
View Full Version : Breeder Talk

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  1. The Best Way to Say NO.
  2. Available Stud in California
  3. Baby doll or teddybear?
  4. How many yorkies do you have??
  5. When is the best time to breed?
  6. Contracts
  7. Best Breeders in NY/CT/NJ? Blue + Gold and Blk/tan
  8. buying from the internet
  9. What age can a yorkie be bred?
  10. What age can a yorkie be bred?
  11. has anyone dealt w/ these breeders
  13. Signs of a Pregnant Yorkie
  14. We want to Stud!!
  15. breeder experiences wanted
  16. Wrigley
  17. I have a tiny little question?
  18. Im so upset
  19. Male determining size in breeding
  20. Breeding Information Wanted
  21. HELP my friend has 2 blue puppies
  22. New member
  23. Need a Puppy! A.S.A.P.
  24. Question for breeders on puppies growth
  25. What scale do you use?
  26. A Little Nervous This Time
  27. Where do you go to report a BAD dishonest Breeder?!?!?!?
  28. Looking for a stud.
  29. Have the breeder's out there experienced this??
  30. So excited and nervous........
  31. Yorkie stud service
  32. Need information on breeding.
  33. Signs that a yorkie is getting close to giving birth?!
  34. Not a breeder, but need one, please help!
  35. I need some advice...I am a bit scared...
  36. Wish Lilli luck
  37. sickly puppies
  38. Breeding My Female Info
  39. Female Yorkie In heat Info
  40. good breeder questions
  41. Breeders Beware of a latest Scam
  42. Looking to buy a Yorkie
  43. help!! texas breeders
  44. Yorkies being jealous
  45. Yorkie Loves looking in a mirror
  46. Breeders IN New England (Northern Vermont) ??
  47. Yorkies in Tennessee
  48. CBS news report on teacup breeding - has this ever been posted?
  49. About Yorkie's Pregancy
  50. New Babies
  51. Does anyone follow show results??
  52. AKC Suspension List - PLEASE READ Before Choosing a Breeder
  53. Breeder Experiences in TEXAS !!
  54. Curious
  55. Our breeder is excited about Toto's progress!!
  56. Your Yorkie's Dam & Sire?
  57. Breeders
