
View Full Version : Sick & Injured / Emergencies Talk

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  1. Red in the Eyes?
  2. Tink is really sick again.
  3. KoKo almost Died
  4. Update on Holly's surgery today
  5. First Maggie, now Hannah too!?!?!?
  6. Sick puppy
  7. miu miu is vomiting.. help :(
  8. I need support and knowledge.
  9. Piggy cough
  10. Oh No!!! Please Reply Asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Syndey has ear prob & major itching! HELP!
  12. Chloe has broken back leg
  13. Torn Ligament - Lateral Suture Cruiciate Repair
  14. Anal Glads???
  15. Runny Poop for Days! I am soooo scared! HELP !!!!!
  16. kidney & bladder stones
  17. White Worm
  18. Help! Tucker is very constipated
  19. spay question
  20. Uugghhhhh!!!
  21. HUGE lump on back :(
  22. Diarrhea, yellow bile and now not able to poop ---- please post asap
  23. Please keep Holly in your thoughts
  24. Please say a Prayer for our Toby...
  25. Darlin is sick
  26. Coughing sometimes
  27. Paw problem...
  28. One of them pooped blood. I'm so worried
  29. Question about spaying...
  30. at emergency animal hospital
  31. Back Right Leg Limping
  32. Decreased Appetite
  33. Please Help?? Seizure or Panick Attack
  34. Not a very good bithday present...
  35. soft poos
  36. Clear Film on eye?
  37. Pot Belly stomach!
  38. kennel cough/pneuomonia
  39. worms in an adopted beagle
  40. 3 stooges go to the vet
  41. my yorkies hypoglycemic, is someone else dealing with this?
  42. Banjo's vet visit- heart murmer????
  43. My baby doesn't feel well
  44. Neutering Question for My Baby Boy
  45. Puppy bathroom problems
  46. Any experience with Cushings?
  47. Umbilical too short!
  48. Apple Seeds!!!!
  49. Please advise!
  50. limping puppy
  51. Our Toby....Is he gonna be alright ???
  52. Wicket is HOME, Thanks to everyone who
  53. Louie's skin...again
  54. My boy
  55. Riley has allergies???? Maybe?
  56. kidney value elevated
  57. My Puppy Is In Trouble Need Advise Quick!!!!!
  58. UPDATE on PEANUT................
  59. Need advice from the experts!
  60. Jinny is back in the hospital 4-3-08
  61. Had To Leave Wicket At Vet, Please Say A Prayer For Him
  62. hellp
  63. Is anyone still up.... I really could use some advice!!!!!!!
  64. Signs of Tracheal Collapse
  65. Is something woring with him??
  66. I need a good food I can put in a Syringe?(Jinny)
  67. Yellow Puke!!!
  68. Help needed please
  69. Odie is throwing up
  70. shaking a lot
  71. sick after shots?
  72. Wont stop scratching/chewing
  73. 14 year old Zuzi
  74. Does anyone know anything about the drug Torbutrol?
  75. Help! My yorkie is shaking frequently and acting very strange :(
  76. Obessive Paw Licking
  77. Is loose stool by itself a reason for concern?
  78. Mitzi needs your help---Kidney problems! (sorry, kinda long)
  79. Licking front legs
  80. cost of L/P surgery?
  81. OMG Please Keep Pixie in your Thoughts!
  82. Post-Operative LP Care?
  83. LP?
  84. An eventful day and another LP discussion, long
  85. Luvy needs LP Surgery Advice Needed
  86. Stepped on!
  87. Heartbroken
  88. little bump on her sholder.....
  89. Both babies have been to the vet this week!
  90. Help - possible Pancreatitis - Bubba is sick!
  91. Scabs on her back, big flakes and smells
  92. collapsed trach. and
  93. Stools in every color of the rainbow?!
  94. Poor baby!
  95. Sedative:Acepromazine
  96. New
  97. Help!!!!!
  98. Liver shunt/ultra sound
  99. OMG!! Baxter has worms!!
  100. Blood in stool
  101. Tia's sick
  102. Canine Influenza?
  103. How do you get a urine sample?
  104. In Desperate Need of Help! Not sure what is wrong.
  105. Chanel ate Chocolate again
  106. Vaccination lump :(
  107. Help! Just nicked ear
  108. Spay - Post op questions... maybe normal?
  109. Jackis loosing fur... Do Yorkies shed?
  110. Sammy's LP Surgery Update - 2 days after surgery
  111. Opinions please... sick after spay?
  112. belly turning black
  114. Our puppy will not eat on her own...please help!
  115. Kidney stones(information needed please)
  116. I don't know what's going on with Sasha
  117. what are the signs of liver shunts??
