!
- Keoki has diarrhea- Help!!!
- In the daily lives of dogs!
- May have a labor emergency here!
- need help
- Lady in Orange county need help fast.
- leg sprain/strain/break?
- Bloody poo???
- tapeworm!!
- Everytime he scratches his face he cries
- dry v. moist food
- Help Update!
- How Long for Cough
- Help!
- Pet Insurance???
- Great news!!
- xylitol poisoning
- Oh no...Luigi is at Hospital
- Marley's First Vet Visit
- Parvo
- Please Pray for Tucker!
- Legg Perthes Disease and Aggression
- Yorkie struggling to use back legs
- Foster dog had a seizure I think...front legs went stiff
- Rashes?
- paw problem
- paw problem
- Worst weekend ever!
- Macy Coughing! =(
- Well Trixie got spayed yesterday
- Whats all this crying about?
- My 4 month old Bailey took a fall...
- Mystery Illness
- My 4 month Old Yorkie Gizmo having problems
- Does anyone give Benadryl to help...
- My new boy is hurt!
- Yorkie diet
- girardia
- BAT - Surgeon question
- Yellow Mucous Poop-need help!
- Help My Yorkie Throws up everything she eats
- Pippi is "coughing" - need help?
- Should I worry?
- CeCe may be coming around.....
- Do not use this product for fleas!
- Cali is home
- Riley has Giardia!!!
- Blood in Stool?
- Parvo question
- (UPDATE) TJ's biopsy results
- Cali has HGE
- Bentley was Neutered Today
- have a Yorkie with vomiting and/or diarrhea???
- CeCe has HGE!!!
- Death from seizure??? :(
- Pyometra warning!!!
- Prayers Needed! Please help!
- Need help fast!
- Fluid?
- Lymphangiectasia (please help me with your knowledge/advise)
- A very sick boy/happy ending
- How much vomiting and discomfort before going to er vet
- Liver Biopsy Update
- Mast Cell Tumor/Amputation Question and seeing info
- strong urine smell
- bladder Control loss at 7
- Mimi ate cough drop
- Help :'( Haleigh is so sad and sick ;'(
- Please help...diarrhea for past 4 days
- Chopper ate sugarless gum
- reaction to rabies shot?? Need your help!!
- Please help !!!
- Cali is throwing up and bloody stool
- Roux is in the hospital
- Administering pills.
- raw hide bone problem
- Sick seven week old puppy
- Strange behavior
- Lexi is sick
- Bile Acid Test fasting not required??
- (UPDATE) TJ is home from his Lumpetamie Surgery
- Do Dogs catch human illnesses and vice versa? Myth or fact?
- Does my dog have kennel cough? Help.
- crystals in urine and small infection???
- 10 week old Yorkie Pup Roadtrip worry!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!
- Calling all owners of Liver Shunt babies
- Groomer mistake? I am very upset.
- Does your baby have a collapsed trachea?