- Doggie Doors and Potty Training
- Potty Training Using the Tell Bell
- How long did it take for your yorkie to be fully potty trained?! Help please? :)
- lots of crying...
- My rescued Gracie's aversion to training
- please help- don't know what to do anymore!
- How long did it take to potty train 100%
- Puppy Kindergarten!!
- pottying too much??
- Help with calming Spanky When anyone leaves the house.
- Guarding food
- Some advice, please
- Source for cheaper pet meds.
- Potty Training not working..(new)
- Ripping up stuffed toys - he won't stop!
- Jealousy
- Knox is an alien!
- Pee Pad help
- Barking In Cage
- Need to stop the scratching!
- Potty grass questions
- help i am soon going to be puppy less
- For those that paper train...
- Crate Training
- Help!
- Interesting Email Re: Barking
- Squirrel obsession!
- Get dog urine out of my carpets!!!!!!
- She's eating the Pee-pad
- My dog is obsessed with toys!
- Barks When I Stand Up
- 6 month puppy biting
- Help with Potty Training
- Realistic housetraining
- Resource guarding
- Peeing in her crate! Need advice!!
- My 7 month old female uses pee pad sometimes, carpet other times!
- Old Dog New Trick? Can Fizz learn to sit?
- Train to sit? Old dog New trick:)
- She Pee'd on my Bed!!
- Sectioning off rooms in house while potty training
- Private or Group Sessions???
- Am I confusing her?
- Help with Grooming and Hair
- Help with Biting
- My dog is peeing and pooping in her crate...help
- need help on what to do with potty train. PLZ
- Bladder of steel ... or sheer will?
- Anyone have a Therapy Dog/Therapy Dog in training?
- How do I get My Yorkies Ears to Stand Up?
- What unique trick does your yorkie do?
- Covering up his business ???
- Leash training
- Need advice on my 6 month old Yorkie
- Does anyones puppy "potty" on the furniture or just mine??
- #2 not happening on the pad
- 7yrs old acting out
- Potty Training With Grass Pads?
- Yorkshire Terrier Training Tips
- Potty Training Help Needed! Plus a Bonus Barking Question.
- He destroyed the carpet in my closet!
- Clicker Training
- How can I help him?
- New (to me) 1-year-old - potty question
- My Puppy is Barking non stop and peeing in her crate!!
- Scared of Leash!?!?
- A lonely bark all day long - I NEED HELP!
- Yeah its a potty training ?... :)
- paper training
- Buddy has 1 more session
- help
- Need help Potty training my recently adopted baby.
- Yorkie vs Chihuahua
- Insane barking when she hears or sees people - devices don't work!
- *Pomp and Circumstance* We graduated!
- Housebreaking a 7 month old female yorkie
- Breaking the puppy pad...
- night crate crying only when momma's home
- Help with 1 year old female and potty training
- Anyone here use the Pet-a-Potty?
- Biting, Biting & Biting!
- Trixie learned to sit!!
- Canvas crates?
- Potty Training - Re Training?
- Pooping outside THEN inside....need help!
- Hyper Obsessed with Cat!!!
- Puppy school is paying off
- barking... barking and more barking
- My dog and my cats....
- Do different brands of pee pad make a difference?
- Has anyone sent their Yorkie to Doggy Bootcamp
- Dog showing very dominant behavior towards girlfriend's dog
- Agression toward cars
- Paying attention!
- Invisible fence doesn't work anymore
- Diapers
- Potty Training Trouble, Help!!
- Kitchen or Playpen??
- Peeing & Pooping EVERYWHERE!!
- Why is our 6 month old reversing toward all training?
- Fine at home, pees all over girlfreind's house
- anyone have a yorkie that was never fully housebroken their whole life?
- Why does she do this?
- help my yorkie bit a male friend coming in the door
- pee pads?
- My guy won't walk on a leash
- Rescue yorkie training--help!
- litter box anyone?!
- K9 Nose Work Seminar
- What should I do? Guide me please...How to solve this?
- I Just Want to CRY!! I'm losing the battle!
- Need help training my Yorkie....
- Yorkie is out of control!
- Ripping up the Training Pads
- Training treats
- I have my dream dog!
- Silly/Frustrating #2 training problem =/
- Oh Crap! I have a problem....
- Yorkie bites! Teething...
- In need of some help.
- Going #2 on the paper?
