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  1. choking and now vomiting
  2. Prayers for Chloe!! (Cara41583's baby)
  3. has anyone ever dealt with hemorrhagic gastroenteritis?
  4. My biggest fear...
  5. Maggie keeps vomiting advice please!
  6. White flakes from skin
  7. Help!!!
  8. Was supposed to be a vacation...
  9. Confused ? Allergies / infection need advice!!
  10. liver shunt? help please!
  11. help
  12. Someone, anyone
  13. small pink bump on paw by toes
  14. My little girl is vomiting her treats and sometimes bile.
  15. Moses has been sick all weekend!
  16. Emmett has to have Surgery
  17. I am so concerned about tootsy - can you give me any advice please
  18. Possible portosystemic (liver) shunt?
  19. Thor just lost an adult tooth!
  20. Help Please
  21. Not Breathing Right
  22. Zowi is in the hospital overnight :(
  23. Daughters Toy Poodle passed away
  24. Winky has an Enlarged Heart & Liver
  25. Riley has got luxating patella need advice
  26. Please help!
  27. Thor is sick
  28. Raised scab-like bumps on back- advice please?
  29. Old Carlo update as of 9/20
  30. Sudden gray layer and red vessel on eye
  31. I don't know what else to do...
  32. Macie has been trying to poop for 20 mins! :-(
  33. Blood in Urine, Leaking from Vulva! HELP!
  34. Vomiting for nearly 3 weeks...?
  35. Update on Hershey
  36. Runny Nose
  37. Parvo
  38. PLEASE HELP!!!! Brown rash on belly that looks like Dirt...
  39. not himself
  40. Euthanasia advice
  41. Update Austin Cataract :-))
  42. Please Keep My Sweet Taycie Girl in your prayers.
  43. Keep my Teddy in your thoughts tomorrow
  44. Luxating Patella Genetic or Not?
  45. HELP!!! penis tip swollen wont go back in?!
  46. Is this the end? I don't know what to do
  47. Real problem, need opionions??
  48. Yorkie with dry spots looks like Cradle Cap
  49. open rectum??
  50. ever seen a puppy with an open rectum???
  51. HELP: Uncontrollable BMs
  52. New Owner, Dog vomiting!
  53. Our Baby is acting odd
  54. Has anyone had any experience with the antibiotic Cephalexin?
  55. My Stella might have renal kidney failure
  56. Ugh, today is the day... Surgery. Im terrified!
  57. Need advice reg. Sick Izzy....
  58. Luxating patella. Surgery?
  59. Throwing up poo!
  60. Little Basil not looking real happy!
  61. Twisted Bowel
  62. My baby has cataract surgery today
  63. Sick Little Boy - Advice
  64. Help! I thinks Chloe is sick!!! :( :(
  65. Bad Kidney's
  66. Jenks woke me up at four AM gagging and now I am freaked out!!!???
  67. Yorkie swaying....
  68. Hershey is in critical condition in the hospital :(
  69. Old Carlo update
  70. ?Arthritis and Hip Dysplasia Diagnosis and Surgury?
  71. Basil broke his otherfront leg, same spot as the other one.
  72. Didnt touch her breakfast AFTER I gave her Amoxicillin and Metronidazole
  73. Skin issue
  74. Hailey's Biopsy side effects?
  75. will NOT stop itching!!!
  76. Joey has the runs :(
  77. Lulu's at the vet with pacreatitis
  78. Yorkie is shaking, fast heartbeat
  79. How to lower a HIGH FEVER?!
  80. Dog Bite Infections - GRAPHIC
  81. Adult hypoglycemic episodes
  82. Jack has a concussion
  83. My buddy is sick :(
  84. Could this be allergies or something more?
  85. severe spinal cord injury NEED HELP
  86. yorkie not eating
  87. Does anyones dog had mri? or thoes symptomes..?
  88. Magnus had a traumatic accident - spinal injury C4 and C5 out of alignment
  89. Vomiting Yorkie - please help!
  90. MRI Head Clinic In Illinois Please Help :(:(
  91. Parker was attacked: UPDATE
  92. Please help me with poor shadow
  93. Ally was lifeless!
  94. Parker was attacked
  95. Effects of Ingesting Human Fish Oil Gel???
  96. Teddy swallowed who knows what
  97. Mucus in Stool?
  98. I think Julius is sick :-(
  99. Nodules on leg and head
  100. Patti has Roxie at the ER
  101. Surgery
  102. Diarrhea/Vomiting After Neuter
  103. UPDATE on baby Hailey
  104. Bad reaction to Fleas
  105. Bella-Not sure if she is having seizures
  106. My Bubba has had diarrhea for three days and went to vet...not convinced :-/
  107. HELP-Onion and Garlic Powder!!!
  108. Anal Glands question
  109. Neuter without removing testicles?
  110. When to consider euthanasia
  111. blood in urine in 14 week old puppy please help.
  112. Teddy is having an allergic reaction
  113. Help! Duke got all his 1 year shots + rabies and he wont move!l
  114. My baby's tummy is growling and she is throwing up!
  115. Baby Chan on lactulose & diarhea, not eating
  116. Acute Reaction to Vaccinations
  117. Cone Head, how big is too big?
  118. Odd skin problem, please help.
  119. Baby Chan may have liver shunt!
  120. Bug bites
  121. Need some advice with my sick yorkie...
  122. restless, pacing, spacey
  123. Vomited
  124. Jersey Boy update
  125. my yorkie was hit by a car!
