- Blindness In Yorkies
- Fading Syndrome
- Rabies Shot...is it really necessary??
- Maddie gets spayed tomorrow
- Question about false pregnancy
- our fergies teeth
- Eye infection
- Tail chasing?
- Bitsy's Pups question?
- would changing food help? please read
- Having Trouble Pottying
- Making my baby's ears stand without cropping ( :( ouch!)
- What type of anesthesia is safe for yorkies?
- dog food
- Excessive Peeing after Exercise
- Anyone try Merrick?
- Bella lost a pound!
- congestive heart failure
- In Connection With Filtered Water Post
- Help! My Chewy needs to lose weight!
- Breeders: Weight gain question
- Urine/Bladder infection - HELP
- Odd Number of Nipples!
- How Long do you Walk your Yorkie for?
- Luna update...and hair/coat question...
- is your puppy not eating ??
- Weight??
- WATER: Filtered or not?
- how is Romeo
- Neutering and Bowel Moment
- What helps upset stomach?
- Help!!!!
- medicine for heartworm
- Puppy shots!
- Really scared continued!
- Home Remedy for Dry Skin
- Really Scared!
- Anyone Have Pet insurance?
- Cow hoofs safe?
- Help! My yorkie only wants to eat chicken and rice
- Shaking?
- Limping
- Hair loss/thining??
- My baby has dislocated foot.
- Possible Ear infection?
- HELP. Keena is having problems.
- Natural balance- Maybe I have finally got it right
- Weight at 11 Weeks
- Wet Food
- When to spay?
- Anybody Yorkie have/had Bronchitis?
- Mom leaving for a while
- Shots Question
- Help! Legges Perthes
- Info Please!!
- Greenies Treats & Health Problems
- diarrhea and scooting
- Inguinal Hernias
- Need info on puppy conpistation!
- Need info about yorkie conspitation!
- Questions to vet
- 12 weeks???
- Important Question
- Doggy treats for training
- tush rubbing
- How much??
- Yorkie Puppy Hair ??
- A Bit Graphic: Is this normal? (spaying question)
- AKC ask Dr Kevin ref: to chocolate
- Advantage Q.
- Royal Canine 33 For Puppies? Good or Bad?
- My yorkie is getting FAT - need help !!
- Worried about neutering my Yorkie
- Update Webster, worms and fell of the bed
- Worried!
- biting her leg
- Change in Peeing
- My Yorkie is sick/Has Bronchitis/Breathing heavily/Loose Stools
- Fruits and vegetables??
- worried acting weird
- Puppy eyes tearing, should I be concerned?
- New Pictures
- recommendations for dry Or moist food
- for everyone who has a FINICKY EATER!
- Juvenile Pyoderma
- Webster fell of the bed.
- Skin
- issue with kayko
- what my friend's vet said about hollistic foods
- Rambo´s Operation
- Sleeping Through The Night
- Yorkie teeth cleaning
- New Iams Savory Sauce
- Baby Teeth
- veT question
- Luna to be spayed TOMORROW!
- Liver Shunt
- Yellow eye discharge
- Symptoms of Canine Distemper
- Eye Boogers
- Vet Office Visit Fee
- Yorkie Owner Fed Her Yorkie M&M's!
- will a pupy starve themselves?
- hurt leg
- bad breath
- SBD's
- Yorkie Puppy Gagging
- Help!!! My Yorkie Has White Stuff IN His PeePee
- not eatin his food
- Worms?
- pls. help fishy smell!
- Maddie's sick
- Yorkie Gave Birth 48 hrs ago
- Is this ok???
- Preventing yeast infections in your furbaby's ears
- Diva Presents a Delimma
- Is Everyone Selective On Which Ad To Read???
- Is This A Normal Thing For A Yorkie To Do???
- Shots & droopy ears related??
- What Causes these Symptoms? Please Help!
- Pain after spaying
- Help
- good people food
- My Skinny Kody Any Suggestions???
- Coughing?
- Question on teeth...
- People Food!
- Weening???
- Dry poop
- Ears?
- Please Help!
- collars and matting
- Vomiting!
- hairless ears
- HELP!! Anyone have a cushings yorkie?
- Heartworm pill
- Natural Holistic Foods..a recomendation
- My Last Food Post, I Promise. Help :(
- Fleas...Ewwww
- Poopies...
- kaykos nose
- Help My baby is sick
- Don't believe everything you read! (Swiffer wetjet)
- worried mommy
- Having my yorkies teeth professionally cleaned!
- A little something extra in his poo
- Please give me some info
- Neobacimyx-H
- Bathing with an Ear Infection?
- microchip
- Neena will have surgergy
- New Member - Hello
- Help! Does my yorkie have luxating patellas?
- milk....
- Kennel cough getting worse
- HELP - kitty litter
- Fish Oil or Flaxseed Oil??
- Feeding
- Help!!!!
- hicups
- Gross Question
- My Picky Eater
- Sick Puppy Please Help!!
- Itching/ Scratching
- Two Bad News & a Good News
- 9 weeks old, 3 days with diahrea
- Liver Shunt
- how old is too old to breed for the first time?
- Vet Recommendations?
- Yorkie cold symptoms?
- update on Ahia
- What do you feed your yorkie? Luna not going back to dry food! :(
- yorkie cough
- Dog Food & Nutrition
- Yorkie is pregnant
- Puppy Shot Schedule
- Bathing!
- Help! I don't Know what is going on w/Tini!
- does your yorkie shake?
- Mvd?
- Snacks
- Nicole is very sick
- Yorkie Formula Food
- Any 1 use Chicken Soup for Dog Lover food?
- Rescued Yorkie Pup Dry Hair and Skin, Lost Hair
- Need some advice
- To many teeth?
- Stitches from Spaying
- Where do you buy your dog food?
- liver shunt vs. hypoglecemia
- Sadie is at 60 days gestation today. I have a ?
- watery runny eyes
- Charlie Toronto Update
- Condyle Fracture Surgery?
- My baby has tonsillitis!!!
- Warm blooded?
- how long will my yorkie be in heat ?
- runny nose???
- Rabies shot feelin Yukky
- C-section
- Ring Worm
- Drinking too much?
- shaking yorki??? please help.....
- Little dog, big touble
- Questions about heat
- Yorkie tests
- Genetic Guarantees?
- Treats anyone?
- Ear Health and Hygiene
- Hypoglycemia
- whelping
- Teeht cleaning and pulling
- Luna to be spayed, very very soon!! HELP!
- This might help some of you guys
- Odd Cough After Teeth Cleaning
- Petie is craving hard cat food
- HELP!!! my baby likes to get in trouble
- problem with pedro's eye!!!!
- My little Turbo is sick!!
- problems with gagging
- how much puppy should eat
- Mia's got something.....ICK!!
- Keep An Eye on Your Yorkie at Parties!
- Family is worried
- A Smelly Question
- My Yorkie has a hole in her head
- Teeth Cleaning & Pulled Tooth
- Luca's health
- Can He Catch my Cold/Flu?
- Anyone?
- Roxy update!!
- Type Of Foods
- your vet
- firstaid
- Just had to brag........
- Lost Them!!!
- Noelle's getting spayed tomorrow...
- How Many Times a Day Should I Feed Him?
- When is young too young
- concerned about teeth and gums
- Super Sick Pup
- regarding puppy with hernia
- puppy from Poland
- food for my puppy
- poisons
- cancer
- Vet in Silicon Valley Area
- Possible remedy for Yorkies with skin problems
- Very Sick Please Help
- Not enough fiber?