
View Full Version : General Training Questions

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  1. Walking or fenced cage
  2. Two dog training woes
  3. Maybe this will help....
  4. brushing ATTACK
  5. Another potty question
  6. Good Morning, Yorkie Parents! Aren't our babies just the most adorable dog breed!!!
  7. Where do we go from here?
  8. General Obedience Question (or two lol)
  9. hi im new here so hello to everybody
  10. Potty training to go indoors - need help
  11. Oh no she didn't! LOL
  12. Potty training disaster
  13. Chloe hates my one cat
  14. potty advice
  15. Potty Problems
  16. I feel terrible...
  17. Scared puppy :(
  18. Roaming while Home Alone
  19. Nip! Nip! Nip!
  20. Potty training problem after 1 year
  21. not pooping outside
  22. Probs with down command.
  23. 2 1/2 year old yorkie... Still not getting potty!!!
  24. New Yorkie on the way!
  25. Are we entering the terrible 2's? HELP
  26. Incontinence issues since getting spayed
  27. Thought the day never come
  28. Prince Parker
  29. Sparta shows defiance :(
  30. Grooming....ahhhh!!
  31. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
  32. Eats Poop
  33. Aggression Problems
  34. teeth like a shark
  35. Help! He's marking everywhere!
  36. Dexter is driving me nuts!
  37. Off leash training help!
  38. 4yr old pooing in the night, help!!
  39. new tricks and how to teach them!
  40. Puppy Classes and Crate Training
  41. Peed on my bed :(
  42. How do I go from a 16 ft. retractable leash to a regular 6 ft. lead?
  43. Is this normal Yorkie behavior?
  44. First Grooming Problem
  45. Teddy attacking our cats :(
  46. why doesnt he start freaking out>
  47. need help with sisters
  48. Puppy pads/Outside pottying
  49. Crate Training Issue
  50. Very good Article Good dog - dog bites
  51. Is this schedule for potty training ok?
  52. Bella is eating very fast!
  53. Adult Female Teacup Yorkie... Litter box?
  54. I have absolutely no idea how to potty train my 12 week old yorkie!
  55. Washable potty pad!
  56. Riled up Puppy!!! lol
  57. Training Treats?
  58. Enough Barking !
  59. Feeding outside
  60. In Response to Earlier Post
  61. Water bottle really works to stop barking!!!!
  62. Potty Training 2nd Pup in Home???
  63. Training not to pull or run on leash...
  64. Wrong treats for training?
  65. So proud of my girl, knock on wood...potty trained!
  66. Traveling to the UK after January 1 2012
  67. 2 Puppies 1 Crate
  68. New puppy owner couple questions!
  69. Puppy Training Book Suggestions
  70. PLEASE HELP!!!!! Misbehavior leading to broken relationship!!!
  71. If you could improve your dog's potty how would you?
  72. Keeping him leash confined
  73. Smokey: Puppy Cop!
  74. Is he playing with us??
  75. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! House training blues
  76. #2 in same spot when inside
  77. Help my puppy loves poop!
  78. Potty Training Question
  79. Expectations
  80. Random yorkie aggression!?!
  81. Transition out of xpen
  82. Hi I need advice for my new girl !
  83. At witts end w/ anxious Yorkie
  84. Potty Training: Indoor and Outdoor - am I confusing my pup?!
  85. Got my library books SO EXCITED TO READ!
  86. Can you feel your pups microchip?
  87. how to teach a yorkie not to runaway?
  88. Stop my two little ones from trying to mate....
  89. How to teach the "come" command
  90. Torn Up About Rehoming Need Feedback please!
  91. Is this normal Yorkie behavior? (potty training)
  92. Back to square one..
  93. puppy classes at petsmart
  94. Just got a second Yorkie!
  95. Peeing on MY Bed!
  96. Potty regression, Please help!!!!!!!
  97. Confused Yorkie
  98. Confused about potty issue
  99. Sleep Dilemma
  100. I give up
  101. Crate size!
  102. Grooming problems
  103. Pyper barking at other dogs nonstop!
  104. Pita rang her bell!!!
  105. Not sure what to do
  106. OUTSIDE POTTY trained, but how to incorpoarate Potty Pad if needed????
  107. pee pad issues
  108. Teething STILL??
  109. Potty Training
  110. Updates on Sadie's aggression.
  111. Male aggressive yorkie
  112. My Sweet Pup...turned sour
  113. Trash can fiend!
  114. Didn't think it would happen...
  115. He is soooooo mean~ (input please) ...:(
  116. Barking when alone
  117. Anxiety Issues
  118. Pooping in crate overnight
  119. First post!!!!
  120. Jumping and Licking everyones face!!! Can it be stopped??
  121. My yorkie pees when he's excited that I'm home! HELP!
  122. Calling all pad training experts
  123. Indoor potty training
  124. Petsmart puppy class
  125. 4 month old, teething...
