
View Full Version : Yorkie Health & Diet

  1. strange
  2. Bad Breath
  3. General Info Please
  4. Innova Evo Red Meat Small Bites - Hairy?????
  5. switching food brands
  6. Advantix and Tick Collar - Fall is here!
  7. What dry dog food do you feed your babies?
  8. Another Death from Nutro/Natural Choice
  9. Comfortis for a 3.25lbs puppy too much?
  10. All Life Stages Food, good or a crock?
  11. Suggestions?
  12. Anyone heard of Robbie Dawg organic biscuits??
  13. Decline in eating
  14. Cheese & Stool
  15. blue buffalo and chicken soup for the dog lovers soul
  16. Merricks... How do I determine the best kind??
  17. How to get rid of winter ear/leather ear HELP!
  18. I have a husky Little Puma!
  19. Advice on what to feed our new yorkie mix
  20. Itchy because of new Canidae formula?
  21. Need advice for skin yeast infection
  22. Finally....
  23. Picky eaters with colds. Getting back to regular diet
  24. Blend or Not to Blend
  25. favorite treats?
  26. Today at the vet...
  27. Spay tomorrow~!~
  28. Healthy fruits pls
  29. Morkie
  30. What canned doesn't cause runny poo?
  31. NV Raw ?
  32. Eating
  33. Innova Evo Protein Levels?
  34. Does anyone feed their babies
  35. Is it safe to feed both canned and dry food?
  36. She got a hold of the grocery bag
  37. Skin Problem
  38. How much heartgard?
  39. number of poops
  40. Spinach?
  41. Spic and Span?
  42. care congenital heart disease
  43. Grooming??? when can i groom my baby girl
  44. PLEASE help 9 week old baby girl & need advice
  45. has anyone used the petcheckup
  46. sensitive food?
  47. Petmate Deluxe Fresh Flow® Pet Fountain
  48. "New" Life's Abundance canned
  49. Giardia in Dogs
  50. Does Yorkie need a yearly checkup
  51. Dog in heat questions....
  52. Krissie Bella was Spayed today
  53. Gagging/throwing up?
  54. Good or Bad: Peanut Butter
  55. would you believe it... ANOTHER LP question!
  56. How long did you wait?
  57. luxating patella questions
  58. Too young for teeth cleaning?
  59. carrot lover
  60. Your thoughts please on Merrick's Tooth Picks
  61. xylitol could kill your dog, aka sugarless gum
  62. Refusing dry food
  63. which brands??
  64. Skin Problem
  65. Neuter the boy or wait?
  66. Eye funk?
  67. Mocha's not eating & drinking as usual
  68. i need to buy the vitamins
  69. slimy dog poo
  70. Need some advice from someone who knows about vaccines
  71. question on food allergies
  72. Rescue Friendly Vet in El Cajon Calif?
  73. Yorkie losing hair
  74. help-again
  75. need suggestions for weight gain
  76. pork bad for yorkies?
  77. Food change cause for throwing up yellow liquid?
  78. Dezi used to like peanut butter
  79. Docked Tail Bumps???
  80. my poor guy
  81. Weaning pup off Tylan!
  82. teeth & heart??
  83. Spay...8 months...Nervous MOM
  84. Under the weather.
  85. My little guy is throwing up
  86. How long does it take?
  87. Feeding help
  88. Weird eating habits
  89. My Omega Fish Oil
  90. Ear Cleaning Solution
  91. Rabies and booster shots
  92. Zoe's weird eating, should I change anything?
  93. Feeding Question
  94. olive oil to loosen stools?
  95. Canimax Heartworm Med.
  96. Coughing episodes?
  97. Thinking of switching food, need your help!!
  98. Dog Food Project
  99. vitamins
  100. yorkies eating grass
  101. New Canidae formula making dogs sick?
  102. Some doggie birthday cake tips and recipe
  103. My Puppy is in Heat! (i think?!) What do I do? What can I expect??
  104. Dog peeing randomley after neutering
  105. Royal Canin Dental DS
  106. Good treat for 1.2lb puppy...
  107. Are We Over vaccinating??
  108. Pedigree Food Recall!!!
  109. Too high in Protein?
  110. Dezi went from bloody to constipated!!!!
  111. look at this
  112. what is better
  113. Help me and my baby
  114. Help! Spoiled Puppy!!!
  115. more food questions
  116. Help!!
  117. loose stools
  118. Need tasty and nutritious dry puppy food, help!
  119. hypoglycemic episodes?
  120. waggin train???
  121. Dry Dog Food Analysis-A-Z!!!
  122. food brand ?
