- strange
- Bad Breath
- General Info Please
- Innova Evo Red Meat Small Bites - Hairy?????
- switching food brands
- Advantix and Tick Collar - Fall is here!
- What dry dog food do you feed your babies?
- Another Death from Nutro/Natural Choice
- Comfortis for a 3.25lbs puppy too much?
- All Life Stages Food, good or a crock?
- Suggestions?
- Anyone heard of Robbie Dawg organic biscuits??
- Decline in eating
- Cheese & Stool
- blue buffalo and chicken soup for the dog lovers soul
- Merricks... How do I determine the best kind??
- How to get rid of winter ear/leather ear HELP!
- I have a husky Little Puma!
- Advice on what to feed our new yorkie mix
- Itchy because of new Canidae formula?
- Need advice for skin yeast infection
- Finally....
- Picky eaters with colds. Getting back to regular diet
- Blend or Not to Blend
- favorite treats?
- Today at the vet...
- Spay tomorrow~!~
- Healthy fruits pls
- Morkie
- What canned doesn't cause runny poo?
- NV Raw ?
- Eating
- Innova Evo Protein Levels?
- Does anyone feed their babies
- Is it safe to feed both canned and dry food?
- She got a hold of the grocery bag
- Skin Problem
- How much heartgard?
- number of poops
- Spinach?
- Spic and Span?
- care congenital heart disease
- Grooming??? when can i groom my baby girl
- PLEASE help 9 week old baby girl & need advice
- has anyone used the petcheckup
- sensitive food?
- Petmate Deluxe Fresh Flow® Pet Fountain
- "New" Life's Abundance canned
- Giardia in Dogs
- Does Yorkie need a yearly checkup
- Dog in heat questions....
- Krissie Bella was Spayed today
- Gagging/throwing up?
- Good or Bad: Peanut Butter
- would you believe it... ANOTHER LP question!
- How long did you wait?
- luxating patella questions
- Too young for teeth cleaning?
- carrot lover
- Your thoughts please on Merrick's Tooth Picks
- xylitol could kill your dog, aka sugarless gum
- Refusing dry food
- which brands??
- Skin Problem
- Neuter the boy or wait?
- Eye funk?
- Mocha's not eating & drinking as usual
- i need to buy the vitamins
- slimy dog poo
- Need some advice from someone who knows about vaccines
- question on food allergies
- Rescue Friendly Vet in El Cajon Calif?
- Yorkie losing hair
- help-again
- need suggestions for weight gain
- pork bad for yorkies?
- Food change cause for throwing up yellow liquid?
- Dezi used to like peanut butter
- Docked Tail Bumps???
- my poor guy
- Weaning pup off Tylan!
- teeth & heart??
- Spay...8 months...Nervous MOM
- Under the weather.
- My little guy is throwing up
- How long does it take?
- Feeding help
- Weird eating habits
- My Omega Fish Oil
- Ear Cleaning Solution
- Rabies and booster shots
- Zoe's weird eating, should I change anything?
- Feeding Question
- olive oil to loosen stools?
- Canimax Heartworm Med.
- Coughing episodes?
- Thinking of switching food, need your help!!
- Dog Food Project
- vitamins
- yorkies eating grass
- New Canidae formula making dogs sick?
- Some doggie birthday cake tips and recipe
- My Puppy is in Heat! (i think?!) What do I do? What can I expect??
- Dog peeing randomley after neutering
- Royal Canin Dental DS
- Good treat for 1.2lb puppy...
- Are We Over vaccinating??
- Pedigree Food Recall!!!
- Too high in Protein?
- Dezi went from bloody to constipated!!!!
- look at this
- what is better
- Help me and my baby
- Help! Spoiled Puppy!!!
- more food questions
- Help!!
- loose stools
- Need tasty and nutritious dry puppy food, help!
- hypoglycemic episodes?
- waggin train???
- Dry Dog Food Analysis-A-Z!!!
- food brand ?
- Attacked by FIRE ANTS!!!
