
View Full Version : Yorkie Health & Diet

  1. To neuter or not to neuter
  2. Apoquel for allergies
  3. Allerderm for Dry Skin
  4. Teeth Pulling When Spayed
  5. How do you organize meds?
  6. Charlies Itchies
  7. 11 week old will not eat
  8. Is this ringworm????
  9. Titer vaccine question
  10. Tips for teeth brushing
  11. Interceptor-Back on market???
  12. What Vitamins Are You Giving Your Baby
  13. Blue Buffalo vs Wellness?
  14. Leo's gums are bleeding!
  15. Getting tested for Diabetes
  16. Better in the raw mix??
  17. Puppy food
  18. Please tell me Im doing the right thing..(long)
  19. remeron for stimulant
  20. NuVet Plus - An all-in-one supplement for dogs
  21. Pancreatitis
  22. Has anybody tried Nexgard?
  23. Ricky started eating his own poop!! Why??
  24. Treats Going Back In The Store
  25. bad breath
  26. Heartguard prevention for 4 lb yorkie?
  27. Suggestions on what brand to feed puppy
  28. Max's Itchy Skin
  29. lateral flank spay.....has anyone done this?
  30. Read this article this morning on cleaning teeth and general dental care
  31. Vet prescription filling fee?
  32. Need help with heartwork and flea meds
  33. Zuke's z bone dental chews
  34. Some Helpful Links In Health & Wellbeing
  35. Frontline Plus Question?
  36. Renal Failure
  37. Seresto flea and tick collar
  38. Beef and Pork Ribs!!
  39. Does Yorkie needs diet with high Protein
  40. Larger food for Teacup yorkie?
  41. Wont eat any kind of dog food/ROTTEN BREATH
  42. Goji Berries
  43. Toxins from sultanas
  44. Bloody mucus in stool... Advice please.
  45. Lost an (adult?) tooth
  46. Experience with metronidazole?
  47. info for digestive tract disorders
  48. What to feed for optimal health
  49. What to feed for o
  50. vaccinations
  51. Plaque Blast
  52. The IMPORTANCE of dental cleaning...
  53. Sardines anyone??
  54. What dog food should I feed my prenant Yorkie
  55. Best canned food?
  56. Help with homemade chicken/rice diet
  57. HELP!! Almost 4 YO, 7lb Petey vomiting/diahrrea
  58. atopic dog skin disease / lying Bacterial infection
  59. Dinovite?
  60. anxiety?!
  61. Eating Issues
  62. Change in eating habit?
  63. sudden baby is sick
  64. Yorkie sensitive stomach
  65. Farmina N&D Samples
  66. Long nails
  67. Stonyfield organic, whole milk plain yogurt?
  68. Urinary tract infection
  69. Need advise regarding teeth and eyes, feeding
  70. Heartworm Pills
  71. 7 dental myths for pets
  72. Best treatment for diarrhea?
  73. 5 ways to drive your vet crazy - funny
  74. What's the deal with Avocado ?
  75. Morning or evening for brushing??
  76. Am I feeding my fur baby properly? And is yogurt ok for them?
  77. Blood in Urine
  78. Earthborn grain free bison?
  79. Tarter on teeth - heavy despite regular toothpast
  80. Duck Feet as Special Treats?
  81. Anyone feed Merrick?
  82. Fleas? Dry skin? Help!!
  83. Susan Thixtons(Author of Truth about pet food) food List~
  84. Reasons for constant itching?
  85. Heartworm Preventative
  86. Good quality food from Petsmart
  87. Canine Caviar Wild Ocean Warning
  88. Is it worth it? Dog food of course.....
  89. dental and liver shunt
  90. Has anyone ever fed Orijen dry dog food to their yorkies?
  91. tooth brush
  92. Is 3% a lot of difference if food?
  93. Vomitinh
  94. eggs?
  95. Dog food as treats?
  96. Treat ideas for my dog with no teeth...
  97. Yorkie vitamin deficiency?
  98. Food/treatment for a dog with Chronic UTI's
  99. Should I be concerned??
  100. pet alive energy tonic
  101. Does chicken breast make dogs grow/gain weight?
  102. How much do you feed your yorkie?
  103. Vet thoughts on reaction to first puppy shots
  104. Can I switch from puppy to adult food?
  105. Teething question
  106. Switching from canned to dry food
  107. Yorkie or small breed specialist in LA?
  108. Newbie looking for some advice.
  109. Double dews!
  110. IOWA Rabies Waiver Bill ACTION ALERT
  111. Activyl...Thoughts?
  112. Milo only eating chicken stix
  113. Dog Food Recall:
  114. Not eating puppy food
  115. online pet medication
  116. how much do I feed her
  117. Additive in water for dental health...
  118. New Puppy: What do I do?
  119. Has anyone tried the kibble for oral health?
  120. Help before I think the worst..Tiny Cysts
  121. Halo Vegan Garden Medley Dry Dog Food
  122. Yogurt
  123. Does anyone have experience with this product?
  124. Nervous when left alone - Pooping and Peeing
  125. The boys are scheduled for their dentals~Questions!!
  126. Crust on my puppies bum? (graphic pictures)
  127. How much / often should I feed my 6 week old
  128. February is Pet Dental Month!
  129. Looking for beef jerky treats recipe
  130. Article: Pet Lovers Beware: When The Drugs Don't Work
  131. Update on Flint River Ranch Kibble
  132. LP limping but no pain - need advice/info
  133. Feeding in crate?
  134. Food for my babies
  135. Need desperate help with my baby's weight!
  136. Shower after Vaccination
  137. Cannine Caviar changing their ingredients!!!!
  138. Baking soda & Baking powder are Extremely Toxic
  139. is my yorkie depressed?
