- cleft pallet
- Could it be Breast Cancer?
- Ruptured teet??
- Bax got into some fire ants!
- High BUN levels???
- Bloody diarrhea
- Red Inside Ears?
- My pup ate gum with xylitol in it!!!!!
- MVD- To Liver Biopsy or not?
- wobbly head. please help!!
- spriochete anyone heard of?
- What size are ticks/flea?
- PLEASE HELP!!! My dogs have Giardia!!!!!!!
- she has not pooped in 24 hrs. :(
- Bernie has vomited a little blood 2x
- 9 week old fell off the couch
- 10 month old - showing odd behavior
- whats this?
- Has Anyone Opted Not To Have Knee Surgery?
- HELP! armani swallowed 3 small cubic zirconias
- Car sickness
- Yorkie Attacked: It was awful, but he survived
- Stung by a bee
- Post Knee Surgery Question
- In labor
- 11 week, 1.8 oz. yorkie trowing up a lot
- vet visit
- Doggy pink eye? Cataracts? Help!
- diarrhea!
- glucose
- Baby food
- Help
- Something's wrong with Lucy
- Kacee and Lp surgery.. suggestions/help please
- Success giving insulin to their yorkie
- 1 or 2 fleas? What should I do?
- I am so sad...took Cooper to the vet today...
- Bile Acid Test
- Very sick
- Eddie got into some foxtails
- Who has had a knee surgery?
- A slightly different Benadryl question
- Very Bloated
- Is this from teething?
- 17 month old female Yorkie w/ occasional diarrhea
- test strips free to good home
- is my yorkie constipated?
- Krissy is getting Spayed today
- update on kati from miss scarlet
- recently regurgitating and/or vomiting. please help!
- Lola has gastric reflux ... help :(
- Chewy Update
- Reverse sneezing or collapsed trachea???
- cough
- Quik
- Chewy is in the hospital over night
- my 14 year littlr girl is not eating
- Low blood platlet count
- My Yorkie ate a Starfish
- My dog cannot poo and won't eat! HELP
- Lethargic Shorkie
- pet food recall
- I need help!!!!!!
- Injured foot?
- Help please, Very concerned!
- Normal?
- Bloody watery stools??
- Unweaned overweight puppies with rear leg issues
- Should I Be Worried?
- B's acting very differently
- Chloe broke her foot/toes...
- HeLp Im Not Sure!
- sick puppy
- Question regarding Luxating Patella
- Help! Puppy acting weird
- Weird shaking
- I feel soo bad !
- should i use whole dose of fronline?
- Swollen toe!
- Yorkie sick every three to four months
- Lepto and Corona Vaccinations
- Yorkie with a cold?
- Prayers for Sugar...
- Rabies
- My little Chocolate living with Addision Disease
- What do you think?
- Help! Need some answers!!
- cysts
- Home Drug Dosages for Dogs and Cats
- Was Kennel Cough - Now Sneezing/Snorting. HELP!
- absolutely horrifying choking scare with tyke :(
- Need info on dosage on heartworm meds!
- Toad mishap!
- My Yorkie Scratching
- Sorry to post here but no one has answered and I need help
- Molly can not digest her food
- Should I order an xray from rawhide?
- Loose Tooth - Barely Attached!
- Tummy not feeling good
- puppy hasn't poo'd
- Otie puncture the web of his paw on the fence!
- Yorkie with cut eye/cornea?
- My lil buddy has seizures! Help!
- Spots/Sores
- Yorkie breed, morning sickness?
- Triss needs surgery to remove the ball joint from hip
- My JUJU BEAN is sick!!!!!!!!!!!
- Triss is not having a good week
- Possible Lung Tumor?
- Strange Black Bald Area!
- Sick or just frightened?
- Mavies Really Sick
- Funny coughing sound
- Worms?? Ick? I don't know.
- I think Mickey got stung
- Update on Jade......
- Maya is really sick .....
- Breathing and heart rates
- My new puppy is having seizures
- Overbreeding!!
- Yorkie with PLN
- Need a Board Cert. Ortho Specialist in AZ
- Coccidia rears its ugly head
- Emme is throwing up...
- So... Henry got fixed....
- Watery diarrhea with some blood...
- Watery diarrhea with blood....
- I Am Freaking Out Please Help!
