
View Full Version : Yorkie Health & Diet

  1. Meaty Raw Bones
  2. Orijen Regional Red
  3. Food Allergies .. Help!
  4. Questions on heat - how does it affect puppy?
  5. Excellent Article on Food Allergies
  6. Asthma or hacking fits? not sure why?
  7. Help!!
  8. When should a yorkie get spay? Should I get her rabies shot and spay at the same time
  9. fleas!!!! how do i get rid of them???
  10. snapping joints?
  11. Tattoo or Microchip
  12. Merrick Recall
  13. Chicken Soup for the Puppy
  14. natural flea preventation
  15. Amount of chocolate to harm my dog?
  16. Age Of First Heat??
  17. Chewing food..
  18. Primal Raw
  19. New yorkie puppy doesn't like Iams ...
  20. Pet insurance help
  21. Royal Canin-More thirsty?
  22. Have you fed L. A. for awhile?
  23. Pet stores starting to stop carrying Natura
  24. new puppy missing teeth
  25. Question about Raw Diet Products
  26. Separation Anxiety
  27. Does neutering change a boy's personality?
  28. How young is too young to neuter?
  29. I'm worried about Knox's baby teeth removal.
  30. My poor little Marshall..
  31. Shivering during heat cycle normal?
  32. first heat
  33. Oh "poop"..Need advice...
  34. can dogs get hemorrhoids
  35. Leftover wet food?
  36. Thornit (Canker Powder)
  37. Feeding Guides Heads Up
  38. have you heard about Gal Ultimate Nutrition brand?
  39. Sad puppy?
  40. Flexicose
  41. Snacks
  42. going bald
  43. Puppy Food help or suggestions
  44. Why won't my Yorkies hair grow?
  45. low fat food
  46. yorkie wont eat please help!!!
  47. PLEASE Help me!!
  48. Ok which one, help!! Cosequin DS+ or Cosequin chews?
  49. Can a chip be re-programmed?
  50. Swollen Genital
  51. sunburn??
  52. Awsome chart. exactly how much chocolate is deadly by weight
  53. My yorkie's skin is getting bad! help please!
  54. How to keep Bully Sticks?
  55. Black Dots on Tummy
  56. Help for my oldest dearest friend
  57. anyone have experience with anxiety meds
  58. Too much protein?
  59. FDA sends warning to Merrick Foods
  60. Is this serious?
  61. HELP! Any luck with anxiety medicines
  62. Liver Shunt in 1.5 lb puppy
  63. Yuuki's front legs are shorter than his back ones?
  64. Lump on my Yorkie puppies back?
  65. Question...First Visit to Groomer & First Heat
  66. Who feeds ACANA??
  67. Can you feel the microchip?
  68. On my local flea market, anyone see this type of yorkie offer before?
  69. Yorkie health care...symptoms and treatment
  70. I think I hurt my baby's bum!
  71. Vasectomy for dog?
  72. Health Advice Please
  73. FIXED 5yr old w/Swollen Gentials
  74. help picky eater
  75. I have a question???
  76. Probiotics?
  77. tomato pomace in wellness simple solutions
  78. Question
  79. Scared to spay...your thoughts?
  80. Twisted Nail on Dew Claw
  81. Spay, Baby Teeth and Dew Claws??
  82. Remedy For Leather Ear
  83. More on over vaccinating
  84. Excited Cough like noise
  85. How & what do I cook to feed raw?
  86. Houndstooth :)
  87. GE and Modified Live Virus Vaccines; Public Health and Animal Welfare Concerns
  88. Dewclaw Removal
  89. Looking for Ideas other than worst case senario?
  90. How do I open his mouth
  91. Where do you all buy your bully sticks?
  92. I hope I found the answer for my picky eater!!!
  93. Weight Normal?
  94. undescended
  95. my 2 year old yorkie won't eat! tips!?
  96. Shedding Hair.
  97. Is my furbaby getting sick?
  98. Bully stick smell???
  99. Flies and Fly Larvae
  100. Liver Problems - Help please!
  101. Yorkies eyes
  102. Pig ears?
  103. General Consensus on Greenies?
  104. Flea meds from Vet
  105. Delta Society no longer allows raw diets
  106. car sick
  107. Licking a LOT
  108. puzzled at net vet
  109. dandruff... what the best thing to do??
  110. Hello
  111. Neuter/Spay question
  112. Blue Seal Puppy Formula
  113. How does food rotation work?
  114. Male yorkies testicles
  115. unusually warm?
  116. Taste of the Wild dog food
  117. Took Zeus to the vet today...
  118. Food and Diet for your loved ones
  119. Teeth
  120. Question about Royal Canin
  121. Burping and acid reflux
  122. Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul
  123. Eukanuba for puppies
  124. too much poo....
  125. eating grass
  126. new vet?