  140. picky eater
  141. New mom, a bit overwhelmed
  142. Baby back from the vets, think I'm worrying too much!
  143. Siezures, renal kidney failure, sterile urine culture
  144. Diarrhea Dilemma and dismayed with disinterest???
  145. Lifes Abundance
  146. calcium or glucosamine?
  147. coconut oil?
  148. What's with the chewing feet??
  149. Best Daily Supplement for your dog? what do you use?
  150. Help! Small, yellow tooth in my young yorkie!
  151. Puppies all have bump on tummy & red line in eye?
  152. What questions to ask breeder.
  153. Toxic chicken jerky treats back on market....
  154. New teeth are coming in. Normal or not?
  155. Sudden Bad Breath and Constant Licking
  156. Help! Puppy/Cat eating each other's food!
  157. Black spot near eye and on back
  158. New Here and have a Vaccine question
  159. Yorkie with Broken front leg :(
  160. Seaweed! High Value Treat at our house!
  161. Long toenails in 16 year old
  162. bump with black circle
  163. Help with Food!
  164. How much do you feed your yorkie?
  165. Stage 4 Periodontal Disease
  166. Cloud Star Buddy Biscuits 50% OFF!!
  167. Could it be the water?
  168. Anesthesia side effects??
  169. Safe Treat Ideas
  170. Zuke's is now part of Nestle Purina
  171. Sudden Excessive Sneezing Bouts
  172. Anxiety Medication
  173. Poll- What dog food do you feed your Yorkie?
  174. Too many teeth
  175. I Need Yorkie Poo Puppy Advice
  176. Spaying my lil girl tomorrow :(
  177. Food Recalls
  178. White sweet potato???
  179. 2.5 Month Old Yorkie Diet
  180. Annie has a dental cleaning today
  181. How do you brush your yorkie's teeth?
  182. Do All Yorkies Need Dentals?
  183. Blue Life Protection Formula for puppies..
  184. Wellness dry puppy food
  185. Feeding table food?
  186. puppy having soft poop/ treat-food related
  187. At my wits end and running out of food options
  188. Coco's Been In Heat for 8 Weeks!!!
  189. Dr Dodds UPDATED Vaccine Protocol
  190. Romeo gagging/choking ordeal...
  191. Anyone still feeding their dog Health Extention
  192. 13 week puppy - how much is enough?
  193. Trifexus...anyone use it?
  194. My yorkshire having poop problem's
  195. Question about Primal
  196. Oscar licking IV wound?
  197. Puppy Mill Rescue Puppy - advice needed
  198. Help - Food ??
  199. Senior Pup on a Hunger Strike
  200. Anyone else here feed their puppy Merrick? Also, does your puppy still eat wet food?
  201. Food Allergies
  202. Okay, I give...all suggestions welcome.
  203. How much did you pay for dental work?
  204. Bloody Stool
  205. Horrible Gas
  206. Best treats
  207. Natural Balance Organic Discontinued
  208. Need feedback on Dr. Harvey's food
  209. lump under skin issue?
  210. Food help
  211. How much Blue Buffalo?
  212. BalanceIT questions
  213. kidney desease in another of my girls
  214. I did it!
  215. cushings disease
  216. Are strawberries okay for a yorkie to eat?
  217. Won't eat until I start to take away her food bowl
  218. Venturing into homecooking
  219. Younger dogs eating Senior food?!?
  220. C.E.T dental chews ?
  221. Frontline causes seizures
  222. Flint River Ranch Pet Food
  223. Hair breakage -severe on head
  224. Patellar Luxation
  225. Heartguard app
  226. Raw Chicken Necks
  227. Shaky yorkie
  228. Vaccination question
  229. high quality allergy food?
  230. Can yorkies eat pork?
  231. Wellness
  232. Ear Infection
  233. Blue buffalo feeding amount
  234. neutering
  235. Slideshow of Skin Problems in Dogs
  236. Skin Condition (pictures)
  237. Late to the oral health game - help!
  238. Organic food and multivitamins?
  239. Low Protein Canned food?
  240. Food allergys
  241. We treatments are necessary on first vet visit?
  242. Baby teeth not falling off??
  243. Long-lived Yorkie (for owners who has Yorkies live 13 years or older)
  244. Food issues
  245. What's your eating routine?
  246. How do I know when she's in heat?
  247. Recommendations for Taste of the Wild food most similar to Orijen Adult
  248. puppy gaining weight quickly
  249. Anaesthesia free dental cleaning
  250. Another Possible Food Recall
