- Delicate Stomach
- How good is Royal Canin 33?
- Help...Licking butt constantly
- Lexie hasn't pooed in 2days!!!
- Dental today for Gizmo
- Blue Small Breed?
- Bailey has a fish/tuna smell on her rear end?? why?
- should I be concerned??
- Sweet Aveeno!!
- Are Pomengranates poison for dogs
- carsick!
- Little bit of bleeding gums when brushing teeth
- Tylosin 40 mg
- Bully sticks
- RAW and Bacteria worries
- Spaying and Dew Claws. Timeline for procedures?
- !!! Treat alert !!!
- Neutering and agression in other males
- when to take puppy out for first walk?
- dark brown spots on testicles...
- Pet Insurance
- Zeke has a sty :(
- HELP! 10mnth old is shivering after days of first groom!
- anyone feed kibble and raw?
- Eyes Watering and spasmodic coughing?
- Maddie Update...parotid duct transpositions anyone?????
- Suckling when sleeping?
- Help ! ! !
- Ticks products
- Lexi s puppy is losing weight
- Send up a Little Prayer for Maddie tonight
- I DID IT - ordered RAW....now some questions
- Vet search
- Do we need a shrink?
- Throwing up hair?
- Need some advice please
- Is raw spinach OK to eat?
- biotics and enzymes ???
- NV or Primal..What's the Diff?
- Urine analysis...urgent question
- Microchip & Size
- Food Question
- Hot spot
- ugh- weight loss
- penis stuck in???????
- My yorkie starting to loss her teeth
- My Yorkie Has No Teeth
- Anyone feed Nutro?
- allergic to something..food? royal canin?
- Bebe is allergic to somthing...food? royal canin
- Brushing teeth
- WORRIED...will this be okay!?!?!
- Laci had pancreatitis need food receipe or lowfat food
- Fromm Surg and Turf
- So..What are your thoughts on Canidae dry food?
- How often do you give bully sticks?
- Whats in your Yorkie's first aid kit?
- Baby Teeth
- What to do about Separation Anxiety?
- Bad breath
- Bad breath
- Any tips for getting my puppy to eat more?
- Question About Expressing Anal Glands
- Breathing Problems?
- Halo Dream Coat
- Tried tripe today...OMG!! He LOVED it!!
- Yorkie with Liver Shunts and no appetite. Questions about Liver Shunts!
- Mya ate rabbit poop
- Mickey has fleas...oh my! K9 Advantix Help please...
- flax seed oil
- lamb or chicken?
- Innova Large or Small Bites?
- Question about heartworm prevention - advice
- Has anyone tried accupuncture on your furbabies?
- Vicks Vaporub for small noses?
- Fda alert
- Metroindazole
- Thinking of going RAW??
- Natural Balance - again
- Website with Cheap shipping on Chicken soup
- Comfortis and Heartguard have worked great...any med that combines both?
- Wheezing...
- Really thin hair on the back?
- Oily meds for ear infection....
- Dry flakey skin on tummy...HELP
- Please help me
- RECALL; Petsmart product
- older yorkie urinating in house
- Layla's battle wound
- Need Advice on Liver Issues
- evangers??
- cortizone shots
- Pets can get swine flue
- ulcer on his eye
- Dog Buffet: Royal Canine, Chef Michael, Blue & Green Beans
- Bully sticks
- Layla got cut
- Acana making her drink more?
- Looking for some thoughts
- Natural Balance
- What can you give teething pups
- what causes
- My Puppy Teeth Are Falling Out So Soon!
- Acana ingredients on bag different than advertised on website!!!!!
- Science Diet
- Experience with new pup and Post-op dog?
- Please help!! Questions on neutering
- 6 month old losing a molar???
- Post-neuter question
- Mange
- Small pimples?? on belly, thoughts anyone?
- Help!!! Is this the hiccups or something else???!
- Automatic dog food shipping and what do you get?
- Fontanel
- Toby has Legge Perths - new pup was due in 2 weeks?
- Nylabone???
- Tears stains/Angel Eyes
- Childrens Vitamins
- the "IT" food
- Innova problems - diarrhea
- Burping up water after drinking?
