
View Full Version : Sick & Injured / Emergencies Talk

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  1. My sick baby refuses to eat med~ =(
  2. legg-perthe's disease
  3. anal gland info needed
  4. sick newborn pup won't nurse, please help
  5. baby is sick
  6. Rectal Adenoma
  7. Cole Update: Disc Disease
  8. Puppy with a cold??
  9. Upset Tummy
  10. About Stormy
  11. Last hope is what the internist can figure out
  12. Dewormer reaction?
  13. Guide to dog symptoms...
  14. 6yr old dog sick!!
  15. Allergic Reaction to Vaccines
  16. Heart - breath problem? Please help!!!!!!
  17. Puppy Acting Sick
  18. 10 Week Old Will not Eat anything!?! HELP
  19. Edges of ears crusty?
  20. Ewww.............should I be worried?
  21. Limping puppy
  22. Dog swallowed plastic...what happens?!!
  23. Walking on three legs/limping
  24. yorkie with enlarged heart
  25. My baby is teething is there anything special I should do?
  26. Bevo got tested today
  27. Ear problem...
  28. Premie Pup
  29. Lost yorkie in austin tx!!!
  30. Our battle with Demodex
  31. Bump under the skin
  32. Is this something to worry about?
  33. PLEASE Pray for This Cat! WARNING: GRAPHIC PICTURES Inside!
  34. Broken Legs
  35. Update on Maggie's ear...
  36. MY baby has bloody & Mucus stool (campylobacteriosis)
  37. Quick way to find threads and posts...
  38. Stormy update
  39. Emergency!!!
  40. Canine Degenerative Disk Disease ~ Intervertebral Disc Disease
  41. Spinal injury to 4 month old puppy
  42. Bordetella Vaccine/Cough
  43. Anyone deal with a strain from yorkie jumping to hard?
  44. Very Interesting Info.
  45. Vomiting and Diarrhea
  46. Bringing home a premie
  47. not latching on
  48. Sick puppy
  49. won't eat. over 1 month now....
  50. anaplasmosis?
  51. neck injury
  52. Maggie might need a Total Ear Canal Ablation
  53. Luxating patellas
  54. Very sad poem...
  55. Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease in both legs HELP!!!!
  56. Harley is sick what could it be!!
  57. 10 week old puppy limping
  58. FHO fix and Hernia removal in 1 day :(
  59. Sick, please?
  60. XP: Vomitting frothy yellow bile
  61. Vomitting frothy yellow bile
  62. Knots in the neck?
  63. She ate the barrette
  64. Prince is not having a good day today...
  65. Help
  66. Danger after shots and worm pill?
  67. What is this?!
  68. Choosing a vet for spaying
  69. Spay while in heat?
  70. weird cough
  71. Yorkie Attacked by German Shepherd
  72. So upset, a child hurt my puppy...
  73. what does a small liver mean?
  74. Nail problem!
  75. I found a deaf and blind Yorkie yesterday....
  76. Hard time POOPING!
  77. sick 12 yearold baby
  78. Help!!
  79. Poor baby has diarrhea for 3 days
  80. How did my baby die?
  81. Please Help our pet :( video included.
  82. Throwing up white foam! Opinions needed!
  83. Yorkie sick with diarreha and walking funny
  84. Maddie & Libby are both sick
  85. Under her arm pits and on her tummy red sores!
  86. Need Advice
  87. Cough
  88. Should I Have Him Biopsy-ed?
  89. Could this be an eye infection??
  90. What went wrong?
  91. Raisens are TOXIC! A reminder!
  92. help..need advice.
  93. Wrotten tooth...teeth missing...what to do
  94. my baby fell and hit her head help!
  95. Paranoid or if something is really wrong Please help
  96. Need Advice please read this thread (video included)
  97. Please help video link of whats happening inside
  98. Tootsy has hurt herself - advice please anyone
  99. Sick Baby!
  100. Sick Baby!!
  101. the dreaded cough and collapsing trachea
  102. Yorkie stolen from disabled woman
  103. Emma liver shunt
  104. Tyson
  105. Coughing dog
  106. Activated charcoal...what do you think???
  107. yorkie itiching badly help
  108. Worried about my baby!
  109. Experiences with Advantage??
  110. Vommiting !!
  111. Liver shunt
  112. Vommiting
  113. Very Good Liver Shunt Information
  114. I think Riley is hypoglycemic...
  115. Cali is sick again
  116. Has anyone heard of
  117. 7 week old puppy - hypoglycemia? dehydration? HELP!
