
View Full Version : General Training Questions

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  1. Help! Opinions on potty training please?
  2. Kinda Frustrated
  3. Finally back again with Picture of my Jasper
  4. too smart for tricks?
  5. Confused
  6. I'm begging for help!! My puppy's turned into a MONSTER!
  7. Belly Bands are in!
  8. New 7 Month old Yorkie owner..need help!
  9. Barking
  10. 10week old and confused
  11. Simple training method
  12. Wish I would have done this 1st! Sep Anxiety Cure!
  13. Totally OFF the puddle pad!!!
  14. Belly band question
  15. I think I may have missed an important training rule.
  16. Lots of Handy Training Videos!
  17. Need some help on training my baby yorkie
  18. No bark collar ?
  19. at my wits end!!!!
  20. Training a 5 year old...Never to late?
  21. Diapers and potty training
  22. Dog and inside birds obsession
  23. Teaching "Sit"
  24. I need some advise
  25. Sudden Aggression in Foster Yorkie Mix
  26. Sudden Aggression in Foster Yorkie Mix
  27. OMG! Help! Urinating ON furniture
  28. At a lost. Someone please help..
  29. Free Preemie size diapers - have a few left that are too small
  30. Exercise Pen vs. Room w/ Baby Gates
  31. Bitter Apple Spray
  32. Head Down..Always Sniffing!!!
  33. Potty Mats
  34. Jasper graduated Puppy school
  35. Marking the house
  36. can't train bcuz HE HIDES!!
  37. bitting my son
  38. Thom's potty training...
  39. Is my yorkie always going to be afraid/shy?
  40. posing for pictures?
  41. potty pad question
  42. Barking at Strangers.
  43. All of a sudden--having lots of accidents
  44. Yorkie shows teeth and tries to bite new Puppy
  45. So our first night with Romo went...
  46. Is this normal?
  47. Wont walk on a leash!!
  48. Agressive furbaby don't know what to do.
  49. Transitioning from bed to crate
  50. dog park- tips on socializing?
  51. first time yorkie owner.
  52. I'm back... The talk went well...
  53. Chasing feet & growling/biting pants?
  54. I need Help in potty Training
  55. Help!!
  56. Potty trained pup...most of the time
  57. potty training
  58. Potty Training Help!
  59. Potty training at night??
  60. tricks
  61. Latest "Incident"... Need opinions...
  62. Crate Training..HELPPPPPPP
  63. Drooling Stress case
  64. Gentle Leader
  65. Litter Box Training Your Yorkie
  66. General Crate Questions/Leaving home alone
  67. Help . .barking out of control . .association is involved!
  68. Agressive over Dog Dish???!!!
  69. Distractions when walking Yorkie
  70. When is Too Old for Tricks Training?
  71. ideas how to know when she needs to go out
  72. outside while training/how often/crates!! :)
  73. eeekkk...2 dogs, both with sep anxiety
  74. Discipline while house training?
  75. To bed or to crate, that is the question
  76. Walking Question!!!
  77. Question about pee pads
  78. Potty Training.
  79. Poor Bud.
  80. Crate Training
  81. Help!! Marley runs out the door!!!
  82. Bailey and biting/video attached
  83. I think I might have to give Roxy away
  84. from leash to kennel??
  85. Early Morning Waking - Sound Machine...Need Input please
  86. HELP can't sleep
  87. Afraid to go outside
  89. Scratching holes in the wall!!
  90. Eating Poop-His own and the cats!
  91. Aggression
  92. I need some HELP!! This behavior is getting way out of control....
  93. Help PLEASE :|
  94. Anti social at doggy park.
  95. Yorkie has chew bone aggerssion Help
  96. Help - My Gracie is a BARKER!!!
  97. Biting the walls..!! Help
  98. No means NO!!!!
  99. Just wanted to share
  100. Marley is Amazing - Potty Pad Training
  101. Barking & Barking
  102. My Pup Won't Potty Outside..Help!
  103. Early Morning Crate Barking
  104. 5 year old high maintenance yorkie...still not fully potty trained
  105. Barks when I stand up!
  106. Just another potty training vent!
  107. Good Rewards/ Treats
  108. 2 1/2 Year Old Acting out????
  109. Is it True?
  110. sit training question.
  111. Obsessive behaviour question...
  112. Washing Towels and Blankets
  113. house breaking my puppy
  114. Biting
  115. Need Help ASAP
  116. Washable/Re-usable pee pads
  117. My Yorkie is hurting himself
  118. Crate noise questions
  119. please!
  120. help with biting Yorkie
  121. house training a puppymill yorkie
  122. correcting our puppy......
