
View Full Version : Sick & Injured / Emergencies Talk

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  1. cleft pallet
  2. Could it be Breast Cancer?
  3. Ruptured teet??
  4. Bax got into some fire ants!
  5. High BUN levels???
  6. Bloody diarrhea
  7. Red Inside Ears?
  8. My pup ate gum with xylitol in it!!!!!
  9. MVD- To Liver Biopsy or not?
  10. wobbly head. please help!!
  11. spriochete anyone heard of?
  12. What size are ticks/flea?
  13. PLEASE HELP!!! My dogs have Giardia!!!!!!!
  14. she has not pooped in 24 hrs. :(
  15. Bernie has vomited a little blood 2x
  16. 9 week old fell off the couch
  17. 10 month old - showing odd behavior
  18. whats this?
  19. Has Anyone Opted Not To Have Knee Surgery?
  20. HELP! armani swallowed 3 small cubic zirconias
  21. Car sickness
  22. Yorkie Attacked: It was awful, but he survived
  23. Stung by a bee
  24. Post Knee Surgery Question
  25. In labor
  26. 11 week, 1.8 oz. yorkie trowing up a lot
  27. vet visit
  28. Doggy pink eye? Cataracts? Help!
  29. diarrhea!
  30. glucose
  31. Baby food
  32. Help
  33. Something's wrong with Lucy
  34. Kacee and Lp surgery.. suggestions/help please
  35. Success giving insulin to their yorkie
  36. 1 or 2 fleas? What should I do?
  37. I am so sad...took Cooper to the vet today...
  38. Bile Acid Test
  39. Very sick
  40. Eddie got into some foxtails
  41. Who has had a knee surgery?
  42. A slightly different Benadryl question
  43. Very Bloated
  44. Is this from teething?
  45. 17 month old female Yorkie w/ occasional diarrhea
  46. test strips free to good home
  47. is my yorkie constipated?
  48. Krissy is getting Spayed today
  49. update on kati from miss scarlet
  50. recently regurgitating and/or vomiting. please help!
  51. Lola has gastric reflux ... help :(
  52. Chewy Update
  53. Reverse sneezing or collapsed trachea???
  54. cough
  55. Quik
  56. Chewy is in the hospital over night
  57. my 14 year littlr girl is not eating
  58. Low blood platlet count
  59. My Yorkie ate a Starfish
  60. My dog cannot poo and won't eat! HELP
  61. Lethargic Shorkie
  62. pet food recall
  63. I need help!!!!!!
  64. Injured foot?
  65. Help please, Very concerned!
  66. Normal?
  67. Bloody watery stools??
  68. Unweaned overweight puppies with rear leg issues
  69. Should I Be Worried?
  70. B's acting very differently
  71. Chloe broke her foot/toes...
  72. HeLp Im Not Sure!
  73. sick puppy
  74. Question regarding Luxating Patella
  75. Help! Puppy acting weird
  76. Weird shaking
  77. I feel soo bad !
  78. should i use whole dose of fronline?
  79. Swollen toe!
  80. Yorkie sick every three to four months
  81. Lepto and Corona Vaccinations
  82. Yorkie with a cold?
  83. Prayers for Sugar...
  84. Rabies
  85. My little Chocolate living with Addision Disease
  86. What do you think?
  87. Help! Need some answers!!
  88. cysts
  89. Home Drug Dosages for Dogs and Cats
  90. Was Kennel Cough - Now Sneezing/Snorting. HELP!
  91. absolutely horrifying choking scare with tyke :(
  92. Need info on dosage on heartworm meds!
  93. Toad mishap!
  94. My Yorkie Scratching
  95. Sorry to post here but no one has answered and I need help
  96. Molly can not digest her food
  97. Should I order an xray from rawhide?
  98. Loose Tooth - Barely Attached!
  99. Tummy not feeling good
  100. puppy hasn't poo'd
  101. Otie puncture the web of his paw on the fence!
  102. Yorkie with cut eye/cornea?
  103. My lil buddy has seizures! Help!
  104. Spots/Sores
  105. Yorkie breed, morning sickness?
  106. Triss needs surgery to remove the ball joint from hip
  107. My JUJU BEAN is sick!!!!!!!!!!!
  108. Triss is not having a good week
  109. Possible Lung Tumor?
  110. Strange Black Bald Area!
  111. Sick or just frightened?
  112. Mavies Really Sick
  113. Funny coughing sound
  114. Worms?? Ick? I don't know.
  115. I think Mickey got stung
  116. Update on Jade......
  117. Maya is really sick .....
  118. Breathing and heart rates
  119. My new puppy is having seizures
  120. Overbreeding!!
  121. Yorkie with PLN
  122. Need a Board Cert. Ortho Specialist in AZ
  123. Coccidia rears its ugly head
  124. Emme is throwing up...
  125. So... Henry got fixed....
  126. Watery diarrhea with some blood...
  127. Watery diarrhea with blood....
  128. I Am Freaking Out Please Help!
  129. Back Pain/Yelping
  130. Yorkshire Terrier with sore back
  131. New to the Community/Liver shunts
  132. Eating Issues
  133. Excessive panting after whelping?
  134. parvo q's
  135. help please!
