- teething?
- Weird Question Help...
- Smells like Trouble..
- Help! Smelly Dog!
- How much dry food is correct..free feed?
- Eating Grass
- Hair growth
- Foods that will hurt your dog
- "Dog Food" Organic, Premium, etc.
- Annual Shots...
- Biting, scratching & coughing
- Need advice on chew toys!
- WHAT is the matter?
- First puppy jitters over what kind of food..
- patella luxation
- Fever and diarrhea
- What do I feed Molli now?
- very concerned about my baby, chewy
- Coughing and Unusual Spots
- Pepto Bismol tablets
- Question about spaying
- oral hygiene...
- Plucking hair from the ears???
- Free Feeding w/mulitple dogs - Questions??????
- OH NO...maybe diabetes!!!!
- Shots
- Feeding Yorkie ???s
- canned food
- Patella Luxation
- Was it a seizure??
- YIKES!! Ralph is getting bald spots.
- I could use some help with
- Ear Infection?
- Yorkie Longevity
- Innova Puppy - Good Bad ???
- How much food..?
- Dew Claws...should I
- Scooting.. should I be concerned?
- Operation on Wednesday :(
- Liver Shunt
- Merrick
- herniated disc in neck
- I want to know if these are okay???
- Please keep Sandy in your thoughts
- Fat Free Milk?
- neutering ??
- Cranial Cruciate Ligament Injury
- changed vets
- 2 questions about LUDA
- sneezing clear mucas comes out
- Greenies?????
- Is my puppy sleeping too much??
- She won't eat the Natural Balance anymore!
- Changing food??
- Onions!!!!! Will hurt dogs!!!
- Corned beef?? 5 month old loves it. is it ok for him to eat???
- reverse sneeze?
- MY yorkie's penis is 'stuck' in the 'lipstick' position
- Sounds like "choking"
- anyone have a yorkie with Lymphangectasia?
- Sneezing, not coughing
- Bigg's B Leaking Update
- check this site out for health
- Bad disease: Lymphangiectasia
- Not sure if my Yorkie is pregnant?
- HELP!!! My Yorkie is peeing redish brown
- I think Cordelia is sick
- Help! does anyone's yorkie have alergies?
- Post's FollowUp's
- Leaking Urine
- Swallowing without chewing
- Doggie Periods?!!????????
- Pebbles ate a raisen
- Pebbles is in heat - acts sooo tired; Normal?
- puppy sleeps alot
- Sorry if this is gross, but..
- Question????
- Bil-Jac???
- Yorkie not feeling well
- Yorkies who love Vegetables !!
- Stewie's Having a Reaction :(
- Shiny Coat
- What to do??
- Is Cat food bad for dogs?
- Lump at Site of Vaccine Injection
- Bed Wetting
- I think Sarah's pregnant. Please help!
- Nervous About Rabies Vaccine :(
- What is your opinion on when to cut off water/food intake?
- Pulling Baby teeth tomorrow
- She chews EVERYTHING
- When to stop with the puppy food?
- I need help!!!!
- Lump on Back
- Eagle PAck Holistic
- Please help me-not sure what to do
- I need some HELP!!!
- Is Nutri-Cal Neccessary?
- Dosage: Childrens Benadryl
- YIKES at Vet appt!
- This treats...
- Puppy Chow and Science Diet
- Innova Dog Food
- help, she won't eat out of her bowl
- Throwing Up...
- Food Pets Die For: Shocking Facts About Pet Food
- Bella loves the carrots - thanks for the idea everyone
- Mickeys Upset
- Dog Health Care 101
- My Yorkie likes to eat ice!
- egg yolk??
- Need info on Genetic disorder: chondrodysplasia
- Lemons
- milk bone treats ok or noq
- Poops way too much
- need advice PLEASE!!
- Please Help!!!!
- Infection!
- Yorkie Weight PLEASE HELP!!
- Opinions Please: Sebastian's Rabies Shot
- Anal glands
- 6 in 1 booster shot...