- Thinking of switching from TOTW to Orijen...which is better???
- Help! Yorkie scared out of his mind after trip to the vet
- Underweight! Need to gain some!
- Is my yorkie in heat?
- Drinking Excessively
- Maybe an Eye Infection?
- Feeding a litter with raw food?
- Bad puppy breath
- Where to buy premium dog food? (Artemis or Innova)
- Urine Colour
- motion sickness riding in car
- Seeking advice on dog whos just weened her pups
- Cesar Dog food
- Neighbor's Yorkie lost use of hind legs...suggestions?
- Traveling soon with my baby boy
- not such a good news......
- Dewroming causing diarrhea
- Help, need diagnosis, vet cannot figure it out.
- Contant itching-Localized Mange
- When do you get baby teeth removed?
- Can pup eat adult food?
- Light colored poop
- Night itches?
- How to prevent fleas
- How much Puppy Wellness??
- A question about ultrasounds
- ALT levels
- Pumpkin for constipation
- Frustrated Momma! please HELP me...:(
- Arthritis pain management
- Rimadyl warning
- Eating poop!!!
- Do you think using a finger to brush teeth is good enough?
- Day After Spay Questions
- Baby Food
- Ear Mites/Yeast Infection
- Sore throat?
- Bathing behavior and toenails (separate questions)
- Quick Food Question
- Hartz regular shampoo - safe or not?
- dog wants to eat all the time
- NutriSource Puppy Food
- FDA closes DVM Pharm
- Trying to throw up but can't???
- Rescue Remedy/Can it be?
- bully sticks
- Dhpp shot
- Yorkie refusing to eat - HELP
- Bully sticks/toys..Question for those of you who allow yorkies on furniture.
- Kibble question about Wellness Core and Artemis Maximal
- Fleas
- How long does it last?
- My Puppy Is Peeing Clear Puddles!!
- Cutting Nails?
- So so nervous about spaying
- Kibble Question
- Snickers is rejecting his NV raw & Evo kibble!!!
- homemade food
- Impetigo- Can i use hydrogen peroxide?
- Puppy insurance
- Fleas! Help!
- Soggy Kibble question
- My caddy is not eating
- Big Boy
- Anyone use Banfield?
- first few days with marley
- Car-sick Charlie
- What Do You Feed Your Yorkie?
- Ergh Petsmart!!
- Science Diet i/d
- Brushing Yorkie's Teeth, me or the vet?
- Allergic to Bully Sticks?
- Kaji won't eat his kibble
- Nature's Variety Raw Frozen Bones
- Cleansing liver info
- whew its been a whirl wind
- petco
- Advantage multi question
- Do "Ticks" live on the Bedding at all?
- Cod Liver oil? Anyone?
- Question about neutered boys and female in heat
- Re: Eye stains
- Earthborn Holistic
- Vomiting Yorkie
- sick tummy?
- Cottage Chesse
- found a bump part 2
- Double vaccinations?
- Another puppy food question..sorry
- My little girl yorkie puppy (7 months old) won't eat any food we offer!
- snorting
- Hypoglycemic dog will NOT eat
- I need help with Petzlife spray/gel...
- Vet Bills
- Winston's not eating...need advice?
- Science Diet Dog Food (small bites)
- Layla had blood work done today
- cough/sneeze
- Stomach issues/vomiting
- Question on Carrots
- Help
- Bachs Rescue Remedy/How much to give?
- Diagnosing LP @ a Year Old?
- Horrible dental problems....LONG!
- Weight, Raw & Flossies???
- Dolly's Spay???
- Apples & Peanut Butter
- a poop question
- Are your babies overweight?
- Hot spots
- Separation Distress and trip
- 2nd Injection
- Can dogs catch our colds?
- Cat Food...?
- How often do you feed your Yorkie??
- Grain free food??
- coco has a weird cough
- about surgery of Luxating Patella
- Yorkie getting car sick?
- NOW! dog food anyone?
- Whats a good food, with low protein....
- Are flea shampoos safe for yorkies?
- Thank You All - My dog is feeling a lot better
- Garlic for flea and tic prevention?
- Safe healthy treats
- Not eating like he use to
- found a bump....
- Breathing Problems
- First Heat