  136. soft bloody stool
  137. up late with 3 sick Yorkies!!!
  138. Hit By A Car
  139. Eclampsia and feeding the babies
  140. Yorkie Teeth !
  141. Concerned
  142. Sick/Injured, what to do? simple
  143. I want the cough and sneezing to end
  144. Gizmo has been hurt..
  145. She was diagnosed with bronchopneumonia!!!
  146. Depressed Dog Query from New Poster....
  147. Fleas first... now TAPEWORM! Help!
  148. Please help me! I think my Yorkie will die.
  149. Please help, my Yorkie was kicked in the head by a horse
  150. Help!!
  151. Hair loss
  152. Keeko Is Sick?
  153. Help-my 9 Yr Old Liver Failure!!
  154. Could a warm bath make a dog sick?
  155. Ate part of a chicken bone
  156. Krissy is BETTER!!!!!
  157. Puppy's eyes won't stop watering!
  158. Yorkie with a cold
  159. tick bite
  160. my dog just puked!
  161. how much benadryl do i give my dog?
  162. pee pee trouble
  163. OMG...answers please !
  164. help benadryl not working
  165. Blister/blothes
  166. Yorkie has Cysts inside stomach
  167. Blind Yorkie and Diapers
  168. congested?
  169. Feet Mites
  170. Wondering why my yorki shakes ?
  171. My babay Bella is sick.
  172. ringworms?
  173. Bernie was neutered yesterday...
  174. Trying to poop on me?! TMI? Help.
  175. Tring to poop on me?! TMI? Help.
  177. HELP immediate guidance needed
  178. roscoe acting extremely wierd
  179. bladder stones
  180. Advice please
  181. Acting strange
  182. Hypoglycemia Question
  183. Help!!! Keoki Isn't Feeling Well!!!!
  184. Avie isn't feeling well!!! Concussion??
  185. my little one ate some fried fish!!!ADVICE!!
  186. my little one ate some fried fish!!!ADVICE!!
  187. Lily just ate soap!
  188. Perthes Disease?
  189. Lola's Stomach Is Gurggling Really Loudly!
  190. fell with a twst !!
  191. About to take Boo-Boo to EMERGENCY!
  192. I'm a little worried, but I know I shouldn't be..
  193. Luxating Patellas
  194. Healthy Pup Throwing Up 2 Day in a Row
  195. Help QUICK!!!
  196. help with bloated belly....
  197. Pia's eye : (
  198. Going to visit Cruiser tomorrow
  199. My puppy is acting weird!! HELP!!
  200. Brownee and I need your prayers!
  201. Need some advice...
  202. advice? My Yorkie is sick and i need some advice!
  203. Neck Knot
  204. Cushing's Disease
  205. Choked on German Shepherd Kibble
  206. Tucker is sick and I am sad
  207. My poor baby
  208. Help!!! Keoki got heatstroke!!!!
  209. Emergencies
  210. Migrating Pins...HELP!!
  211. I'm so sad
  212. Liver Shunts?
  213. Tape worms!!
  214. leg injury. Please help
  215. Gracie Got Hit By A Car
  216. Tylenol poisoning
  217. UPDATE!!!! Really shaky, wobbly..Charlie is sick!!
  218. 7 yo Yorkie with low blood sugar and other weird symptoms
  219. got bad news on friday from my vet
  220. Please help! Vomiting
  221. WARNING about flea collars!
  222. Help! Lucas keeps hacking/hiccuping??
  223. OMG I need help
  224. Help! My puppy has leg problems
  225. Another Update on Baby Zoey
  226. Plantaeris for Dog Diarrhea, anyone heard of this?
  227. Help! He Fell!!!
  228. HELP! Hair loss!!
  229. Help! We've got a Corneal Ulcer!
  230. Corneal Ulcer!? I am so upset!
  231. problems with prostate
  232. help my dog is pooping diarrhea
  233. Question about bleeding toenail
  234. help!!! my dog is pooping diary and never stops why is this happening?
  235. Please keep Amy in your thoughts
  236. Please say a prayer for Murphy today.
  237. Scooter's Neuter Today
  238. help!
  239. Ms. Sneezy!
  240. Any insight would be so greatly appreciated
  241. Bleeding NAiL
  242. HELP!! Patella Luxation Issues
  243. Hypoglycemic episode just scared me half to death
  244. help quick
  245. Friend's yorkie
  246. Lola is 1.5 yrs. old and has a bump on her hip! Need help!
  247. Please pray for my Roxy
  248. Problems after teeth cleaning
  249. I Have Had Excellent Results With This Colloidal Silver - (very Long)
  250. sonnie,s feeling poorly
