
View Full Version : Sick & Injured / Emergencies Talk

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  1. Update: Maximo's eye
  2. My yorkie is Missing!! (whittier, CA near sorenson elementary
  3. My heart is so very sad
  4. From Florida to PA, sick yorkie=(
  5. Jersey was really sick today
  6. Isabella is in the hospital
  7. baytril overdose
  8. Prayers for BamBam
  9. Bloody paws!!!I don't know what to do!!
  10. The waiting game....
  11. Can dogs catch coughs & colds in the winter?
  12. Why is Dori bleeding when she is fixed?
  13. Liver shunt - help!
  14. bladder stones
  15. sores on back
  16. Info on Luxation Patella needed
  17. Eye ulcer: Maximo
  18. bile acid test, ultrasound, protein C test...
  19. Jenna having diarrhea and coughing/trying to vomit today
  20. Bella's Continuous Licking . . . An Update
  21. My Yorkie/Bichon has stinky ears! Infection?!
  22. Spaying Question
  23. Antibiotics after spaying?
  24. Dental Surgery Today for Daisy
  25. McKenzie's spay
  26. Skin problems...
  27. Licking Lips Continuously . . . Worried!
  28. Dud's belly is growling...
  29. Tenderness - Right side
  30. Vitamin C?
  31. Exhuasted :(
  32. Yorkie - Stroke
  33. Flash, tapeworms & chicken...
  34. Two issues: Diarrhea / Stress
  35. My Yorkie has kidney stones
  36. Max my new rescue is vomiting
  37. please help my baby!
  38. I can laugh now..
  39. Maggie is very sick
  40. Pulled Muscle
  41. Ozzie diagnosed with pancreatitis
  42. Kennel Cough
  43. Mucus Stool
  44. IVDD?,Prednisolone,Robaxin cause bloody diarrhea
  45. Need help to induce vomit to get back a hair scrunchie...
  46. Odie's eye
  47. I'm scared & worried :(
  48. Melanoma vs Melanocytoma
  49. need an opinion
  50. Need Help!
  51. Tiny Sterling
  52. lower back is flakey
  53. degenerative myelopathy of the rear legs??
  54. need help with a sick puppy please!!!!
  55. I'm so distraught!!!! Please help!!!!
  56. Weird behavior PLEASE HELP!
  57. Carlo update as of 11/9
  58. my baby is in the hospital.
  59. Concerned...
  60. Worried...Need Answers!
  61. London's stitch area looks bruised
  62. Bailey Update
  63. Loose Poop - now no poop!!
  64. blood in urine
  65. Yorkies and anesthesia
  66. giardia question 5 month old puppy
  67. How do you keep a Yorkie from running?
  68. Frostbitten areas inside ear?
  69. Pippin might have eaten some gum
  70. Mama acting strange
  71. took bad advice...can use some good advice
  72. I need your help
  73. Problem from rabies vaccination...
  74. Need hope
  75. Reaction from Teeth Cleaning
  76. London got surgery today
  77. Betty Boop has bloody poop again!
  78. Need advice now!!
  79. Any Ideas
  80. Yorkie Seizure
  81. Tooth Trouble
  82. Please help!!!
  83. Seizures
  84. congestive heart failure
  85. Carlo has a growth on his liver
  86. Tinkerbell may be sick.
  87. what to do..
  88. Prayers please Daisy was hit by a car, no broken bones but still a lil out of it
  89. Am I worring to much
  90. Needing information about luxating patella?
  91. Diarrhea help!!!
  92. Stomach Virus?
  93. Will be 6 months next week for Carlo
  94. Buster Brown is coming Home from the Hospital
  95. How to care after getting spayed...
  96. Can Coccidia be gone in 3 weeks?
  97. Eye problem?
  98. Bailey Had Surgery Yesterday... LCP
  99. lump..antibiotic..and now second surgery..
  100. Chloe has big red whelps on her back, what is it?
  101. Buster is going in for LP Surgery
  102. Moto has an eye ulcer
  103. New puppy not eating this morning - advice needed
  104. Please help - Somethings wrong with my 5 month old tcup yorkie :(
  105. Lump on my baby
  106. Puking :/
  107. need to panic??
  108. Penny's liver value is up!
  109. Help! Knox is not doing well
  110. Recurring skin condition - Allergies?
  111. Ecoli
  112. Chronic digestive upsets - any advice?
  114. My furbaby has LP
  115. Help Kaylee is sick!
  116. My 7 Month old Yorkie had a heart attack while being neutered
  117. Please help
  118. Vomiting Yorkie! Help!
  119. Help: My Baby Girl is Turning in Circles and Shaking her Head
  120. My baby is limping!!!
  121. Zach's Bloody Nose
  122. Help with vomiting & diarrhea- possibly HGE?
  123. Help Advice needed Yorkie collapses when straining to be sick
  124. KC has Mystery Illness
  125. advice please!!
