View Full Version : In Memory Of... (R.I.P.) - In memory of Jag
- Lost my precious Jag
- For all who have lost a beloved fur-baby, and for those who have supported me as well
- Little Olive - wait for Mummy and Daddy in Heaven
- Harley D died 1 yr ago today
- A prayer for my friends following thier loss
- losing katie
- Jordan died today.
- My Sweet Baby Girl Muffin
- My Dear sweet baby girl Min Min
- Advice after losing a puppy
- RIP Sweet Rocky (Our Heart Dog)
- For my little Sophie- RIP
- For our Mitzie
- Demlyn SA
- We lost our little baby girl Rizzo tragically Last Night!
- Poem about losing a pet
- Our Baby Zani is gone
- Xmas Tears
- Missing our "kids"
- With Heavy Heart
- A poem that I know many of you will relate to...
- Today as I was getting the stockings out...
- Spike, my little man, is gone
- We miss you Milo my Love.....R.I.P.
- Our precious Nikki
- In Memory Of Cassie
- Toby's little shrine Picture
- R.I.P. MY SWEET JASPER POO ~ in loving memory~
- My Angel Lacey
- Mandy
- R.I.P Prudence
- My Calla is gone........
- Poem For The Lost
- Its only been a day but the pain won't go away.
- Spike, my little man, is gone
- Toby passed away tonight
- In memory of maggie
- Gone, but never forgotten mi Oscarito
- Tribute Video 2
- Pebbles passing
- our sweet lilly is gone
- Goodbye to Cokey
- RIP Pebbles... Mommy misses you
- Missing my BUDDY of 17 years!
- Gusto has passed at the age of 19
- Lost my very first Shelby 2006
- Lost my Dinkie
- My precious Mattie Mae....R.I.P
- Tigger Too's Last Flight.....
- Poem for Pam in memory of Schmee
- Milo's lost his kitty Ozzie
- Bobo
- What can we do to prevent savage attacks
- RIP Diddy
- R.I.P. Spanky 10.27.07 - 10-16-08
- Crickett passed away this morning....
- Rest in Peace Dearest Jackie
- For you Noah, wrongful breeder
- Everyone That has lost their Furbaby!
- Lost my Baby Girl in August
- I lost my Remey and my best friend yesterday....
- LACEY, Hanna and Tippy R.I.P.
- Rest in Peace, my precious Gracie Leigh
- For all here, the broken hearted- a message hope and healing
- Losing my Jackson
- My soulmate Beagan (8/13/07-8/15/08)
- You would've been 3 today....
- Mr.J I miss you.
- R.I.P Nutmeg we all love you 09/09/08
- Rembering Queenie today
- Please remember Jax
- What are you doing to help you get through your grief
- My Chance .. RIP
- RIP My Precious Nikki 9/21/92-8/27/08
- In Memory of our Beloved Armani!
- Rest in Peace 'Queenie'
- Rest in Peace sweet puppy .... Amazing Grace
- Dior's Article in NY Daily News!
- Not a Yorkie
- Thank You.
- Mylie 2/28/08 - 8/23/08
- Therapy Yorkie
- My Heart Aches and I can't stop the tears
- Tragic loss and questions...
- RIP My Sweet Jezebel
- Jersey Girl 3/2/07 - 8/13/08
- Today is one year..
- Our Sweet Sammy Has Gone To The Bridge... =(
- In Rememberance Of Cassie
- Sad news
- I Lost My Sweet Meckie
- Dukes 2nd birthday
- baby bleu
- Rest now my Darla
- R.I.P Selena
- Sweet lexi
- Not a Happy July 4th
- My Sweet Baby Lexi
- My Little Boy is gone...
- Dior - Its been Two Months....
- so hard....
- Dexter, we still miss you everyday !!
- Helpful Information
- letting Healing happen
- In Beloved Memory John Wayne 6/14/2008
- to everyone who reads R.i.P mr.koko.
- Tia
- Mr. K0k0
- In memory of Dixie Crickette
- sad news
- my baby my yorkiepoo is gone!!!!
- I Can't believe it's been a year...
- Goodbye my sweet Ariel...
- A Poem for those grieving for their pets
- Tribute to Roxie
- oh my gosh my brothers dog got hit by a car
- We lost one of our babies
- Baby is with mom
- Mitzi went to the rainbow bridge...
- Rip Jozy
- For Those of you who loss our babies thru tragedy
- Reading your posts here really touched me.
