
View Full Version : Yorkie Health & Diet

  1. Yorkies skin/dandruff
  2. my poor tykie hurt his leg =(
  3. Royale Canine Yorkshire 28 food...good or bad?
  4. Sunscreen for Dogs?
  5. How do I find out where they sell Organix in my area
  6. Hill's Prescription Diet
  7. neuter and hernia surgery!
  8. long legged yorkie
  9. Slugs? Are they toxic
  10. weird noises
  11. Help Me! What is this on Otis's Tail?
  12. HELP!!! brown spots on belly
  13. I've Had It!!!!!
  14. Patchy's skin is peeling!?!?
  15. Pancreatitis
  16. Bee Sting
  17. Sorry to be a pest....
  18. Wet Food???
  19. Vegetables and Fruit vs. Dog Good
  20. Black gums
  21. Beefstick
  22. Lactobacilli
  23. irritated eye?
  24. Can ingual hernias happen twice?
  25. Cloudy Eyes?
  26. tulips
  27. my husband brought home new food
  28. Is this normal, in your opinion?
  29. Annual Vaccinations
  30. Extra Parvo Shot???
  31. Teeth have fallen out,any Food or chew toys you recommend to soothe my yorkie?
  32. Confused about dog food
  33. Poor Buddy's EARS!!!
  34. Sarcoptic Mange
  35. 3rd set of shots....
  36. Canned dog food versus dry dog food
  37. Sammy went to the vet today
  38. 10 wk old yorkie has an itch
  39. need advice
  40. Bad teeth problem!
  41. Sick puppy - prayers please
  42. Can I give Benadryl to Benji?
  43. clogged pore?
  44. wanted to share
  45. Can you give baths if 16 wk yorkie is on Advantage?
  46. question!
  47. my 16 wk old yorkie swallowed 1/2 flintstone vitamin
  48. need advice
  49. ITchy Dog
  50. Am I causing it?
  51. Home made treats
  52. Lethargic after shots?
  53. Teeth question..
  54. Is chocolate bad?
  55. Illness
  56. tumor in mouth
  57. The well is dry?
  58. bad mommy??
  59. Puppy ears
  60. Incontinence problem with 4yr female yorkie
  61. When do I wrap?
  62. Liver Shunt Success Story
  63. Newbie2
  64. Pica Puppy??
  65. newbie
  66. Please pray for this baby!!!!!
  67. What am I doing wrong?? Help!
  68. Question about carrots...
  69. lingual hernia
  70. Flea question
  71. Does anyone Use....
  72. Bad news, need advice!!!!
  73. Toby Eating Tent Caterpillars
  74. New Yorkie won't eat.
  75. Pooping and Anal Glands
  76. Bella had an extra heart beat at this visit & needs an EKG
  77. I don't know what to do, what can I do to help him ?
  78. Innova puppy food
  79. Pistol packin Jack
  80. [B]At What Age Do You Say, "Just Eat It?"[/B]
  81. Update on Sammy
  82. watch for toads
  83. trachea collapse
  84. Healthwise?or Innova?
  85. What is the best toothpaste??=
  86. feeding
  87. Is Milk Bad??
  88. Help! Bad news from vet
  89. Is this Normal for changing food????
  90. Plastic Dishes
  91. Sam's home again!
  92. what is a good puppy treat?
  93. hey ya'll
  94. Eating Baby food okay?
  95. bumps
  96. Change in personality after neutering ???
  97. My Yorkie iS throwing up
  98. Does your baby hiccup much?
  99. Slow growing coat...
  100. Washing Precious too Much!!?
  101. What do you recommend?
  102. My baby is sick
  103. bumps or what??
  104. Just a question
  105. Allergies
  106. Dental Health
  107. Iams products including eukanuba
  108. Sores on his neck?
  109. vaccinations & swelling?
  110. extra teeth
  111. An entreprenurial opportunity....
  112. Itching
  113. How to soothe a sick puppy?
  114. Why Spay and neuter?
  115. How often should you give Nutrical?
  116. My puppy's back in the hospital
  117. Food question???
  118. taking pup out after vaccination
  119. Bladder Stones in Male
  120. Car Sickness?
  121. Yuk!!!
  122. is toby too skinny?
