- Orijen dog food, I recently tried Orijen dog food
- pieces of liver
- All vets the same?
- Baby teeth
- Urinary Tract Infection ??
- Dirty teeth question
- Nutra Cal
- Vaccinations and Extreme PAIN
- Fromm Surf and Turf??
- Interceptor Flavor Tabs
- What fruit is safe?
- BAT and Food Advice (Raw Food)
- help!
- Rescue Remedy- hurray!
- Double teeth!
- Constipated
- can you freeze homemade meals?
- Dog park behavior
- Growling stomach!
- What are some things that are good for the coat
- Help in Choosing the RIGHT Food
- Help! Not Eating problem
- Evolve??
- ticks in florida
- B.G. (Before Grain, by Merrick)
- barking-barking-barking
- Salmon Oil
- regurgitating??
- size
- Questions to ask before spaying.
- xylitol poisoning
- Rabies Shot!
- What can be expected after Neuter??
- ??? Does anyone here feed Eagle pack holistic???
- Update to Liver Stint question
- Tape Worms
- Is Nutro Natural Choice puppy bites--ok????
- Free food/coupons
- Blood shot eyes!
- Feed Nutro??
- Cough??
- How much Pepcid?
- My pup wont eat :( :( :(
- Black Fly Bites!!!!
- Boiled eggs?
- Itchy
- Bully Stick
- Just got puppy tonight! Need help..bald areas...
- Luxating Patellas
- Peeing around at seven! Do I need to worry?
- Cross post about Growth...
- Royal Canin Coupon!
- Evidently Ellie is Allergic to Otomax
- Chronic soft stool
- Is wet food a bad thing?
- lots of health problems
- Seizures from anxiety
- Chronic Soft Stool
- What company has the best food for Yorkies?
- Wellness now available at Petco!
- Heat Cycle
- Over heated and throwing up
- eukanuba yorkshire terrier
- Can I get some opinions on this skin/coat supplement?
- Wellness Core?
- How long are you Yorkie's nail's?
- Frontline
- What is the BEST shampoo & conditioner for dry/itchy/flaky/allergy skin??
- Question about Plato Dog Treats
- Question about Bordetella Booster
- Trying to stop her itching
- FirstMate dog food
- Is bug spray "OFF" ok to spray on pup?
- Neem Oil for garden-safe for Abbey???
- How do you clean the eye goobers?
- Recommended Food
- NOt eating....
- Steer Chews????
- Chicken Soup=smelly poop??
- "Pupcorn"~ anyone know anything about it?
- vaccine against Raccoons
- When To Switch To Adult Food...
- vaccinations
- another question
- food question
- Food not staying down
- Vomiting up water?
- Biting??
- Food after bout of Pancreatitis
- Neutering Help!
- Mature eating.
- Can a 3 month old have a carrot?
- Has anyone heard of a Liver Shunt?
- Teething
- Ear Cleaning
- Couging at night (not kennel cough) VERY LONG but advise needed
- Trying NV Raw again...
- Nylabone Healthy Edibles
- Why are her eye's always red???
- I cant get my yorkie to drink!
- Heart Murmur ans Luxating Patella
- My pup is 5 1/2 months and has ingrown fangs...
- Hills Science Diet Natures Best Food
- Bad breathe... please help
- My poor dog is scratching like crazy...anyone else with dogs with allergies?
- Does $50 seem like alot for a 5 minute office visit?
- royal canin
- Is Tilapia Bad?
- my 6 month old has started eating her poop
- Pet guard
- Her poo ...
- kinda worried, need some advice please
- Hot Spots on Pippi and Peaches....What to use???
- Food Debate
- Re Calleigh
- Poo is not always brown like I think it should be
- KONG Stuff'n Paste for puppies
- Mosquito Repellent?
- Back legs not working...Help
- Royal Canin & Stool Odor/Quantity Reduction
- Merrick quality issue??
- 1 Year Vet Exam
- FDA Warning About Possible Comfortis & Ivermectin Reaction
- she hates it
- Bella eats em all
- Daisy gained alot of weight eating envo
- Roxy started her Period
- Is peanut butter okay???
