- Walking or fenced cage
- Two dog training woes
- Maybe this will help....
- brushing ATTACK
- Another potty question
- Good Morning, Yorkie Parents! Aren't our babies just the most adorable dog breed!!!
- Where do we go from here?
- General Obedience Question (or two lol)
- hi im new here so hello to everybody
- Potty training to go indoors - need help
- Oh no she didn't! LOL
- Potty training disaster
- Chloe hates my one cat
- potty advice
- Potty Problems
- I feel terrible...
- Scared puppy :(
- Roaming while Home Alone
- Nip! Nip! Nip!
- Potty training problem after 1 year
- not pooping outside
- Probs with down command.
- 2 1/2 year old yorkie... Still not getting potty!!!
- New Yorkie on the way!
- Are we entering the terrible 2's? HELP
- Incontinence issues since getting spayed
- Thought the day never come
- Prince Parker
- Sparta shows defiance :(
- Grooming....ahhhh!!
- Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
- Eats Poop
- Aggression Problems
- teeth like a shark
- Help! He's marking everywhere!
- Dexter is driving me nuts!
- Off leash training help!
- 4yr old pooing in the night, help!!
- new tricks and how to teach them!
- Puppy Classes and Crate Training
- Peed on my bed :(
- How do I go from a 16 ft. retractable leash to a regular 6 ft. lead?
- Is this normal Yorkie behavior?
- First Grooming Problem
- Teddy attacking our cats :(
- why doesnt he start freaking out>
- need help with sisters
- Puppy pads/Outside pottying
- Crate Training Issue
- Very good Article Good dog - dog bites
- Is this schedule for potty training ok?
- Bella is eating very fast!
- Adult Female Teacup Yorkie... Litter box?
- I have absolutely no idea how to potty train my 12 week old yorkie!
- Washable potty pad!
- Riled up Puppy!!! lol
- Training Treats?
- Enough Barking !
- Feeding outside
- In Response to Earlier Post
- Water bottle really works to stop barking!!!!
- Potty Training 2nd Pup in Home???
- Training not to pull or run on leash...
- Wrong treats for training?
- So proud of my girl, knock on wood...potty trained!
- Traveling to the UK after January 1 2012
- 2 Puppies 1 Crate
- New puppy owner couple questions!
- Puppy Training Book Suggestions
- PLEASE HELP!!!!! Misbehavior leading to broken relationship!!!
- If you could improve your dog's potty how would you?
- Keeping him leash confined
- Smokey: Puppy Cop!
- Is he playing with us??
- Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! House training blues
- #2 in same spot when inside
- Help my puppy loves poop!
- Potty Training Question
- Expectations
- Random yorkie aggression!?!
- Transition out of xpen
- Hi I need advice for my new girl !
- At witts end w/ anxious Yorkie
- Potty Training: Indoor and Outdoor - am I confusing my pup?!
- Got my library books SO EXCITED TO READ!
- Can you feel your pups microchip?
- how to teach a yorkie not to runaway?
- Stop my two little ones from trying to mate....
- How to teach the "come" command
- Torn Up About Rehoming Need Feedback please!
- Is this normal Yorkie behavior? (potty training)
- Back to square one..
- puppy classes at petsmart
- Just got a second Yorkie!
- Peeing on MY Bed!
- Potty regression, Please help!!!!!!!
- Confused Yorkie
- Confused about potty issue
- Sleep Dilemma
- I give up
- Crate size!
- Grooming problems
- Pyper barking at other dogs nonstop!
- Pita rang her bell!!!
- Not sure what to do
- OUTSIDE POTTY trained, but how to incorpoarate Potty Pad if needed????
- pee pad issues
- Teething STILL??
- Potty Training
- Updates on Sadie's aggression.
- Male aggressive yorkie
- My Sweet Pup...turned sour
- Trash can fiend!
- Didn't think it would happen...
- He is soooooo mean~ (input please) ...:(
- Barking when alone
- Anxiety Issues
- Pooping in crate overnight
- First post!!!!
- Jumping and Licking everyones face!!! Can it be stopped??
- My yorkie pees when he's excited that I'm home! HELP!
- Calling all pad training experts
- Indoor potty training
- Petsmart puppy class
- 4 month old, teething...
- I am Hiring a Trainer!!