- Back Pain/Yelping
- Yorkshire Terrier with sore back
- New to the Community/Liver shunts
- Eating Issues
- Excessive panting after whelping?
- parvo q's
- help please!
- soft bloody stool
- up late with 3 sick Yorkies!!!
- Hit By A Car
- Eclampsia and feeding the babies
- Yorkie Teeth !
- Concerned
- Sick/Injured, what to do? simple
- I want the cough and sneezing to end
- Gizmo has been hurt..
- She was diagnosed with bronchopneumonia!!!
- Depressed Dog Query from New Poster....
- Fleas first... now TAPEWORM! Help!
- Please help me! I think my Yorkie will die.
- Please help, my Yorkie was kicked in the head by a horse
- Help!!
- Hair loss
- Keeko Is Sick?
- Help-my 9 Yr Old Liver Failure!!
- Could a warm bath make a dog sick?
- Ate part of a chicken bone
- Krissy is BETTER!!!!!
- Puppy's eyes won't stop watering!
- Yorkie with a cold
- tick bite
- my dog just puked!
- how much benadryl do i give my dog?
- pee pee trouble
- OMG...answers please !
- help benadryl not working
- Blister/blothes
- Yorkie has Cysts inside stomach
- Blind Yorkie and Diapers
- congested?
- Feet Mites
- Wondering why my yorki shakes ?
- My babay Bella is sick.
- ringworms?
- Bernie was neutered yesterday...
- Trying to poop on me?! TMI? Help.
- Tring to poop on me?! TMI? Help.
- vomiting..help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- HELP immediate guidance needed
- roscoe acting extremely wierd
- bladder stones
- Advice please
- Acting strange
- Hypoglycemia Question
- Help!!! Keoki Isn't Feeling Well!!!!
- Avie isn't feeling well!!! Concussion??
- my little one ate some fried fish!!!ADVICE!!
- my little one ate some fried fish!!!ADVICE!!
- Lily just ate soap!
- Perthes Disease?
- Lola's Stomach Is Gurggling Really Loudly!
- fell with a twst !!
- About to take Boo-Boo to EMERGENCY!
- I'm a little worried, but I know I shouldn't be..
- Luxating Patellas
- Healthy Pup Throwing Up 2 Day in a Row
- Help QUICK!!!
- help with bloated belly....
- Pia's eye : (
- Going to visit Cruiser tomorrow
- My puppy is acting weird!! HELP!!
- Brownee and I need your prayers!
- Need some advice...
- advice? My Yorkie is sick and i need some advice!
- Neck Knot
- Cushing's Disease
- Choked on German Shepherd Kibble
- Tucker is sick and I am sad
- My poor baby
- Help!!! Keoki got heatstroke!!!!
- Emergencies
- Migrating Pins...HELP!!
- I'm so sad
- Liver Shunts?
- Tape worms!!
- leg injury. Please help
- Gracie Got Hit By A Car
- Tylenol poisoning
- UPDATE!!!! Really shaky, wobbly..Charlie is sick!!
- 7 yo Yorkie with low blood sugar and other weird symptoms
- got bad news on friday from my vet
- Please help! Vomiting
- WARNING about flea collars!
- Help! Lucas keeps hacking/hiccuping??
- OMG I need help
- Help! My puppy has leg problems
- Another Update on Baby Zoey
- Plantaeris for Dog Diarrhea, anyone heard of this?
- Help! He Fell!!!
- HELP! Hair loss!!
- Help! We've got a Corneal Ulcer!
- Corneal Ulcer!? I am so upset!
- problems with prostate
- help my dog is pooping diarrhea
- Question about bleeding toenail
- help!!! my dog is pooping diary and never stops why is this happening?
- Please keep Amy in your thoughts
- Please say a prayer for Murphy today.
- Scooter's Neuter Today
- help!
- Ms. Sneezy!
- Any insight would be so greatly appreciated
- Bleeding NAiL
- HELP!! Patella Luxation Issues
- Hypoglycemic episode just scared me half to death
- help quick
- Friend's yorkie
- Lola is 1.5 yrs. old and has a bump on her hip! Need help!
- Please pray for my Roxy
- Problems after teeth cleaning
- I Have Had Excellent Results With This Colloidal Silver - (very Long)
- sonnie,s feeling poorly