- swollen nipples
- Urine sample
- correction collar
- Wet Baby Wipes
- Poop more
- Ear cleaner
- puppy won't eat
- am i overfeeding my 4 month old?
- Purina & Nutro! Help!
- Pet Food Recall as of 9/12/08
- Greenies
- Formula
- Jaxon's poop was GREEN!
- dry dog food
- Is Canidae really no good now?
- diet suspicions
- Doctors think Gus has Microvascular Dysplasia
- Bad Breath!
- New Vaccine - 3-in-1 3yr Combo
- Mushy poos - canned dog food?
- Swallowing big pills?
- Not sure whats going on
- Best Flea Preventative?
- Want him to gain some weight
- Trouble with eating?
- What do you think of this?
- Behavior change after spaying
- Orijen vs Acana - pls help decide, ASAP
- Question about Vaccinations
- Kibble vs Canned
- Losing Teeth and Behavior
- Not chewing food
- Tiny yorkie owners...
- One of my dogs is always sick...I am going broke taking care of them
- kennel cough?
- proper nutrician
- Atopica Results?
- I think I want to start homecooking - help!
- new puppy
- freaking out about imperfect kidney
- Wet food help/question??
- This is kinda embarassing...
- When to switch to adult food?
- what have I done?
- should i apply whole dose of Frontline on a yorkie?
- Vaccination Question- Over vaccinating???
- Desiree not eating update
- Sweet Potato-
- breakfast anyone?
- BARF vs RBM vs Nature's Variety??
- Liver Shunt Surgery
- General questions
- Mollie has bumps on her skin.
- Luxating patella
- After Spaying
- chicken soup for the soul dog food
- up-set stomach
- Do you think?
- What food should i feed my yorkie?
- Your opinion on the ingredients in Anxiety Relief
- Canidae Dog Food
- My baby's skull......
- Brushing Teeth
- Honking Yorkie!
- Loose Front Teeth
- should i use whole dose of fronline?
- Rotation Diets?
- why is my puppies (rocket)
- Beef Bones?
- Blue under spay area!?
- My baby has black spots on her ears!!
- Hernia?? Maybe?
- New yorkie owner - needs input on what to feed
- Will she have to have an anaesthetic to have her nails cut!!!!
- Itchy bumps on tail - vet treatment hasn't helped!
- Breakfast: What did you Yorkie eat today
- Coat boost
- Tasty sauce?
- Some things you may want to know about some Premium Dog Foods
- My dog has little black things on skin
- Your opinion or advice on Iams food
- Help - sick Yorkie not eating
- I really need a REAL poop eating remedy that works!
- Why doesnt my baby like to play anymore...is it weight related?
- Mixing raw patties with merrick's grain free kibble
- Ice-Cream: Is this really a bad lick
- Is one better?
- Life Abundance????
- Excerise: How much does your Yorkie get
- EVO or Merrick???
- No Escape from the fleas- any suggestions?
- recommended feeding??
- Hard little line right under her scar where spay was...
- Frontline every 2 WEEKS!
- Testicles At What Age?
- Plaque remover??
- Stupid flea question?
- dog gone blind
- Question about spaying after care
- Neutering a small Yorking question
- At this point any food is good
- Medication information
- First Baby Tooth Fell Out
- tooth brushing and ear cleaning :~? HELP!
- My puppy WON'T EAT!!! HELP ME!!
- Interesting White Paper on Nutrition
- crying at night
- How long....
- Stubborn Allergies
- Good or Bad: Scrambled Egg
- Rabies shot
- Anyone feed Wellness Core?
- When to switch from puppy to adult food?
- poo q's
- Caesar Milan Dog Food etc at PetCo
- Cesar puppy food good or bad??
- Wellness Puppy Food vs Orijen Puppy Food - Weight Gain?
- Feeding raw/prey model & vets' opinions
- Chloe's surgery yesterday luxating patella
- Can i feed Calla chicken?
- Hot Spots
- Flea Question--I'm new here!
- How to Make a "Pupsicle"
- Dry or Wet: What do you feed your Yorkie
- Front legs not straight
- Another question...Double teeth???