  123. Skin problems
  124. Meal portions
  125. Toads Cause Seizures even death in dogs???
  126. innova
  127. Five Seizures while we were away, why?
  128. Itching/Biting
  129. sick puppy
  130. When do they go into heat?
  131. Anybody got the hiccups??
  132. VACCination advice - please
  133. Furious with Banfield Animal Hospital!!
  134. Sneezing
  135. After Frontline ---->Bath?
  136. Miami Animal Police on Animal Planet
  137. Crystal urates update with Skeeter
  138. Poopy Problems
  139. Jeremiah Won't Eat
  140. Croopy Cough
  141. Cats carring parvo virus.
  142. eukanuba
  143. We Need Help....badly
  144. storm anxiety
  145. How much does your dog sleep?
  146. HELP pup ate ant trap
  147. Water consumption question.....
  148. Possible breeding problems?
  149. Questions about baby teeth & adult teeth.
  150. growing and growing and growing.......
  151. Questions on Fading Puppy Syndrome
  152. Need help with dry skin please!
  153. WARNING SAD,GRAPHIC <<<<PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  154. Sabrina had a mini stroke!!
  155. My puppy's getting better!
  156. has your yorkie ever done this?
  157. sick puppy
  158. No go on the green beans
  159. Slicker Brush
  160. My New puppy sick!
  161. Question #1:Anal Glands
  162. Eating off the floor
  163. Reverse sneezing
  164. Dry food vs. canned food???
  165. Feliz & a new food
  166. Dog Food vs People/Human Food
  167. Can anyone recommend a lite dog food?
  168. New puppy sick
  169. Having to shave dog
  170. Eukanuba or Nutrience
  171. A Tooth Question
  172. Opinions on Royal Canin Mini Yorkshire 28
  173. very regular leg lifting!
  174. Feeding problems with Penny
  175. I need expert advice...
  176. Scabies?
  177. Puppy food recommendations???
  178. Picky Picky Picky
  179. Innova?
  180. Short Order Cook Just Quit
  181. Hello
  182. whelping info
  183. Eating branches
  184. Snake Bite
  185. large breed puppy food!!!
  186. Gidgets mom
  187. Toby's Ears
  188. Questions about neutering the tiny males...
  189. Microchipping
  190. Dog Treat Recipes
  191. Anyone use chicken soup for the pet lovers soul?
  192. what to do !!
  193. Gracie's Allergy Appointment
  194. Question about Natural Balance Meat Rolls
  195. Buttermilk????????
  196. Does she need her teeth brushed?
  197. vomiting...
  198. Hair loss on ears
  199. Mitchell
  200. My yorkies spine
  201. Homemade food?
  202. Is Nina in heat??? Help!!!
  203. pro plan
  204. Just a Sight Ear Odor
  205. Is oatmeal ok?
  206. Roached Back
  207. Floppy Ears
  208. "MLB" Limping: Please advise
  209. Hygiene Shave BEFORE neuter
  210. need some help/info !!!<<<<<<<<<<<
  211. HHmmm...
  212. Eye goobs... infection?
  213. health insurance ???
  214. Spoon Feeding
  215. Help! Is Kodi sick?
  216. Earmites????
  217. Burp Up
  218. Road Trip
  219. I need some help!
  220. Wish us luck!
  221. Crystal Urates
  222. sneezing ...
  223. "Pet Botanics" Dog Food
  224. Heartworm meds
  225. Puppy puked in the Car
  226. Drinks Water Too Fast
  227. hlep yorkie scratching face and wimpering
  228. Glucosomine???
  229. Hungry
  230. Breathing funny too!?!
  231. I think she has a UTI! Is that possible?
  232. Pet botanics
  233. Help his teeth...
  234. What adult food would you recommend?
  235. Percentages of genetic faults?
  236. Choking
  237. R Yorkies difficult/expensive to maintain/take care of???
  238. A silly question..but..
  239. breeding
  240. BEWARE!! w/ new pups GIARDIA!!!
  241. tapeworm question....
  242. nails
  243. Pet Insurance
  244. Question about frontline
  245. Questions about poops
  246. Is milk ok occasionally for an 18 week old Yorkie?
  247. Any Frontline + side affects, or other flea meds..
  248. teething?
  249. Weird Question Help...
  250. Smells like Trouble..