- pure pumpkin???
- Please spread the word even if you don't feed this!!
- liver shunt
- Please forgive us...
- VCA Animal Hospital?
- What I found out about fleas today. YIKES!
- merricks puppy plate kibble
- Does it makes sense to buy a baby scale?
- estrous cycle
- Ellie has LP
- teeth
- ~help!! Just Found A Tick On Javah!!
- Know of any Vets in L.A., CA area?
- Trip to Minnesota: To Use Tick Collar or Not To Use?
- Constipation Issues!!
- TEething pain
- New Food From Wellness
- Lyme Vaccines and Flea Preventative
- Questions for Vet Regarding Spay?
- Exercising Marvin
- Ear Scratching?
- Vaccinations Question...
- neutering at such an early age???
- Ginger vomiting everyday
- NutraCal When pregnant???
- Effective Flea & Tick Repellent Spray?
- disinfecting
- Patella luxation and VPI insurance
- What Type Puppie Food For Pregnant Females?
- Pee Smell
- Abby is loosing her baby teeth!
- Merrick
- Treats???
- Stitches removed????
- Results are back
- Help me out..
- Is Applesauce Safe...
- second time going under anesthesia???
- Weight after spayed?
- Stomach or emotional?
- Timberwolf recall 6/3/08
- Nutro Ulta Puppy - Nervous
- Frontline vs. Frontline Plus???
- Flea Prevention in the lawn.
- Fleas! Fleas! Help!!!
- Desiree vomiting update
- Dr. gives ok on Harley
- Help With Ticks
- What to expect after neutering
- Skin & Hair issues
- Raw Fod Question
- Is this Heat?
- Iverhart Max Heartworm tabs
- Hard dry skin inside ear
- used advantage for my puppy now I got a rash
- upset stomach?
- We Got Our Diggy Snacks
- feeding
- got abbys bloodtest results
- vet confused me
- neutered
- What Type of Flea Ttmt Do You Use?
- Will going into heat cause laziness?
- Maggie's Symptoms - Help?
- What to expect after spay?!
- Looking for the thread that had all the premium foods and they were rated
- Steroids for a dog?
- Teddy throwing up
- MUST SEE - Petco Food Seized
- I Think my Yorkie is pregnant
- Confused pulling out hair????
- Allergy Food
- Wheezing/Snorting episodes....is this common?
- Frontline Plus
- Help Wanted for my poor girl
- Epsilon WAS going to get neutered today...
- Does Petsmart sell any decent kibble?
- Plumping up my dog
- skin allergies and sleeping in bed with us
- YAY - I contact a Nutrionist (Cornell Univ.)
- Lumps
- Chasing and nipping at ankles
- Yorkie Weird Pacing Behavior
- shedding and dry skin
- Bailey's eyes
- dog food
- flaxseed
- update on abby
- Nuts
- Does anyone know how soon I can cut my girl's nails?
- Proheart 6 -- USA Today Editorial
- Can I have your opinions??
- To spay... or not to spay....
- Okay...its time we had THAT talk... i'm confused...
- Adult dog eating puppy food?
- Maximum...???
- Another pumpkin question
- Baked Salmon - ok?
- Good wet food......?????
- Lets talk poop
- when getting teeth extracted....???
- picky yorkie
- Water in the ear....
- Green eye goop- please help!
- Is your furbaby extremely picky?
- Is your furbaby extremely picky?
- Need Chicken recipe for dogs
- DHPP Booster Question
- no rawhide and wat else?
- supplement problems in home cooking
- Wood chewing...missing something from diet?
- Itchy...
- Maybe it's just me
- To Chip or Not to Chip? which company is best?
- Dry skin or allergies?
- Royal canin yorkie puppy food
- uugghhhh i feel awful
- Wholistic Pet Diatomaceous Earth
- Hobbs has 2 moles on his back
- What's your Feelings about Solid Gold Wee Bits?
- please help!!!!!!!!
- How many biscuits