
View Full Version : Yorkie Health & Diet

  1. Did the spay/neuter affect your puppy's personality?
  2. Weird eating habit!!
  3. Confused about rabies booster???
  4. When is last feeding at your house?
  5. Apple Cider Vingear
  6. sick=(
  7. Ear Problem
  8. Heartworm Preventative & Phenobarb
  9. My dog is too skinny
  10. Spay & Double Teeth Estimate
  11. a question about squash
  12. Ugghh fleas!!!!!
  13. Comfortis Flea pill
  14. puppies
  15. vaccines
  16. All of a sudden eating more food
  17. shiny coat
  18. Black Walnut Extract
  19. Homemade Puppy food
  20. Any ideas on low protein treats
  21. Need advice - My boys too chunky (or big boned...haha)
  22. Sam-e with milk thistle
  23. Innova - Recent formula change? Changing food to Acana now
  24. Yorkie with high WBC
  25. ? about peanut& eating
  26. Raw Prey Diet Puppy
  27. Tummy Issues
  28. Malabsorption Syndrome
  29. Scratching-another new mom question
  30. My yorkie is loosing hair...what to do?
  31. Season changes .. Dry skin. Solutions
  32. vitamineral green and allergies?
  33. Took the plunge... going RAW!
  34. Treats for Sadie
  35. Food and treat questions
  36. adult food
  37. Tummy rash
  38. Little reddish brown bumps!
  39. Bella and Baci Love Raw
  40. How much $ for spay?
  41. TEARS matting fur Help
  42. the honest kitchen switch is not going so well
  43. Information Overload
  44. Pet Health Insurance?
  45. best all stages food for sensitive stomachs
  46. Teething.. is this normal??
  47. Pet Meds? Help with online sites :)
  48. What to put on a sore?
  49. Bordettella Distemper/Parvo
  50. Nature Variety Medalions
  51. Oliver has diariah (sp)?
  52. Is poppin knee cap the same as luxating patella?
  53. Mickey's Gums Bleed :(
  54. Am I being paranoid.
  55. Making the switch to pre-made raw
  56. Schedule...
  57. Immunizations, flea and tick, heartworm
  58. Oranic Dry Food?
  59. Eye Gunk and RAW
  60. Sick Yorkie
  61. She prefers the vet food over her regular food. :/
  62. Should you ever question your vet?
  63. Natural Balance Sweet Potato & Fish
  64. Overly Runny Eyes???
  65. I would just wanted to thank, Ellie May, Zander's mom, Patti...
  66. Should I do every shot which vet wants???
  67. Is DENTASTIX Effective???
  68. new flea meds
  69. peeing
  70. How important is their weight?
  71. Tilapia fish fillets?
  72. Bad Breath????
  73. Little Itchy Bumps On Skin...HELP!
  74. Adopting today, lots of feeding questions
  75. All Stages Food
  76. What do I feed Sophie?!?!?
  77. Mia got spayed and I have questions
  78. Super anxious mommy here!!
  79. Shaking and leg cramps
  80. Im gonna freak out :(
  81. just a reminder what not to feed your dog
  82. Sophie got her last shots today!
  83. Frontline
  84. Spacing out Shots...
  85. Cosequin
  86. Loose stools-Orijen? Teething?
  87. Luxating Patella????
  88. teary eyes
  89. Heat & Appetite
  90. fleas be gone
  91. When to regulate feeding
  92. For dogs that eat poop!!
  93. Leaving moistened food out
  94. Best Foods For Pregnant Yorkie
  95. Birthday cakes
  96. Liver Shunt (MVD) Help
  97. Are hotdogs ok for them to eat ?
  98. Year old Yorkie with bad teeth
  99. probiotic suggestion?
  100. possible food change
  101. Training treats
  102. Any Petplan insurance members out there?
  103. hiccups
  104. Bluto's Yummy Gum Brush ingredients; or any other tartar and plaque removal?
  105. bad breath
  106. What to expect: Spaying a 6 month female?
  107. Blue buffalo dog food
  108. Shots problem help!
  109. Pronunciation Questions
  110. Tink loves Taste of the Wild Wetlands Formula
  111. Mickey is Over Weight and Won't Eat His Nuggets
  112. Sojos dog food???
  113. Is anyone familiar with this???
  114. Need suggestions on severly allergic yorkie!
  115. New owner lots of questions
  116. Clippers?
  117. diarreaha
  118. Help very frustrated
  119. Health concern - New Yorkie Owner
  120. Will not stop scratching himself!!!
  121. eating everything in garden!
  122. Bones on the Raw Diet
  123. Drying Ear Cream
  124. My baby is has her first period help!!
  125. home cooked chicken/hotdogs?