  123. New apartment, no more pottying on the carpet!!
  124. Need Advice on training method !!
  125. Need your opinon on using Spray bottle...
  126. help, yorkie keeps pooping in kennel
  127. Need help training 10 week old yorkie male.
  128. prevail pads
  129. Harley is barking way to much. . .
  130. One full week
  131. First trainings...for a new mommy to be!
  132. Ahwwww, Need advice on Pottying ON the tray
  133. Which size?
  134. Noelle is ringing her potty bell to get attention!
  135. Whines at night in his crate - help..
  136. Losing interest
  137. Keeps nipping at my daughter
  138. When should I start Trainning My Minnie?
  139. need advice for going potty on walks
  140. please help me!!!!
  141. What should I do??
  142. Pooping everywhere in back yard :-(
  143. All of a sudden, pooping everywhere ... WHY???
  144. Litter Training a 5 mo old Poo eater
  145. Sleeps on her pee
  146. My Baby eating POO
  147. Tearing up the play area...why?
  148. Puppy pad help.
  149. why does he do this?
  150. Pet Training
  151. Yay! So happy
  152. Invisible Fence
  153. Potty Training Rescued Yorkie....Any suggestions ??
  154. Please Help me with Housebreaking Chanel!
  155. Socializing Bentley with my friends pom
  156. Metal, platic or mesh containment
  157. Crating a new puppy w/ one puppy already crate trained
  158. 2 boys...did I just set myself up for disaster?
  159. From Pee Pads to Outdoors, Suggestions?
  160. My Yorkie bit me
  161. Got a second puppy...didn't realize it was going to be a challenge.
  162. He's Marking?!
  163. He's Marking?!
  164. Wee pad training woes
  165. I'm lost..and so depressed..don't know what to do HELP!!
  166. Bladder Problem, Marking, or Urinating?
  167. how to train puppy not to tug on leash
  168. He Marked at a Friend's House!!!
  169. Barking at Every Sound
  170. Have you tried the Pet Loo?
  171. potty training & eating poo& nibbles
  172. What size Dog Door
  173. What should I do.... I'm helpless
  174. My Yorkie runs away!
  175. Have to post this b/c I jinxed myself!!
  176. Transitioning from pee pads
  177. Trick training
  178. strange behavior with charlie
  179. Stubborn puppy won't listen...
  180. Need help with potty training change
  181. Playing with poo
  182. tricks, housebreaking, etc
  183. Puppy sleeps in bed/Sleeps in crate...???
  184. potty training
  185. Barking for nothing!! Help!!
  186. Training with Hand Signals
  187. crate training/crate size
  188. Kingston never used to bark until...
  189. Name desensitization
  190. Puppy problems
  191. frustrated with housetraining...
  192. x pen
  193. So Embarassed =(
  194. How old was your dog when FINALLY house broken?
  195. Stop from biting!
  196. Newly Developed Growling & Barking
  197. Urine on my ceramic tile HELP!!!
  198. Barking... Help!
  199. Biting/Chewing???
  200. Nipping?
  201. The YT Potty Log
  202. I'm getting frustrated.....
  203. Can anyone recommend a good trainer in Toronto area
  204. Come Here Baxter... whenever you feel like it is a good time for me!
  205. Puppy not sleeping at night- Help!!!
  206. Home Alone
  207. Question: Crate Training for Potty
  208. Sit... Or not =(
  209. training dog to use pee pads
  210. I think we are finally getting it!
  211. To End the Puppy-Vacuum
  212. My 10 year old is regressing! HELP
  213. Barking at people and other dogs....
  214. Better to put pee pad in tray or litter box?
  215. puppy classes
  216. Just wanted to share...
  217. Humping and Marking
  218. different housebreaking options...HELP
  219. bad manners and training questions
  220. Noelle rang the potty bell & I scared her!
  221. Training on pads and outside??
  222. Timmy learned new tricks
  223. Bad phone manners
  224. Pee Pads
  225. Puppy litter box
  226. Training 2 times a Day..its possible?
  227. Barking first thing in the morning
  228. She won't stop chewing and I'm going insane!
  229. 1.5yr old yorkie still pees EVERYWHERE,nothing works. HELP!!
  230. A few problems
  231. I think he is finally getting it!!!!
  232. Crate training an older yorkie.
  233. he is driving me crazy
  234. Help!! Crate Training!
  235. Lots of questions - new puppy in the family
  236. walking
  237. Pinch Collars
  238. Doggie Door
  239. What do you have to do . . .
  240. Uh oh ... getting too dam smart for one's own Good
  241. revenge peeing?
  242. How often should a male Yorkie - 18 months old be taken out?
  243. Feeling alittle Guilty
  244. Overwhelmed
  245. Peeing in house
  246. My baby is eating her own feces...
  247. Belly Bands/Neutering...
  248. Ripping Newspaper
  249. Ran across this crate training thing...
  250. Need advice on pee pad training from those with fully trained yorkies!
