
View Full Version : Yorkie Health & Diet

  1. teething?
  2. Weird Question Help...
  3. Smells like Trouble..
  4. Help! Smelly Dog!
  5. How much dry food is feed?
  6. Eating Grass
  7. Hair growth
  8. Foods that will hurt your dog
  9. "Dog Food" Organic, Premium, etc.
  10. Annual Shots...
  11. Biting, scratching & coughing
  12. Need advice on chew toys!
  13. WHAT is the matter?
  14. First puppy jitters over what kind of food..
  15. patella luxation
  16. Fever and diarrhea
  17. What do I feed Molli now?
  18. very concerned about my baby, chewy
  19. Coughing and Unusual Spots
  20. Pepto Bismol tablets
  21. Question about spaying
  22. oral hygiene...
  23. Plucking hair from the ears???
  24. Free Feeding w/mulitple dogs - Questions??????
  25. OH NO...maybe diabetes!!!!
  26. Shots
  27. Feeding Yorkie ???s
  28. canned food
  29. Patella Luxation
  30. Was it a seizure??
  31. YIKES!! Ralph is getting bald spots.
  32. I could use some help with
  33. Ear Infection?
  34. Yorkie Longevity
  35. Innova Puppy - Good Bad ???
  36. How much food..?
  37. Dew Claws...should I
  38. Scooting.. should I be concerned?
  39. Operation on Wednesday :(
  40. Liver Shunt
  41. Merrick
  42. herniated disc in neck
  43. I want to know if these are okay???
  44. Please keep Sandy in your thoughts
  45. Fat Free Milk?
  46. neutering ??
  47. Cranial Cruciate Ligament Injury
  48. changed vets
  49. 2 questions about LUDA
  50. sneezing clear mucas comes out
  51. Greenies?????
  52. Is my puppy sleeping too much??
  53. She won't eat the Natural Balance anymore!
  54. Changing food??
  55. Onions!!!!! Will hurt dogs!!!
  56. Corned beef?? 5 month old loves it. is it ok for him to eat???
  57. reverse sneeze?
  58. MY yorkie's penis is 'stuck' in the 'lipstick' position
  59. Sounds like "choking"
  60. anyone have a yorkie with Lymphangectasia?
  61. Sneezing, not coughing
  62. Bigg's B Leaking Update
  63. check this site out for health
  64. Bad disease: Lymphangiectasia
  65. Not sure if my Yorkie is pregnant?
  66. HELP!!! My Yorkie is peeing redish brown
  67. I think Cordelia is sick
  68. Help! does anyone's yorkie have alergies?
  69. Post's FollowUp's
  70. Leaking Urine
  71. Swallowing without chewing
  72. Doggie Periods?!!????????
  73. Pebbles ate a raisen
  74. Pebbles is in heat - acts sooo tired; Normal?
  75. puppy sleeps alot
  76. Sorry if this is gross, but..
  77. Question????
  78. Bil-Jac???
  79. Yorkie not feeling well
  80. Yorkies who love Vegetables !!
  81. Stewie's Having a Reaction :(
  82. Shiny Coat
  83. What to do??
  84. Is Cat food bad for dogs?
  85. Lump at Site of Vaccine Injection
  86. Bed Wetting
  87. I think Sarah's pregnant. Please help!
  88. Nervous About Rabies Vaccine :(
  89. What is your opinion on when to cut off water/food intake?
  90. Pulling Baby teeth tomorrow
  91. She chews EVERYTHING
  92. When to stop with the puppy food?
  93. I need help!!!!
  94. Lump on Back
  95. Eagle PAck Holistic
  96. Please help me-not sure what to do
  97. I need some HELP!!!
  98. Is Nutri-Cal Neccessary?
  99. Dosage: Childrens Benadryl
  100. YIKES at Vet appt!
  101. This treats...
  102. Puppy Chow and Science Diet
  103. Innova Dog Food
  104. help, she won't eat out of her bowl
  105. Throwing Up...
  106. Food Pets Die For: Shocking Facts About Pet Food
  107. Bella loves the carrots - thanks for the idea everyone
  108. Mickeys Upset
  109. Dog Health Care 101
  110. My Yorkie likes to eat ice!
  111. egg yolk??
  112. Need info on Genetic disorder: chondrodysplasia
  113. Lemons
  114. milk bone treats ok or noq
  115. Poops way too much
  116. need advice PLEASE!!
  117. Please Help!!!!
  118. Infection!
  119. Yorkie Weight PLEASE HELP!!
  120. Opinions Please: Sebastian's Rabies Shot
  121. Anal glands
  122. 6 in 1 booster shot...