  123. Attacked by FIRE ANTS!!!
  124. swollen nipples
  125. Urine sample
  126. correction collar
  127. Wet Baby Wipes
  128. Poop more
  129. Ear cleaner
  130. puppy won't eat
  131. am i overfeeding my 4 month old?
  132. Purina & Nutro! Help!
  133. Pet Food Recall as of 9/12/08
  134. Greenies
  135. Formula
  136. Jaxon's poop was GREEN!
  137. dry dog food
  138. Is Canidae really no good now?
  139. diet suspicions
  140. Doctors think Gus has Microvascular Dysplasia
  141. Bad Breath!
  142. New Vaccine - 3-in-1 3yr Combo
  143. Mushy poos - canned dog food?
  144. Swallowing big pills?
  145. Not sure whats going on
  146. Best Flea Preventative?
  147. Want him to gain some weight
  148. Trouble with eating?
  149. What do you think of this?
  150. Behavior change after spaying
  151. Orijen vs Acana - pls help decide, ASAP
  152. Question about Vaccinations
  153. Kibble vs Canned
  154. Losing Teeth and Behavior
  155. Not chewing food
  156. Tiny yorkie owners...
  157. One of my dogs is always sick...I am going broke taking care of them
  158. kennel cough?
  159. proper nutrician
  160. Atopica Results?
  161. I think I want to start homecooking - help!
  162. new puppy
  163. freaking out about imperfect kidney
  164. Wet food help/question??
  165. This is kinda embarassing...
  166. When to switch to adult food?
  167. what have I done?
  168. should i apply whole dose of Frontline on a yorkie?
  169. Vaccination Question- Over vaccinating???
  170. Desiree not eating update
  171. Sweet Potato-
  172. breakfast anyone?
  173. BARF vs RBM vs Nature's Variety??
  174. Liver Shunt Surgery
  175. General questions
  176. Mollie has bumps on her skin.
  177. Luxating patella
  178. After Spaying
  179. chicken soup for the soul dog food
  180. up-set stomach
  181. Do you think?
  182. What food should i feed my yorkie?
  183. Your opinion on the ingredients in Anxiety Relief
  184. Canidae Dog Food
  185. My baby's skull......
  186. Brushing Teeth
  187. Honking Yorkie!
  188. Loose Front Teeth
  189. should i use whole dose of fronline?
  190. Rotation Diets?
  191. why is my puppies (rocket)
  192. Beef Bones?
  193. Blue under spay area!?
  194. My baby has black spots on her ears!!
  195. Hernia?? Maybe?
  196. New yorkie owner - needs input on what to feed
  197. Will she have to have an anaesthetic to have her nails cut!!!!
  198. Itchy bumps on tail - vet treatment hasn't helped!
  199. Breakfast: What did you Yorkie eat today
  200. Coat boost
  201. Tasty sauce?
  202. Some things you may want to know about some Premium Dog Foods
  203. My dog has little black things on skin
  204. Your opinion or advice on Iams food
  205. Help - sick Yorkie not eating
  206. I really need a REAL poop eating remedy that works!
  207. Why doesnt my baby like to play it weight related?
  208. Mixing raw patties with merrick's grain free kibble
  209. Ice-Cream: Is this really a bad lick
  210. Is one better?
  211. Life Abundance????
  212. Excerise: How much does your Yorkie get
  213. EVO or Merrick???
  214. No Escape from the fleas- any suggestions?
  215. recommended feeding??
  216. Hard little line right under her scar where spay was...
  217. Frontline every 2 WEEKS!
  218. Testicles At What Age?
  219. Plaque remover??
  220. Stupid flea question?
  221. dog gone blind
  222. Question about spaying after care
  224. Neutering a small Yorking question
  225. At this point any food is good
  226. Medication information
  227. First Baby Tooth Fell Out
  228. tooth brushing and ear cleaning :~? HELP!
  229. My puppy WON'T EAT!!! HELP ME!!
  230. Interesting White Paper on Nutrition
  231. crying at night
  232. How long....
  233. Stubborn Allergies
  234. Good or Bad: Scrambled Egg
  235. Rabies shot
  236. Anyone feed Wellness Core?
  237. When to switch from puppy to adult food?
  238. poo q's
  239. Caesar Milan Dog Food etc at PetCo
  240. Cesar puppy food good or bad??
  241. Wellness Puppy Food vs Orijen Puppy Food - Weight Gain?
  242. Feeding raw/prey model & vets' opinions
  243. Chloe's surgery yesterday luxating patella
  244. Can i feed Calla chicken?
  245. Hot Spots
  246. Flea Question--I'm new here!
  247. How to Make a "Pupsicle"
  248. Dry or Wet: What do you feed your Yorkie
  249. Front legs not straight
  250. Another question...Double teeth???