  126. I am Hiring a Trainer!!
  127. Teething, Aggression, and how to say NO
  128. Hi! tinkysmommy here!
  129. Where is your Yorkie when you are not home?
  130. whinning....its making me whine....
  131. Yay for you!
  132. Please review this potty schedule!
  133. Potty training..HELP!!
  134. Bell training!
  135. Missing his potty pad
  136. Potty Training Question
  137. Can a yorkie be potty-trained ever?!?!
  138. pee pad training help
  139. Pads & crate...Major confusion
  140. Help! my yorkie pees everywhere!
  141. Seperation ANXIETY to the MAX
  142. HELP, peeing
  143. Nilla's a biter.
  144. Chews off collar??
  145. from snuggler to SPAZ!!??
  146. Behavior problems...HELP PLZ!
  147. Proof the patience and perserverance pays off!
  148. agression problem1
  149. Yorkie attacks other dogs on their way to the yard... HELP!
  150. Max keeps turning his food bowl over!!
  151. Nipping Problem
  152. OK-I Concede! Please help!
  153. Puppy Eating Rabbit and Deer Poo
  154. How many pads?
  155. Looking for an X pen with extensions
  156. Claire pooped on the sofa tonight!! Help!
  157. Need help Please :/
  158. Bell Training
  159. Small Training Triumph
  160. Bark bark bark...
  161. which muzzle is best??
  162. Question about puppy pads
  163. Will this confuse her?
  164. Training issue: Who's right? Me or my wife?
  165. My Yorkie attacks my cat
  166. Potty training/crate question
  167. how do I get my one y/o yorkie to like our new yorkie puppy??
  168. How can my jumpy puppy be groomed?
  169. Belly bands???
  170. Can I train my yorkie to go on a pee pad in the winter?
  171. Why is it acceptable to let adult Yorkies potty in the house?
  172. New hard headed rescue pup
  173. Help...
  174. Need some housebreaking and separation anxiety help.
  175. My shoes are her fav chew toy..plz help!!
  176. Training 2 Puppies
  177. barking!!!!
  178. Trying to housebreak this little guy
  179. Walking????
  180. Doggie diapers
  181. My own Yorkie to love!
  182. Jumping and sratching leather couch...
  183. HELP = Paper training
  184. Will only "come" and "sit" for treats
  185. PLEASE help before I go nuts.. potty issues!!
  186. Missed poops on pee pads
  187. Venting my frustration (potty woes)
  188. HELP! 6 y/o potty trained female marking or misbehaving?
  189. Puppy won't pee outside, only in house!
  190. Help!
  191. New Puppy, Mad Yorkie??? Help
  192. screaming on leash and color
  193. Teething
  194. Electric fence for yorkies ??
  195. Training to bring leash?!?
  196. Expectations for Night Time Potty
  197. Yay Zoey!!!
  198. A none verbal pup
  199. Potty Training---
  200. My heart is breaking... Please advise on what to do with this doggie.
  201. how do i train my do to like to be groomed
  202. Advice for Dog Trainers - San Antonio, TX
  203. Winter potty time
  204. Best Cesar Millan book???
  205. Big Aggression/Barking Issues with my two yorkies
  206. Woes of being a first time pet owner.
  207. Need help!
  208. New puppy eats her poop and has completely destroyed playpen. PLEASE help me!
  209. What is Your Ferrari Treat????
  210. Puppy Playpen
  211. Thunder question
  212. Maddie is becoming a STAR
  213. What to do now??
  214. Potty training issues!! HELP!
  215. My mom is getting fed up with the dog.
  216. Maxfield Is Humping....
  217. My dog seems to have incredibly short-term memory
  218. Fretting
  219. puppy doesn't show pee signs
  220. Crate train adult dog (not for housebreaking)??
  221. Teaching Fetch??
  222. Socialization Ideas for Rescued Dog?
  223. Barking at strangers
  224. Bitting 3 momth old yorkie,how do stop her??
  225. My dog is angry, PLEASE READ MORE AND HELP!!!
  226. Protective aggression!!
  227. Next Phase???
  228. Is a dog trainer worth it???HELP PLEASE
  229. Walked three miles, to get her to poop
  230. 3 y/o Yorkie (peeing in bed)
  231. Potty training issue
  232. New Puppy Frustrations
  233. aggressive only to certain dogs
  234. Why does my pup growl and get aggressive with my children and others?
  235. New to the Board and Frustrated
  236. Biting ... do I need to rehome him*
  237. potty training from the 3rd floor!
  238. Grass Patches, anyone try them?
  239. puppy play attacking hurts older dog
  240. Soo hyper
  241. 2 yorkie pups fighting
  242. Marking
  243. I need strange advice. :P
  244. Signaling to go outside - not using a bell?
  245. Getting pup used to grooming
  246. pads to outside question?
  247. I think I'm not the alpha
  248. Agressive Behavior
  249. Any totally potty trained pups?
  250. 5.5 month old potty training question