- Please Say a Prayer
- Light a Candle
- My Heart Is Broken
- Nymphadora is gone
- My Little Nugget, RIP Mia
- No Longer A Furbabies Mom
- Someone Please help.....
- Mr. Thirston Howl III
- R.I.P Remy
- 3 weeks god nervous breaksown Bennie and Tes gone!
- New Poem For Our Cassie
- How could someone??
- My baby, Nala
- Peanut Killed by 2 dogs.....RIP Sweet Boy
- Murdered in cold blood :'(
- Thinking of you, little Lily
- we lost two too too many today
- A Poem... If You Have Ever Loss Your Baby!
- For Each One Here, A Message, For Your Broken Heart
- Feeling very depressed.
- Rest in Peace my Sweet Little Magnolia Blossom
- Goodbye Maggie
- Unbearable Loss leaves broken heart- My Devoted Bennie and My Treasured Tess
- My little Dior
- I'll miss you my adorable Jade
- Rest in peace my Sweet Babies....
- Gizmo, it's your birthday (long)
- My Bridgette Kitty
- We miss our sweet Chester so much
- I miss you, Grace.
- I hate this section...
- Darlin is gone
- Goodbye, My Sweet Punkin...
- A Part Of Us Died Too
- Auggie Doggie
- My heart shattered into a million pieces tonight
- In memory of Jinny
- For Jinny and Melissa
- Goodbye Misti-Blu
- Princess Saphire.... I miss her so much.
- lost my Beau
- Mother's Day will be a year since I lost my Precious Zoe
- In Memory Of Kassie=papi's Kassie
- How Do You Go On?
- My darling is gone
- A Dog's Purpose
- Petco Did Something (help needed)
- Princess will be missed
- Little Toby is gone
- Skoshi Passed Away This Morning
- Goodbye, My Little Angel
- Murphy is with God
- I'm in shock
- It's been a year....
- My Heart Goes Out to All of You
- Stella we miss you.
- My poor Micah
- 2 pups died on me
- we miss Fifi
- Attila Died Sunday
- Sad News
- My Baby Scoobydo died One month today January 17th
- I lost Evey on Valentine's Day
- Remembering Chloe
- So much pain
- Hurt
- Long time lurker - Moosie died 2/4/08
- my baby died 2.13.07
- Help for when you loose your Yorkie
- May my dear Teddy R.I.P.
- My sweet angel is gone
- Little Holly wood rest in peace with the angels
- RIP my little "Cooper" man
- RIP my little Scoobydo
- Joe
- R I P my sweet baby Dixie
- I've lost 2 of my wonderful furkids in the past 2 months!
- Lost Yorkie Pup
- Remember my swet little girl Lexi
- My baby is gone..oh god what will I do without her....
- My Kurby....
- My Natalie Is With The Angels....
- I created this video in honour of Annie ...
- First Christmas without Willy
- Goodbye Jazz two ago today
- Bo is Resting Now
- Lost my baby Zoe Dec. 17, 2007
- Remembering Kloey at Christmas Time.
- Strange playmates
- My new puppy died today
- My Sweet Baby Major
- In Memory Of Holly, 1 Year today.
- My "Little Man" died this week...
- I'm very sad today
- Kimba Not Simba The lion King Has Died
- R.I.P. my sweet little Gizmo
- coco is gone.
- annie 1 year today
- Please have a box of tissue when you see this
- My furbaby has crossed Rainbow Bridge
- Doogie & Dozer - For my Nieces Alexa and Allison
- Do Dogs go to Heaven?
- She would have turned 18 this spring
- We had to let Alfie go.......
- Missing Magnum
- My Dear Oscar
- My Max died yesterday morning
- My beautiful Baby Spice Girl 8.5 went over the Rainbow Bridge
- My Little Grizzley Bear
- Pasha
- Evee
- Mommy misses you, my sweet baby Lily
- In memory of my sweet NIKKI.. 7-19-06 to 8-23-07
- Somewhere Out There, God is holding you for us
- Odie....
- Ginger's at Rainbow bridge!
- Fee-Fee, we will always love you!
- Tigger Passed Away Last Night.
- I miss you Jojo!
- It's been one year since Starr died
- My little saigey girl
- Rip Cinnamini
- Worst accident Lost my pupppy and worst bad luck month ever!
- Yorkie's bestfriend
- My sweet little Sierra
- Happy Thirteenth, Max
- Lost My Dog Two Weeks Ago And Now My Cat
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