- Walking two dogs...help!!!
- Give it up for Buddy/training going great.
- Potty Training Older Dog
- leash train or not
- Help me help Emmett!
- any way to make her stop peeing when she is excited?
- Importance of recall
- Agression Problem
- Agression Problem
- Owning two Yorkies
- OK weird circumstances-?Crate train to use a P-Pad?
- biting, growling and barking
- 15 month old male still not totally potty trained
- Won't sit on hard surfaces!
- Waking us up every 2-4 hours! HELP ME!!!!!!
- Peeing out the side of crate/stain and odor remover
- Wanted to brag a little
- Number Two
- Signed up for first obedience class
- Trouble crate training!
- Trouble crate training!
- I don't know what to do...
- Peeing up the table leg
- Yorkshire Peeing Problems
- 2 yr old peed on my bed!
- :fallen: Desperate to keep my AVA....PLEASE HELP!
- Running away...
- Biting each other!!
- VERY jealous
- How hard is it to change a dogs name?
- ? Are Females better then male to train
- How do I know when he has to go?
- Aggressive
- Litter Box Question...
- Crate training and potty training
- Dustie can "Hump" for England lol.x
- Help!
- Should I be upset?
- Do some just NOT crate train?
- Why are they doing this???? Potty Habits
- Yelping and crying when left alone!!!
- Pee Pad Mess
- My couches smell like dog urine!!
- Help getting my new yorkie to get on with my old one
- new yorkie causing horrible stress in my cat
- Help me!! training my month old Kiko
- 6 week old Yorkie
- 6 week old Yorkie
- 6 week old puppy pad training
- Crate training question
- Potty Pad Training-HELP for this Dummy
- my yorky's walking habits
- Pack order, dominance
- Playtime: how rough is too rough?
- 6 month old female "bite playing/bite loving"
- Starting training all over with 3yo Yorkie!
- My PeePee pad trained puppy is now peeing on the carpet
- Snapping at people while on my lap
- Yorkie eating poop! GRR
- Potty Training Help Needed!!!!
- no crate training
- wierd rituals??
- Lexi's barking at dog parks
- yorkie too hyper
- Where does my Torkie have to sleep?
- I did it, Buddy has a personal trainer
- Getting her to stay in the yard?
- training young
- Any comments on "How To Train My Puppy" Fast Track System
- Overall Yorkie Training?
- Fighting females
- Potty training...I am lost, what to do???
- un-crate training
- too old to crate?
- Pet zoom Potty Park Patch or Little Rascals Dog Box
- Marking Question
- I Need Serious Help
- "HEEELP" pottie pad training
- My sweet little Lucy snaps & growls!
- Should wait to train outside?
- New Yorkie
- Switch to weewee pads?
- Aggression with her bully stick, HELP
- smart dog or lucky mom
- Crate? He's jumps the playpen!
- Puppy hates being outside
- Biting
- Jealousy, Cat box, Chewing
- barking problems resolved Bark Repeller
- Peeing on the bed!
- I new at this I need help
- Train to Stop Barking?
- What do I do when I catch him peeing?
- need advice...pottying everywhere!!
- Tiger knows how to pee continued.
- Morkie goes nuts in crate
- Coco has taken over, what about our space?
- Sometimes aggressive Yorkie
- whines/barks at night to go potty
- Maggie whines a lot!
- Teaching an old dog???
- Deer poop
- Should I let them mark on an outside walk?
- Afraid of the night
- Crate Training at 11 months?
- Potty Training
- Training classes at 3 years old?
- Does your yorkie do this??
- Help!!
- Chuchi won't hold on to rope when playing! Advice?
- Teaching Missy the "Down" commend.
- Housebreak your dog in 7 days...Anyone done it?
- Heeeeelp! New puppy literally barking ALL night!!
- Peeing On My Bed - Advice Please!!
- First day of puppy class/Review of Petco
- Training
- Crate training...again
- Why won't he tell me???
- Won't focus on me if distracted - Good Treats?!
- Terrible 1 Year old!!!
- Potty training to go indoors AND outdoors? Bad idea?
- Do you have a certified Pet Therapy Yorkie?
- breaking a bad behavior
- Pet odor and carpet stains
- Can you re-train a 5 year old?
- My Yorkie unlearned everything.
- Marking questions
- Help! We need some sleep.
- Puppy Pad issues