  118. My poor Bernie boy...
  119. My babies injured leg!
  120. My Yorkie Isn't Feeling Well
  121. Armani :(
  122. blood panel done on Kacee!!! what to do
  123. My poopy is sick
  124. Colitis??
  125. mange looking spot
  126. The dog just falls over
  127. My yorkie ran away :'(
  128. My yorkie ran away :'(
  129. Need your prayers, Bentley isn't doing well
  130. Duncans tummy is bad again
  131. Shaking
  132. Vomiting remedies?
  133. Dry, scratched ear?
  134. Peanut's Spay.
  135. Kibble needs prayers... please
  136. Roxi is acting very nuts after surgery!! this can't be normal
  137. cold little boy
  138. yorkie wheelchair
  139. Paralyzed yorkie...need help :(
  140. Tucker's Sick
  141. Charlie seems sad. HELP! =[
  142. Seizures
  143. Skin red rashes/bumps/scabs
  144. my doggie is sick!
  145. depressed/UTI?
  146. In labor - please help
  147. Teething issue
  148. Bella's Actual Blood Work Results.
  149. red testicals
  150. Riley at a pencil!
  151. Baboon butt, with chicken leg????
  152. Sick Yorkie - Lymphangiectasia
  153. luxating patellas
  154. Caution to take before Vacs
  155. ???????????
  156. Are Fig Newtons bad?
  157. Orthopedic Surgeon in KS
  158. Laproscopic Spay Surgery
  159. Banjo is out of surgry
  160. Bella's trip to Hospital
  161. Puss filled bumps and scabs
  162. how to cure constipation (beware, might be gross)?
  163. Rainbow's Bile Acid Test
  164. Please help!!! :(
  165. Vomiting, Diarrhea, Scratching???
  166. NEED ADVICE ASAP: Bella Ate Chocolate
  167. Vaseline Sandwich???
  168. little one not well
  169. Yorkie not gaining weight
  170. Gracie ate a plastic eye off of a toy!
  171. Vomiting after dinner
  172. Corn on the cob...please help!
  173. 11 year old dog pees every 2 hours
  174. coughing and wheezing....Help please
  175. Beware Rawhide!!!!!
  176. Swallowing odd things...
  177. I'm worried!
  178. Need Some Advice
  179. Elevated Bile Acids/Liver Shunt? Need advise
  180. Fuzzy's Sick...
  181. Please help with suggestions!
  182. Not pooping?
  183. baby teeth
  184. Should we take him to emergency or vet?
  185. OMG! I am in panic mode!
  186. Bladder Black Stool
  187. Shelby - Stitches are OUT!!!!
  188. luxating patellas
  189. Odie ate an ear plug??? ( I think)
  190. Out of options ... please help!
  191. Kiya's Vet Day(scary)
  192. Teeth/Nervous.
  193. is this normal???
  194. Lucy Walked!!!!!!!!!!!
  195. Poor Maci!! Broken Leg!
  196. Sounds like my Yorkie has trouble breathing!
  197. Help!!
  198. Question about Ear Infections
  199. Gum stuck in hair
  200. should I take Gracie to the vet?
  201. Glucosamine tablets
  202. Codie Needs LP Sugery ... AGAIN
  203. Coby to all his friends: Chocolate Isn't Worth It!!!
  204. Swallowed a Penny...
  205. Murphy is off balance???
  206. Best thing for my baby with allergies??
  207. SEVERE pain in MOUTH!!!
  208. Freak accident...
  209. Patella Luxation
  210. Puppy Fell!!!!!!
  211. Don't know what to do??????
  212. What is wrong with him??? HELP!
  213. Ear infection?
  214. help pee question
  215. Shelby 8 days Post Patella Surgery Update!
  216. brown in urine
  217. Sick Yorkie
  218. I am so scared
  219. Another (2nd) update on Petey
  220. Can water make a Yorkie sick?
  221. Should we or should we not?
  222. OMG My Baby Is Throwing Up!
  223. Got sick dog from breeder - now what?
  224. Please help
  225. Traveling With Ponky
  226. Chewy eating his Pooey? ***HELP***
  227. coughing/honking....reverse sneeze??
  228. Licking
  229. Puppy w/ mucusy/blood tinged stool
  230. Fever and lazy
  231. Slight bleeding
  232. Wheelchair needed for my Yorkie who has cancer
  233. Quick Benedryl Question
  234. Worried sick
  235. Question about my puppy's pooping habits
  236. E collars question
  237. Scooter's done something to his leg!
  238. Help- hurt leg
  239. Hurt back leg- scared me bad!!!!!
  240. Missing female yorkie
  241. Sorry wrong board
  242. Shelby - Day 3 Post Surgery
  243. God I am so upset...what do I do!?!?!????
  244. Question about Gracie
  245. Possible collapsed trachea?
  246. POST LP Surgery Tip
  247. Help!!!!
  248. Hypoglycemia Questions & Concerns
  249. At last check what is your dog's normal temp?
  250. Yorkie's hypothyroid???
