
View Full Version : General Training Questions

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  1. Doggie Doors and Potty Training
  2. Potty Training Using the Tell Bell
  3. How long did it take for your yorkie to be fully potty trained?! Help please? :)
  4. lots of crying...
  5. My rescued Gracie's aversion to training
  6. please help- don't know what to do anymore!
  7. How long did it take to potty train 100%
  8. Puppy Kindergarten!!
  9. pottying too much??
  10. Help with calming Spanky When anyone leaves the house.
  11. Guarding food
  12. Some advice, please
  13. Source for cheaper pet meds.
  14. Potty Training not working..(new)
  15. Ripping up stuffed toys - he won't stop!
  16. Jealousy
  17. Knox is an alien!
  18. Pee Pad help
  19. Barking In Cage
  20. Need to stop the scratching!
  21. Potty grass questions
  22. help i am soon going to be puppy less
  23. For those that paper train...
  24. Crate Training
  25. Help!
  26. Interesting Email Re: Barking
  27. Squirrel obsession!
  28. Get dog urine out of my carpets!!!!!!
  29. She's eating the Pee-pad
  30. My dog is obsessed with toys!
  31. Barks When I Stand Up
  32. 6 month puppy biting
  33. Help with Potty Training
  34. Realistic housetraining
  35. Resource guarding
  36. Peeing in her crate! Need advice!!
  37. My 7 month old female uses pee pad sometimes, carpet other times!
  38. Old Dog New Trick? Can Fizz learn to sit?
  39. Train to sit? Old dog New trick:)
  40. She Pee'd on my Bed!!
  41. Sectioning off rooms in house while potty training
  42. Private or Group Sessions???
  43. Am I confusing her?
  44. Help with Grooming and Hair
  45. Help with Biting
  46. My dog is peeing and pooping in her
  47. need help on what to do with potty train. PLZ
  48. Bladder of steel ... or sheer will?
  49. Anyone have a Therapy Dog/Therapy Dog in training?
  50. How do I get My Yorkies Ears to Stand Up?
  51. What unique trick does your yorkie do?
  52. Covering up his business ???
  53. Leash training
  54. Need advice on my 6 month old Yorkie
  55. Does anyones puppy "potty" on the furniture or just mine??
  56. #2 not happening on the pad
  57. 7yrs old acting out
  58. Potty Training With Grass Pads?
  59. Yorkshire Terrier Training Tips
  60. Potty Training Help Needed! Plus a Bonus Barking Question.
  61. He destroyed the carpet in my closet!
  62. Clicker Training
  63. How can I help him?
  64. New (to me) 1-year-old - potty question
  65. My Puppy is Barking non stop and peeing in her crate!!
  66. Scared of Leash!?!?
  67. A lonely bark all day long - I NEED HELP!
  68. Yeah its a potty training ?... :)
  69. paper training
  70. Buddy has 1 more session
  71. help
  72. Need help Potty training my recently adopted baby.
  73. Yorkie vs Chihuahua
  74. Insane barking when she hears or sees people - devices don't work!
  75. *Pomp and Circumstance* We graduated!
  76. Housebreaking a 7 month old female yorkie
  77. Breaking the puppy pad...
  78. night crate crying only when momma's home
  79. Help with 1 year old female and potty training
  80. Anyone here use the Pet-a-Potty?
  81. Biting, Biting & Biting!
  82. Trixie learned to sit!!
  83. Canvas crates?
  84. Potty Training - Re Training?
  85. Pooping outside THEN inside....need help!
  86. Hyper Obsessed with Cat!!!
  87. Puppy school is paying off
  88. barking... barking and more barking
  89. My dog and my cats....
  90. Do different brands of pee pad make a difference?
  91. Has anyone sent their Yorkie to Doggy Bootcamp
  92. Dog showing very dominant behavior towards girlfriend's dog
  93. Agression toward cars
  94. Paying attention!
  95. Invisible fence doesn't work anymore
  96. Diapers
  97. Potty Training Trouble, Help!!
  98. Kitchen or Playpen??
  99. Peeing & Pooping EVERYWHERE!!
  100. Why is our 6 month old reversing toward all training?
  101. Fine at home, pees all over girlfreind's house
  102. anyone have a yorkie that was never fully housebroken their whole life?
  103. Why does she do this?
  104. help my yorkie bit a male friend coming in the door
  105. pee pads?
  106. My guy won't walk on a leash
  107. Rescue yorkie training--help!
  108. litter box anyone?!
  109. K9 Nose Work Seminar
  110. What should I do? Guide me please...How to solve this?
  111. I Just Want to CRY!! I'm losing the battle!
  112. Need help training my Yorkie....
  113. Yorkie is out of control!
  114. Ripping up the Training Pads
  115. Training treats
  116. I have my dream dog!
  117. Silly/Frustrating #2 training problem =/
  118. Oh Crap! I have a problem....
  119. Yorkie bites! Teething...
  120. In need of some help.
  121. Going #2 on the paper?
  122. Walking two!!!
  123. Give it up for Buddy/training going great.
  124. Potty Training Older Dog
  125. leash train or not
  126. Help me help Emmett!
  127. any way to make her stop peeing when she is excited?