  126. Spay Appointment due heat?
  127. Emergency Hosital or Not??? Help!
  128. My man had luxating patella repair yesterday
  129. collapsing trachea
  130. Yorkie won't eat an vomiting..please help!
  131. Ollie has diarrhea :(
  132. Yorkie's butt looks swollen
  133. OMG Help
  134. Help My 4yr old baby boy is peeing blood !!
  135. Betty Boop at ER vet - bloody poop
  136. yorkie vs. chocolate
  137. Please pray for Chelsea
  138. Paris back update, wrong diagnosis!!!
  139. newbie to yt
  140. Trudy ate Toad Feces?!
  141. Paris hunched over walking funny
  142. When it rain it pours I had to take in all 4 dogs to the vets
  143. help! big bruise under my little baby neck/chest
  144. Charm ate foam ear plugs
  145. Poppy ate a slug.
  146. Omg i need help now!!!
  147. lipase level issue, need info
  148. After spay my yorkie pees alot
  149. Latest on my "Lethargic Yorkie" thread - it's probably a shunt:(
  150. Yorkie is sneezing
  151. Any other yorkies have this problem?
  152. Constipation
  153. Sick Baby....... can I share meds?
  154. Walks on three legs...
  155. tick bite
  156. Ok idk if i should be worried or not, but i AM; HELP! [VIDEO]
  157. Scarlett is limping
  158. Simba Update
  159. Capstar Emergency
  160. My Yorkie has kidney disease
  161. Why is it ALWAYS when you are out of town?
  162. Please Help
  163. my yorkie is occasionally vomiting
  164. peanut's limping
  165. New here but nervous about my Mabel.
  166. Poppy has just been sick...
  167. Diarrhea over here after shot yesterday =[
  168. Lost his bark?
  169. Poppy got stung, been at vets... not good :(
  170. Blody poop , throwing up and rash
  171. Help-Inhaled Object
  172. tucked (innie) vulva
  173. Yorkie with Lymphangiectasia
  174. AFTER spay surgery question
  175. Melanie doesn't sound good!
  176. Gambit's Had a HORRIBLE Few Days
  177. Dudley's not feeling well...
  178. Natalie tummy upset -- worried
  179. Rescue Yorkie in a lot of pain. Allergies? Help.
  180. Bloody stool
  181. Need some Advice ASAP!! Multiple episodes of diarrhea
  182. Suggestions for a yorkie that has been vomiting
  183. Please pray for Prince. He's very sick. He has CT.
  184. Pippin update/ having surgery tomorrow
  185. My Coco in pain and breaking my heart please help!
  186. Hazel's sick ='[
  187. Bee Sting on Foot
  188. Sam is sick :-(
  189. Newborn puppy not nursing
  190. sookie bear/loose stool
  191. Collapsing Trachea or Reverse Sneezing?
  192. Up every hour last night...
  193. Breathing Problems?
  194. Latte's having foot surgery
  195. Hot Weather Warning
  196. Ear mites!!
  197. Puppy with luxating patella
  198. Help...what could this be?!? Swelling...pic.
  199. please help
  200. spay incision is oozing
  201. Lethargic yorkie - need suggestions please!
  202. Very sick doggie
  203. Poppy's not well, help!
  204. Loose stool
  205. Poop Patterns/issues (loose poops)
  206. Ear infection.
  207. Hormonal Allergies
  208. 10 week old sick Yorkie =(
  209. Runny Nose
  210. Some advice please!
  211. Yorkie has ALT level of 680+ and Dehydrated... Help please!
  212. Hernia after spay...
  213. I'm worried
  214. Frequent Clear Urination
  215. 16 week puppy ate a pill...
  216. 4 month pup doesn't want to eat today. When do you start worrying?
  217. Taycie Has Diaherra... HELP!
  218. liver disease
  219. Please read advice please
  220. Liver Shunt Baby
  221. BUM levels are 125 but cdc blood cell count is normal
  222. Sadie has ANOTHER infected toe..what's going on here???
  223. Sensitive Trachea
  224. Yorkie not dringking
  225. leaking???
  226. Diarrhea After Giardia/Coccidia Anitibiotics?
  227. Collapsing Trachea
  228. yorkie acting different after going to groomer
  229. Swollen, red teat
  230. Update on Calvin
  231. Spay surgery and blood in urine
  232. My little Toby has LP :(
  233. Need advise!!
  234. Doggy flu? Now Max sick
  235. Took Sophie to the vet
  236. tummy upset
  237. Lexi is spending the night in ER
  238. Newborn birth defect?
  239. Worried about Sophie...any experience?
  240. Need advise ASAP!
  241. Help, I am not sure what to do!
  242. Zoe hurt her leg
  243. Emma had a seizure brought on by playing??
  244. Diarreah and lime green vomit
  245. Can't keep food down
  246. Mucous in stool?
  247. Charlie is recovering well from luxating patella surgery
  248. Max is Limping - Seizure Related?
  249. Carter has a wierd rash/bumps that are dry around his penis...
  250. My poor Roxy