  126. Whats normal reaction to shots?
  127. How to Tell if Baby is Sick?
  128. Max Got Stung By a Bee!
  129. I don't know what's wrong!!!
  130. Yelping and holding legs up
  131. Help
  132. Roxy may have kidney disease :(
  133. Jake has Kidney Failure "please help"
  134. Opinion on "Black Spots"
  135. Any remedies for swollen eyes?
  136. Maya got stung by something !!
  137. All Yorkies, Now Listen up
  138. horrible morning pls keep armani in your thoughts
  139. Daisy is sick
  140. Running to the vet this morning
  141. Bladder Stone Removal Surgery Last Thursday
  142. Rosie not feeling good.
  143. Ok this is beyond gross!!!!
  144. Gagging
  145. New yorkie puppy doing weird head shake (videos)
  146. Maxine, thought we lost her tonight
  147. Kinder Has Campylobacter Again Help
  148. Luxating Patella
  149. zowi has a skin infection and possible eye infection :(
  150. idiopathic epilepsy.
  151. Bentley's Issue
  152. Winnie's Sick
  153. Post traumatic stress in Yorkie
  154. Zach Almost Died Last Night
  155. Puppy ate a penny!!!
  156. Possible liver shunt need answers before PTS
  157. My Little Rylee Belle is sick
  158. Taking old Carlo into the Oncologist today
  159. Tibbs is sick :(
  160. ear infection
  161. Grade 3 LP - Lots of Pain
  162. bloody stool please help
  163. Winnie is not herself :(
  164. 15 week old puppy- coughing/ gagging
  165. Infected bite
  166. Callie has an unhappy tummy
  167. Skin Issue (Constant Licking and Scratching)
  168. Hi, I'm new here! My Yorkie has major stomache problems!
  169. Very concerned with puppy
  170. My Dear Charlie~
  171. Advice on vomiting please
  172. Hi im new -Yorkie has bladder stones:(
  173. Rylee could use your thoughts
  174. JoeJoe's Not feeling Well Today
  175. Tanner - Possible liver shunt :(
  176. Princess has a lump on her back
  177. Jackson's 'Diagnosis'
  178. I have a 11 week old 8 oz sick little guy
  179. Betty boop is sick
  180. Bailey is not eating his dry food.....
  181. Got married, moved, yorkie wont eat anything
  182. Morkie fell & became sleepy?
  183. Chachis hole in his cornea is healed
  184. Poppy is not well :(
  185. Too much of a good thing....
  186. spinal injury
  187. Collapsing Trachea?
  188. Allergies?
  189. skin bumps....?
  190. My boyfriend sat on Fido - help !
  191. Roxi & possible liver shunt
  192. Lucy keeps vomiting bile
  193. Lucy sick
  194. Anxiety Attacks? Vomiting, Diarrea
  195. Went from walking to paralyzed in one day
  196. Something is wrong with Sophie..
  197. Update On Lizzie
  198. UPDATE -- Gracie's Pathology
  199. Maxi ate sand... really sick now
  200. Saliva or urine wet spot?
  201. 4th night in a row that I have been up all night with Pixie
  202. Adopting a Sick Puppy (Parvo)
  203. Jackson's not feeling well. :(
  204. Lexie update - LS
  205. Peek A Boo! What have you done?
  206. Vacuolar Hepatopathy
  207. PLEASE HELP! Panting, shaking, vomitting
  208. Dropped Hercules on his back!!!!!!
  209. Update on Bailey, what vet said..
  210. My baby's leg!
  211. Going in circles....Advice/Info please
  212. Jenna has some random infection?
  213. Has your beloved Yorkie experienced this?
  214. Lizzie Update
  215. Pls Help. She's Painting and is only a few weeks Pregnant
  216. Prayers, Good Vibes For My Lizzie
  217. The last vaccination
  218. Needing Prayers!
  219. Reaction to promeris, please advise
  220. Sophie Kate is Back at the Vet with Pancreatitis
  221. I broke my leg!
  222. Kaji might have a cold
  223. Sick little guy
  224. Ringworm and i. The worst mommy
  225. Sick Rocco
  226. Wylie got stung by a scorpion
  227. Izzy is sneezing
  228. Limping leg
  229. A bad scare with Chachi
  230. pooping
  231. Vomitting/Diahhrea
  232. Bella got into the kitchen
  233. Bad week :(
  234. Mammary tumor or mastitis?
  235. Kidney failure in my yorkie
  236. Nigel could not stand up
  237. Peanut is back form the vet....
  238. Princess is not feeling well :(
  239. Back from the Oncologist with Carlo
  240. UTI's and Belly Bands
  241. Paris licking his foot pic
  242. limping for a few hours now...
  243. Limping Bella! worried :(
  244. Took Maxine to the Vet. Pancreatitis
  245. Layla just threw up everywhere- any thoughts?
  246. Bloody Stool, vomitin and high fever
  247. Peanut is going to the vet AGAIN....
  248. Riley = Heat Exhaustion Episode !?
  249. I think Rocky is hurt!
  250. Giardia