  123. Strawberries?
  124. Bee Stings?
  125. Help! Is my dog having false pregnancy?
  126. Advice needed! Microvascular Dysplasia
  127. Help me soon!!!!
  128. is my puppy the right weight?
  129. Losing puppy teeth
  130. Not yorkie but need advice
  131. Age for Rabies Vaccination?
  132. Hemivertibrae
  133. human or dog food?
  134. Food and Car Seats
  135. new here
  136. broken leg
  137. Olive Oil
  138. How about orange???
  139. She won't let me pick her up
  140. Help for my 15 year old yorkie
  141. Need quick advice
  142. Itchy
  143. For those that feed their dogs/pups Raw! Please Read!
  144. Is your yorkie doing this too?
  145. Eat carrot and apple?????
  146. Pathology Report on Neena
  147. Vomiting
  148. Natural Balance
  149. Yorkie Passing Gas
  150. Foods our beloved Yorkies should NOT eat.
  151. Allergies???
  152. Spade
  153. Gucci is in "heat"
  154. Bloody and/or watery diarrhea
  155. The best food for your dog is....
  156. I have a question for all of you's....
  157. Allergies...
  158. Help! She's not well
  159. Help, Diva is at it again!!!
  160. What is the best food for Yorkies?
  161. Pray for my little Girl!!
  162. Bailey's Nails Are Too Long. What to do?
  163. Dead Dogs and Cats Are In "PREMIUM" Pet Foods!
  164. Fromm Four-Star Nutritionals
  165. How can I be sure??
  166. House Training
  167. Help my yorkie is thumping her leg!!
  168. Eclampsia
  169. Eat Poop
  170. Please- Need Advice Immediately
  171. Barf
  172. Food
  173. Please Help!!! Looking for a new vet in Maryland.
  174. help help!I do not know if my yorkies sick
  175. Help! Stinky breath alert!
  176. Update on Neena after surgery
  177. Nutritious Treats?
  178. Concerned about Tia
  179. I just found a scab on Esme's head????
  180. Dog Food Comparison Charts
  181. Best small kibble ?
  182. diareah cha cha cha!
  183. Solid Gold Seameal
  184. Lexy's vet visit
  185. Lexy has bloody stools!
  186. Anti Royal Canin? Why?
  187. Why does My Benji Itch?
  188. Question????
  189. Feeding Poochie 1X a day ok?
  190. Neena after surgery
  191. Anyone tried Frosty Paws?
  192. Heart worm tablet???
  193. Trader Joe's brand canned dog food?
  194. Messing in the house!
  195. Frankie's hurting
  196. hydrocephalus HELP
  197. Can Dogs Catch Diseases From Cats
  198. puppy with hyrdosphlius
  199. Gracie appears to have ringworm on her head!
  200. Very concerned...
  201. False pregnancy??
  202. Does your yorkie do this?
  203. Help finding a Vet
  204. Meds didnt what??
  205. Exagerated Swallowing
  206. Legg-Calves Perthes
  207. constipation....
  208. when do you switch
  209. Missing Link Supplement
  210. Natural Balance Beef Roll
  211. my Biggs B has kidney stones
  212. Anyone ever bred a Yorkie & a Shitzu?
  213. Vaccines...need help!
  214. my little one wont eat
  215. Vomitting!!
  216. How much to feed my two dahhhlings =)
  217. Conditioner???
  218. eeewwww!!! Sidewalk worms!
  219. home pathic meds ?????? HELP
  220. Luxating Patella
  221. Help!
  222. Worried once again!
  223. What do you think of this?
  224. Update on Jasmine's Dislocated Foot
  225. slow healing or possible infection?
  226. need info on infection
  227. Aaarghhh!!!! I Hate Dog Food!!!!
  228. Scratching a lot...
  229. Aggression after Spaying??
  230. HELP! My baby has bumps
  231. Yorkie coat care help!
  232. Recovering...
  233. Any thoughts on pet insurance?
  234. Is anyone using Chicken Soup for puppies?
  235. Heart Worm Intercepter
  236. i dropped them off at the vet
  237. Tear Duct problem!
  238. Help! Condyle of humorous Fracture
  239. Yorkie baby has shunt - surgery needed!
  240. Puppy has a cold
  241. losing puppy coat?
  242. Free feeding ??
  243. Online store to buy Natural Balance Rolls
  244. my babies are getting neutered tomorrow!
  245. Sophie, Clemantine too has liver shunt
  246. Question
  247. Liver Shunt diagnosis
  248. Eukanuba Puppy Food
  249. Eating Problems...
  250. bad legs
