- Looking for Yorkie in East Texas
- Salt Lake City?
- Groomer in Knoxville
- Miami Boarding / Kennel?
- Groomer in Reno
- Dog Bakeries in Houston, TX
- Maltese Pomeranian puppy!! $300
- Just moved to SAN ANTONIO area
- Lets have a DFW meetup- Halloween style!
- Female Rottweiler in AZ
- Great Trainer and Boarding for Arizona
- Dallas/Ft. Worth posters??
- Groomers
- Halloween ARIZONA yorkie meetup!
- The Yorkshire Terrier Club of Greater Houston
- Needing a Yorkie
- Dog Festival in Dallas, looks like fun
- Celebrating Sadie's Birthday!! (Dallas area)
- Going to the Dog Park!!!!
- Official Phoenix Meet up!
- Kennel or Pet Resort Needed in Arizona
- Yorkie In Power Club in Houston, Texas
- Anyone familiar with Simbas Pride Kennels in Fallon NV?
- Possible Wookie Sitter for a weekend?
- Anyone in CO???? Please read
- Okies
- Good, Inexpensive vet Recommendations in San Antonio TX????
- looking for a great vet in the magnolia texas area
- Las Vegas?
- Phoenix Meet up anyone?
- San Antonio ~ Anyone???
- Beans needs a girlfriend ;)
- Looking for a yorkie sitter...
- Houston Meetup August 19th
- DFW Playdate on August 12th
- Rocky is turning 1 and celebrating all month!!!
- Pet Friendly Hotels in San Antonio, Texas
- Anyone in Austin?
- Dogsitter in North Houston?
- DFW Meetup 07/15
- Yorkie groomer needed in Arizona
- Dallas area Get Meetup
- Houston or Humble Texas Anyone?
- Atronic Americas... anyone heard of it?
- Pics from OKC Meet up
- arizona yorkie mom needs yorkie
- TEXAS Meetup DFW area this Saturday. Here is the info!!
- beaumont area
- OKC Yorkie Meet!!
- Oklahoma City Meetup Update
- Need Home for Yorkie
- My new Yorkie Puppy
- Southwest USA Members
- TEXAS Meetup
- Oklahoma City meetup???
- Need a good groomer in Texas