  128. Importance of recall
  129. Agression Problem
  130. Agression Problem
  131. Owning two Yorkies
  132. OK weird circumstances-?Crate train to use a P-Pad?
  133. biting, growling and barking
  134. 15 month old male still not totally potty trained
  135. Won't sit on hard surfaces!
  136. Waking us up every 2-4 hours! HELP ME!!!!!!
  137. Peeing out the side of crate/stain and odor remover
  138. Wanted to brag a little
  139. Number Two
  140. Signed up for first obedience class
  141. Trouble crate training!
  142. Trouble crate training!
  143. I don't know what to do...
  144. Peeing up the table leg
  145. Yorkshire Peeing Problems
  146. 2 yr old peed on my bed!
  147. :fallen: Desperate to keep my AVA....PLEASE HELP!
  148. Running away...
  149. Biting each other!!
  150. VERY jealous
  151. How hard is it to change a dogs name?
  152. ? Are Females better then male to train
  153. How do I know when he has to go?
  154. Aggressive
  155. Litter Box Question...
  156. Crate training and potty training
  157. Dustie can "Hump" for England lol.x
  158. Help!
  159. Should I be upset?
  160. Do some just NOT crate train?
  161. Why are they doing this???? Potty Habits
  162. Yelping and crying when left alone!!!
  163. Pee Pad Mess
  164. My couches smell like dog urine!!
  165. Help getting my new yorkie to get on with my old one
  166. new yorkie causing horrible stress in my cat
  167. Help me!! training my month old Kiko
  168. 6 week old Yorkie
  169. 6 week old Yorkie
  170. 6 week old puppy pad training
  171. Crate training question
  172. Potty Pad Training-HELP for this Dummy
  173. my yorky's walking habits
  174. Pack order, dominance
  175. Playtime: how rough is too rough?
  176. 6 month old female "bite playing/bite loving"
  177. Starting training all over with 3yo Yorkie!
  178. My PeePee pad trained puppy is now peeing on the carpet
  179. Snapping at people while on my lap
  180. Yorkie eating poop! GRR
  181. Potty Training Help Needed!!!!
  182. no crate training
  183. wierd rituals??
  184. Lexi's barking at dog parks
  185. yorkie too hyper
  186. Where does my Torkie have to sleep?
  187. I did it, Buddy has a personal trainer
  188. Getting her to stay in the yard?
  189. training young
  190. Any comments on "How To Train My Puppy" Fast Track System
  191. Overall Yorkie Training?
  192. Fighting females
  193. Potty training...I am lost, what to do???
  194. un-crate training
  195. too old to crate?
  196. Pet zoom Potty Park Patch or Little Rascals Dog Box
  197. Marking Question
  198. I Need Serious Help
  199. "HEEELP" pottie pad training
  200. My sweet little Lucy snaps & growls!
  201. Should wait to train outside?
  202. New Yorkie
  203. Switch to weewee pads?
  204. Aggression with her bully stick, HELP
  205. smart dog or lucky mom
  206. Crate? He's jumps the playpen!
  207. Puppy hates being outside
  208. Biting
  209. Jealousy, Cat box, Chewing
  210. barking problems resolved Bark Repeller
  211. Peeing on the bed!
  212. I new at this I need help
  213. Train to Stop Barking?
  214. What do I do when I catch him peeing?
  215. need advice...pottying everywhere!!
  216. Tiger knows how to pee continued.
  217. Morkie goes nuts in crate
  218. Coco has taken over, what about our space?
  219. Sometimes aggressive Yorkie
  220. whines/barks at night to go potty
  221. Maggie whines a lot!
  222. Teaching an old dog???
  223. Deer poop
  224. Should I let them mark on an outside walk?
  225. Afraid of the night
  226. Crate Training at 11 months?
  227. Potty Training
  228. Training classes at 3 years old?
  229. Does your yorkie do this??
  230. Help!!
  231. Chuchi won't hold on to rope when playing! Advice?
  232. Teaching Missy the "Down" commend.
  233. Housebreak your dog in 7 days...Anyone done it?
  234. Heeeeelp! New puppy literally barking ALL night!!
  235. Peeing On My Bed - Advice Please!!
  236. First day of puppy class/Review of Petco
  237. Training
  238. Crate training...again
  239. Why won't he tell me???
  240. Won't focus on me if distracted - Good Treats?!
  241. Terrible 1 Year old!!!
  242. Potty training to go indoors AND outdoors? Bad idea?
  243. Do you have a certified Pet Therapy Yorkie?
  244. breaking a bad behavior
  245. Pet odor and carpet stains
  246. Can you re-train a 5 year old?
  247. My Yorkie unlearned everything.
  248. Marking questions
  249. Help! We need some sleep.
  250. Puppy Pad issues