- Strawberries?
- Bee Stings?
- Help! Is my dog having false pregnancy?
- Advice needed! Microvascular Dysplasia
- Help me soon!!!!
- is my puppy the right weight?
- Losing puppy teeth
- Not yorkie but need advice
- Age for Rabies Vaccination?
- Hemivertibrae
- human or dog food?
- Food and Car Seats
- new here
- broken leg
- Olive Oil
- How about orange???
- She won't let me pick her up
- Help for my 15 year old yorkie
- Need quick advice
- Itchy
- For those that feed their dogs/pups Raw! Please Read!
- Is your yorkie doing this too?
- Eat carrot and apple?????
- Pathology Report on Neena
- Vomiting
- Natural Balance
- Yorkie Passing Gas
- Foods our beloved Yorkies should NOT eat.
- Allergies???
- Spade
- Gucci is in "heat"
- Bloody and/or watery diarrhea
- The best food for your dog is....
- I have a question for all of you's....
- Allergies...
- Help! She's not well
- Help, Diva is at it again!!!
- What is the best food for Yorkies?
- Pray for my little Girl!!
- Bailey's Nails Are Too Long. What to do?
- Dead Dogs and Cats Are In "PREMIUM" Pet Foods!
- Fromm Four-Star Nutritionals
- How can I be sure??
- House Training
- Help my yorkie is thumping her leg!!
- Eclampsia
- Eat Poop
- Please- Need Advice Immediately
- Barf
- Food
- Please Help!!! Looking for a new vet in Maryland.
- help help!I do not know if my yorkies sick
- Help! Stinky breath alert!
- Update on Neena after surgery
- Nutritious Treats?
- Concerned about Tia
- I just found a scab on Esme's head????
- Dog Food Comparison Charts
- Best small kibble ?
- diareah cha cha cha!
- Solid Gold Seameal
- Lexy's vet visit
- Lexy has bloody stools!
- Anti Royal Canin? Why?
- Why does My Benji Itch?
- Question????
- Feeding Poochie 1X a day ok?
- Neena after surgery
- Anyone tried Frosty Paws?
- Heart worm tablet???
- Trader Joe's brand canned dog food?
- Messing in the house!
- Frankie's hurting
- hydrocephalus HELP
- Can Dogs Catch Diseases From Cats
- puppy with hyrdosphlius
- Gracie appears to have ringworm on her head!
- Very concerned...
- False pregnancy??
- Does your yorkie do this?
- Help finding a Vet
- Meds didnt work..now what??
- Exagerated Swallowing
- Legg-Calves Perthes
- constipation....
- when do you switch
- Missing Link Supplement
- Natural Balance Beef Roll
- my Biggs B has kidney stones
- Anyone ever bred a Yorkie & a Shitzu?
- Vaccines...need help!
- my little one wont eat
- Vomitting!!
- How much to feed my two dahhhlings =)
- Conditioner???
- eeewwww!!! Sidewalk worms!
- home pathic meds ?????? HELP
- Luxating Patella
- Help!
- Worried once again!
- What do you think of this?
- Update on Jasmine's Dislocated Foot
- Neutered...now slow healing or possible infection?
- need info on infection
- Aaarghhh!!!! I Hate Dog Food!!!!
- Scratching a lot...
- Aggression after Spaying??
- HELP! My baby has bumps
- Yorkie coat care help!
- Recovering...
- Any thoughts on pet insurance?
- Is anyone using Chicken Soup for puppies?
- Heart Worm Intercepter
- i dropped them off at the vet
- Tear Duct problem!
- Help! Condyle of humorous Fracture
- Yorkie baby has shunt - surgery needed!
- Puppy has a cold
- losing puppy coat?
- Free feeding ??
- Online store to buy Natural Balance Rolls
- my babies are getting neutered tomorrow!
- Sophie, Clemantine too has liver shunt
- Question
- Liver Shunt diagnosis
- Eukanuba Puppy Food
- Eating Problems...
- bad legs