  118. I think my Yorkie has an internal infection!
  119. I think Bella might have LP
  120. differentiating MVD and PSVA
  121. Possible kidney problems in my 10 wk old dorky.
  122. Ear Infections
  123. Hoping For Suggestions/Help
  124. Gucci might have swallowed a penny! Should i make him vomit or..
  125. Heartgard question
  126. Yorkie is shaking!!!
  127. Bladder Stones
  128. Help: 4-5 month old yorkie sick
  129. Prostate cancer
  130. I don't know what happened!! I'm really worried....
  131. Medial pattlar luxation
  132. Losing Hair on Ears
  133. with or without Pancreatititis...she's better
  134. sick Bentley? need advice
  135. Found STRAY Yorkie..... OPINIONS PLEASE!!!
  136. Infected Anal Glands?
  137. Bender act poster tac
  138. How Do You Get Your Dog To Take Tylan
  139. yorkie limping after rabies shot/interceptor!
  140. Purple belly
  141. Any advice
  142. Limping
  143. Canyon Was Injured - Ruptured Cranial Cruciate Ligament
  144. FREE Veterinarian Search Tool! / Find and Contact Veterinarians Nearest You
  145. Puppy Puke :(
  146. Nausious babies....
  147. Ellie May is a blessing to yorkietalk!!!
  148. ACL Tear or Rupture
  149. Emergency!!!Prayer Needed
  150. Things just don't seem right
  151. can a pup have problems moving its bowls?
  152. puppy seems to be gaging!
  153. Chloe loosing her teeth!
  154. Ear Problems
  155. Kennel Cough?
  156. Hypothetically
  157. she's not feeling well
  158. Tia Can't Walk. Very Upet. Help Please.
  159. Concerned
  160. Not sure this is the right forum, MVD
  161. Restarting food after spay,neuter, and teeth extraction today
  162. Liver Shunt Confirmed
  163. My Yorkie was cut.... HELP!
  164. Keoki has diarrhea- Help!!!
  165. In the daily lives of dogs!
  166. May have a labor emergency here!
  167. need help
  168. Lady in Orange county need help fast.
  169. leg sprain/strain/break?
  170. Bloody poo???
  171. tapeworm!!
  172. Everytime he scratches his face he cries
  173. dry v. moist food
  174. Help Update!
  175. How Long for Cough
  176. Help!
  177. Pet Insurance???
  178. Great news!!
  179. xylitol poisoning
  180. Oh no...Luigi is at Hospital
  181. Marley's First Vet Visit
  182. Parvo
  183. Please Pray for Tucker!
  184. Legg Perthes Disease and Aggression
  185. Yorkie struggling to use back legs
  186. Foster dog had a seizure I think...front legs went stiff
  187. Rashes?
  188. paw problem
  189. paw problem
  190. Worst weekend ever!
  191. Macy Coughing! =(
  192. Well Trixie got spayed yesterday
  193. Whats all this crying about?
  194. My 4 month old Bailey took a fall...
  195. Mystery Illness
  196. My 4 month Old Yorkie Gizmo having problems
  197. Does anyone give Benadryl to help...
  198. My new boy is hurt!
  199. Yorkie diet
  200. girardia
  201. BAT - Surgeon question
  202. Yellow Mucous Poop-need help!
  203. Help My Yorkie Throws up everything she eats
  204. Pippi is "coughing" - need help?
  205. Should I worry?
  206. CeCe may be coming around.....
  207. Do not use this product for fleas!
  208. Cali is home
  209. Riley has Giardia!!!
  210. Blood in Stool?
  211. Parvo question
  212. (UPDATE) TJ's biopsy results
  213. Cali has HGE
  214. Bentley was Neutered Today
  215. have a Yorkie with vomiting and/or diarrhea???
  216. CeCe has HGE!!!
  217. Death from seizure??? :(
  218. Pyometra warning!!!
  219. Prayers Needed! Please help!
  220. Need help fast!
  221. Fluid?
  222. Lymphangiectasia (please help me with your knowledge/advise)
  223. A very sick boy/happy ending
  224. How much vomiting and discomfort before going to er vet
  225. Liver Biopsy Update
  226. Mast Cell Tumor/Amputation Question and seeing info
  227. strong urine smell
  228. bladder Control loss at 7
  229. Mimi ate cough drop
  230. Help :'( Haleigh is so sad and sick ;'(
  231. Please help...diarrhea for past 4 days
  232. Chopper ate sugarless gum
  233. reaction to rabies shot?? Need your help!!
  234. Please help !!!
  235. Cali is throwing up and bloody stool
  236. Roux is in the hospital
  237. Administering pills.
  238. raw hide bone problem
  239. Sick seven week old puppy
  240. Strange behavior
  241. Lexi is sick
  242. Bile Acid Test fasting not required??
  243. (UPDATE) TJ is home from his Lumpetamie Surgery
  244. Do Dogs catch human illnesses and vice versa? Myth or fact?
  245. Does my dog have kennel cough? Help.
  246. crystals in urine and small infection???
  247. 10 week old Yorkie Pup Roadtrip worry!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!
  248. Calling all owners of Liver Shunt babies
  249. Groomer mistake? I am very upset.
  250. Does your baby have a collapsed trachea?