  127. how much does dental cleaning cost???
  128. picky eater
  129. eye buggers
  130. What's the name of that fish preservative again?
  131. Stupid Question- Rabies Shot
  132. Ear care questions?
  133. Stubborn ear infection
  134. maddies tail sore
  135. bathing yorkies
  136. Zeus doesn't like treats... What is up with that?
  137. Opened wet food life
  138. Need a very fine ground canned food
  139. Tummy spots?
  140. Blue Diamond Small Breed Puppy Food
  141. Raw diet
  142. Meals only 1X a day?
  143. Natural Balance recall
  144. Anybody ever feed their Yorkie deer or turkey meat?
  145. Aloe
  146. new yorkie mama, lots of questions
  147. What canWhat can I give Dawson to help him gain some weight?
  148. Cheerios
  149. 1 yr old Yorkie won't eat!!
  150. Safe mulch for our babies...
  151. Seizures-help
  152. Unexpected peeing...
  153. Baby Teeth at 7 months
  154. I'm really hesistant on spaying my furbaby. She is 5 months old and will be going +++
  155. Springtime's Garlic Bugoff?
  156. Calming pills or Calming gel
  157. Ear drops--is there any easier way?
  158. Primal better than Natures Variety?
  159. Note from my food guru
  160. IBD and lymphoplasmacytic Rhinitis
  161. Lost my post AGAIN
  162. when to neuter
  163. Benadryl Verification
  164. How often to feed
  165. Heartworm Medicine
  166. wellness simple solution duck and rice for ibd
  167. Urinary Tract Infections
  168. Changing Feeding Pattern. . .
  169. 13 States with Medical Exemptions
  170. evanger's dog food
  171. Recall Natural Balance
  172. Recall Natural Balance
  173. Introducing new foods
  174. Question about Bully sticks
  175. Natural Balance Recall
  176. Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (where to purchase enzymes)
  177. Natural Balance Recall
  178. Raw Hide Bones
  179. Homemade doggie ice cream for my girls
  180. first vet visit
  181. Can dogs get the hiccups?
  182. New food is making a huge difference in my dogs!
  183. Weird illness
  184. Sticky- Rated Dog Food
  185. baby teeth
  186. Colorado Passes Rabies Medical Exemption Clause
  187. Why is my yorkie all of a sudden following me like crazy
  188. Pre-op Bloodwork for Spay Lasts for 1 year?!?
  189. Puppy Food
  190. Chloe's head hair is falling out
  191. Petsmart to carry Wellness this coming fall
  192. Dental Radiographs
  193. Let's talk about Fleas!
  194. 2 Important questions!!!! !!
  195. Natures Variety Raw Recall
  196. Can dogs get chigger bites?
  197. Grain Free Treats?
  198. Another hypoglycemia question
  199. Keeping Yorkie calm after surgery/ Can Yorkies eat Jell-O??
  200. Iams Dog Food
  201. Go! Natural Grain-Free 'Endurance'
  202. 5 month old puppy won't eat her food unless I put out each piece for her! It's ++
  203. whats wrong with Bentley??
  204. Petco...
  205. Yorkies Weight?
  206. teething question.
  207. how much food?
  208. Hypoglycemia
  209. How much exercise does a little Yorkie need?
  210. my picky 1.5 yr old wont
  211. Acana/Pinnacle Dog Foods?
  212. Unusual Bump?
  213. When do I restart regular diet?
  214. How Do You Bathe Your Yorkie On Vacation?
  215. Blueberries
  216. All You Need to Know About Lyme Disease
  217. Nursing Mom with the runs
  218. protein question, how much is to much
  219. Quinoa/MIllet??
  220. Lyme Disease
  221. Up at 3 a.m. !!!
  222. average weight for 12 wk yorkie?
  223. my yorkie had whip worms
  224. Water Additive for teeth/breath??
  225. Three year Rabies Vaccine?
  226. Importance of blood work prior to spay?
  227. Open Fontanelle (ie. hole in head)
  228. Performatrin ultra
  229. Neutering with an undescended testicle
  230. Allergy to Advantix
  231. Good Food List...
  232. Any advice on what could be going on?
  233. 6 week old yorkie 'humping'.
  234. yorkie's 1st heat
  235. Dry skin
  236. Starting Heartworm Meds
  237. My pupster just got neutered!
  238. Need to learn about Medial Luxating Patellla
  239. just diagnosed with kidney disease(?)
  240. Gerber Graduates yogurt melts
  241. What allergy tests should I ask the vet for?
  242. Heartworm Meds
  243. Food Recommendations for Picky Eaters - Help!!
  244. car sick
  245. Taste of the wild
  246. Chylothorax - Chyle Leak
  247. Grinding Kibble
  248. advantix
  249. I didn't start with special needs kids?
  250. Denestra