  126. VPI pet insurance?
  127. Bladder stones and a raw diet
  128. frequent clear urination and transition from bland to honest kitchen
  129. frequent clear urination and transition from bland to honest kitchen
  130. Timberwolf Organics Sale
  131. Something for ticks?
  132. Neutering/Baby Teeth Surgery
  133. FDA Issues Warning on Comfortis/Ivermectin Interaction
  134. It might be a Tick!!!
  135. Raw or Kibble for my 10 week Yorkie Puppy
  136. my baby just lost a tooth~! Is that normal? Help~!
  137. scratch under his eyelid
  138. Zukes Treats?
  139. Favorite Treats?
  140. Greenish runny nose...I'm worried
  141. Zukes Treats?
  142. Shot...:2omg:
  143. gummy bear
  144. Addison's Disease? Very sick dog :(
  145. often?? When?? I need help =)
  146. what food do you feed your yorkie?
  147. Avacado, is it safe?
  148. Fruits??
  149. Vaccination Question
  150. any teeth products:questione
  151. veggie ideas needed
  152. acne?
  153. Allergies
  154. speacial treats??
  155. ears- 1up 1 down
  156. Itching and dog food
  157. Disappointed with Wellness Core food
  158. Parvo etc carried by what animals?
  159. Lil Mac eats pooh
  160. Wormers?
  161. Yorkie Excersice
  162. ORIJEN Adult Food
  163. Baby Boy Needs Pain Meds: Suggestions?
  164. Dog Food
  165. Holistic Dog Care Newsletter Summer 2009, From Jan Rasmusen
  166. Eating Issues: Again
  167. Video : Risk factors for pancreatitis in dogs, By: Robert J. Washabau, VMD, PhD, DACV
  168. Does anyone need a Wellness coupon?
  169. looking for a sample size of mink oil
  170. is it ok if i wait until my boy turns 1 yo before I get him neutered/teeth removed?
  171. Toothless!
  172. What's the best bully stick?
  173. help me...
  174. Kcs
  175. Is this normal?
  176. All backed up!
  177. Good News
  178. Need advice on Gracie's Weight and her leg
  179. Excessive Butt Licking???
  180. Is Spaying common in buying a pup?
  181. Healthy New Treat
  182. Huge lump....
  183. Question about treats
  184. Fleas :(
  185. Has anyone had any complications with their microchips?
  186. ZiwiPeak?
  187. Natural flea spray is it safe?
  188. For those that homecook their dogs...
  189. Someone have any better ideas for me?
  190. Jackson has kennel cough!
  191. i'm a little concern
  192. Hypoglycemia during the night?
  193. Max's 1st dental cleaning...
  194. PetzLife Oral Care Spray anyone?
  195. Where did you get your scale for weighing?
  196. Strange question about dog hair in my new apartment
  197. Spay @ same time ?
  198. For those of you who uses Bil Jac dog food...
  199. how often are you supposed to bath your dog?
  200. New Food=New personality
  201. When to start flea treatment,heartworm preventative ect
  202. Merrick foods
  203. My boy will not eat unless I hand feed him! Help!
  204. Learned my lesson...
  205. Basic raw recipe
  206. Vitamins
  207. Eye problems..
  208. need scratch advice
  209. Peanuts: Are they harmful
  210. Hurt puppy--pulled muscle?
  211. Dog Flu
  212. help please :(. louis wont eat
  213. puppies 4 weeks old
  214. Maxi not eating... sould I try homemade food?
  215. C.E.T. Chews
  216. Nutritionist
  217. Expelling anal glands
  218. Scratch Near Eye-Treating It?
  219. Wet Food for Puppies
  220. To Neuter or Not??
  221. How can you "fatten" your pup up?
  222. Snorffling a lot, also snoring more than usual
  223. Promocode for BalanceIt
  224. Giving Benadryl Before Frontline Plus
  225. food help
  226. what is a good wet food to feed my girl??
  227. Adult Food Suggestions
  228. Rabies info...
  229. ROYAL CANIN for yorkies question
  230. Probiotics
  231. Please assist!
  232. Cookie ate her poop...
  233. Peanut butter treats...
  234. Vitamins?
  235. Not eating!! Please Help!
  236. RAW diet
  237. Anyone use Vectra?
  238. Does anyone have any Wellness/ or Petco coupons?
  239. Some shampoo types weaken topical flea treatments.
  240. Revolution topical heartworm preventative...
  241. Free NV Instinct
  242. Question: Walking a Puppy
  243. This may sound cheap BUT.......frontline
  244. Diet for any small dogs?
  245. Teeth extractions
  246. Penny still has 4 of her baby teeth :(
  247. hated to do it
  248. Nipple question....
  249. Update on Fiona's July 30th Vet Visit!
  250. Strange hard kibble food question.... size
