- Yorkies skin/dandruff
- my poor tykie hurt his leg =(
- Royale Canine Yorkshire 28 food...good or bad?
- Sunscreen for Dogs?
- How do I find out where they sell Organix in my area
- Hill's Prescription Diet
- neuter and hernia surgery!
- long legged yorkie
- Slugs? Are they toxic
- weird noises
- Help Me! What is this on Otis's Tail?
- HELP!!! brown spots on belly
- I've Had It!!!!!
- Patchy's skin is peeling!?!?
- Pancreatitis
- Bee Sting
- Sorry to be a pest....
- Wet Food???
- Vegetables and Fruit vs. Dog Good
- Black gums
- Beefstick
- Lactobacilli
- irritated eye?
- Can ingual hernias happen twice?
- Cloudy Eyes?
- tulips
- my husband brought home new food
- Is this normal, in your opinion?
- Annual Vaccinations
- Extra Parvo Shot???
- Teeth have fallen out,any Food or chew toys you recommend to soothe my yorkie?
- Confused about dog food
- Poor Buddy's EARS!!!
- Sarcoptic Mange
- 3rd set of shots....
- Canned dog food versus dry dog food
- Sammy went to the vet today
- 10 wk old yorkie has an itch
- need advice
- Bad teeth problem!
- Sick puppy - prayers please
- Can I give Benadryl to Benji?
- clogged pore?
- wanted to share
- Can you give baths if 16 wk yorkie is on Advantage?
- question!
- my 16 wk old yorkie swallowed 1/2 flintstone vitamin
- need advice
- ITchy Dog
- Am I causing it?
- Home made treats
- Lethargic after shots?
- Teeth question..
- Is chocolate bad?
- Illness
- tumor in mouth
- The well is dry?
- bad mommy??
- Puppy ears
- Incontinence problem with 4yr female yorkie
- When do I wrap?
- Liver Shunt Success Story
- Newbie2
- Pica Puppy??
- newbie
- Please pray for this baby!!!!!
- What am I doing wrong?? Help!
- Question about carrots...
- lingual hernia
- Flea question
- Does anyone Use....
- Bad news, need advice!!!!
- Toby Eating Tent Caterpillars
- New Yorkie won't eat.
- Pooping and Anal Glands
- Bella had an extra heart beat at this visit & needs an EKG
- I don't know what to do, what can I do to help him ?
- Innova puppy food
- Pistol packin Jack
- [B]At What Age Do You Say, "Just Eat It?"[/B]
- Update on Sammy
- watch for toads
- trachea collapse
- Healthwise?or Innova?
- What is the best toothpaste??=
- feeding
- Is Milk Bad??
- Help! Bad news from vet
- Is this Normal for changing food????
- Plastic Dishes
- Sam's home again!
- what is a good puppy treat?
- hey ya'll
- Eating Baby food okay?
- bumps
- Change in personality after neutering ???
- My Yorkie iS throwing up
- Does your baby hiccup much?
- Slow growing coat...
- Washing Precious too Much!!?
- What do you recommend?
- My baby is sick
- bumps or what??
- Just a question
- Allergies
- Dental Health
- Iams products including eukanuba
- Sores on his neck?
- vaccinations & swelling?
- extra teeth
- An entreprenurial opportunity....
- Itching
- How to soothe a sick puppy?
- Why Spay and neuter?
- How often should you give Nutrical?
- My puppy's back in the hospital
- Food question???
- taking pup out after vaccination
- Bladder Stones in Male
- Car Sickness?
- Yuk!!!
- is toby too skinny?
- Skin problems
- Meal portions
- Toads Cause Seizures even death in dogs???
- innova
- Five Seizures while we were away, why?
- Itching/Biting
- sick puppy
- When do they go into heat?
- Anybody got the hiccups??
- VACCination advice - please
- Furious with Banfield Animal Hospital!!
- Sneezing
- After Frontline ---->Bath?
- Miami Animal Police on Animal Planet
- Crystal urates update with Skeeter
- Poopy Problems
- Jeremiah Won't Eat
- Croopy Cough
- Cats carring parvo virus.
- eukanuba
- We Need Help....badly
- storm anxiety
- How much does your dog sleep?
- HELP pup ate ant trap
- Water consumption question.....
- Possible breeding problems?
- Questions about baby teeth & adult teeth.
- growing and growing and growing.......
- Questions on Fading Puppy Syndrome
- Need help with dry skin please!
- WARNING SAD,GRAPHIC <<<<PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Sabrina had a mini stroke!!
- My puppy's getting better!
- has your yorkie ever done this?
- sick puppy
- No go on the green beans
- Slicker Brush
- My New puppy sick!
- Question #1:Anal Glands
- Eating off the floor
- Reverse sneezing
- Dry food vs. canned food???
- Feliz & a new food
- Dog Food vs People/Human Food
- Can anyone recommend a lite dog food?
- New puppy sick
- Having to shave dog
- Eukanuba or Nutrience
- A Tooth Question
- Opinions on Royal Canin Mini Yorkshire 28
- very regular leg lifting!
- Feeding problems with Penny
- I need expert advice...
- Scabies?
- Puppy food recommendations???
- Picky Picky Picky
- Innova?
- Short Order Cook Just Quit
- Hello
- whelping info
- Eating branches
- Snake Bite
- large breed puppy food!!!
- Gidgets mom
- Toby's Ears
- Questions about neutering the tiny males...
- Microchipping
- Dog Treat Recipes
- Anyone use chicken soup for the pet lovers soul?
- what to do !!
- Gracie's Allergy Appointment
- Question about Natural Balance Meat Rolls
- Buttermilk????????
- Does she need her teeth brushed?
- vomiting...
- Hair loss on ears
- Mitchell
- My yorkies spine
- Homemade food?
- Is Nina in heat??? Help!!!
- pro plan
- Just a Sight Ear Odor
- Is oatmeal ok?
- Roached Back
- Floppy Ears
- "MLB" Limping: Please advise
- Hygiene Shave BEFORE neuter
- need some help/info !!!<<<<<<<<<<<
- HHmmm...
- Eye goobs... infection?
- health insurance ???
- Spoon Feeding
- Help! Is Kodi sick?
- Earmites????
- Burp Up
- Road Trip
- I need some help!
- Wish us luck!
- Crystal Urates
- sneezing ...
- "Pet Botanics" Dog Food
- Heartworm meds
- Puppy puked in the Car
- Drinks Water Too Fast
- hlep yorkie scratching face and wimpering
- Glucosomine???
- Hungry
- Breathing funny too!?!
- I think she has a UTI! Is that possible?
- Pet botanics
- Help his teeth...
- What adult food would you recommend?
- Percentages of genetic faults?
- Choking
- R Yorkies difficult/expensive to maintain/take care of???
- A silly question..but..
- breeding
- BEWARE!! w/ new pups GIARDIA!!!
- tapeworm question....
- nails
- Pet Insurance
- Question about frontline
- Questions about poops
- Is milk ok occasionally for an 18 week old Yorkie?
- Any Frontline + side affects, or other flea meds..
- teething?
- Weird Question Help...
- Smells like Trouble..