- Teething, Aggression, and how to say NO
- Hi! tinkysmommy here!
- Where is your Yorkie when you are not home?
- whinning....its making me whine....
- Yay for you!
- Please review this potty schedule!
- Potty training..HELP!!
- Bell training!
- Missing his potty pad
- Potty Training Question
- Can a yorkie be potty-trained ever?!?!
- pee pad training help
- Pads & crate...Major confusion
- Help! my yorkie pees everywhere!
- Seperation ANXIETY to the MAX
- HELP, peeing
- Nilla's a biter.
- Chews off collar??
- from snuggler to SPAZ!!??
- Behavior problems...HELP PLZ!
- Proof the patience and perserverance pays off!
- agression problem1
- Yorkie attacks other dogs on their way to the yard... HELP!
- Max keeps turning his food bowl over!!
- Nipping Problem
- OK-I Concede! Please help!
- Puppy Eating Rabbit and Deer Poo
- How many pads?
- Looking for an X pen with extensions
- Claire pooped on the sofa tonight!! Help!
- Need help Please :/
- Bell Training
- Small Training Triumph
- Bark bark bark...
- which muzzle is best??
- Question about puppy pads
- Will this confuse her?
- Training issue: Who's right? Me or my wife?
- My Yorkie attacks my cat
- Potty training/crate question
- how do I get my one y/o yorkie to like our new yorkie puppy??
- How can my jumpy puppy be groomed?
- Belly bands???
- Can I train my yorkie to go on a pee pad in the winter?
- Why is it acceptable to let adult Yorkies potty in the house?
- New hard headed rescue pup
- Help...
- Need some housebreaking and separation anxiety help.
- My shoes are her fav chew toy..plz help!!
- Training 2 Puppies
- barking!!!!
- Trying to housebreak this little guy
- Walking????
- Doggie diapers
- My own Yorkie to love!
- Jumping and sratching leather couch...
- HELP = Paper training
- Will only "come" and "sit" for treats
- PLEASE help before I go nuts.. potty issues!!
- Missed poops on pee pads
- Venting my frustration (potty woes)
- HELP! 6 y/o potty trained female marking or misbehaving?
- Puppy won't pee outside, only in house!
- Help!
- New Puppy, Mad Yorkie??? Help
- screaming on leash and color
- Teething
- Electric fence for yorkies ??
- Training to bring leash?!?
- Expectations for Night Time Potty
- Yay Zoey!!!
- A none verbal pup
- Potty Training---
- My heart is breaking... Please advise on what to do with this doggie.
- how do i train my do to like to be groomed
- Advice for Dog Trainers - San Antonio, TX
- Winter potty time
- Best Cesar Millan book???
- Big Aggression/Barking Issues with my two yorkies
- Woes of being a first time pet owner.
- Need help!
- New puppy eats her poop and has completely destroyed playpen. PLEASE help me!
- What is Your Ferrari Treat????
- Puppy Playpen
- Thunder question
- Maddie is becoming a STAR
- What to do now??
- Potty training issues!! HELP!
- My mom is getting fed up with the dog.
- Maxfield Is Humping....
- My dog seems to have incredibly short-term memory
- Fretting
- puppy doesn't show pee signs
- Crate train adult dog (not for housebreaking)??
- Teaching Fetch??
- Socialization Ideas for Rescued Dog?
- Barking at strangers
- Bitting 3 momth old yorkie,how do stop her??
- My dog is angry, PLEASE READ MORE AND HELP!!!
- Protective aggression!!
- Next Phase???
- Is a dog trainer worth it???HELP PLEASE
- Walked three miles, to get her to poop
- 3 y/o Yorkie (peeing in bed)
- Potty training issue
- New Puppy Frustrations
- aggressive only to certain dogs
- Why does my pup growl and get aggressive with my children and others?
- New to the Board and Frustrated
- Biting ... do I need to rehome him*
- potty training from the 3rd floor!
- Grass Patches, anyone try them?
- puppy play attacking hurts older dog
- Soo hyper
- 2 yorkie pups fighting
- Marking
- I need strange advice. :P
- Signaling to go outside - not using a bell?
- Getting pup used to grooming
- pads to outside question?
- I think I'm not the alpha
- Agressive Behavior
- Any totally potty trained pups?
- 5.5 month old potty training question